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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

Dont beat around the bush ... in plain words just accept that Pakistan couldnt gain an inch of land in Kashmir at the end of the war .

PS: Now start your 1000 excuses why you couldnt achieve that or achieve this like in case after loosing all wars !!!:lol::blah::rofl::yahoo:

What we did lost in kargil ? According to my knowledge india had no dare to move his *** on other side of loc when his two air craft got shot down. You call it win if pakistani gave you back your peaks which they capurted easily by attacking you in your own country . You should thank calinton ad nawaz sharif for that otherwise it was impossible for you to get them back :)
What we did lost in kargil ? According to my knowledge india had no dare to move his *** on other side of loc when his two air craft got shot down. You call it win if pakistani gave you back your peaks which they capurted easily by attacking you in your own country . You should thank calinton ad nawaz sharif for that otherwise it was impossible for you to get them back :)

We shot down some thing known as Atlantique.
Your post is filled with rants... We were having a nice discussion but you kids always ruin it..

You can all think "this would have happened , Maratha this , that" blah blah....But the history doesn't change.

The Fact of History is : Islamic Military Onslaught ripped your India into four! , plundered your civilization , destroyed your thousands of years of hardwork in building your civilization , push you to dark ages , destroyed your temples and universities , butchered native indians , ruled you for centuries , and imposed Islamic Culture on India (Today's indian food , dresses , famous monuments , architecture etc etc all carry a strong Islamic Influence on them..) ... so on and so fourth.

Unlike your local unknown , insignificant 'raja' maharaj crap ...Islamic Military tradition was a global phenomenon and is well-known through-out the whole globe ....

A child like you must read works of George F. Nafziger and Mark W. Walton etc as a starter... These Western experts in military history will cause your brain to work..but alas..teenagers like you can only rant..they'll never read any quality work ..

According to the above mentioned experts , Islamic Military tradition launched wars on the grandest and most successful scale inhuman history ... let me ask..what is your "saffron Maratha the great shuppa powa's" reputation? No one even knows them...

Out of THOUSANDS of cultures , faiths , civilization , colors , people etc on the planet...only TWO and just TWO civilizations have attained the status of "Global Civilizations" ---

One is Western/Christian civilization , and the other is Islamic Civilization ....

So where does your india stands? :lol:

Even at its WORST , Islamic Civilization fares WAY better than india in every way...be it economy , military strength , resources , geographic spread , influence , OR ...participation in Olympics ...lol ...

All the satellites of U.S.A watch China but don't do anything...are they impotent? Retarded son , why would we do anything in peace time? Strategic Advantages are used during wars ....

BTW , impotents were little bhartis who unilaterally withdrew from a stand-off after losing nearly thousand of their men..not to mention..the "surgical strike" humiliation of your largest open air sh!thole known as bhartimata ...

We occupied indian strategic posts---and KEPT them by the end of war..and militarily won the kargil... it burns? none of our business then ...

I also love when indians need to get VISA to come to Pakistan....:azn:
if India was invaded and ruled for thousands of years it was your forefathers(today's Pakistan ) who got killed first, then only they they advanced further.

many of them fought bravely, some agreed to accept Islam to save their life ,

now the rest .. they betrayed their mother land, their martyred brothers, their faith for the greed of money..

now you decided who are today's Pakistanies ..at what percentage?

or do you think all the Pakistanis are pure descents of invaders who came to attack ancient India which is all of Pakistan and more than half of today's India.

And do you think by keeping a small hill like point 5353 was worth the humiliation Pakistan faced..you not only failed to achieve the objects of the war but you lost all your credibility and face in front of the world. with kargil you once again proved that Pakistan is a country where it's civilian Democratic govt is just a spectator..and it is a country which never can be trusted..

will any of your generals think of another war even if you are assured to capture few points like 5353..I bet they will not unless they are dumb.
What we did lost in kargil ? According to my knowledge india had no dare to move his *** on other side of loc when his two air craft got shot down. You call it win if pakistani gave you back your peaks which they capurted easily by attacking you in your own country . You should thank calinton ad nawaz sharif for that otherwise it was impossible for you to get them back :)

Don't try to whitewash, Kargil had been in the series of another sense of defeat in Pakistan after Siachin Conflict. The Prime minister who had 2/3 majority in National Assembly was dethroned because of tensions with army over Kargil.
What we did lost in kargil ? According to my knowledge india had no dare to move his *** on other side of loc when his two air craft got shot down. You call it win if pakistani gave you back your peaks which they capurted easily by attacking you in your own country . You should thank calinton ad nawaz sharif for that otherwise it was impossible for you to get them back :)

How about your face and 4000 soldiers for the starters..?
Kargil was a good plan but very myopic scope and operational tempo. Pakistan never war gamed any scenario which befall during the Kargil War and it assumed that Indian forces would be caught off balance and would not be able to dis-lodge Pakistani forces from Kargil until the world community got involved to bring a halt to the conflict.

First of all Pakistan should have dug underground tunnels to Kargil in which supplies, reinforcements could have been ferried through. And it should also armed the forces with large number of anti-aircraft missiles to neutralize Indian Air Cover. And Three, it should have placed artillery to bombard Indian Artillery positions and it should have placed large number of land mines to cause significant damage to Indian Infantry.

This could have prolonged the fighting until Fall of 1999 conflict as attacking in cold weather on a fortified defensive position would have been a very tough undertaking for India and India would have been tempted to open up the conflict on other fronts facing Pakistan which would have been the signal to the global community to resolve the conflict diplomatically.
yup fake encounters when innocent Indians dies, RAW consipracy and what not. But when same thing happens in Pakistan , you again blame RAW and their supported TTP. Looks like people are feeded with wrong information. Go to kashmir and see yourself.

Come with facts and figures to disprove our claim. Bring some evidence.
TTP have its own typical style , and that is suicide bombing , making videos of slaughtering soldiers and accepting whenever they'd performed any attack, unlike Kashmiri F.F . and RAW is not just an alone supporter of TTP as now their operating origin is A-stan. Kashmiri FF are mostly local Kashmiris, Can you deny that fact? No, They can't be comparitive to each other, Curfews and protests are common in valley. and many more Kashmir: Youth Killed in fake encounter
if India was invaded and ruled for thousands of years it was your forefathers(today's Pakistan ) who got killed first, then only they they advanced further.

many of them fought bravely, some agreed to accept Islam to save their life ,

now the rest .. they betrayed their mother land, their martyred brothers, their faith for the greed of money..

now you decided who are today's Pakistanies ..at what percentage?

or do you think all the Pakistanis are pure descents of invaders who came to attack ancient India which is all of Pakistan and more than half of today's India.

And do you think by keeping a small hill like point 5353 was worth the humiliation Pakistan faced..you not only failed to achieve the objects of the war but you lost all your credibility and face in front of the world. with kargil you once again proved that Pakistan is a country where it's civilian Democratic govt is just a spectator..and it is a country which never can be trusted..

will any of your generals think of another war even if you are assured to capture few points like 5353..I bet they will not unless they are dumb.

Point 5353 was not an Indian territory a small clarification.
How about your face and 4000 soldiers for the starters..?

4,000 soldiers is a myth.

It was a number invented by Nawaz Sharif to discredit Musharraf.

Nawaz Sharif wasn't even involved in the conflict as he was kept on the sidelines while Musharraf planned the whole operation.

Musharraf has stated that 357 soldiers were killed.
TTP have its own typical style , and that is suicide bombing , making videos of slaughtering soldiers and accepting whenever they'd performed any attack, unlike Kashmiri F.F . and RAW is not just an alone supporter of TTP as now their operating origin is A-stan. Kashmiri FF are mostly local Kashmiris, Can you deny that fact? No, They can't be comparitive to each other, Curfews and protests are common in valley. and many more Kashmir: Youth Killed in fake encounter

Every one knows where is syed sallaudin, I would also like to point out Baitullah meshud,hakimullah meshud and waliur rahman was from pakistan,
What we did lost in kargil ? According to my knowledge india had no dare to move his *** on other side of loc when his two air craft got shot down. You call it win if pakistani gave you back your peaks which they capurted easily by attacking you in your own country . You should thank calinton ad nawaz sharif for that otherwise it was impossible for you to get them back :)

Did Pak intend to capture Kargil peaks for time pass n return it back to India later ?

If the answer is that you wanted kargil for yourself then your leadership failed miserably , Kargil is still with India... now dont give excuses why you couldnt retain it !!!!:blah:
Kargil was a good plan but very myopic scope and operational tempo. Pakistan never war gamed any scenario which befall during the Kargil War and it assumed that Indian forces would be caught off balance and would not be able to dis-lodge Pakistani forces from Kargil until the world community got involved to bring a halt to the conflict.

First of all Pakistan should have dug underground tunnels to Kargil in which supplies, reinforcements could have been ferried through. And it should also armed the forces with large number of anti-aircraft missiles to neutralize Indian Air Cover. And Three, it should have placed artillery to bombard Indian Artillery positions and it should have placed large number of land mines to cause significant damage to Indian Infantry.

This could have prolonged the fighting until Fall of 1999 conflict as attacking in cold weather on a fortified defensive position would have been a very tough undertaking for India and India would have been tempted to open up the conflict on other fronts facing Pakistan which would have been the signal to the global community to resolve the conflict diplomatically.

This is what kaiser Tufail said, He has clearly mentioned had the pakistan army taken the confidence of Pakistan airforce and other service chiefs, They would have gained.
Mythical defeats?

In the physical realm, your Indian forces were pounded, defeated,
and humiliated. We give you the credit of having a diplomatic victory and that was all that you attained.

Your entire point is to not show bravado and to say that a cowardly victory is a victory nonetheless. Ground realities beg to differ.

The entire doctrine of your military has been changed due to Kargil after facing such humiliation.

With limited forces and logistics your army was routed time and time again by the mujahadeen.

You can save face by bending words in your next reply. Honestly, it does not matter to me or the Pakistani military. With so little, so much was achieved.

In that special world that you inhabit, is Bangladesh still East Pakistan ?
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