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Pak-salvo missile to deter Indian-cold start doctrine

How many launchers does Pakistan have and is it related to A-100 MRL we got from China?

Also such assets will have to be well camouflaged and contain the element of suprise to get close and launch such a attack while avoiding possible air strikes
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The limited military utility of Pakistan’s battle
-field use of nuclear weapons

in response to large-scale Indian conventional attack

A.H. Nayyar
1 and Zia Mian2

General Deepak Kapoor, India‟s army chief,
claimed in December 2009 that the army had

made progress in operationalising a strategy for rapid mobilization of conventional military
forces capable of mounting a decisive attack on Pakistan.

3 The strategy, dubbed „Cold Start,‟can be traced to the unexpectedly slow pace of mobilization and deployment of Indian forces to the border with Pakistan after the December 2001 attacks on India‟s parliament by militants believed to be linked to Pakistan.

4 It involves the creation of eight to ten „integrated battle groups‟ (IBGs) of army, air force and special forces intended “to destroy and not to hold or capture territory.”

5As part of this doctrine, India‟s armed forces have been rehearsing large scale manoeuvres,

the most significant of which came in a May 2006 military exercise close to the border with Pakistan.

6 The Sanghe Shakti (Joint Power) exercise brought together strike aircraft, tanks, and over 40,000 soldiers from the 2nd Strike Corps in a war game whose purpose was described by an Indian commander as “to test our 2004 war doctrine to dismember a not-sofriendly nation effectively and at the shortest possible time.”
7 General Daulat Shekhawat, Commander of the Corps, explained that “We firmly believe that there is room for a swift strike even in case of a nuclear attack, and it is to validate this doctrine that we conducted thisoperation.”

8General Parvez Kayani, Pakistan‟s Chief of Army Staff, responded to General Kapoor‟s 2009

assessment by declaring that
“Proponents of conventional application of military forces, in a

nuclear overhang, are chartering an adventurous and dangerous path, the consequences of
which could be both unintended and uncontrollable.”

9 The implication seemed to be that Pakistan might use nuclear weapons in response to an Indian conventional assault.

A former Pakistani brigadier has argued that Pakistan could forestall Cold Start since “the Pakistani

Army can occupy their wartime locations earlier than the Indian army
” and in any case“ failure to do so could lead to firing of low-yield tactical warheads at IBGs as they cross the start line or even earlier.”

10 This implies Pakistan‟s use of nuclear weapons against Indian conventional forces either before or soon after these forces cross the international border

Visiting Researcher, Program on Science and Global Security, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and

International Affairs, Princeton University, 221 Nassau Street, 2nd floor, Princeton, NJ 08542, USA. Email:
Research Scientist, Program on Science and Global Security, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and

International Affairs, Princeton University, 221 Nassau Street, 2nd floor, Princeton, NJ 08542, USA. Email:
zia@princeton.edu. Web: www.princeton.edu/sgs.

The views of the authors are entirely their own and should not be construed as reflecting the views of the PSRU,or the University of Bradford.
Rajat Pandit, “Army Reworks War Doctrine for Pakistan, China,” The Times of India, 30 December 2009.

For details of the origins of Cold Start and constraints on its operationalisation see Walter C. Ladwig III, “ACold Start for Hot Wars?: The Indian Army‟s New Limited War Doctrine,” International Security, Vol. 32, No.3 (Winter 2007/08), pp. 158–190.

“Army Conducts Largest Ever War Games in Recent Times,” Times of India, 19 May 2006.


“Indian Military Rehearse Pakistan‟s Dissection in Mock Battles,” Defense News, 3 May 2006.

“Indian Army Tests its New Cold Start Doctrine,” Indo-Asian News Service, 19 May 2006.

Iftikhar Khan, “Tough Kayani Warning to Proponents of „Adventurism‟,” Dawn, 9 February 2010.

Javed Hussain, “A Challenging Doctrine,” Dawn, 8 February 2010.

4While Pakistani leaders have issued no formal nuclear doctrine, it is widely understood that
they are prepared to initiate the use of nuclear weapons in a conflict.

11 Pakistan hasconsistently rejected suggestions that it adopt a policy of no-first use of nuclear weapons, andhas instead reinforced the notion that its nuclear weapons are meant in part to counter India‟s

larger conventional military forces.
12India seems to have anticipated the possibility of Pakistani leaders using nuclear weapons against Indian military forces. Since the early 1980s, confronted with the prospect of possible Pakistani use of nuclear weapons on the battle-field, Indian forces have prepared to survive and prevail. Indian Army Chief General K. Sundarji claimed in early 1987 “We in the armed forces are gearing our organization, training and equipment in such a manner that in the unlikely event of the use of nuclear weapons by the adversary in the combat zone, we will limit the damage, both psychological and physical.”

13 The year-long Brasstacks exercise in 1986 involved Indian tanks and other armoured vehicles practising procedures for moving through an area that had been subject to nuclear attack.

14The May 2001 Indian military exercises Poorna Vijay (Complete Victory) gave every indication that Indian planners anticipate Pakistan‟s battle-field use of nuclear weapons.15 The exercises were aimed at testing equipment, troops and maneuvers in a situation where nuclear weapons were used against them, with an Indian official confirming that “Drills and procedures to meet the challenges of a nuclear, chemical or biological strike are also being practiced.”

16 Among the options worked through were a Pakistani nuclear attack on a bridgehead or bridge, armored forces and troops.

17 A year later, India‟s Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-General Raj Kadyan, confirmed that the Indian army was continuing to train to cope with a nuclear strike on the battle-field.

18We look below at the conditions under which Pakistan might use its nuclear weapons in response to an Indian conventional military attack, looking in particular at the implications of the battle-field use of nuclear weapons to stem a large-scale incursion by Indian armoured forces. We assess the military consequences of such use given the possible number and yield of nuclear weapons Pakistan might have available. We do not include here the effects of the large-scale use of nuclear weapons on civilian populations or on the ecosytems on or close to the battle-field.

If Pakistan Goes Nuclear

There have been some suggestions of where Pakistan may first use its nuclear weapons. They imagine large Indian armored formations and ground forces threatening to take further territory or inflict further defeat on Pakistani conventional forces. A nuclear strike by Pakistan on Indian forces in Pakistani territory, when there is no conventional response left to Pakistan, might be aimed at preventing imminent conventional defeat rather than fighting and winning a

Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian, The India-Pakistan Conflict - Towards the Failure of Nuclear Deterrence,2002. www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?ItemID=2659.

Masood Haider, “Islamabad Refuses to Accept „No First Strike‟ Doctrine,” Dawn, 31 May 2002.

W.P. S. Sidhu, “India‟s Nuclear Use Doctrine,” in Peter Lavoy, Scott Sagan and James Witz, eds., PlanningThe Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons

, Cornell UniversityPress, Ithaca, 2000, p.128.

Manoj Joshi, “Atomic Age Warfare,” India Today, 20 July 1998.

“Bracing for a Nuclear Attack, India Plans 'Operation Desert Storm' in May,” The Indian Express, 1 May 2001

“Unmanned Aerial Spies Used in Wargames,” The Times of India, 8 May 2001.

Harinder Bajewa, “Readying For Nukes,” India Today, 28 May 2001.

“Army Ready to Face N-strike,” Hindustan Times, 26 June 2002.

5nuclear war. The goal might be to use nuclear weapons to support conventional forces and as
U.S. army manual suggests to “dramatically increase the possibilities for sudden alterations on the battlefield, which attacks can exploit.”

19One analysis argues that Pakistan would initiate the use of nuclear weapons on Pakistan‟s

own soil against Indian attacking forces, and then use them against military targets in India near Pakistan border and finally attack cities.

20 Another historian of Pakistan‟s army and its wars suggests that “If India‟s two armor-heavy mechanized infantry strike corps managed to penetrate to the line joining Gujranwala-Multan-Sukkur and to the outskirts of Hyderabad in the South, then it is likely Pakistan would have to accept defeat or employ nuclear weapons.”
21 These cities are roughly 50 km, 190 km, 90 km and 130 km respectively from the nearest points on the border with India. (See Figure 1 for a map.)

In the late 1990s, US military war-gaming of a possible conflict between India and Pakistan involved a situation, where after several days of conflict,
“Pakistani forces in the north were defeated and Indian forces moved quickly across the Thar desert toward the Indus River” and Pakistan responds with “four nuclear weapons.”

22 The war-game imagined Pakistan using three 20 kiloton nuclear weapons aimed at “halting invading Indian forces on the border” and the fourth against a rail hub. In the game, India retaliates by launching twelve nuclear weapons at Pakistan‟s nuclear and command facilities, including near the capital Islamabad.

Figure 1: Map of Pakistan showing the capital (Islamabad), and the cities of Gujranwala, Multan, Sukkur,
Hyderabad, and Lahore. It has been suggested that if Indian military forces were to reach the line joining
Gujranwala, Multan, Sukkur and Hyderabad, then Pakistan may either have to accept defeat or use nuclear
weapons. (Courtesy: Google Earth.)

“Operations,” US Army Field Manual FM-100-5, Department of Army, Washington. D.C., 1982, p.8–6

Stephen P. Cohen, The Pakistan Army, Oxford University Press, New York, 1998 edition, p.178.

Brian Cloughley, A History of the Pakistan Army: Wars and Insurrections, Oxford University Press, Karachi,1999, p.340–41.

Bradd C. Hayes, “International Game ‟99: Crisis in South Asia”, Research Report 99-1, Decision SupportDepartment, Center for Naval Warfare Studies, United States Naval War College, 1999, p.8.

6There is some uncertainty about the yield and number of nuclear weapons Pakistan may have available, should it decide to use them.
Pakistan‟s nuclear weapon tests of 28 May 1998 involved as many as five devices and the yield of individual devices is uncertain. Samar Mubarikmand, the scientist who led the nuclear weapon tests, claimed the subsequent nuclear test of 30 May 1998 involved “only one device and its yield was 15 to 18 kT [kilotons].”23 An independent estimate by the Federation of American Scientists and the Natural Resources Defense Council, the leading nongovernmental researchers tracking nuclear arsenals, suggests Pakistan may have between 70-90 nuclear weapons, as of 2010.

24We consider in the nex t section what might be the actual effect of Pakistan‟s use of such nuclear weapons against Indian land forces. As noted earlier, we do not include the effects of the use of potentially very large numbers of nuclear weapons on the civilian population or ecosystems in the war zone.

Battle-field Use of Nuclear Weapons

Indian military exercises have simulated attacks on Pakistan involving over 1000 tanks and armoured vehicles. The 1986 exercise
Brasstacks involved 1300 tanks.25 The 2001 Poorna Vijay military exercise involved 1000 tanks and armored vehicles.26 Details of the deployment within the exercise are not available. The Indian army order of battle has been suggested as comprising regiments of 55 tanks, with six tank regiments in an armoured division. 27 This suggests that several divisions were involved in the exercises simulating war with Pakistan.

The United States planned for large tank battles in the early stages of a war with the Soviet Union in Central Europe. It was expected that a heavy division would defend a standard front 25 km wide.

28 These deployments became much closer when units were attacking, with the operational front for an armoured division being roughly 8–10 km.29 For the United States an

formation for “deliberate attack or breakthrough” used vehicles spaced 50 meters apart in each row, and the rows were set 200–250 meter apart.30 This is equivalent to 80 armoured vehicles per km

2.The density of 80 armoured vehicles per km 2 is equivalent to that of a triangular lattice with points spaced about 120 meters apart. Soviet armoured vehicles were typically spaced 100 meters apart.
31 If they were in a triangular formation, they would have an effective density of 115 vehicles per km

2. Increasing the spacing to 200 meters reduces the density of vehicles to

23 Khalid Qayyum, “Shaheen Missile Awaits Go-ahead for Test Fire,” The Nation, 1 June 1998.

Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, “Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories, 1945–2010,” Bulletin ofAtomic Scientists, July/August 2010, pp.77–83.

Kanti Bajpai, P.R. Chari, P.I. Cheema. S. P. Cohen. S. Ganguly, Brasstacks and Beyond: Perception andManagement of Crisis in South Asia, Manohar, Delhi, 1995, p.30.

“Experts Feel War, if Fought, Will be Across the Desert,” The Statesman, 16 February, 2000.

Indian Army ORBAT, http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/LAND-FORCES/Army/Orbat.html.

William P. Mako, “Demands on Ground Forces in Central Europe in the 1980s,” in The Force Planning

Faculty, Naval War College, eds.,
Foundations of Force Planning: Concepts and Issues, Naval War CollegePress, Newport, 1986, p.401.

James F. Duncan, How to Make War: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare, William Morrow, NewYork, 1988, p.414.

“The Tank and Mechanized Infantry Battalion Taskforce,” Field Manual No. 71-2, U.S. Department of the

Army, Washington D.C., 1977, p.5-10.
S.T. Cohen and W.R. Van Cleave, “Western European Collateral Damage from Tactical Nuclear Weapons,”RUSI Journal, June 1976, p.36

7below 30 per km
2. A density of 3 vehicles per km2 is achieved by spacing them about 540 meters apart. This kind of density has been reported for US and Soviet divisions in Europe.32

Nuclear weapons produce three important immediate destructive effects: blast, heat and prompt radiation in the form of gamma rays and neutrons. All three effects are expressed equally in all direction and decrease with distance. To estimate how many tanks and crews may be affected by each of these, it is worth noting that for separation of
d meters between neighbouring tanks, the number of tanks in a circle of radius r meters is 3.6(r/d)2.


In actual nuclear weapon tests involving military equipment, a 10 kT explosion at a range of 370 meters produced a peak static overpressure of 33.35 psi (note: 1 atm = 14.7 psi) and a tank oriented on its side towards the explosion was displaced about 2.5 meters with acceleration sufficient to inflict moderate damage to external fittings such as track guards, but the tank was able to be driven off and its gun fired after sand and debris had been removed from the barrel.

33 It seems reasonable to assume that an overpressure of 3 atm (about 45 psi) is sufficient to damage a tank so that it cannot continue to function on a battle-field.

A standard description of the effects of nuclear weapons notes that a 1 kT explosion at a height of about 150 meters produces overpressures of 45 psi at horizontal distances from ground zero as large as about 170 meters. The distance
l ratios scale as the 1/3 power of the ratio of yields.

34 This means that a 15 kT burst at a height of about 400 m would generate an overpressure of 3 atm up to a distance of about 420 meters, i.e., over an area of 0.55 km

2. The number of tanks, N, in this circular area varies as the inverse square of the inter-tank distance d
and is approximately given by (800/d).2

For a tank spacing of 100 meters, one 15 kT weapon could destroy about 55 tanks. To destroy this many tanks if they were spaced 300 meters part would take 8 weapons of 15 kiloton yield each. To destroy by blast alone roughly half of a force of 1000 tanks that were well dispersed would require on the order of 100 nuclear weapons of 15 kiloton yield.


A second large effect of nuclear weapons is the intense heat that they generate. The heat flux is instantaneous; lasting only a second. This leads to large firestorms in cities but the effects of this heat on the battle-field, especially on vehicles and their crews, is not as severe.

The Effects of Nuclear Weapons

gives standard curves for thermal radiation from a nuclear


Extrapolating this to a 15 kT explosion at a height of 400 meters suggests that at a ground distance of 500 meters from ground zero the thermal flux from such an explosion is about 150 calories per square centimeter. Exposure to a thermal dose of 15 cal/cm 2 is fatal to a person. Anyone in the open on the battle-field up to a distance of 1.3 km would be killed.

Those at distances out to 2 km would suffer burns.

The damage to tanks and other armoured vehicles and their crews is more difficult to determine. We assume, as a worst case scenario, that there are no radiative losses, and all the

Duncan, How to Make War, p.415.

Charles S. Grace, Nuclear Weapons: Principles, Effects and Survivability, Brassey‟s, London, 1994, p.58.

Samuel Glassstone and Philip J. Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, Third Edition, US GovernmentPrinting Office, Washington D.C., 1977.

Glasstone and Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, p.371, Fig. 8.123a.

8heat received is absorbed by the tank
‟s surface. Because the tank body is made of steel which

is a good thermal conductor, all the heat energy received would be rapidly distributed over the
entire volume of the tank‟s steel body. Since at most half the surface area would be exposed to the thermal flux, a tank‟s body temperature would rise by about 2–3 C.36

Thus thermal radiation, while fatal for foot soldiers to a distance of about 1 km from ground zero, will not add significantly to the damage caused by blast on tanks and armoured vehicles.

Radiation Effects

In addition to blast and heat, nuclear weapons produce prompt radiation as both neutrons and gamma rays, the latter including direct fission product gammas and secondary gammas from the interaction of the released neutrons with the air. These can be highly destructive of military operations by disabling and killing soldiers, including the crews of armoured vehicles.

The US army assumes that radiation doses of 3000
–8000 rads or more would be required to destroy front-line enemy troops.

37 The US Army Field Manual reports that radiation doses on this scale cause severe and prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, fever and prostration within 5 minutes leading to complete incapacitation, with partial recovery after 45 minutes, and death within 5 days.

38 Higher doses lead to complete and permanent incapacitation and death within 15–48 hours. Doses down to 800 rads can cause severe and prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, fever within half an hour to an hour and reduced combat effectiveness, with death within 14 days. Following U.S. practice, we assume a critical dose of 3000 rads as sufficient to incapacitate military personnel inside tanks.

The Effects of Nuclear Weapons

gives standard curves for prompt radiation from a nuclear explosion as a function of distance.

39 Only a fraction of the radiation incident on a tank will be transmitted to the crew inside, however. The transmission factors for a tank are 20% of incident prompt gamma rays and 30% for neutrons. The transmission factors are at least 2 to 3 times this for the much thinner skinned armoured vehicles used to carry infantry.

40 For a 15 kiloton yield explosion at a height of about 400 meters, and including the effect of transmission factors, the collective neutron and gamma dose is 1500 rads at a slant distance of 1100 meters and nearly 5000 rads at a slant distance of 900 meters.

For simplicity, it is assumed that the collective neutron and gamma dose equal to the critical dose of 3000 rads is produced at a slant distance of 1000 meters, which, for an explosion at a height of 400 m would amount to a ground distance of 920 meters from the explosion.

If the attack is organised around tank divisions of 330 tanks, with each division moving forward on a 10 kilometer long front, then the 1000 tanks would occupy a 30 km long front.

The depth of the formation would be determined by the spacing of the tanks. As noted earlier, an attacking tank formation following U.S. tactics might have tanks that are 50 meters apart in rows separated by 250 meters (the effective spacing would be 120 meters). A force of tanks prepared for a possible nuclear strike might have larger distances between individual tanks.

This assumes that the tank body is made of 5 cm thick steel. For steel density of 7850 kg-m-3 and specific heat capacity of 108 cal-kg-1-K-1, each 5 cm3 volume (a hypothetical cylinder in the tank body with a base area of 1cm2) would experience a rise in temperature of only 4.6 C.

“Tactical Nuclear Operations,” US Army Field Manual FM-100-5, Washington DC, 1982, p.10–3.

“Operations,” US Army Field Manual FM-100-5, p.4–3.

Glasstone and Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, p.371, Fig. 8.123a.

Grace, Nuclear Weapons: Principles, Effects and Survivability, Table 6.4.

9The prompt radiation from a 15 kT weapon would kill or incapacitate crews in 75 tanks if the tanks were deployed with an effective spacing of 120 m, but only affect the crews of 35 tanks if they were 300 meters apart.

For tanks separated by even greater distances, it would require the use of over 80 nuclear weapons of 15 kT yield each to disable or kill the crews in a force of 1000 tanks.


The analysis presented here suggests that while Pakistan has sufficient nuclear weapons to destroy a significant proportion of any invading Indian armoured force, it may exhaust most of its arsenal of an estimated 70
–90 weapons in such an attempt.

If Indian armed forces had prepared for a nuclear attack and were able to rapidly disperse, Pakistan may not have sufficient nuclear weapons to be able to destroy an Indian force. It is possible that the Pakistan

army has recognized this problem. It has purchased 5250 TOW wire-guided heavy anti-tank missiles from the United States, of which about 2000 have been delivered as of early 2009.

41This conclusion about the limited utility of small numbers of nuclear weapons on a possible South Asian battle-field echoes the experience of the United States and Soviet Union in the European theatre. In their search for ways to counter the large armoured land forces of their adversary, the United States and Soviet Union built up arsenals of tens of thousands of battlefield and tactical weapons. The US for instance had as many as 20,000 tactical nuclear weapons in its arsenal in 1967.

42It is possible to imagine that Pakistan may choose to respond to an Indian conventional attack by using one or a few nuclear weapons as a signal to India to terminate the attack or risk a larger escalation possibly including use of nuclear weapons against Indian cities. Indian policy makers have sought to deter such possible Pakistani use of nuclear weapons on the battle-field. In 2003,

India‟s cabinet announced that as part of India‟s nuclear doctrine,“nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian territory or on Indian forces anywhere.”

43 The explicit mention of “Indian forces anywhere” suggests that Pakistan‟s battle-field use of nuclear weapons against Indian conventional forces could trigger an Indian nuclear response, possibly also on the battle-field.

The same logic prevailed between the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War, which led to the deployment of large numbers of battle-field nuclear weapons by both sides.

These large numbers suggest that the United States and Soviet Union had decided that the threat of battle-field use and retaliation was likely to be taken to be more credible than the threat to escalate directly from a conventional conflict to an attack on a major target in the other state.

Nonetheless, each side anticipated that a war would escalate to all out nuclear war and the destruction of cities.

This will likely be the case in South Asia, and adds to the futility of preparing for the battle-field use of nuclear weapons.

Faced with the limited utility of using nuclear weapons in response to large conventional forces on the battlefield and in the larger European theatre, the United States and Soviet Union eventually agreed a series of treaties. The 1987 Intermediate Nuclear forces Treaty

K. Alan Kronstadt, Pakistan-U.S. Relations, Congressional Research Service, Washington D.C., 6 February2009, p.58. For details of TOW missiles, see for example, TOW 2 Wire-Guided Anti-Tank Missile - Army Technology

Nicholas Zarimpas, “Tactical Nuclear Weapons,” in SIPRI Year Book 2002: Armaments, Disarmament andInternational Security, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002, pp.568–569.

The Cabinet Committee on Security Reviews Operationalization of India’s Nuclear Doctrine, Ministry ofExternal Affairs, New Delhi, 4 January 2003. http://meadev.nic.in/news/official/20030104/official.htm.

10 banned ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of between 500 and 5,500 kilometers, and required that their launchers and associated support structures and equipment
be destroyed.

44 The 1990 Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty aimed to create a “secure and stable balance of conventional armed forces in Europe at lower levels than heretofore, of eliminating disparities prejudicial to stability and security and of eliminating, as a matter of high priority, the capability for launching surprise attack and for initiating large-scale offensive action in Europe.”

45 It required large reductions in military equipment and obliged an annual exchange of military information and established a system of inspections. In 1991, through unilateral but coordinated presidential initiatives the United States and Soviet Union removed from active service their ground-launched short-range nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons on ships and submarines, and land-based naval aircraft.

46 Pakistan and India might usefully consider such steps in the South Asian context.

Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Elimination ofTheir Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles(1987).INF TREATY

Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (1990). www.state.gov/www/global/arms/treaties/cfe.html.

“The Presidential Nuclear Initiatives (PNIs) on Tactical Nuclear Weapons at a Glance,” Arms Control

Association, Washington D.C., undated. www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/pniglance.
If i remember correctly, the reason why Tactical Nuclear Weapon are effective against armored vehicle is not because the blast or the radiation, but the sonic vibration.

One of the requirement for a NBC proofed vehicle is the vehicle needed to sealed tight. This will mean the hull of the vehicle itself would act like a giant bell. When the ground det, the seismetic wave will shake the whole vehicle and the wave could be (Depending on the yield) powerful enough to kill anyone inside the vehicle.

I believe this is the exact same mechanism that why Nuclear Bunker buster can destroy a bunker deep underground.

The only method to stay alive inside said vehicle is to open the hatch, then you will got ding by the radiation and the fallout.

Most vehicle is indeed tolerate toward blast and radiation, but most of them were not protected by sonic wave (Also known as sonic boom)
I think SALVO because only 1 NASSR with 1-5kt yeild might not be enough for an IBG which will cover a large area and will not be in a single group, firing a SALVO will ensure widespread effect.

According to an estimate by RAND group ( i read that in a book in US embassy ), Pakistan would require close to 60 proper nukes in order to cause 50% attrition on an Indian battle group.

A Nuke may be a horrific weapon when used in a densely populated civilian area but would have little effect on hardened military targets. Blast radius of even a 20 Kt nuke is close to a kilometer which would only destroy 10-20 tanks depending on formation and with NBC protection suit in most tanks and APC's ensue that radiation and fallout would not be an issue for those which are outside blast zone.
According to an estimate by RAND group ( i read that in a book in US embassy ), Pakistan would require close to 60 proper nukes in order to cause 50% attrition on an Indian battle group.

A Nuke may be a horrific weapon when used in a densely populated civilian area but would have little effect on hardened military targets. Blast radius of even a 20 Kt nuke is close to a kilometer which would only destroy 10-20 tanks depending on formation and with NBC protection suit in most tanks and APC's ensue that radiation and fallout would not be an issue for those which are outside blast zone.
I will quote jhungary here:
If i remember correctly, the reason why Tactical Nuclear Weapon are effective against armored vehicle is not because the blast or the radiation, but the sonic vibration.

One of the requirement for a NBC proofed vehicle is the vehicle needed to sealed tight. This will mean the hull of the vehicle itself would act like a giant bell. When the ground det, the seismetic wave will shake the whole vehicle and the wave could be (Depending on the yield) powerful enough to kill anyone inside the vehicle.

I believe this is the exact same mechanism that why Nuclear Bunker buster can destroy a bunker deep underground.

The only method to stay alive inside said vehicle is to open the hatch, then you will got ding by the radiation and the fallout.

Most vehicle is indeed tolerate toward blast and radiation, but most of them were not protected by sonic wave (Also known as sonic boom)
There is a variant of tactical nuclear bombs, called the neutron bomb, it is more efficent in the battle field and can penetrate armour, no human can survive it while the armoured vehicles will be taken as a war trophy.
The other option which is conventional is to have a full division or two from the army and reserves armed with TOW like antitank missiles to trap advancing Indian tank columns, 10 or 20 000 of antitank missiles would finish off up to 3000 to 6000 indian tanks.
Pakistan should prepare as much as possible of these anti-tank missiles, by making them locally to thwart any number of tanks India might throw in. With no tanks left, there will be no possibility for CSD or any other conventional threat from India.
Pakistan produces and even exports at least one type of ATM called ''Baktar Shikan'', Albeit the likes of NASR battlefield missiles carry the nuclear terminology, these weapons when armed with cluster munitions can also prove very deadly.
I think war is more about playing with the PSYCHOLOGY of an enemy than using actual weapons or doctrines.....

I think even by just ASSUMING that India has such doctrine like the COLD START, if Pak starts on buying weapons that in other cases it din't wanted than INDIA'S SO CALLED COLD START DOCTRINE HAS SERVED IT'S PURPOSE.


Please read your post one more time---pakistan buying more weapons is not good for india--ever. More weapons that pakistan buys---better chance it has of striking back @ 'cold start'.

And there is nothing about psychology over here. Indian threat is as serious like a heart attack---. The only problem with it is that it got leaked before it got implemented---. Now as the cat is out of the hat---there are all kinds of excuse put forward to make it sound like something impotent---.

Two instances of cold start have been successful----. Capture of siachen glacier by indian forces is a successful example---strike and capture of kargil by the pakistani forces is another example---.

Both succeeded in their initial element of surprise and initial goal---it just depends on what price you want to pay.
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Please read your post one more time---pakistan buying more weapons is not good for india--ever. More weapons that pakistan buys---better chance it has of striking back @ 'cold start'.

Although I dislike anything closely related to war, but its a reality that one cannot escape.

Lets assume that India and Pakistan are in a state of cold war.India has more buying power.The difference is so much that only the defence budget of India is more than the entire federal budget of Pakistan.So, quite obviously, it will put a heavy economic pressure on Pakistan trying to match India.

Under the present circumstances, even if war breaks out, it is going to be a limited war.But the arms race will be a huge burden for a weaker economy. I would term this arms race a war of 'passive attrition'.

History has similar examples too.I think you will also agree that the heavy burden of military expenditure was a chief reason, apart from Perestroika and Glasnost, for the breakup of Soviet Union.
Although I dislike anything closely related to war, but its a reality that one cannot escape.

Lets assume that India and Pakistan are in a state of cold war.India has more buying power.The difference is so much that only the defence budget of India is more than the entire federal budget of Pakistan.So, quite obviously, it will put a heavy economic pressure on Pakistan trying to match India.

Under the present circumstances, even if war breaks out, it is going to be a limited war.But the arms race will be a huge burden for a weaker economy. I would term this arms race a war of 'passive attrition'.

History has similar examples too.I think you will also agree that the heavy burden of military expenditure was a chief reason, apart from Perestroika and Glasnost, for the breakup of Soviet Union.


The comparison about the cold war is an illusion being fed to he indians. There are no two super powers alive with the hatred of pakistan and india---okay.

See---pakistan does not need to match india pound for pound----. You are being told a lie---and you have begun to believe in it as well.

You are not the united states----you do not have the resources of the united states----you do not have the wastness of the united states---you are also not far away from us like u s to russia---. U S and russia had 30 minutes warning time---.

Your problem is that you won't have any warning time before the strike----we already know that, that we won't have one either---. As you are DOWNWIND from us most of the time----you will suffer worse than us---.

We already know that you are an extremely ILL DISCIPLINED SOCIETY---at first sign of disaster---you will be over taken by chaos and wide spread resltless in the country---which encourages rogue elements in your society which will result in anarchy, loot, plunder, death, destruction and lawlessness.

Our one successful strike at one of your major cities will create a national disaster in your country because of chaos. Your police force is extremely ill equipped to enforce the rule of law in case of mass exodus----your cities left without water and electricity---roads jammed with traffic and trains packed to capacity waiting for another calamity---criminals and gangs taking over control of centers of civilization---you will be in the same sink hole like us.

Just like you have learnt to talk like and american and walk like an american---does notmean that you are an american---the sh-it still laced full of curry and spices.

The comparison about the cold war is an illusion being fed to he indians. There are no two super powers alive with the hatred of pakistan and india---okay.

See---pakistan does not need to match india pound for pound----. You are being told a lie---and you have begun to believe in it as well.

You are not the united states----you do not have the resources of the united states----you do not have the wastness of the united states---you are also not far away from us like u s to russia---. U S and russia had 30 minutes warning time---.

Your problem is that you won't have any warning time before the strike----we already know that, that we won't have one either---. As you are DOWNWIND from us most of the time----you will suffer worse than us---.

We already know that you are an extremely ILL DISCIPLINED SOCIETY---at first sign of disaster---you will be over taken by chaos and wide spread resltless in the country---which encourages rogue elements in your society which will result in anarchy, loot, plunder, death, destruction and lawlessness.

Our one successful strike at one of your major cities will create a national disaster in your country because of chaos. Your police force is extremely ill equipped to enforce the rule of law in case of mass exodus----your cities left without water and electricity---roads jammed with traffic and trains packed to capacity waiting for another calamity---criminals and gangs taking over control of centers of civilization---you will be in the same sink hole like us.

Just like you have learnt to talk like and american and walk like an american---does notmean that you are an american---the sh-it still laced full of curry and spices.

Now if that is not amusing then what is.. the kind of picture that you try to paint with words, you should try your hands on writing script for some grindhouse doom's day movie.Nukes flying above the head, people running on the streets, roads jammed, exodus, criminals roaming freely.no water, electricity, chaos lawlessness, death destruction..funniest twist..all of it caused by Pakistan.....God.. I really really want to watch that movie !!

Firstly, I was giving an analogy, and not comparing the conflict between India and Pakistan with the cold war.You assume too much in too little time with little room for actually comprehending what I am trying to say.

Secondly, rest of your post is so banal in nature that I almost decided to ignore it.If the comparison is between India and Pakistan and India is the ill disciplined one, then Pakistan may be the barbaric horde as well, there can be hundreds of reasons I can point out.But I will not stoop down to your level.

Thirdly, just because you escaped to America from what you yourself call a sink hole, doesn't make you one of them,so stop playing that card, will you ? If you indeed want to talk, put forward some proper reasoning, else, please don't waste my time.And yes, no need to get personal.

Lastly, it is indeed true that the effect of arms race is there.Pakistan has been paranoid about national security.It has been a major agenda in Pakistan and the civilians of Pakistan also have been brainwashed accordingly.The arms race is a direct resultant of that.I very well know that Pakistan cannot match India pound for a pound, but even if they try to match a quarter for a pound, still it is going to be a heavy economic burden for Pakistan.
Lastly, it is indeed true that the effect of arms race is there.Pakistan has been paranoid about national security.It has been a major agenda in Pakistan and the civilians of Pakistan also have been brainwashed accordingly.The arms race is a direct resultant of that.I very well know that Pakistan cannot match India pound for a pound, but even if they try to match a quarter for a pound, still it is going to be a heavy economic burden for Pakistan.


Pakistan is not paranoid----we are not out their stirring fear from an indian invasion---it is you the indians that are stirring hatred and war mongering---it is your paranoid----that has created a problem.

You gave your opinion that you will out sell us in a weapons race----I stated that it does not matter----because an attack and strike on some of your major cities would have a disastrous effect on your nation that would be equally unreversible.

Your massive population in your mega cities is your worst enemy----then to top it off your ill equipped police force.

Just because I am sitting in america does not change the scenario for me---because many a dear ones will live and stay in pakistan.

What I am talking about chaos an anarchy---that threat is for real for indian cities---next time you are sitting in the company of your cities rescue and catastrophic destruction management meeting----that would be the most important thing they would be talking about---if they don't----they are thicker than molasses----because that is the most important thing that is discussed here in the u s---rescue and search team managers discussing issues that would take place in large cities usa in case of electric poutage---destruction of major roadway bridges----closure of major traffic arteries---. When a nation like the u s is extremely con cerned about it----and you think that you do not want to read any further into my comments----I don't have much to say.

Pakistan is not paranoid----we are not out their stirring fear from an indian invasion---it is you the indians that are stirring hatred and war mongering---it is your paranoid----that has created a problem.

You gave your opinion that you will out sell us in a weapons race----I stated that it does not matter----because an attack and strike on some of your major cities would have a disastrous effect on your nation that would be equally unreversible.

Your massive population in your mega cities is your worst enemy----then to top it off your ill equipped police force.

Just because I am sitting in america does not change the scenario for me---because many a dear ones will live and stay in pakistan.

What I am talking about chaos an anarchy---that threat is for real for indian cities---next time you are sitting in the company of your cities rescue and catastrophic destruction management meeting----that would be the most important thing they would be talking about---if they don't----they are thicker than molasses----because that is the most important thing that is discussed here in the u s---rescue and search team managers discussing issues that would take place in large cities usa in case of electric poutage---destruction of major roadway bridges----closure of major traffic arteries---. When a nation like the u s is extremely con cerned about it----and you think that you do not want to read any further into my comments----I don't have much to say.

Lets not talk about paranoia, for the short span of history is full of abysmal decisions made by Pakistani leaderships time and again to paint that larger than life picture.

With all due respect, if anybody is getting paranoid, its you.There is going to be no war, skirmishes may happen, but no all out war!!Thats the whole point!!

Did I not contemplate what will happen in the event of an all out war? Yes I did..Well, there is simply no upper limit to that speculation, if one starts walking down that lane.You can go all the way up to Nuclear winter.

But then again, lets get real for a change.Do we see such an event occurring under the present circumstances? Neither Pakistan, nor India has the oil reserves to continue war for more than 45 days, that is even lesser in case of Pakistan.

Now,that we have ruled out an all out war till last man standing, that throws entire South Asia to oblivion, I would like to get back to my point, which is attrition.My very specific take on the matter is, it will cost Pakistan more than that of India to keep going on with this arms race, especially considering the present dismal state of Pakistani economy.
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