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Pak may never try another Kargil, but it could get worse

I give up....

I just give up....

I give up forever...

Yes our text are based on religion, yes we are the evil ones... yes hindoo's are evil (I am not even a hindu for sugar sake)...

No point... I give up...!
ha ha ha .......

Pray tell me if Hindus didn't kill Hindus in Indian history. What was Mahabharata about.

When Muslims were ruling India, there were times when Muslims allied with other Muslims attacked Hindu led states, there were times when Muslims allied with Hindus attacked Muslim states and there also were times when Muslims allied with Hindus attacked Hindu rulers of a state.

They both, allied together or against each other killed thousands and thousands in this manner.

You look at history as being Hindus only. And link it with thousands of year old Hindu Kingdoms which were Buddhist as well at certain times and Muslim as well at certain times. Buddhist reign was OK, Muslim reign was bad. Why look at history from such a narrow angle instead of looking at history as history. We find it difficult as well.

Is there a civilizational motive in all this. May be yes. Can we change it. May be yes and may be no. Can we make an effort. Yes we can.

You are still waffling. :)
I give up....

I just give up....

I give up forever...

Yes our text are based on religion, yes we are the evil ones... yes hindoo's are evil (I am not even a hindu for sugar sake)...

No point... I give up...!

Finally admitting the truth. Good that's the first step in the recovery process. :smokin:

As for Internet Hindus getting their panties in a knot. Your very language is the result of "evil invaders" Your beloved Sanskrit was forced on you by the Aryans, your holy scripture were developed by these invaders and your Hindu identity today is founded by them. So kindly look into your own ugly history before you spewing your nonsense online.
ha ha ha .......

Pray tell me if Hindus didn't kill Hindus in Indian history. What was Mahabharata about.

When Muslims were ruling India, there were times when Muslims allied with other Muslims attacked Hindu led states, there were times when Muslims allied with Hindus attacked Muslim states and there also were times when Muslims allied with Hindus attacked Hindu rulers of a state.

They both, allied together or against each other killed thousands and thousands in this manner.

You look at history as being Hindus only. And link it with thousands of year old Hindu Kingdoms which were Buddhist as well at certain times and Muslim as well at certain times. Buddhist reign was OK, Muslim reign was bad. Why look at history from such a narrow angle instead of looking at history as history. We find it difficult as well.

Is there a civilizational motive in all this. May be yes. Can we change it. May be yes and may be no. Can we make an effort. Yes we can.

While I wholly understand the context in which you speak of Hindus as you do, as do the others who have commented so far, I can see the struggle within you to understand that history is NOT taught in India on parochial lines.

Nowhere, in any text book or historical account, is a Muslim monarch, dynasty or period held out for negative mention because it was Muslim. This has been internalized to the extent that there is now a tendency to move away from the traditional categorization of Hindu, Muslim and British periods of history, in favour of ancient, early mediaeval, late mediaeval and modern periods, thus leaving out the religious epithet altogether.

There are exceptions to this, and we need to be aware of these. Aurangzeb is given very ambiguous - not negative, but ambiguous - treatment because of his rigid ways. The resistance of Prithviraj Chauhan against Muhammad of Ghor is pitched in hopelessly unequal terms against the Ghurid, due to the significant infouence of a bardic account which has influenced text book writers unduly. The battle of any ruler of Delhi, be he Alauddin Khalji or Akbar the Timurid, with Chitor suffers from the romantic haze that shrouds Chitor and its tragic history.

And that's about it, believe it or not.

The best proof of our statements is the pitched battles we have fought in this very forum between secular
Indians and Hindu-affiliated Indians. Reading those accounts - I write this as I recover from the grievous injuries received in one such only days ago - will put the whole thing in perspective, as what they demand very fiercely is the kind of communalisation that you apparently believe has already taken place.

That leaves the contentious issue of how we look on invaders. Perhaps that is best left to another post, if we are able to discuss it without inflamed passions intervening.

PS: I forgot the accounts of Mahmud of Ghazni's predatory raids, and his obsession with the temple at Somnath.

It is a mistake for indians to judge people of the middle ages with today's standards, the classic approach for any conquering army anywhere in the ancient world, was to loot and pillage.

Look at Julius Caesar - he often behaved brutally with conquered people - but is revered today as a military genius - same with Babur, Ghauri, Timur and co. And as if indian rulers were more humane, don't make me laugh.

If you were to omit flippancy on such issues, your views would receive the attention and respect that they deserve.

I give up....

I just give up....

I give up forever...

Yes our text are based on religion, yes we are the evil ones... yes hindoo's are evil (I am not even a hindu for sugar sake)...

No point... I give up...!

Take it easy. This is not the end of the world.
Finally admitting the truth. Good that's the first step in the recovery process. :smokin:

As for Internet Hindus getting their panties in a knot. Your very language is the result of "evil invaders" Your beloved Sanskrit was forced on you by the Aryans, your holy scripture were developed by these invaders and your Hindu identity today is founded by them. So kindly look into your own ugly history before you spewing your nonsense online.


Are Moderators at least secular here??? We share the same history bro... it was just a line drawn on a map on 1947.. which part you on about? somewhere before converion to Islam you were some other religion too right? Is that a history or fiction?

Are Moderators at least secular here??? We share the same history bro... it was just a line drawn on a map on 1947.. which part you on about? somewhere before converion to Islam you were some other religion too right? Is that a history or fiction?

He is talking his usual vile nonsense. It is possible to rip his arguments to shreds,but it is also a waste of time. Ignore him.
Your very language is the result of "evil invaders" Your beloved Sanskrit was forced on you by the Aryans, your holy scripture were developed by these invaders and your Hindu identity today is founded by them. So kindly look into your own ugly history before you spewing your nonsense online.

Finally ! the Hinduphobic perversion takes its toll :rofl:

Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study

``The initial settlement took place 65,000 years ago in the Andamans and in ancient south India around the same time, which led to population growth in this part,'' said Thangarajan. He added, ``At a later stage, 40,000 years ago, the ancient north Indians emerged which in turn led to rise in numbers here. But at some point of time, the ancient north and the ancient south mixed, giving birth to a different set of population. And that is the population which exists now and there is a genetic relationship between the population within India.''

Again, (probably asking you the third time :lol:) Do you have any proof, that the Sanskrit was the language of these so called "Aryans" 40,000 years ago, or your whole statment of Sanskrit being forced upon is a figment of Hinduphobic perversion or maybe part of your masochistic ritual :devil:
He is talking his usual vile nonsense. It is possible to rip his arguments to shreds,but it is also a waste of time. Ignore him.

I understand the threat I pose to your very identity and I also understand that you would rather bury your head in the sand then face the facts. But you cannot expect other to do the same. What you call "vile" I call scholarly facts but hey, what are the collective intellect of the western word's academics against and internet Hindu with emotionally charged arguments. :rolleyes:
Finally ! the Hinduphobic perversion takes its toll :rofl:

Aryan-Dravidian divide a myth: Study

Again, (probably asking you the third time :lol:) Do you have any proof, that the Sanskrit was the language of these so called "Aryans" 40,000 years ago, or your whole statment of Sanskrit being forced upon is a figment of Hinduphobic perversion or maybe part of your masochistic ritual :devil:

oh jeeze, not this again. Please provide articles from objective non Indian souses. giving a link to a blog by some Indian will just not cut it.
Also do you guys even know what the theory is based on?
Nassr, don't know about NCERT or CBSE, but in ICSE we never even studied the British Raj or Post Partition history. We had electives beyond a certain section of the Mughal period as well. IVC was a whole separate section.

As mentioned, Civics is all about our Constitution and later.

We just have completely eaten up what happened just before.

Forget about demonising you guys.

I studied in CBSE, the history book starts with IVC and ended with independence of Pondicherry and Goa. CBSE books don't demonize anyone except the British. But we are taught about intolerance by Aurangzeb and raid of Somnath Temple by Ghaznavi. Sufi movement is emphasized a lot same like Bhakti movement. Even the Muslim modernization era led by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan is taught as well as foundation of Deobandi and Barelvi schools.
oh jeeze, not this again. Please provide articles from objective non Indian souses. giving a link to a blog by some Indian will just not cut it.
Also do you guys even know what the theory is based on?

Not much. On Manure. Old Manure that had no vitality. And rejected by Scholars many times over.
And now what are you; Scholar or Farmer?
Not much. On Manure. Old Manure that had no vitality. And rejected by Scholars many times over.
And now what are you; Scholar or Farmer?

And this is why you Internet Hindus are taken as a joke.
You don't even know the bases of the other argument, but because it hurts your feelings you spout all sorts of nonsense against it.Better bury you head in the sand then face the truth eh. :azn:
And this is why you Internet Hindus are taken as a joke.
You don't even know the bases of the other argument, but because it hurts your feelings you spout all sorts of nonsense against it.Better bury you head in the sand then face the truth eh. :azn:

While I'm on the Internet, I'm not even Hindu, LOL.
Try harder, you're not good enough.
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