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Pak Heading towards massive civil unrest following 2018 General election

Are we heading towards Civil war after 2018

  • Nope

    Votes: 56 62.9%
  • Yes

    Votes: 14 15.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 7 7.9%
  • military won't let it happen

    Votes: 12 13.5%

  • Total voters
You are not educated enough to get a response typical potian

This tells a lot about you and your background.

It's not even a potian forum and you can keep your bloody opinion to yourself

There are people in Pakistan who are paray likhay jahil and you are a leader of them

Show us more about your family background and education and manners you being told about your elders

Exactly the jahil uneducated response i expected

Go search up on Google, what financial regulations mean and what an endowment fund means?

You're dismissed son
Sir, 71 happened due to letting go of the caught traitors .... elections happened much later. This time the traitors have been taken out one by one (Altaf, Nawaz etc) so civil war is out of question.
A traitor is only out when his neck is broken by a thick rope.

Pakistan was born out of civilian struggle and not out of armed revolt against the state.
Im not talking about civilian supremacy I just want freedom of democracy and social equality both are ways to create social equilibrium in the long term , the idea of a welfare state and ideology of Quaid which has been ignored since the creation of the country by the so called armed forces.
Armed forces has nothing to do with politics , they need to learn to respect people , they've militarised the whole country and people are being tortured not just in Pakistan but in surrounding states due to the policies of the so called defenders.

They should know and learn better otherwise will be forced to repeat history.
1971 was when the two nation theory sank in the Bay of Bengal because some skank generals took office, how many of those mass murderers were caught ?
Officers were ordered to burn down whole city blocks with flame throwers in Dhaka and clear evidence exists yet nobody was caught in Pakistan for war crimes, those officers who were sane enough went insane and many families were destroyed because a certain state institution was doing politics.
Military has Governed Pakistan for 50% of its existence and has ruined it.
And the other 50%... the civilians PM's like Benazir, Zaradari, Nawaz have not done good either. It is one institution which is defending Pakistan even if it has had problems.

But a political manipulated hung parliament is definately a worse case scenario in politically saturated countries like Pakistan.

Men in uniform are doing every thing to keep foriegn policy, india policy , afghan policy, Pak-US relations, nuclear policy, kashmir policy, middle east policy and internal counter terrorism in their hands.
So if the foreign policy and internal policies were actually in hands of men like Zardari and Nawaz, Pakistan would be doing better, is that what you are trying to say?
not a bad thing when a business tycoon is at the helm of the affairs . Countless time the political elite was given things on a platter but nobody showed no guts to take the driving seat .

The problem with our ruling thugs is that they advertantly prefer to be neutral and dumb on many issues to settle some past scores with their own military ---------

like no full time foreign and defence minister for the last 4 years. So when yiu run things on adhoc basis some one will fill the power vacuum for sure
Why appoint a useless foriegn minister. When he is powerless and cant decide any thing on foreign policy.
Men in uniform have absolute control over security and foreign policy and their idiotic policies have made us isolated.
Even china is not syppirting our policy of state jihad.
The proxies of men in uniform are a liability.
If Imran came to power, with pir paghara in sindh, their will be no unrest. Imran should be Angela Merkel of Pakistan.
Your comments starts with a big "IF".

Imran and Merkel , my goodness.merkel gona sue you in court of law on such a pathetic joke.
Men in uniform have absolute control over security
I agree , the defense of a country has always been the duty of men in uniform.

and foreign policy and their idiotic policies have made us isolated

navaz himself presented the ghq with partial control on the foreign affairs to save his and his family's skin from the model town killings' of innocent women and kids back in 2014. So much for a Democratically elected p.m.

The proxies of men in uniform are a liability.

after the clean up operation in fata and bordering town with Afghanistan the civil govt was requested many a times to politically intervene in those areas to establish a civilian set up but nobody gave shitt then and none is giving now .
Exactly the jahil uneducated response i expected

Go search up on Google, what financial regulations mean and what an endowment fund means?

You're dismissed son
Lol baita you are more uneducated then anyone else here is this forum I guess

Only you and IK knows the financial system lol and even SC asked IK today to give solid proves about his residence not just some emails and chats lol

Corrupt leader and corrupt followers who thinks IK as their god

You are not even worth of any response from me now on as you have already shown your family background and manners level

You are fired now
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