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Pak Nuclear Scientists And Their Anti-India Ideology

in 1949, Prime Minister (Jawaharlal) Nehru was invited to the United States. It was the first visit by independent India's PM. According to the declassified minutes of the meeting with President Truman, he asks Nehru, "what can we do for India?" Nehru talked to him about how India needed to modernize its agriculture and build institutes of technology similar to MIT. He also asked for American assistance in these massive projects.

A few months later, Pakistan PM Liaquat Ali Khan was invited to Washington. He too met President Truman, who asked him the same question. Liaquat took out of his pocket a list of the military equipment Pakistan needed and handed it over. This episode of two prime ministers right at the beginning encapsulate the different national priorities. The consequence of those priorities is what we are living with today.

Bull$hit propagated by the gullible Indian masses.
The word pithiful rat is an understatement for Hussain Haqqani. The Indian fame and dollars along with his spite for the Pakistani people are his fuel.
Kill the logic with the logic and not by the assault on the character of who said it.

Hussain Haqqani, an American citizen who doesn't even have the guts to come to Pakistan. He can only lecture from abroad. No one is going to read his book in Pakistan. It is only for Western and specifically American consumption. This is the same guy who handed out visas like hotcakes to Americans spies. The same guy who fled Pakistan after the memo-gate scandal. A wanted criminal in Pakistan.
Last I know he is not a US citizen and was on amnesty reasons in USA. He is though looking for alternate citizenship.
Indian aggression.
Notorious is what India is not any other nation, as well as vile and dirty full of extremist trash... Respect other nations or expect no respect for yours...
And he got us the weapon and we will kill every Indian with it... Obsess over it day and night.....

Your pestilent intentions will have to take a back seat.

Under ideal conditions, current Pakistani nuclear arsenal estimate is 120 which is not even sufficient to eliminate Indian cities numbering over 200.



And Urban centers are not even not even 35% of India's entire population.

Pakistan is more likely exhaust every blade of grass before it succeeds in quadrupling its current nuclear arsenal.
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Your pestilent intentions will have to take a back seat.
Go read what type of tones I have replied to
Under ideal conditions, current Pakistani nuclear arsenal estimate is 120 which is not even sufficient to eliminate Indian cities numbering over 200.
Correct targets are enough to wipe out a population... targets are not always cities but include large dams, nuclear reactors etc
and radiation spreads and land becomes infertile etc...
I am sure what is left will be taken care of by others
obsessive Pakistan bashing posters are answered in kind....
Your pestilent intentions will have to take a back seat.

Under ideal conditions, current Pakistani nuclear arsenal estimate is 120 which is not even sufficient to eliminate Indian cities numbering over 200.



And Urban centers are not even not even 35% of India's entire population.

Pakistan is more likely exhaust every blade of grass before it succeeds in quadrupling its current nuclear arsenal.

Wrong! More indian falsehoods and drivle. Pre-May 1998, leading indian scientists, politicians and military experts were all confidently claiming that Pakistan can NEVER EVER have nukes with or without Chinese assistance. That it was impossible to do so. They got the shock of their lives when Pakistan tested the nukes at Chagai. Just as then so is now. In all likelihood, Pakistan probably has more nukes then india estimates with powerful yields. The indian military high command know this which is why india was powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 26/11/2008.
Amin to all Pak postings!! It shows that Pak is indeed on the top of their game and on alert all the time vis-a-vis India. Unless they do it they'll turn into another Bangladesh in no time at all. Very few countries require nukes for their day-to-day existence - Pak tops that list..
Yet another fellow who couldn't even read the first line. The author is a Pakistani, educated in Pakistani universities.

Except that India follows equality before law, and banned untouchability a long time back. The constitution and all our laws guarantee that. BTW we also follow equality before law of all religions, which your country doesn't.

You are trying your best to justify the existence of your country, by maligning India with lies. You wanted t be separate from India because you were afraid to live with hindus - but as it turns out, Indian muslims are much better off than Pakistanis, and Pakistan is universally recognized as a near failed state.

Sure, sure. The entire world hates hindus, and doesn't want hindus in their countries - oh wait, that's wrong. It's a certain "religion of peace" that the whole world is wary of. Ask anybody in Europe or Americas or anywhere else, which religion is problematic.

There is a reason why there is islamophobia everywhere in the world, but no hinduphobia or sikhophobia or jainophobia anywhere. (Except in people like you, who have been brainwashed to think so.) Any neutral observer knows which religion is "sick and twisted", to use your own words.
We Pakistanies can feel ur pain.. ur big mouth media taught u how to cry for many reasons against Pakistan... u can follow the red light of truck nothing gonna be useful for this cry... i suggest u to cry out loud on indian forum where u might get some shoulders to cry..
Ur golden temple incident.. babri masjid.. buring churches to ground.. conviencing ur majority to become redical to make everyone hindu... ur killing in innocent people of kashmir... can make any sensible neighbour can nervouse..
We have right to use it if redical hindu who bluntly express their hate for Pakistan..
Cry for ur own country which is mess and more dangerouse than afghanistan..
It might be really very hard for u to understand as i can tell for ur love of the person who was ex and living in place where he can bark as loud as he can but cant say a thing against US.
Haqqani is traitor so does zardai who nominated him as ambassador.

Above all let the dog bark because it won't change us he is cursed from inside so he want to take his frustration out

Haqqani we love when your butt hurts and you spit your poison for Pakistan but of no use
Way way worse than that................ no matter how low, we as a nation may have fallen, this guy is where we will be in 10 billion years time, provided we keep getting worse - year on year..........

The word pithiful rat.......

Mate, I bet, even Zardari regrets and curses the day he nominated him as an ambassador........ whatever Zardari maybe, one thing is for certain, he won't kill the goose that lays the golden egg...... he's way too smart for that............

so does zardai who nominated him as ambassador
Your pestilent intentions will have to take a back seat.

Under ideal conditions, current Pakistani nuclear arsenal estimate is 120 which is not even sufficient to eliminate Indian cities numbering over 200.



And Urban centers are not even not even 35% of India's entire population.

Pakistan is more likely exhaust every blade of grass before it succeeds in quadrupling its current nuclear arsenal.

Taking out all the major Indian cities would mean quite a few things in and of itself, and then some more as well. The first obvious thing to go would be the communications system of the country resulting in the complete break down of all government and military command structures, not to mention the destruction of most,if not all, important command nodes i.e. ministers, generals, etc. Next obvious thing would be the complete destruction of all systems of commerce, which if I'm not mistaken, are not run from the Indian rural outback. Money would evaporate from whatever would be left of the government and people. Third would be the energy supply, which would grind everything in the country to an absolute stop. There will be no fuel to run the cars or electricity to cool off in the AC after a long day of sunbathing under the nuclear fallout. There would be no supply of food to anyone. Most, if not all, of the educated population (seeing as pretty much all of them reside in the major cities) would be wiped out in an instance. In a country as divided as India, with around a dozen age old separatist movements already in swing, any semblance of social structure will come crashing down ensuring chaos and anarchy. But that is not all at all. The radiation released from the blasts and the resulting nuclear fallout will travel till more than just India's borders. The rural areas will get their fair share of nuclear fallout contaminating the land and the water-table, while the rural population will get the resulting diseases. Last but definitely not the least will come the summer winds. The monsoon wind currents will carry the ample amounts nuclear fallout still present in the atmosphere northwards which will then precipitate in the form of radio-active acid rain on the Himalayan glaciers, contaminating the source of all fresh water in the country for at least a few hundred years. What ever little rural Indians would have been lucky enough to escape the direct and indirect results of the nuclear explosions will now have no water to drink or to grow crops with. And thus the remaining few Indians will live a miserable life as can be until they too die of horrid diseases.

This was just an amateur attempt by me. There's a lot of credible work out there which will tell you more in much more vivid detail.

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