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Pak left behind in the race, india can help catch up

As if in India people are lining up to be friends with Pak

I dont want to hurt you. Get out of this mentality.

If the article would have referred to any statement about Indian people talking about Pakistan then of course i would have responded.
Pakistan has been left far behind in the race of economic development is a fact and indications are that the downward slide is likely to continue. In my humble opinion; main reasons are two.

First and foremost is inability of the democratic parties to look beyond their immediate self-interest. Democratically elected ZA Bhutto nationalized nearly all of the Pakistan industry except the Textile industry. Main objective was to break the 22 families hold on Pakistan economy. These so called 22 families had been nurtured during the Ayub Khans’ decade of development and Bhutto had a grudge against the very person who brought him to prominence from a virtual non entity. He only partially succeeded in destroying 22 families but managed to stunt Pak economy for a whole generation in the bargain.

Successive democratic governments; BB as well as NS were corrupt and practiced nepotism in the extreme. BB created formalized commission system (hence Mr 10%) and Nawaz Sharif used Nationalized banking system to arrange loans and then getting the same written off. Nawaz's side kick Saif ur Rahman went to the extreme.

Bank declined to open the L/C without the customary margin. Saif Ur Rahman claimed that because bank did not open the Letter of Credit, he lost hundreds of millions in the profit; he thus sued the Bank for the loss of profit. Who cares that banks never establish L/C without the agreed margin deposit. The law suit was thrown out but it shows the arrogance of the kitchen cabinet members during the NS era.

Deterioration of Pakistan economy due to mismanagement following the exit of Musharraf is well-known and experienced by everyone and indicated thru devaluation of PK Rupee from 65 to a dollar to almost 100 to one dollar.

Second factor is the rise of religious fundamentalism. There is no law & order, despite more than 40,000 Pakistanis killed by the TTP & Al Qaida, a section of Pakistan society is in love with TTP ideology. These people don’t care fig about Pakistan or her economic well-being but hanker for the 72 houris in after life. Thus creation of a Sunni Wahhabi state or an Islamic Emirate similar to Mullah Omer’s Afghanistan or Sufi Mohammed’s Swat is all that matters.

It would not matter if they wanted transition thru ballot box. This section, including some members of this forum, support lathi wielding burqa clad women shutting down video shops and attacking GHQ to install an Emirate thru force of arms. Ethnic cleansing and killing of Shias is a bye product of militancy thus creating an atmosphere of terror an uncertainty in the whole country. Hitler's Nazi party has been reborn in the guise of Lashkar Jhangvi, target being Hazaras & Shias instead of the Jews.

It does not take rocket science to realize that rule of law and safety of ordinary man on the street is a ’Must’ for economic progress, however to this section of the society, lives of terrorist killed in US drone attacks is far more important than life of rest of the Pakistanis or economic welfare of the country.

Combination of these factors has resulted in complete breakdown of governance and virtual free for all particularly in Karachi; economic heartland of Pakistan. Pakistan cannot achieve economic stability unless we:

1. Eliminate terrorism and Salafin/ Wahhabi/Takfiri culture, in other words end of TTP and all her allied parties.

2. Carry out a drastic reform of the nepotism/favouritism culture and give precedence to merit.

Finally, the above steps would stop the economic down turn but that may not be enough to accelerate growth. We suffer from severe power shortage because GOP has no money to clear the circular debt and also from double digit inflation because GOP continues to print money to make up the deficit. Under these conditions, you can’t even run a hawker’s stall let alone a country. We have to learn to live within our means and eliminate subsidies to PIA, Railways & Steel Mill and simultaneously getting everyone to pay their taxes.

I have deliberately avoided any mention of the Zia & Musharraf eras of economic growth because I don't want to appear to favour another Martial Law.
One case has negative actions by the Indian state.

One case has negative actions by citizens of Pakistan.

The Pakistani state can and has taken the citizens to court. Who would put the hands on the Indian state?

Hence a negative action by a state, is a lot bigger problem and irreparable.

whats the outcome??ur country can suppress terrorism if they want to they're just unwilling to do so just because of some people political agenda..its high time ur admin concentrate on admin rather than to attack india always u've already paid the heavy price for it
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