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Pak Rejects Indian Proposal to Declare Nuclear Doctrine

We aren't asking pakistan to reveal how they will deploy their conventional weapons. Ambiguity can be applied for conventional weapons.

Yeah, you expect Pakistan to tell you how much beating it can take before it uses it's nuclear weapons. Do GOI officials get free dope?
I hope they sent an empty missile with a note attached towards Dehli. I think that would have sent the message. :enjoy:
Pakistan has a policy of Strategic ambiguity regarding it's strategic weapons - regarding our strategic commands, all three components of our armed forces have the capability or will soon have to deploy strategic weapons.

The Navy Strategic Force Command or NSFC will deploy nuclear weapons at sea, as the sea-part of the Triad - which will be part of our second/third strike reserve.
The mumbai attack was a strike by pakistanis on India (conspiracy theories aside)

Wrong. Indians are brain washed. There is no proof till date that Pakistan government was involved in Mumbai attack in any manner.

And in all previous wars, pak has struck first.

Wrong again. 1947/48 India attacked Kashmir and occupied part of Pakistani territory. Indai has for the last 60 years failed to comply with UN resolutions on Kashmir. If it is other way round, why is Indian government afraid to comply wihth the UN resolutions?

So pakistanis do mumbai attack, india talks about retaliation, and somehow that makes india the warmongers?.

As stated earlier, there is no proof till date of GOP involvement. The urgency with which GOI blamed it on Pakistan and talked about retaliation and going to war only points to GOI involvement in pre-fabricating that incident at the cost of innocent Indain lives to copy US and show the world it's newly acquired spine.

Think carefully..

How about you thinking logically first?

You are saying that Pak should have a low threshold because in future if they commit another terror act, India might retaliate?

Wake up, Get real, Forget it.

Logically then shouldnt they just stop producing terrorists?

There are more (Hindu) Extremist Groups in India than in Pakistan. total number of their their memebrs/followers is probably more than total population of Pakistan, did GOI created them? What has GOI done to curtail, eliminate them? how many extremist hindus have indain forces apprehended or killed? What has GOI done to remove the extremists from provincial governments? NONE, NIL, ZILCH, TADA. GOP does not create terrorists.

Pak can just stop mumbai attacks and other terrorist activities from happening, and thats what you should be telling them - not telling India to not even talk of retaliating. Pak wont need a low nuclear threshold if it just stopped things like that from happpeing.

Yes! That can be done. Let our professinal security forces take control of your cities and town, Let our samll coastal navy take charge of your sea boundaries from your "True Blue Ocean Navy", let our Suprior pilots in their "Third" generation Thunders to repalce your falling from the sky like ripe mangoes airforce, Yes it can be done. Yes it will be done. Be assured IT WILL BE DONE.

---------- Post added at 08:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 AM ----------

This has been discussed nth no of times

And we (Indians) are not interested, we want to make peace by occupying your land.
Your nuclear doctrine says otherwise even though i dont believe a word of it ... Our nuclear threshold is not known , a key point to remember so you can never tell when we are planning to go nuclear ... Launching all nukes isn't possible , why ? :eek:

That's because 3-4 successful launch in our case and 2~3 max at theirs will be more then enough to decimate both sides and send us back to stone age. Nothing will remain for each side to target and neither the means. Increasing the number of your current stockpile is in noway a guarantee for increased security. The presence of nuclear weapons in it self is a guarantee
Pakistan's nuclear doctrine is to attack first if we feel any threat to our existence we will launch all nukes to destroy enemy completely first its open secret , yet not declared by GVT but any one can understand its simple.
Read my post again....i believe i have explained my point very clearly.
As all its nukes are land based(and will remain so for considerable future) makes them vulnerable to preemptive strikes.
India will possess neither the intelligence capability nor the military capability to take out all of Pakistan's nukes in a preemptive strike before Pakistan can respond, in the foreseeable future.

Heck, even the US cannot guarantee taking out all of Pakistan's nukes before a Pakistani nuclear retaliation regionally ...
Wrong. Indians are brain washed. There is no proof till date that Pakistan government was involved in Mumbai attack in any manner.

Read his post again...He is saying PAKISTANIS and not government.

Wrong again. 1947/48 India attacked Kashmir and occupied part of Pakistani territory. Indai has for the last 60 years failed to comply with UN resolutions on Kashmir. If it is other way round, why is Indian government afraid to comply wihth the UN resolutions?
and you were saying Indians are brainwashed??? In 1947-48 Kashmir was neither part of Pakistan nor India...You need to educate yourself on this matter before writing on it...

As stated earlier, there is no proof till date of GOP involvement. The urgency with which GOI blamed it on Pakistan and talked about retaliation and going to war only points to GOI involvement in pre-fabricating that incident at the cost of innocent Indians lives to copy US and show the world it's newly acquired spine.

Now i am feeling bad for hitting the reply button before reading the entire post in one length...Lesson's learned for future... Rest of the post ignored for obvious reasons...

---------- Post added at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

India will possess neither the intelligence capability nor the military capability to take out all of Pakistan's nukes in a preemptive strike before Pakistan can respond, in the foreseeable future.

Heck, even the US cannot guarantee taking out all of Pakistan's nukes before a Pakistani nuclear retaliation regionally ...

I don't think there can be any possibility of taking out all the nukes and that is true for every single country in the world...However there is a reason countries invest in TRIAD, no??? The point is a good nuclear blow backed by a decent intelligence can severely limit the capability of Pakistan to respond back in a manner which she would have otherwise...
That's because 3-4 successful launch in our case and 2~3 max at theirs will be more then enough to decimate both sides and send us back to stone age. Nothing will remain for each side to target and neither the means. Increasing the number of your current stockpile is in noway a guarantee for increased security. The presence of nuclear weapons in it self is a guarantee

We are not increasing the stock pile to guarantee our security, rather your TOTAL destruction.
whats the surprise in a nuclear war,indias doctrine is clear the if you hit us with one nuke,we will hit substantially,so even as a surprise if you hit the army with one of your nukes it is an all out nuke war from both sides

You call that doctrine, we call it common sense.

---------- Post added at 10:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:23 AM ----------

why hide the doctrine,wont it be better if your enemy knows when to stop even if its at a first step?

Did you escape the facility or did they let you go, seriously.
In an interview, Gen. Hameed gul had outlined this policy as

"If Pakistan finds attack on it is eminent, it would attack the aggressor using all the power it has which also includes nuclear weapons to cause maximum damage".

You people are so naive really. That is basically our nuclear doctrine explained in no non-sense way, I'll re-iterate for you once again,

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