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Pak-Fa is work in progress


Feb 21, 2014
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Pak-FA is work in Progress : IAF Sources | idrw.org
what is the problem of Russia :undecided::undecided::undecided:

They dont have suffcient technology and money.They fear if Pak -FA technical details failed to convince IAF team .Their idea of fifth gen will be over and cant sell that outside the Russia.That is what we can see from this report
Can someone post a link on the different technologies that are a part of the various generation of fighters?
what is the problem of Russia :undecided::undecided::undecided:

Absolutely no problem with Russians, it is all no more Mr. Nice Guy in every Arena to hindustanis. As indians cry when russians want to sell things to certain nations hindustanis try to stop them which has been cutting their revenues while hindustanis buy themselves from west at exaggerated price tags.

Since Russians are not interested in giving all critical information regarding PAK-FA ungrateful hindustanis accuse them of "don't have sufficient technology and money" which is hilarious since they sell Oil and Gas while hindustani sells penuts compared.
Absolutely no problem with Russians, it is all no more Mr. Nice Guy in every Arena to hindustanis. As indians cry when russians want to sell things to certain nations hindustanis try to stop them which has been cutting their revenues while hindustanis buy themselves from west at exaggerated price tags.

Since Russians are not interested in giving all critical information regarding PAK-FA ungrateful hindustanis accuse them of "don't have sufficient technology and money" which is hilarious since they sell Oil and Gas while hindustani sells penuts compared.

We are going to spends tens of billions of dollars on this and full demanding full ToT is nothing new.
Absolutely no problem with Russians, it is all no more Mr. Nice Guy in every Arena to hindustanis. As indians cry when russians want to sell things to certain nations hindustanis try to stop them which has been cutting their revenues while hindustanis buy themselves from west at exaggerated price tags.

:blah: :blah:
Russians have lost many competitions to supply helicopters to India & India has gone for the better & more expensive options,while some cash strapped countries are now interested in them,and thinks Indians are objecting such deals,while there is not even one statement made by Indian side...how funny.

which is hilarious since they sell Oil and Gas while hindustani sells penuts compared.

Such kind of hate filled bullshit can only be expected from a 'think tank'..:lol:
We are going to spends tens of billions of dollars on this and full demanding full ToT is nothing new.

Do as you like, annoying Russians isn't nice they can throw your money in your face and go alone with the Project, it is another lie that Russians are short of money they sell as much as 50% of Oil and Gas to Europe huge revenues come from there apart from Defense products being sold do they need you absolutely not.

:blah: :blah:
Russians have lost many competitions to supply helicopters to India & India has gone for the better & more expensive options,while some cash strapped countries are now interested in them,and thinks Indians are objecting such deals,while there is not even one statement made by Indian side...how funny.

Such kind of hate filled bullshit can only be expected from a 'think tank'..:lol:

Where is hate in my post? I am actually praising Russia; its Oil/Gas businesses and the sheer amount of money coming in.
Bogus News......
idrw.org, did you expected something else?

sir,kindly elaborate,,,,otherwise a long futile discussion will commence....
as a TTA,,,one liners dont suite u.(thats for us dumdums:D)

The article is based on wrong claims, unnamed sources and a lot of other bogus claims. The fact is, IAF was not happy with Russias proposal of the EARLY Pak Fa, that is based on the current T50 prototype and should be inducted into Russian Air Force by 2016 and insisted on changes. That however was dealt with years ago and even included in the c-development contracts we signed for FGFA. So all the nonsense that was reported in the recent month, are based on very old statements, with the only aim to sell sensational news.
Do as you like, annoying Russians isn't nice they can throw your money in your face and go alone with the Project, it is another lie that Russians are short of money they sell as much as 50% of Oil and Gas to Europe huge revenues come from there apart from Defense products being sold do they need you absolutely not.

Yes, money would not be a problem if Russia`s entire expenditure was solely meant for this aircraft.

But the fact is that the only other counties that have 5th gen programs are the USA and China, and both have not only much larger defence budgets but also much bigger economies.

Russia on the other hand had suffered a serious setback in aircraft development after the end of the Cold War and had massive financial problems and its GDP is around 2 trillion USD.

India is the only nation that has such good relations to Russia, the will to cooperate and the financial resources to work with the Russians.
Do as you like, annoying Russians isn't nice they can throw your money in your face and go alone with the Project, it is another lie that Russians are short of money they sell as much as 50% of Oil and Gas to Europe huge revenues come from there apart from Defense products being sold do they need you absolutely not.

You couldn't be more wrong! The simple fact to understand how Russia needs India can not only be seen at the projects that we have together, but even more on the products they sell without us buying it. Russia is trying to sell Su 34s and 35s since years, advertising them all over the world in different airshows and with as much political support as possible and still, not a single export deal was done so far! On the other side, the simple fact that IAF procure such a large ammount of Su 30s, that they put it in joint exercises with NATO forces and even that the fighter shows pretty good reliability in IAF are all selling points, that made the Su 30 an export success. The media coverage it got, with IAF selecting it is huge and made it much preferable than even the more capable Su 35.

Another simple example is the Mig 29, IN is the biggest customer of the K version, we funded the production and partially even the salary of the Zhuk ME, several upgrades, which otherwise could not had made because of the lack of funds in Russia.
Same goes for developments or upgrades on the Pak Fa / FGFA (later version), where Russia is still desperately trying to convince more partners like Brazil to join, or even funnier to sell it to S.Korea, simply by the fact that they badly need more exports of the fighter, to keep the development cost now and the operational costs later under control. Same reason why we now take single seat versions first and add the development of the twin seater later, when the costs have fallen to an extend.

The mistake in you logic is, that you forget that Russia has to operate and maintain a large military force, that is a left over of the Soviet times, with a much lower budget today and eventhough they have good ammounts of Oil and Gas, their economy is running low (after the Ukraine crisis even lower). They simply can't pay for maintenance, operations and fund new developments in large ammounts at the same time. Nor do they have the market to sell their defence products in high ammounts anymore, which makes India to their most constant option for defence deals, which they simply can't afford to loose.
They were on a good way to diversify by opening themself towards Europe as defence development partners, that however might be stopped now again, which again makes them only more dependent on India and as well on China as their prime markets, or why they now try to gain more access in Pakistan.
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