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PAK FA vs. F-22

It's the first time i've seen a comparison with some good pics btw Pak-fa and F22. The designs are quite similar, although there are some major diffrences which you can clearly see in the pics. technologically F-22 seems to be superior to Pak-fa for now, atleast for what i've read on internet but Pak-fa is still under development.

Russians have come up with some nice design but what really matter's the capability to do with this machine. I personally think that F-22 is better then Pak-Fa in both design and tech. Russian don't have good taste in designs like U.S, i mean americans have an edge over everyone else in this field. Lets wait and see what future reserve for us maybe russian will come up with a hole new futuristic design which can overcome F-22 in both tech and design!
No way pak-fa can compete with the F-22 the American spend lots off money resources and time to come up with perfect design the just have every thing they need to achieve their goal. but that's doesn't mean pak-fa is a toy.
Its just like you guys comparing BMW with Mercedes
Every Country know what is good for them and what is bad Both are fighter Jets
Every one has own Specialties

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