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Pak engineer makes car that runs on water

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The engineer is on Geo TV capital talk right now with a couple of senior scientists of Pakistan.

I think that Dr. Ata Ur rehman is plain rude here. He could have said that it is against the laws of thermodynamics and not possible according to the law, and that it should be further investigated by different bodies, rather than saying that this is a complete fraud with the country and rubbish and bakwas. (it may be a hoax).

They answers he was giving to Dr Ata in Talat's program were simply ........

I dont know why ppl can not understand a simple Law ENERGY CANNOT BE CREATED!!!
They answers he was giving to Dr Ata in Talat's program were simply ........

I dont know why ppl can understand a simple Law ENERGY CANNOT BE CREATED!!!

I know that. And that is why i slightly shift towards the Hoax camp.

But a part in me says to wait for a proper technical inspection which is done on the machine on the ground rather than a forum or on TV.

And leaving aside the thermodynamics and the law and the Output is not greater than input,.....the battery of a car is recharged when a vehicle moves. Now if it is charged sufficiently and efficiently in order to do electrolysis repeatedly, I don't know.
if we consider that the system is based on electolysis only, in nut shell

1. the battery is got to be replaced pretty soon if the car runs on water
2. the electrodes (water kit) are to replaced often
3. Engine life is improved

but again i would say Dr. ata has a valid question.. car needs to be checked thoroughly!!!
if we consider that the system is based on electolysis only, in nut shell

1. the battery is got to be replaced pretty soon if the car runs on water
2. the electrodes (water kit) are to replaced often
3. Engine life is improved

but again i would say Dr. ata has a valid question.. car needs to be checked thoroughly!!!

In short, the car may run, but then it becomes a question of feasibility of the device, electrodes, battery etc etc.

A test car, random car also needs to be fitted with the device and made to run, a completely random car, of some scientist or anyone.
Its very easy to run cars on the water. the basic farmula is electrolysis , means decomposition of water into H2 and O2 then utilizing the H2 instead of CNG can run any car or truck.....:smokin:
Anybody who denies this scientific mechanism is trying to fool others if he himself is not ignorant so much....the electrolysis is carried out by means of the battery current already within the car or truck. this mechanism is very old and already experimented successfully within the West/USA but the powerful Oil lobies never let it happen to be commercialized cuz they gonna loose their oil business.Cuz nobody gonna need oil nomore. So keep dreaming guyz .....:lol:

the game is to slave the world.....

If nobody believes me then ask VCheng here on the forum cuz he knows all this secret background business of the NSA in USA and powerful Oil lobbies/secret societies/masonics.....:D

But no one here is saying that you can not run car using Hydrogen produced from water. But where does the electricity for the battery come from? You charge your battery possibly from AC to DC chargers like in UPS. So where does the AC power come from? Majorly fuel burnt in power station? Isn't it. So if you are so fond of using electricity why not put electric motors on wheels and utilize electricity directly(that is how electric cars work) rather than to introduce multiple systems in between that will end up making overall efficiency much less. Suppose I have 100J of energy. So what if I have a system that has 50% efficiency. So i will get 50J as output. Other 50J is wasted. Now I add another intermediate system to this system. What will I get? 25J as output. So I basically reduced the efficiency by needlessly adding additional system. So adding additional systems in not a good choice.

Running car on Hydrogen is not a problem. Problem is this man's claim that it does not utilize a lot of electricity and his claim that the whole system is able to sustain itself that is the car produces enough electrical energy in addition to kinetic energy that it is able to replenish the charge lost in electrolysis. If this claim is not true. Then what he is actually doing is making Hydrogen a carrier of energy fetched from electrical energy. Which as I already told you will decrease efficiency.

On a lighter note if this turns out to be true. Be ready because whatever they taught us at school specially law of thermodynamics and law of conservation of energy is going down the drain.

What exactly are you "congratulating"? The fraud, or the media circus associated with it?

This will not end well, and the image of Paksitan, battered as it is, will take another blow, quite unnecessarily.

Khuda raa, kuch to aqal hosh key nakhun lo!
I wish Pakistan Navy takes it seriously and give up idea of building/getting a SSBN. First treat sea water (this device already exist) in one compartment and then use this engine to generate electricity. Voila, you have sub which require the medium in which it roam, the water itself as a fuel.I have another novel idea.

This time for PAF. Build a device consisting of aerosols so that it can generate water from clouds or air, uses the humidity or water vapours in the atmosphere and then this engine. Voila you can fly any fighter plane for any number of hours getting its fuel from the medium in which it fly.:lol:

I am lovin it ................ Ha Ha Ha !!!
If this project get success Then he will become the richest man on earth.
And he will be owner of his New law.
"The amount of energy required can be greater than amount of energy generated",

Richest Oil companies are looking this team. This team need protection
Here is the improved version of this great invention:


Here is the improved version of this great invention:

Doesn't it remind you car from the movie "Back to the Future"....:rofl:

You are posting good troll methods, the cat one was great.

I am lovin it ................ Ha Ha Ha !!!
VCheng is making the best out of this thread....got awesome chance to crack these jokes.
This thread is even better than that alien eating humans crap, that some member put up :D
And leaving aside the thermodynamics and the law and the Output is not greater than input,.....the battery of a car is recharged when a vehicle moves. Now if it is charged sufficiently and efficiently in order to do electrolysis repeatedly, I don't know.

The amount it will be recharged by is = Energy which was put in - Energy used to move the car - Energy lost due to inefficiencies

The only way you can improve this is to reduce inefficiencies. Electric cars which directly output to an electric motor do this very well.
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