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Pak incapable of action against terror: Pranab


Jan 4, 2009
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NEW DELHI: As it awaits a concrete response from Pakistan on steps taken against perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks, India has raised

questions on whether the government in Islamabad was deliberately not taking action against terrorists or incapable of doing so.

"Yes, one way you can make a differentiation that they are deliberately not doing or are incapable of doing. But as far as India is concerned, the net impact is the same ... the perpetrators are launching terror attacks from the territory of Pakistan," External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said.

"The infrastructural facilities there (are) used by them (for) committing crimes in India, not necessarily in this case but in a large number of cases in the past," he said in an interview with Al Jazeera news channel.

Mukherjee said India expects the Pakistan government to act against the perpetrators of terror acts operating from Pakistani soil.

"We expect Pakistan to act. Whatever is to be done from our side we are doing so ... but Pakistan has to act because the handlers and planners (of Mumbai attacks) were from Pakistan," he said.

Mukherjee said India expects three things from Pakistan — dismantle terror infrastructural facilities, take strong action against perpetrators of terror attacks and look for fugitives of Indian law who have committed crime in India and taken shelter in Pakistan.
Yeah Yeah Yeah and We saw that How Capable India was on 26/11 when Indian Forces were Handling Just 10 Terrorists.

Pakistan is In trouble and We have 100 of thousands of them and you just had 10 of them, Pakistan is trying her level best to get rid of this menace, India must be patient and should co-operate with Pakistan instead of Blaming and showing Attitude, India will get just Nothing by using this approach.
Its simple - under the guise of Mumbai they want the entire Kashmiri freedom movement shut down.

The JuD assets have been seized. The LeT camps have been shut down - so what on earth is he babbling about?

The remaining Kashmiri freedom fighters of course.

Some Chanakya wannabe in Delhi figured that the Mumbai tragedy could be turned into a pawn to elicit greater concessions from Pakistan on the legitimate Kashmiri Freedom movement, by putting up this irresponsible, warmongering dog and pony show.

The Mumbai tragedy victims are probably turning in their graves/funeral pyres.
Some Chanakya wannabe in Delhi figured that the Mumbai tragedy could be turned into a pawn to elicit greater concessions from Pakistan on the legitimate Kashmiri Freedom movement, by putting up this irresponsible, warmongering dog and pony show.

Even if your statment is true AM, I say why not. Whenever India has thought of Kashmir freedom movement as freedom fighter. In the eyes of India they are considered terrorist. And ofcourse there has been long dicussion about this subject in this forum, but truth to the matter is, India considers a history of terrorist acitvities and insurgency because of Kashmire issue. If the Kashmire issue has to be resolved in any fashion terrorist activities must be stop, that will, believe or not, put Pakistan in much favorable position then it is now on the kashmire issue.
Its simple - under the guise of Mumbai they want the entire Kashmiri freedom movement shut down.

The JuD assets have been seized. The LeT camps have been shut down - so what on earth is he babbling about?

The remaining Kashmiri freedom fighters of course.

Some Chanakya wannabe in Delhi figured that the Mumbai tragedy could be turned into a pawn to elicit greater concessions from Pakistan on the legitimate Kashmiri Freedom movement, by putting up this irresponsible, warmongering dog and pony show.

The Mumbai tragedy victims are probably turning in their graves/funeral pyres.
ok, so pak has done everything there is to do, is it? then, can pak give india assurance that pak's territory will not be used for launching any attack in india(excluding kashmir) in future?

if yes, then there is nothing more to say.:eek:

if no, then obviously there are lot of terrorists and their infrastructure that needs to eliminated.:angry:

ps: chanakya being used as derogatory is not appreciated. I recommend all pakistanis to actually read wat he has written. no offence meant.
ok, so pak has done everything there is to do, is it? then, can pak give india assurance that pak's territory will not be used for launching any attack in india(excluding kashmir) in future?

if yes, then there is nothing more to say.:eek:

if no, then obviously there are lot of terrorists and their infrastructure that needs to eliminated.:angry:

ps: chanakya being used as derogatory is not appreciated. I recommend all pakistanis to actually read wat he has written. no offence meant.

India wants assurances from Pakistan that its territory will not be used for attacks, how about India gives assurances that it will stop aiding all anti state activities inside Pakistan?? It goes both ways my friend, you cant really expect us to make all the concessions. As long as your counsulates are being used to fund the activities of militants in Swat, Balochistan and parts of FATA we really cant promise anything.
ok, so pak has done everything there is to do, is it? then, can pak give india assurance that pak's territory will not be used for launching any attack in india(excluding kashmir) in future?

if yes, then there is nothing more to say.:eek:

if no, then obviously there are lot of terrorists and their infrastructure that needs to eliminated.:angry:
We will not help them get across the LoC. We will not train them, but we should not shut down their training camps so long as these groups are fighting against Indian occupation forces, and not civilians. Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory - the freedom fighting groups, so long as they do not harm innocents, are legitimate - they are not terrorists.

Those that do harm innocents, like the LeT, should be shut down.

So no, no assurances against allowing legitimate Kashmiri freedom fighters fighting an occupation in disputed territory from using Pakistani territory to train to attack Indian occupation forces.

I do think we shoudl encourage them to voluntarily give up violence for a political struggle, but not through force.
ps: chanakya being used as derogatory is not appreciated. I recommend all pakistanis to actually read wat he has written. no offence meant.
I don't believe I referred to Chanakya inappropriately - many Indians brag about him being the 'Indian Machiavelli'.
India wants assurances from Pakistan that its territory will not be used for attacks, how about India gives assurances that it will stop aiding all anti state activities inside Pakistan?? It goes both ways my friend, you cant really expect us to make all the concessions. As long as your counsulates are being used to fund the activities of militants in Swat, Balochistan and parts of FATA we really cant promise anything.[/QUOTE]

Well whats your evidence for the same? Could you please post any evidence Pakistani police have given india or UN or any statements by RAW agencies admitting the support?.
India wants assurances from Pakistan that its territory will not be used for attacks, how about India gives assurances that it will stop aiding all anti state activities inside Pakistan?? It goes both ways my friend, you cant really expect us to make all the concessions. As long as your counsulates are being used to fund the activities of militants in Swat, Balochistan and parts of FATA we really cant promise anything.

firstly, I would take that as not able(or willing) to give the assurance.

then secondly, when you accuse indian consulates of something, you need to prove it my dear. plz do that. not on this forum but internationally.

as for pakistan's case is concerned, pak prez zardari has agreed that terrorists attacking india are 'non-state actors' of pak. and the world believes that pakistan is epi-center of terrorism on indian property and territory. since that fact is established, india is well within its rights to ask pak to assure us that such events wont be repeated in future.
We will not help them get across the LoC. We will not train them, but we should not shut down their training camps so long as these groups are fighting against Indian occupation forces, and not civilians. Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory - the freedom fighting groups, so long as they do not harm innocents, are legitimate - they are not terrorists.

Those that do harm innocents, like the LeT, should be shut down.

So no, no assurances against allowing legitimate Kashmiri freedom fighters fighting an occupation in disputed territory from using Pakistani territory to train to attack Indian occupation forces.

I do think we shoudl encourage them to voluntarily give up violence for a political struggle, but not through force.

I don't believe I referred to Chanakya inappropriately - many Indians brag about him being the 'Indian Machiavelli'.

then, can you atleast give india assurance that those groups that are fighting for 'kashmiri freedom' wont target innocent civilians and foreigners?:hitwall:

and chanakya is much more than Machiavelli. his genius extends in all directions. he was a religious, political, social and financial scholar. infact, he was a teacher in takshashila which is present in modern-day pakistan.

on this forum and in pakistani newspapers/media, I have seen chanakya being used in derogatory way. and I have not seen any indian bragging about chanakya atleast not on this forum.
then, can you atleast give india assurance that those groups that are fighting for 'kashmiri freedom' wont target innocent civilians and foreigners?:hitwall:

You cannot give assurances that IA/BSF soldiers will not commit atrocities against civilians as documented by several Human rights organizations.

Since we do not control these groups once they are across the LoC, we cannot give assurances like that. However if India provides credible evidence against them, action can be taken.

Of course the matter of 'trust' between India and Pakistan makes 'credible evidence' difficult to define.

However Pakistan did act when the UN declared the JuD a terrorist organization - so that may be a better route to go.

I have not seen any indian bragging about chanakya atleast not on this forum.

Not on this forum, but on others. Again, I do not see my reference to him as inappropriate.
US Senate conducts 26/11 attack hearing; cautions Pak
Press Trust of India
Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:31 AM (Washington)

Pakistan should take steps that reduce the threat of a re-occurrence of Mumbai-like terrorist attacks, US Republican Presidential candidate for the 2008 election, John McCain, has said.

"This is what would satisfy the United States," McCain said at the conclusion of a Senate Committee hearing on the Mumbai terrorist attack at the Capitol Hill.

"To satisfy the US. Well, actions that clearly indicate they have reduced the threat of their reoccurrence (of Mumbai terrorist attacks)," McCain said, when asked what actions of Pakistan would be satisfactory to the United States.

"I think that there are variety of reasons that argue for the arrest of the people who are responsible (for the attack) and the terrorist's organisations," he said.

Referring to the testimony by experts at Senate Committee hearing on Mumbai attack, McCain said it should be a very high priority to prevent heightening of tension between the two South Asian neighbours.

"I agree with the witness that it is very high priority to prevent heightening of tension between the two countries and the United States should do everything we can to prevent escalation of tensions," McCain said.

Earlier during the hearing McCain said the Mumbai terror attack was "well orchestrated, well trained and well planned" and had outdone security forces until commandos showed up.

"They were not necessarily suicide individuals, they were able with just handful of people to hit 10 targets. I think there are a whole lot of lessons that may be we have not paid much attention to," he said.

To a question by McCain on "the dangers that terrorist organisations might obtain nuclear weapons," in Pakistan, a senior advisor said was a "real concern".

Brian Michael Jenkins, senior advisor, of the prestigious RAND Corporation said: "I think, it is a real concern. We do receive regular assurances from the Pakistani authorities that they have the nuclear weapons under tight control."

However, he said: "One does worry when we look at the nexus in Pakistan between organised crime figures like Dawood Ibrahim and terrorists organisations and when we look at the black markets, which were created for Pakistan's own nuclear weapon program.

"This is a kind of connection between organised crime and government authorities and terrorists organisations that does raise spectre of the possibility of large scale finance and real concerns of they move into weapons of mass destruction," he said.

McCain also asked Asley J Tellis, senior associate, Carnegie Endowment of International Peace what were the chances that terrorists responsible for Mumbai attack would be brought to justice.

"The chances are remote," Tellis responded. "But we can't keep it that way. We have essentially seen this game evolving now close to 20 years and the cost of these terrorists staying in business has progressively increased," he said.

Asked if he felt that the Government of India might have to take some action (against Pakistan) over time, Tellis responded in the affirmative.

"It is a real danger (of Indian taking action against Pakistan). The crisis is not over yet," Tellis said.

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We will not help them get across the LoC. We will not train them, but we should not shut down their training camps so long as these groups are fighting against Indian occupation forces, and not civilians. Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory - the freedom fighting groups, so long as they do not harm innocents, are legitimate - they are not terrorists.

Those that do harm innocents, like the LeT, should be shut down.

Here it is-good terrorists and bad terrorists.

It seems no lesson has been learnt by Pakistani's from the events in FATA.
We will not help them get across the LoC. We will not train them, but we should not shut down their training camps so long as these groups are fighting against Indian occupation forces, and not civilians. Kashmir is internationally recognized as disputed territory - the freedom fighting groups, so long as they do not harm innocents, are legitimate - they are not terrorists.

Those that do harm innocents, like the LeT, should be shut down.

So no, no assurances against allowing legitimate Kashmiri freedom fighters fighting an occupation in disputed territory from using Pakistani territory to train to attack Indian occupation forces.

I do think we shoudl encourage them to voluntarily give up violence for a political struggle, but not through force.

I don't believe I referred to Chanakya inappropriately - many Indians brag about him being the 'Indian Machiavelli'.
AM, I thought you said that you liked the Plan wherein Peace is given a chance in Kashmir for 10 years and Both Sides after that period go for a plebisicite! As long as these freaking terrorists Operate, there will be No Peace In kashmir and the IA will remain there. You want IA to get outta there but at the same time you dont realise the terrorists will make life hell for the people, blow up schools, kill school going girls if IA leaves. Do you want another Taliban rule in Kashmir?

I say Pakistan and India totally co-operate and Pakistan shuts down even the minutest of help the terrorists or freedom fighters u call them and then Wait for 10 years. Or is Pakistan Scared of loosing the Battle by Peace and thinks it can win with guns??

Or does it just Boil down to Water!
AM, I thought you said that you liked the Plan wherein Peace is given a chance in Kashmir for 10 years and Both Sides after that period go for a plebisicite! As long as these freaking terrorists Operate, there will be No Peace In kashmir and the IA will remain there. You want IA to get outta there but at the same time you dont realise the terrorists will make life hell for the people, blow up schools, kill school going girls if IA leaves. Do you want another Taliban rule in Kashmir?

I say Pakistan and India totally co-operate and Pakistan shuts down even the minutest of help the terrorists or freedom fighters u call them and then Wait for 10 years. Or is Pakistan Scared of loosing the Battle by Peace and thinks it can win with guns??

Or does it just Boil down to Water!

no matter how beautiful it sound that will never happen. the ground problem in kashmiri distrust about India is C.R.P.F and like Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has ordered replacement of India’s paramilitary, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) by state police for the front-line security role for capital city. , it will cause a big havoc in separatist camps, because it will hamper the freedom movement. people want peace and i can tell you except Kashmir's citizen this peace will do no favor to anybody else.
Besides improving the public-police coordination, it will also result in speedier redressal of public grievances and supplement the efforts of the law and order machinery in the maintenance of peace and order with the active cooperation of the public,

but sir all this is not related to this column - :-)
but as for LeT India actually shouldn't expect much from Pakistan. I unable to understand one thing - what is one thing we done for Pakistan that we expect them to act in response. the pragmatic approach should be - India should realize that pakistan will not much in this case - we need to solve our own problem. i never heard a pakistani shouting to India about their problem.
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