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Pak Gives 34 planes to 3 Arab states


These brotherly countries have given us free oil for many a years after 9/11. Does anyone know how many billions of dollars that was---thank yuo to the arab nations who helped us.

I agree
its a two way process
our SSG provides personal protection to the Saudi royal family. our army protected Saudis during the cold war. ( refer to War with Yemen in Military border town Sharurah for more)
we provided engineers, doctors, pilots, soldiers etc and got financial help in return.
Suddenly, how did this thread open again ??

Mashak is an excellent trainer and also not too expensive.
So it will suit Pakistan and other Arab Air Forces well.

This is all called politics buddy. 34 aircrafts could be a gift in some people's eye, some people would say it a "bait". But in response what Pakistan is getting or gonna get is far from over:rolleyes:

but our politicians are fraud, what do u expect from them.
in the case of KSA, we get discounted fuel....we can donate a few planes, they can give us highly refined jet fuel at good price. I have no problem with it personally. If they like the aircrafts, we should sell them. We aren't the only ones who love our weapons :D

Correct me please if I am mistaken----I believe that you can install rocket launcher pods under the wings and certain other weapons systems on the super mashak---.


SM can carry 3 crew, thus further reducing pilot workload. It has now air-conditioner which would keep them relaxed at 20,000 feet

One pilot can fly, one can navigate & the 3rd can fire Kalashnikov straight into the the intakes of enemy aircraft. :)

WRT your query, you are referring to K-8 :)
Chaudhry replied that Pakistan had recently sold Mushak aircraft to South Africa

Hmm, they sold just one Mushak to SA as per the article...Designed by Swedish guy, copy of SAAB safari...hmm
Hmm, they sold just one Mushak to SA as per the article...Designed by Swedish guy, copy of SAAB safari...hmm

The safari was upgraded to mushaq... here we r taking about Super Mushak! developed by PAC.
great....as it is a demo platform most likely, they can evaluate it and see whether they would like to induct a squadron or two for training purposes

good news for PAC and all Pakistan Nation.
The safari was upgraded to mushaq... here we r taking about Super Mushak! developed by PAC.

It is a propeller plane dude....and here is Daily Times saying its a jet!

Pakistan hands over 8 Super Mushak jets to Saudi Arabia

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan on Tuesday handed over the first consignment of eight Super Mushak jets to Saudi Arabia.
Whats wrong with Pakistani newspapers....Its a factual mistake!!!!
I am worried about the reputation of Pakistan's leading newspapers - Not you dear!

WOW man... a journalist calling a plane jet is such a BIG THING for some indian guy?
Want me to post such small mistakes frm indian media? But hey i wont coz i dnt want to derail this thread,.... ur sole purpose.

Good luck:tdown:
I do not know the price tag of Mushshak.
How much does PAC MFI-395 Super Mushshak cost?
Whats done is done I believe PAC MFI-395 Super Mushshak has a great potential and market in African states there are as many as 160 private flying clubs, and perhaps PAF need vigorous marketing to some African Air Forces.
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