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Pak moves artillery guns to LoC opposite Mendhar

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Nope...there's already a lot of messy stuff going on in the world and in Pakistan, we don't need a new war.

Just more war-mongering by you folks and response by us.

Jaw-jaw is better than war-war anyway.

Both nations are behaving very immaturely.
Nope...there's already a lot of messy stuff going on in the world and in Pakistan, we don't need a new war.

Just more war-mongering by you folks and response by us.

Thank god you are not looking ahead for a war.... neither am i..... But How does India become war mongering when there was a conflict and exchange of fire from both side (both side accusing each other for starting the recent flare up).... But moving artillery guns to loc done by whom? and you accuse india war mongering (i may agree with you on indian media)....well Hypocrisy at its best....
Thank god you are not looking ahead for a war.... neither am i..... But How does India become war mongering when there was a conflict and exchange of fire from both side (both side accusing each other for starting the recent flare up).... But moving artillery guns to loc done by whom? and you accuse india war mongering (i may agree with you on indian media)....well Hypocrisy at its best....

As the article states, it was India that first moved artillery there.
Jammu, August 31
On the lines of what they did in Kargil War in 1999, the Pakistan Army has adopted an aggressive posture moving artillery guns along the Line of Control (LoC) opposite Mendhar sector in Poonch district, 230 km northwest of Jammu.

“We have observed artillery movement opposite Mendhar sector. While an artillery battery usually comprises six guns, they (Pak Army) have certainly moved two to three artillery guns opposite Mendhar,” said a senior Army officer.

So far, Pakistan had been using battalion level weapons -- small arms fire and automatics, including rocket propelled grenades and mortars (82 mm) -- drawing similar response from the Indian side, he said.

Though the artillery has not been used by them till now, but possibility of using it (following artillery movement opposite Mendhar) cannot be ruled out, he said. The officer said the use of artillery amounts to war. “We are keeping a constant watch on developments unfolding on the other side and accordingly devising our strategy,” he said.

Heavy shelling by Pak troops in June last year had forced India to eventually move an artillery battalion from Mendhar to the Krishna Ghati sector but it was never used. The stand-off ended only after a Brigade-commander level meeting that paved the way for the resumption of the trans-border trade and travel via Chakan-da-Bagh.

The officer also said that senior officers of the Pakistan Army in the past couple of days have conducted aerial and ground recce on the other side of the LoC opposite Poonch, Saujiyan, Mendhar and Hamirpur belts in Poonch sector.

Since August 8, the Indian Army has destroyed 15 Pakistani posts and several bunkers opposite Poonch, Mendhar and Hamirpur areas with weapons such as mortars, rocket launchers and automatic weapons, including anti-material guns.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Bad news for BJP ,Congress will thank Nawaz for venting their frustration on PA in election year.

your army has been using these types of weapons the whole time, don't get mad at us now, i hope pakistan gives you a taste of our superior artillery.

Your army first moved a Artillery gun close to border, this was just a response.

dont they even fire artillery? didn't our captain die because of the fire from their artillery?

Your army first moved a Artillery gun close to border, this was just a response.

dont they even fire artillery? didn't our captain die because of the fire from their artillery?
your army has been using these types of weapons the whole time, don't get mad at us now, i hope pakistan gives you a taste of our superior artillery.
Did ISPR told you that ??

Let' show us what you have got, we will get a chance to test our MBRL Prahaar in real battlefield scenario and not to forget newly developed weapon locating radars which we really missed during Kargil :tup:
your army has been using these types of weapons the whole time, don't get mad at us now, i hope pakistan gives you a taste of our superior artillery.

dont they even fire artillery? didn't our captain die because of the fire from their artillery?

dont they even fire artillery? didn't our captain die because of the fire from their artillery?

well about the first part yes you have higher calliber artillery but we have better WLRs now which we missed badli in kargil and that was your trump card then but we have more and better now + we have advanced Sat cover aswell which helps us give true picture of you withowt risk comeon this time we will show you your real place
...what type of artillery does pakistan uses...and what types of guns are we talking about at Mendhar ??
There was some kind of calmness in LOC for couple of days..... I get a feeling that was a symptom of a bigger storm..... I wonder why the innocent (allegedly) army move artillery guns to LOC if they were supposed to peace loving

We have been practicing Policy of Restrain since the beginning of Tension and haven't started Shelling yet just Like your Army has been practicing since 15 august and resulted in heavy civilian loss on our Side in terms of life and property...Now any such Violation is gonna be answered in the same manner...
We have been practicing Policy of Restrain since the beginning of Tension haven't started Shelling yet just Like your Army has been practicing since 15 august and resulted in heavy civilian loss on our Side in terms of life and property...Now any such Violation is gonna be answered in the same mount...

OK fanboy point taken, now ask your PA to back your words with action and don't talk bullshiit about your restrain , your BAT ambushed our Sleeping on Patrol jawans like cowards.

What you see now is the aftermath of that cowardly ambush.
Did ISPR told you that ??

Let' show us what you have got, we will get a chance to test our MBRL Prahaar in real battlefield scenario and not to forget newly developed weapon locating radars which we really missed during Kargil :tup:

ISLAMABAD: Unprovoked firing from the Indian Army injured six civilians on Monday, Express News reported.
Firing from across the border continued to target Nakyal sector in Kotli with Pakistan Army also responding to the firing from time to time.
“The nearby houses have been completely destroyed because of the shelling,” reported Express News correspondent.
Earlier on August 25, shells fired by Indian troops struck villages in Nakyal sector, some 200 kilometres south of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Kashmir, intermittently overnight. Three houses were damaged along with a car.

LoC tensions: Shelling in Nakyal Sector injures 6 – The Express Tribune

MUZAFFARABAD: At least two more killed, including a woman, and 4 others injured in firing and shelling by Indian army on a Pakistani village in Nakial sector near Kotli district of Azad Jammu & Kashmir.

According to reports gathered so far, Pakistani border security forces retaliated with full force silencing the Indian guns.

Reports suggested one of the shells fired by Indian artillery from across the international border landed on a house - See more at: http://www.cnbcpakistan.com/LoC-2-K...l-Sector-news-18216.html#sthash.5fqBV2OL.dpuf

ISLAMABAD: Unprovoked firing from the Indian Army injured six civilians on Monday, Express News reported.
Firing from across the border continued to target Nakyal sector in Kotli with Pakistan Army also responding to the firing from time to time.
“The nearby houses have been completely destroyed because of the shelling,” reported Express News correspondent.
Earlier on August 25, shells fired by Indian troops struck villages in Nakyal sector, some 200 kilometres south of Muzaffarabad, the capital of Kashmir, intermittently overnight. Three houses were damaged along with a car.

LoC tensions: Shelling in Nakyal Sector injures 6 – The Express Tribune

Go prove that in UN and by the way original article doesn' mentions Indian Artillery anywhere.
OK fanboy point taken, now ask your PA to back your words with action and don't talk bullshiit about your restrain , your BAT ambushed our Sleeping on Patrol jawans like cowards.

What you see now is the aftermath of that cowardly ambush.

Last time i heard the soldiers were killed when the troops of 20 Bihar Regiment and 14 Maratha Light Infantry fought each other during the change of guard...
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