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Pak Nuclear Scientists And Their Anti-India Ideology

Well being from a neutral and non-nuclear country, I always detest nuclear weapons regardless of the country. A US nuke is as loathsome and disgusting for humanity as North Korea's. But if you go into details and history, I see that in South Asia, it was India that did nuclear experiment in 1974....may be their excuse was China but India is not a natural enemy of China because China is too big and too different so Pakistan did because of India....And China did it because USA and USSR had nukes....both of them were not so amicable towards China......so the main culprit is USA for nuclearisation of the world. I salute the countries which did not join the nuclear race despite having the resources like Japan.
Lol ...this kind of joke looks good in indian forum...
People have been waisting their time on writing such a bullcrap ... i am happy to see other side destroying itself with their love of hate...
Yes Pakistani bomb is to defend itself from haters and it will remain in tact till the last hater live.. and we dont have it for show off if indian haters threat us we have right to use it before then even think... its a same policy like US did it to japan.
No use of higher education and building rockets to mahatma MARS when they have feeding themselves with hate..
How many more indian losers gonna come up with this kind of crap?
India is no peaceful country its been stablish that they have been exporting terrorism in Pakistan thru afghanistan and thru punjab border... we have right to have first use policy even if its a 10 minutes attack on our soil..
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How many more indian losers gonna come up with this kind of crap?

This is precisely why I wrote who the author is, as the very first line. Above the article, in plain sight. But then, even that is too difficult for some people, who cannot read even one line beyond the title.

The author is a Pakistani, and was Pakistan's ambassador to the UN. (If you have managed to read this far on this post, maybe you understand.)
This is precisely why I wrote who the author is, as the very first line. Above the article, in plain sight. But then, even that is too difficult for some people, who cannot read even one line beyond the title.

The author is a Pakistani, and was Pakistan's ambassador to the UN. (If you have managed to read this far on this post, maybe you understand.)
Its not who is writing only question is whos language he is using.. i am surprise how people blindfold itself from truth... some people cant even see reality till they become example..
He will be barking for long time on its owner to make its friends happy..
Its not who is writing only question is whos language he is using.. i am surprise how people blindfold itself from truth... some people cant even see reality till they become example..
He will be barking for long time on its owner to make its friends happy..

It is obvious that you did not even read the first line, and thought an Indian wrote it. That is evident from this part of your post:

No use of higher education and building rockets to mahatma MARS when they have feeding themselves with hate..
How many more indian losers gonna come up with this kind of crap?

Let's forget that tiny mistake (of not even reading the first line before responding). Let's forget how foolish you made yourself seem. Still:

Have you so far said anything to counter anything he said? Attack his points, not him; if you can, that is.

Other than your mistaking him for an Indian, and now trying to get around your mistake, allyyou have brought to the table are phrases like "blindfold from truth", "owner", "barking" etc.

Can you rebut any of his factual statements?

ad hominem
ad ˈhɒmɪnɛm/
adverb & adjective
adverb: ad hominem; adjective: ad hominem

(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.
"an ad hominem response"
Stopped reading there.

Is there a proper university in India where they teach properly?

Yet another fellow who couldn't even read the first line. The author is a Pakistani, educated in Pakistani universities.

Anti-India ideology?? Oh I wonder why Pakistanis have this ideology. lets analyse!
When the Britishers were about to leave, we were asked to be in the same country, A COUNTRY which follows a sick racist ideology of branding people as sub-human untouchables! You fuckking kidding me?? Do I want to share my neighborhood with a sick twisted religion which considers its own people as lesser than animals? Like hell!!!!

Except that India follows equality before law, and banned untouchability a long time back. The constitution and all our laws guarantee that. BTW we also follow equality before law of all religions, which your country doesn't.

You are trying your best to justify the existence of your country, by maligning India with lies. You wanted t be separate from India because you were afraid to live with hindus - but as it turns out, Indian muslims are much better off than Pakistanis, and Pakistan is universally recognized as a near failed state.

You fuckking kidding me?? Do I want to share my neighborhood with a sick twisted religion which considers its own people as lesser than animals? Like hell!!!!

Sure, sure. The entire world hates hindus, and doesn't want hindus in their countries - oh wait, that's wrong. It's a certain "religion of peace" that the whole world is wary of. Ask anybody in Europe or Americas or anywhere else, which religion is problematic.

There is a reason why there is islamophobia everywhere in the world, but no hinduphobia or sikhophobia or jainophobia anywhere. (Except in people like you, who have been brainwashed to think so.) Any neutral observer knows which religion is "sick and twisted", to use your own words.
(Written by Pakistan's former ambassador to the UN.)
Look through the forum before posting,... I know it must be hard to resist trolling
@WAJsal @waz
merge and all u guys do...

Can you rebut any of his factual statements?
List those factual statements

in 1949, Prime Minister (Jawaharlal) Nehru was invited to the United States. It was the first visit by independent India's PM. According to the declassified minutes of the meeting with President Truman, he asks Nehru, "what can we do for India?" Nehru talked to him about how India needed to modernize its agriculture and build institutes of technology similar to MIT. He also asked for American assistance in these massive projects.

A few months later, Pakistan PM Liaquat Ali Khan was invited to Washington. He too met President Truman, who asked him the same question. Liaquat took out of his pocket a list of the military equipment Pakistan needed and handed it over. This episode of two prime ministers right at the beginning encapsulate the different national priorities. The consequence of those priorities is what we are living with today.
This has nothing to do with the topic
Nothing at all about, stop derailing threads....
When you have nuclear explosion near your border you know who your enemy is
Why his chap is not being hunted by ISI is beyond me. It has gone beyond being a sick joke. You want to laugh at this man but you cant out of sheer hatred towards him. His name is mentioned even in Pakistan Parilment as the one who is working against the interests of Pakistan. Yet this ahole keep on projecting himself as some sort of "Pakistani expert" and whatever he is saying should be taken a truth about how Pakistan should be like. Little fu** is a bloody absconder infront superme court of Pakistan for heaven sake!

My advise, ignore this clown and only mention him to degrade, and expose his true allegiance. The traitors must be put out of their misery.
This has nothing to do with the topic
Nothing at all about, stop derailing threads....

Question is does Pakistani Nuclear program was due to the response of the Indian Nuclear Program, or it was already running that program, financed by few rich countries, backed by a notorious comunist country, and a person who you proudly hailed Mr. Khan who is PHD in Metallurgy, was stealing the blue prints for the manufacture of enriched uranium from a Dutch laboratory in 1972 and who made 13 visit to the North Korea.
Does he deserve this much attention that whatever he says become a new topic here ? His identity is similar to those Iraqi scientists who were put forward to the audience by CNN and Fox News as Iraqi defacted WMD scientists just before the American invasion.
Question is does Pakistani Nuclear program was due to the response of the Indian Nuclear Program, or it was already running that program, financed by few rich countries, backed by a notorious comunist country, and a person who you proudly hailed Mr. Khan who is PHD in Metallurgy, was stealing the blue prints for the manufacture of enriched uranium from a Dutch laboratory in 1972 and who made 13 visit to the North Korea.
Indian aggression.
Notorious is what India is not any other nation, as well as vile and dirty full of extremist trash... Respect other nations or expect no respect for yours...
And he got us the weapon and we will kill every Indian with it... Obsess over it day and night.....
If anybody wishes to see the modern day version of mir jafir and an embodiment of the word traitor then they don't have to look any further than Hussain haqqani. Hard to believe he was our ambassador to the USA. I often wonder how much damage we sustained bcz of him.

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