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Pak. in a losing nuclear race :EDITORIAL: New York Times


Apr 13, 2015
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In an editorial published on November 7, the American daily said Islamabad’s competition with India, “which is adding to its own nuclear arsenal, is a losing game”. At present, Pakistan is spending about 25 per cent of its budget on defence. Reining in its nuclear operations would be in the country’s long-term interest, the editorial said. “It cannot provide adequate services for its citizens” because of the huge allocation for defence.
Pakistan’s official position is that it needs more nuclear weapons to counter India’s conventional arsenal. It’s expected to become the world’s third largest nuclear power with as many as 120 warheads, behind the U.S. and Russia.
Last month, Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary had told a news briefing in Washington that Islamabad had built low-yield nuclear weapons, or tactical nuclear weapons, “to counter Indian aggression”. Such weapons “are more likely to be used in a conflict with India and could more easily fall into the hands of terrorists…,” added the editorial.
The NYT has also urged the U.S. to keep trying to reach a deal with Pakistan aimed at reining in its nuclear programme.
“The major world powers spent two years negotiating an agreement to restrain the nuclear ambitions of Iran, which doesn’t have a single nuclear weapon. Yet there has been no comparable investment of effort in Pakistan, which, along with India, has so far refused to consider any limits at all.”
The Obama administration has begun talks with Islamabad in this regard. But a nuclear deal similar to the one with India is not on the cards. American officials “are discussing what Pakistan needs to do to justify American support for its membership in the 48-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group, which governs trade in nuclear fuel and technology.”
At present, Pakistan is not an internationally recognised nuclear power. The father of the country’s nuclear weapons programme, A.Q. Khan, has been accused of providing nuclear technologies to countries such as North Korea and Iran.
Recently, former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani had said in an interview that Tehran had received nuclear centrifuges from Pakistan.
It is worth noting that the NYT editorial comes at a time when tensions are running high between India and Pakistan. The editorial also criticises Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not doing anything “to engage Islamabad on security issues, and he also bears responsibility for current tensions
It seems NYT is after pakistan's nukes. So much is being written about pakistan's nuke in NYT these days.
The last time Pakistan made a strategic missile was 2004? Shaheen 2?
On the other hand India?
Hardly a race
We're not NPT, CTBT, FMCT signatories or ratifiers, therefore, legally, come suck our d***s........... the article is so full of shit that my computer started stinking..........

You cannot deny that NYT is no ordinary paper...it reflects US policy makers opinion. Unless Pakistan give a hoot to what Washington thinks, Pakistan should take this seriously.
We not only give two hoots, but multiple hoots to what NYT publishes or what is the collective strategy of the State Department...... you'd do the same, if you someday sat down and without prejudice counted their successes, both diplomatic and military in the past decade in our region........... as far as subcontinent is the place in question, Yanks have lost their latitude / influence and arm twisting ability...... there is a new million pound gorilla in town, sorry dragon....... deal with it first and then pay us a visit. Typical Yanks and their opeds.......

You cannot deny that NYT is no ordinary paper...it reflects US policy makers opinion. Unless Pakistan give a hoot to what Washington thinks, Pakistan should take this seriously.
Losing game? Pakistan already has enough nukes to end Hindustan as we know it. And that is all that matters.
may be but they need delivery vehicle to reach the place which is going to be interrupted by many fold of air defense system india is going to generate in near future. Plus an equal danger of stiff response , how is pak going to deal with it in future.??
Losing game? Pakistan already has enough nukes to end Hindustan as we know it. And that is all that matters.
Modern wars are not fought using nukes but economic power. Hasnt pakistan already lost the terrorist game ? After years of supporting them , they are busy trying to wind them up. It is just a matter of time for pakistan to fall in line. Already pakistan is dancing to the tunes of multilateral financial agencies. Dont cite china as savior they are dependent on US for their export economy. Until the dollar reigns you have no choice.
Modern wars are not fought using nukes but economic power. Hasnt pakistan already lost the terrorist game ? After years of supporting them , they are busy trying to wind them up. It is just a matter of time for pakistan to fall in line. Already pakistan is dancing to the tunes of multilateral financial agencies. Dont cite china as savior they are dependent on US for their export economy. Until the dollar reigns you have no choice.
And i would like to add that US is already working on its CONTAIN CHINA POLICY.... this means in near future there is a possibility that Chinese financial muscles starts crippling and in this case Pakistan can expect but China can't policy will follow.
  • Now that Iran nuclear is locked in, Uncle Sam is turning to Pakistan - next on the list.
We not only give two hoots, but multiple hoots to what NYT publishes or what is the collective strategy of the State Department...... you'd do the same, if you someday sat down and without prejudice counted their successes, both diplomatic and military in the past decade in our region........... as far as subcontinent is the place in question, Yanks have lost their latitude / influence and arm twisting ability...... there is a new million pound gorilla in town, sorry dragon....... deal with it first and then pay us a visit. Typical Yanks and their opeds.......
Middle finger up for NYT :pdf:

NYT and WSJ are better off from other countries business, these racist bigots run down any other Non-White countries. They control the intellectual narratives, of our Angrez *** kissing Desis, and I don't understand why certain Desi intellectuals are so in love with the white guys approval. The colonial mindset still prevails I guess.

NYT, BBC and WSJ will always print negative news about South Asia, ASEAN and China. bloody colonialists.
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