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PAK-FA takes to the sky!

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can any one tell me wat's the importance of two seater plane
why does india prefer them
Wat's the advantage

Well it increases long range mission effectiveness.

But mainly it allows for India to have first hand experience in making the plane rather that the Russians just making it for us.

That's what India worried about, the Russians just take Indian cash and then stone wall our design teams from a full development role. and just give us a plane they made.

But since we requested a variant of the plane, Indian teams will need to take a primary role in its design. and fully participate in he development stages of the fgfa. some thing they cant do on the PAK-fa , as its development was alredy done by the time India joined the Russians.

HAL will no doubt use experience and skills gained on this project. Into Indigenous projects. Like the MCA which will be developed simultaneously.

As a result of all this India circumvented about 8 years in the R&D required for stealth air craft. and is also getting stealth aircraft 10 years before it should.
can any one tell me wat's the importance of two seater plane
why does india prefer them
Wat's the advantage

Multitasking ,single seater means information overload for the pilot .Two seater one may do the navigation the other person may do other
India's first stealth fighter to fly in 4 months :victory:

In less than four months from now, India's first stealth fighter will fly for the first time. It is called the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft or FGFA being developed in Russia by Sukhoi.

The FGFA is designed to have a top speed of approximately Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound.

It has the ability to supercruise or operate at speeds beyond the speed of sound without engaging systems such as afterburners which consume huge amounts of fuel.

The aircraft will be equipped with an electronically scanned array radar whose beams are electronically steered to detect targets with maximum accuracy.

India, which has partnered Russia in the development of multi-role fighter Sukhoi 30 MKI, is a key player in the FGFA project and is expected to pay a sizeable chunk of the $3 billion needed to fund development of the fighter.

"The prototype will take off this year," said Alexei Fedorov, president of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation.

Several of the technologies being developed for the stealth fighter have evolved from those used in the Sukhoi 30 MKI.

Considered the most maneuverable fighter in the world, the Sukhoi 30 MKI uses thrust vectored engines which deflect the exhaust from its engines to extreme angles which enable the jet to pull off violent maneuvers like a flat spin where the jet literally spins around on its axis.

As new technological advancements are being developed for the stealth fighter, they will also find their way into the Sukhoi 30.

India's first stealth fighter to fly in 4 months
^^hard to digest,within 4 months?

I hope this is going to be our chrismas Gift this year....but if prototype ready to fly in 4 months... then Production will not tke more than 1 or 2 years...and if this holds true then I don't think we require large number of MRCAs..
Russo-Indian 5-Gen stealth fighter to take to the skies in four months news

31 August 2009

New Delhi: India's first fifth generation stealth fighter aircraft will take to the skies in four month's time, a senior Indian defence ministry official said Sunday.

"The aircraft, which can attain a top speed of Mach 2 or twice the speed of sound without consumption of huge amounts of aviation fuel, is being developed by Sukhoi in Russia under a $3 billion deal," the official said, on condition of anonymity.

"It is to be equipped with high-end radars which can detect targets with maximum accuracy," he said.

Many advanced technologies that will be used in the stealth fighter have been adapted from the multi-role fighter aircraft, Sukhoi-30MKI.

Earlier, at the MAKS 2009 air show, held at Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, this month, Sukhoi director general, Mikhail Pogosyan, told reporters that the 5-Gen fighter would make its maiden flight by the year-end.

"We will spare no effort for this to happen this year, and I believe we have every reason to say this work is proceeding according to plan," he said.

domain-b.com : Russo-Indian 5-Gen stealth fighter to take to the skies in four months
Fifth generation fighter image intrigues MAKS 2009


An image of the Russian fifth-generation jet fighter T-50 – now under development – has popped up at MAKS 2009 International Air Show as an ornament on lapel pins.
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Until now nothing has been officially conveyed about the new jet fighter’s looks.

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The image on the pins suggests that it is going to be a monoplane with widely spaced engines and two outward-canted fins, says Vedomosti daily, adding that it seems the jet fighter has been designed using stealth technology.

A source in the Sukhoi construction bureau has dismissed the label pins as “cheap Chinese fakes”, but another source in the Russian aviation industry says the images they carry have a strong resemblance to the T-50 jet fighter.

The fifth-generation jet fighter project was started in Russia in the 90s and is currently being developed by the Sukhoi construction bureau and the scientific development and production center “Saturn”.

It was earlier said that the T-50 flight tests could start as soon as November this year.

That has been confirmed at MAKS 2009 by the Chief Commander of the Russian Air Force, Aleksandr Zelin, who said that three T-50s are being assembled at a plant in Russia’s Far East.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who attended the MAKS 2009 Aviation & Space Salon on Tuesday said that the production of the fifth-generation jet fighter is one of the priorities of the Russian aircraft industry, and ordered the supply of necessary resources to assist the fighter’s development.

Fifth generation fighter image intrigues MAKS 2009 - RT
The Commander said that the AL-41 turbofan, originally meant to power both these futuristic combat aircraft, will not be available in time for powering the prototypes of these two aircraft. Instead, an uprated AL-31FP turbofan developed by NPO Saturn will be used for the PAK-FA’s initial flight-tests, due to get underway by early next year. However, when it comes to FGFA, which is to be co-developed by HAL, Sukhoi Experimental Aircraft Design Bureau and United Aircraft Corp, the uprated AL-31FP will be the definitive powerplant.

FORCE - A Complete News Magazine on National Security - Defence Magazine

So FGFA will only get the same Saturn S117 that now is in use of Su35 BM and also will be used in the upg MKIs, but not the real AL 41 engine that Pak FA will get. Of course that is an advantage for IAF in case of commonality and costs, but what advantages will the real AL 41 engine could have over the S117?

Here are some infos from the official Saturn site:


The 117С engine is a deep modernization of the AL-31F engine (generation 4++)

The 117С is an aircraft turbofan engine with a variable thrust nozzle of generation 4++ developed by NPO Saturn to the Sukhoi Design Bureau order for the export Su-35 fighter.

The 117С engine is a deep thrust-life modernization of the AL-31FP, which will be installed on the latest Sukhoi Su-30/Su-30MKI aircraft.

The modernized engine thrust has been increased by 16% compared to the base AL-31FP engine, and has reached 14500 kgf, the lifetime has been doubled, up to 4000 hours.

Such high parameters, on retention of the overall dimensions and weight, are attained due to application of an absolutely new high-tech low pressure compressor with increased air flow and efficiency, a new high-performance turbine of increased reliability with an improved blade cooling system and digital engine control system integrated with the aircraft control system.

The declared parameters have been confirmed in the course of the demonstrator engine bench and flight tests. A special NPO Saturn achievement is a stable and reliable operation of the engine at Mach number exceeding 2, which was obtained in the course of the demonstrator flight tests.

As for geometry and attachment points on the aircraft, the 117С engine conforms to its predecessors, generation 4 AL-31F and AL-31FP engines. This makes it possible, with slightly developed engine nacelles and equipment, to use the 117С engine for modernization of the entire aircraft fleet of previously manufactured Su-27/Su-30, operational both by the Russian and foreign Air Force.

On 19 February 2008, a new 117С-powered Su-35 aircraft successfully performed its first test flight.

So is this a good decision, or will there be a big difference to Pak Fa?

Another interesting point of the article is this:

Contrary to the intense pre-show hype about Russia lifting the curtains off its long-awaited 22.5-tonne PAK-FA fifth-generation multi-role combat aircraft and the first definitive MiG-35UBK tandem-seat prototype (from United Aircraft Corp’s Nizhny Novgorod-based Sokol Aircraft Factory), no such event eventually took place. Instead, what was showcased were a smaller number of new-generation precision-guided munitions (PGM), and avionics for the PAK-FA and its 16.5-tonne variant, the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).

FGFA will be 6t lighter than Pak Fa, althhough it will be a double seat version?
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Ilya Fedorov: The engine of the fifth generation integrates the best of what is today in Russia's engine industry-

In created in Russia Joint new engine corporation special role of the Scientific-Production Association "Saturn".The company now sells a number of major engine program, on which depends the whole future of Russia's aviation. What kind of program to "Interfax-AVN said the new head of Saturn Ilya Fedorov.

The Interfax-AVN, September 3, 2009

- Ilya, will the "Saturn" to develop the engine of the fifth generation?

- No one questioned the participation of our company in this program, because all that we have today on the fifth generation fighter aircraft has been reached, as we know, the engine that made the Saturn.

- Do you mean the engine 117S, which are equipped with a multifunctional fighters Su-35 and which, according to experts, is largely consistent with the requirements of the engine of the fifth generation?

It was created as a result of deep modernization of the engine AL-31F.But if we're talking about an engine for future aviation system frontline aircraft (PAK FA), it must be a completely new engine that nobody, including Saturn, alone can not do. Similar developments were carried out with the broad cooperation.

Incidentally, the domestic engine building since the Soviet Union has traditionally been the distribution of roles between the design bureau, which specialized in the development of various engine components. I am sure that this is what will be developed and the engine of the fifth generation.

Who will act as an integrator in this project will determine the customer - Air Force Russia. But those developments that have at our company, allow a high probability to assume that "Saturn" will remain the lead organization for the development of fifth-generation engine, as defined previously.

- What other component and engine company will be included in co-operatives to develop a power plant for the PAK FA?

- I think, in dealing with such large-scale task will involve all the component and engine design bureau, non-integrated new engine corporation.It is known that the best laboratory facilities for fine-tuning of engine components than SNTK behalf Kuznetsova, found nowhere else in the world. Although, of course, it requires modernization. Leading to gas generators has always been the Perm KB. As part of the rotating nozzle best solutions offered by Klimov. we talk about the so-called hot engine parts, there is undoubtedly a leader "Saturn". In the cold part is of interest of use in the Moscow Salyut.

Engine of the fifth generation integrates the best of what is today in Russia's engine building.

- Is there a clear understanding of what this engine will be different from the power plants of the fourth generation?

- Firstly, I want to say that some technical difficulties in creating an engine of the fifth generation, we do not see. His creation - the question time and money.

The engine for the PAK FA will be different from now produced aircraft engines less weight and more traction, but still very serious actions to reduce visibility. This is the foundation.

Here we do not discover America, much has been implemented in engines that are installed on the U.S. fifth generation fighter F-22 and F-35.Since we are on the path to which we have already passed our foreign colleagues, try to avoid the problems they faced when developing these engines.

- They say that the most important feature of the engine is the fifth generation supersonic cruising.

- I must say, our engine, I mean the 117S, is already providing such a regime.The main task for the engine of the fifth generation - to provide quality higher performance for fuel consumption and thrust characteristics, as well as the thermal signature.

- At the MAKS-2009 was signed a contract to supply Russia's Air Force 48 Su-35 with engines 117S. Will this order loading of military production "Saturn" before the engine will be the fifth generation?

- Of course, we are very glad that Russia's Air Force finally began to buy modern aircraft, moreover, equipped with our engines. But I should note that downloading so many engines or for "Saturn" or for the Ufa Engine Industrial Association is not decisive.She does a lot of money, although, of course, support any part of production, employment, production of military engines.

- By the way, how do you assess the prospects for advancing the Su-35 for export? Passed a information about that to this car show serious interest in many foreign customers, notably China.

- We do not sell airplanes, our business - the engine.But sure, the Su-35 will be in demand not only Russia's Air Force, but also foreign customers. And if they contracted the aircraft, the supply of engines, we will provide.

- Can the engine 117S apply not only to the Su-35, but on other machines?

- Of course it can. First, the planes that use engine AL-31F.As well as foreign cars.It's no secret that our Chinese partners are developing aircraft with engines like the AL-31F.

But again this is not for us to decide where to sell our engines. There is a special state intermediary in the person of Rosoboronexport. We only participate in the negotiations in terms of technology, providing consulting services.

- And what about the execution of the contract to build India's new aviation engine AL-55?

The engine is created, it flies the plane HJT-36. Of course, there are certain issues of technical nature, faced by virtually all producers of aircraft engines, but they can be solved.We, together with UMPO, our partner in this project, now working to increase engine life.

For example, AL-55 Saturn revealed as soon as possible with a sheet, in a relatively short time, using the latest technology, to create a new engine.

The challenge now is to provide customization and mass production of the new engine. Hope we would get.

- Expressed interest in whether the engine AL-55 Russia's aircraft manufacturers?

- This engine can be installed on the MiG-AT, but the fact is that Russia's Air Force as a major educational and military aircraft have chosen, as is known, Yak-130, which uses a slightly different engine.

However, if the customer, the problems with the delivery of the engine will not. Engine of such dimension as the AL-55 now there is not only in Russia but also worldwide.

- Whether to continue the "Saturn" works on the program creation engine Burlak intended for remotorizatsii military transport aircraft IL-76 family?

- Burlak - the engine is really interesting, especially as it is developed in a relatively small money. But, unfortunately, we do not see a market for this engine.The fact that Park Il-76 tankers and Il-78 is reduced. Our military customers have sufficient number of spare engines for these aircraft, and proposals for the installation of IL-76 engines Burlak of them has yet been received.

In addition, as we know, there is the decision to establish on the basis of IL-76 new variant of the Ilyushin Il-76MF aircraft engine PS-90A. And here is the corporate policy, beyond which we will not leave.

Nevertheless, work on the program Burlak maintained, they are not curtailed, but a lot of money for the project until firm orders the company to spend will not.

- And what dividends you expect from your main project in the field of civil aviation engine - SaM146 engine for Russia's new regional jet Sukhoi Superjet 100?

- Design and manufacture of such an engine as SaM146 - a costly thing, big business in it yet no one had done that, and run a lot of money on this project, we are not waiting. value is different: we are very close to Western technology, learned how to work with them.No design bureau, no engine manufacturing company in Russia, except Saturn, this experience does not.

We had a fundamental restructuring of the company under the production of experimental engines - today we are up to ten items. And most importantly, that people who are working on a program SaM146 can and other engine-enterprises through corporate universities JDC train their colleagues on how to design and produce engines by Western standards, where most other canons of reliability and other characteristics.

Our specialists have been trained in France, Germany, Japan, is well mastered the most modern Western equipment.Unfortunately, the domestic machine tool industry is in decline and, frankly, its just not there. Therefore we have to use Western equipment.And this - programming, digital production, etc. As a result, Saturn has come to an entirely new production.

- "Saturn" will ensure timely supply of engines for the Superjet?

- We have a schedule, which determined that the certification of the engine should be completed in November. Let's proceed from that.

Today it is definitely possible to say that the engine failed.It flies well, confirms all the declared characteristics and noise, and fuel efficiency. No technical problems there.The main task now - as soon as possible to certify and deploy a full-scale production.

- Does the "Saturn" for the necessary financial resources?

Promised by the Government of 5,2 billion rubles, which will be included in the charter capital, will come later. State provided us loans through Vneshtorgbank. We have completely bought all the necessary equipment for the next year, in preparation of production capacities, which will be made parts of the engine SaM146.

- "Saturn", as is known, except for aircraft engines, is developing a gas turbine units for marine equipment and engines for cruise missiles.How are things going here?

- Sea theme, we plan to engage in the future. We expect that soon will arrive in Rybinsk Navy Commander Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, to see our capabilities and to understand what has been done.After his visit, we will set your volume orders and deliveries.

I would like to note that this is - dual engines. They may also apply to the civil courts.

As for rocket engines and engines for unmanned aerial vehicles, then this theme in "Saturn" also remains. Previously, these engines were made at the Ukrainian company "Motor Sich". Several years ago, their serial production was mastered at the "Saturn".No problems with their production there. Of course, such episodes, which were earlier, when several thousand were produced by the engines a year, today there.But even if it is carried on 200 - 250 pieces - is also good.

- What are the prospects for "Saturn" on the roar of gas pumping units and power plants established on the basis of gas turbine engines?

- This is the most promising topics from a business standpoint.Here we see the basic earnings, basic earnings, which will guide the development of new engines, the development of the enterprise.

Great attention to this direction in the domestic engine-paid executives OPK Oboronprom and GC Rostekhnologii, which provides all possible assistance and support.

For the engine is very important to have large volumes.No volumes - no engine, but here everything will be. Creating energy turbine units - a very promising business.In addition to electricity, it is also a secondary heat, which, through exhaust-heat boilers can be used to heat homes and industrial buildings.

Modern gas turbines - a very cost-effective and far more profitable than many other settings. At JDC has a number of pilot projects with a number of regions that we do not wish to disclose.This will be done later, but believe me, their implementation will bring a lot of money. Including for "Saturn".

Our subsidiary company "Saturn - Gas turbines" is defined by the general contractor for the construction of power facilities JDC turnkey-based gas turbine units

- What do you see the role and place of Saturn in the United corporations new engine?

- "Saturn" - JDC principal place of business - with the strongest design bureau and promising for developing the plant, which is now rebuilt, modernized. As a result, it will be new production.

In our view, the "Saturn" within the JDC is one of the best prospects. The company is very diversified. It developed and produced a wide range of different gas turbine engines.That - and the rockets, and aircraft engines for military and civil aviation and maritime theme, and gas turbine capacity to 145 megawatts. In "Saturn" is a very good test base, which no one else.

Industrial policy "Saturn" in this sense simply perfect.For such enterprises as "Saturn" - the future.
AVIA.RU: ????? ????????:
good work Mr Sudhir007

after seeing your post i just couldn't say thanx and leave

so :toast_sign:
The armed forces of Russia will purchase the fifth generation fighter in 2015
September 19, AVIA.RU - Armed forces of Russia will purchase the fifth generation fighter in 2015, reports Lenta.ru with reference to the Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin.
Defense will buy planes PAK FA (also known as T-50) after it is executed a contract to supply 48 Su-35 (generation 4 + +).How many fifth-generation fighter will be equipped with Russia's Air Force, Popovkin not specified. The new fighter will be needed for combat operations in modern conditions of combat aircraft, the deputy minister explained. "Who first saw, and who can afford weapons that would get, will win" - he said.
Ilya Fedorov: The engine of the fifth generation integrates the best of what is today in Russia's engine industry-

In created in Russia Joint new engine corporation special role of the Scientific-Production Association "Saturn".The company now sells a number of major engine program, on which depends the whole future of Russia's aviation. What kind of program to "Interfax-AVN said the new head of Saturn Ilya Fedorov.

The Interfax-AVN, September 3, 2009

- Ilya, will the "Saturn" to develop the engine of the fifth generation?

- No one questioned the participation of our company in this program, because all that we have today on the fifth generation fighter aircraft has been reached, as we know, the engine that made the Saturn.

- Do you mean the engine 117S, which are equipped with a multifunctional fighters Su-35 and which, according to experts, is largely consistent with the requirements of the engine of the fifth generation?

It was created as a result of deep modernization of the engine AL-31F.But if we're talking about an engine for future aviation system frontline aircraft (PAK FA), it must be a completely new engine that nobody, including Saturn, alone can not do. Similar developments were carried out with the broad cooperation.

Incidentally, the domestic engine building since the Soviet Union has traditionally been the distribution of roles between the design bureau, which specialized in the development of various engine components. I am sure that this is what will be developed and the engine of the fifth generation.

Who will act as an integrator in this project will determine the customer - Air Force Russia. But those developments that have at our company, allow a high probability to assume that "Saturn" will remain the lead organization for the development of fifth-generation engine, as defined previously.

- What other component and engine company will be included in co-operatives to develop a power plant for the PAK FA?

- I think, in dealing with such large-scale task will involve all the component and engine design bureau, non-integrated new engine corporation.It is known that the best laboratory facilities for fine-tuning of engine components than SNTK behalf Kuznetsova, found nowhere else in the world. Although, of course, it requires modernization. Leading to gas generators has always been the Perm KB. As part of the rotating nozzle best solutions offered by Klimov. we talk about the so-called hot engine parts, there is undoubtedly a leader "Saturn". In the cold part is of interest of use in the Moscow Salyut.

Engine of the fifth generation integrates the best of what is today in Russia's engine building.

- Is there a clear understanding of what this engine will be different from the power plants of the fourth generation?

- Firstly, I want to say that some technical difficulties in creating an engine of the fifth generation, we do not see. His creation - the question time and money.

The engine for the PAK FA will be different from now produced aircraft engines less weight and more traction, but still very serious actions to reduce visibility. This is the foundation.

Here we do not discover America, much has been implemented in engines that are installed on the U.S. fifth generation fighter F-22 and F-35.Since we are on the path to which we have already passed our foreign colleagues, try to avoid the problems they faced when developing these engines.

- They say that the most important feature of the engine is the fifth generation supersonic cruising.

- I must say, our engine, I mean the 117S, is already providing such a regime.The main task for the engine of the fifth generation - to provide quality higher performance for fuel consumption and thrust characteristics, as well as the thermal signature.

- At the MAKS-2009 was signed a contract to supply Russia's Air Force 48 Su-35 with engines 117S. Will this order loading of military production "Saturn" before the engine will be the fifth generation?

- Of course, we are very glad that Russia's Air Force finally began to buy modern aircraft, moreover, equipped with our engines. But I should note that downloading so many engines or for "Saturn" or for the Ufa Engine Industrial Association is not decisive.She does a lot of money, although, of course, support any part of production, employment, production of military engines.

- By the way, how do you assess the prospects for advancing the Su-35 for export? Passed a information about that to this car show serious interest in many foreign customers, notably China.

- We do not sell airplanes, our business - the engine.But sure, the Su-35 will be in demand not only Russia's Air Force, but also foreign customers. And if they contracted the aircraft, the supply of engines, we will provide.

- Can the engine 117S apply not only to the Su-35, but on other machines?

- Of course it can. First, the planes that use engine AL-31F.As well as foreign cars.It's no secret that our Chinese partners are developing aircraft with engines like the AL-31F.

But again this is not for us to decide where to sell our engines. There is a special state intermediary in the person of Rosoboronexport. We only participate in the negotiations in terms of technology, providing consulting services.

- And what about the execution of the contract to build India's new aviation engine AL-55?

The engine is created, it flies the plane HJT-36. Of course, there are certain issues of technical nature, faced by virtually all producers of aircraft engines, but they can be solved.We, together with UMPO, our partner in this project, now working to increase engine life.

For example, AL-55 Saturn revealed as soon as possible with a sheet, in a relatively short time, using the latest technology, to create a new engine.

The challenge now is to provide customization and mass production of the new engine. Hope we would get.

- Expressed interest in whether the engine AL-55 Russia's aircraft manufacturers?

- This engine can be installed on the MiG-AT, but the fact is that Russia's Air Force as a major educational and military aircraft have chosen, as is known, Yak-130, which uses a slightly different engine.

However, if the customer, the problems with the delivery of the engine will not. Engine of such dimension as the AL-55 now there is not only in Russia but also worldwide.

- Whether to continue the "Saturn" works on the program creation engine Burlak intended for remotorizatsii military transport aircraft IL-76 family?

- Burlak - the engine is really interesting, especially as it is developed in a relatively small money. But, unfortunately, we do not see a market for this engine.The fact that Park Il-76 tankers and Il-78 is reduced. Our military customers have sufficient number of spare engines for these aircraft, and proposals for the installation of IL-76 engines Burlak of them has yet been received.

In addition, as we know, there is the decision to establish on the basis of IL-76 new variant of the Ilyushin Il-76MF aircraft engine PS-90A. And here is the corporate policy, beyond which we will not leave.

Nevertheless, work on the program Burlak maintained, they are not curtailed, but a lot of money for the project until firm orders the company to spend will not.

- And what dividends you expect from your main project in the field of civil aviation engine - SaM146 engine for Russia's new regional jet Sukhoi Superjet 100?

- Design and manufacture of such an engine as SaM146 - a costly thing, big business in it yet no one had done that, and run a lot of money on this project, we are not waiting. value is different: we are very close to Western technology, learned how to work with them.No design bureau, no engine manufacturing company in Russia, except Saturn, this experience does not.

We had a fundamental restructuring of the company under the production of experimental engines - today we are up to ten items. And most importantly, that people who are working on a program SaM146 can and other engine-enterprises through corporate universities JDC train their colleagues on how to design and produce engines by Western standards, where most other canons of reliability and other characteristics.

Our specialists have been trained in France, Germany, Japan, is well mastered the most modern Western equipment.Unfortunately, the domestic machine tool industry is in decline and, frankly, its just not there. Therefore we have to use Western equipment.And this - programming, digital production, etc. As a result, Saturn has come to an entirely new production.

- "Saturn" will ensure timely supply of engines for the Superjet?

- We have a schedule, which determined that the certification of the engine should be completed in November. Let's proceed from that.

Today it is definitely possible to say that the engine failed.It flies well, confirms all the declared characteristics and noise, and fuel efficiency. No technical problems there.The main task now - as soon as possible to certify and deploy a full-scale production.

- Does the "Saturn" for the necessary financial resources?

Promised by the Government of 5,2 billion rubles, which will be included in the charter capital, will come later. State provided us loans through Vneshtorgbank. We have completely bought all the necessary equipment for the next year, in preparation of production capacities, which will be made parts of the engine SaM146.

- "Saturn", as is known, except for aircraft engines, is developing a gas turbine units for marine equipment and engines for cruise missiles.How are things going here?

- Sea theme, we plan to engage in the future. We expect that soon will arrive in Rybinsk Navy Commander Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, to see our capabilities and to understand what has been done.After his visit, we will set your volume orders and deliveries.

I would like to note that this is - dual engines. They may also apply to the civil courts.

As for rocket engines and engines for unmanned aerial vehicles, then this theme in "Saturn" also remains. Previously, these engines were made at the Ukrainian company "Motor Sich". Several years ago, their serial production was mastered at the "Saturn".No problems with their production there. Of course, such episodes, which were earlier, when several thousand were produced by the engines a year, today there.But even if it is carried on 200 - 250 pieces - is also good.

- What are the prospects for "Saturn" on the roar of gas pumping units and power plants established on the basis of gas turbine engines?

- This is the most promising topics from a business standpoint.Here we see the basic earnings, basic earnings, which will guide the development of new engines, the development of the enterprise.

Great attention to this direction in the domestic engine-paid executives OPK Oboronprom and GC Rostekhnologii, which provides all possible assistance and support.

For the engine is very important to have large volumes.No volumes - no engine, but here everything will be. Creating energy turbine units - a very promising business.In addition to electricity, it is also a secondary heat, which, through exhaust-heat boilers can be used to heat homes and industrial buildings.

Modern gas turbines - a very cost-effective and far more profitable than many other settings. At JDC has a number of pilot projects with a number of regions that we do not wish to disclose.This will be done later, but believe me, their implementation will bring a lot of money. Including for "Saturn".

Our subsidiary company "Saturn - Gas turbines" is defined by the general contractor for the construction of power facilities JDC turnkey-based gas turbine units

- What do you see the role and place of Saturn in the United corporations new engine?

- "Saturn" - JDC principal place of business - with the strongest design bureau and promising for developing the plant, which is now rebuilt, modernized. As a result, it will be new production.

In our view, the "Saturn" within the JDC is one of the best prospects. The company is very diversified. It developed and produced a wide range of different gas turbine engines.That - and the rockets, and aircraft engines for military and civil aviation and maritime theme, and gas turbine capacity to 145 megawatts. In "Saturn" is a very good test base, which no one else.

Industrial policy "Saturn" in this sense simply perfect.For such enterprises as "Saturn" - the future.

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:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::

Russian Air Force will begin the induction of fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA), which it is developing in partnership with India, from 2015, a senior defence official has said. "Beginning from 2015 we will begin the induction of fifth generation fighters. They will have stealth features, greater engine resource, enhanced target acquisition, new weapon suites and airframe different from the present generation of fighters," Deputy Defence Minister, General Vladimir Popovkin said on "Ekho Moskvy" radio.

India is partnering Russia in the joint development and production of the FGFA under an agreement signed in Moscow in 2007 during Defence Minister AK Antony’s Moscow visit. The two nations are expected to finalise the FGFA contract next month during the Russia visit of Antony for the annual session of the Indo-Russian Intergovernmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation. According to earlier reports the FGFA would be developed on the basis of Sukhoi Corporation's secret PAKFA project. Under the understanding reached between the two countries, a lighter twin-seater version of the fifth generation fighter would be developed for India.
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