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Pak driver's 'jihadi' brother killed in Kashmir

It was a indigenous freedom struggle at the start but then we got involved the same way you indians did during the bangladesh war.

We didnt recruit civilians from all over india and send them to Bangadesh as part of mukti Bahini to fight pakistan army in east pakistan in 71.
Mr blain2,

Sharia in itself may not be a problem,but when its brought in as compromise with Taliban,it becomes a prolem as u know intricacies & interpretation of sharia by Taliban gonna make it mediaval as compared to mere conservative interpretation by the Saudis.

Anyway if shariat is good why pakistan didnt practice it before or make it a law in all parts of pakistan??

Pakistan is the only country in the world which allows both civil and Federal shariat courts to operate. A lot of the legal stuff in Pakistan is based on Islamic injunctions. The implementation of some of these has been problematic and these things need to be rectified, however sharia should not be disbanded. Those who are running the Federal Shariat courts as well as the Saudis and Iranians are not uneducated villagers like the Taliban. There is finesse in the way the Sharia is implemented.

The idea is not to put all the women behind the wall, force people to grow beards and all of the other superficial stuff that these village Mullahs of the Taliban are famous for. I would say nobody has done as big a disservice to Sharia as these uneducated villagers. However Sharia is a whole lot more than that.

The other genius is talking about giving examples of one country that is progressive under the Sharia. Well define progressive! What is progressive? The Muslim masses are being educated, the women are being integrated into the workforce, albeit with the Islamic injunctions and sensitivities in mind. There are roadblocks, no doubt, however can you say that in your secular, democratic India there are no roadblocks?

This 10,000 ft approach to the ills of Sharia do not help this discussion. You either raise specific points about the problems with sharia or you leave it out.
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Fine. I\\'m sorry if I riled up the feelings of some people here. Perhaps your sharia is great after all.

Who am I to judge?

However, I have one request: Please adopt Sharia if you wish, but kindly don\'t force it onto Indian muslims. Atleast give them a chance to progress. Thanks.

Yes please do not judge sharia specially when your analysis is so superficial and uninformed.

Secondly, how can we force anything on the Indian Muslims? Remember they are well capable of taking care of their own issues...at least that is what they told Musharraf. :rolleyes:
Yes please do not judge sharia specially when your analysis is so superficial and uninformed.

Secondly, how can we force anything on the Indian Muslims? Remember they are well capable of taking care of their own issues...at least that is what they told Musharraf. :rolleyes:

Indeed they are, which is why they don\'t need any self-righteous preaching from their Pakistani counterparts about how they are traitors and how the Pakistani muslims are real muslims.
Indeed they are, which is why they don\'t need any self-righteous preaching from their Pakistani counterparts about how they are traitors and how the Pakistani muslims are real muslims.

And where did you come up with the part about "Pakistani muslims are real muslims." from?

Some amongst the Indian Muslims need to get over themselves and their pandering to the larger Indian crowd at Pakistan's expense. Every time a need arises to pledge loyalty to the Indian Union, Pakistan is the sacrificial lamb...its actually quite amusing.

However we understand their predicament so its fine even if its at our expense.
We didnt recruit civilians from all over india and send them to Bangadesh as part of mukti Bahini to fight pakistan army in east pakistan in 71.

A mere technicality and you think that makes you very noble? How about recruiting, hosting and training militants inside India to take on the GoP in East Pakistan?
And where did you come up with the part about "Pakistani muslims are real muslims." from?

Would you believe it? From this very forum! I\\\\\\\'ve been hanging around here for almost a week now, and I\\\\\\\'ve had the pleasure of reading some delightful posts about how any Indian muslim who defends India is automatically labeled a traitor to the Islamic cause by some people.

Some amongst the Indian Muslims need to get over themselves and their pandering to the larger Indian crowd at Pakistan\\\'s expense. Every time a need arises to pledge loyalty to the Indian Union, Pakistan is the sacrificial lamb...its actually quite amusing.

Indeed. Its to show the Pakistanis that they are fooling themselves by claiming to be the Promised Land for south asian muslims.
A mere technicality and you think that makes you very noble? How about recruiting, hosting and training militants inside India to take on the GoP in East Pakistan?

Atlease we didn\'t create a self-inflicted wound by arming radical groups within our country.
Atlease we didn\'t create a self-inflicted wound by arming radical groups within our country.

The radical groups attacking Pakistan right now are a result of the Afghan invasion and conflict - hardly any of them were created by Pakistan.
Would you believe it? From this very forum! I\\'ve been hanging around here for almost a week now, and I\\'ve had the pleasure of reading some delightful posts about how any Indian muslim who defends India is automatically labeled a traitor to the Islamic cause by some people.

Please take it up with those particular posters then, instead of generalizing across the board.
Indeed. Its to show the Pakistanis that they are fooling themselves by claiming to be the Promised Land for south asian muslims.
We are the 'promised land' for Pakistanis - I don't really care what the rest of the "South Asian Muslims want to do, we don't have space for all of them in Pakistan.
The radical groups attacking Pakistan right now are a result of the Afghan invasion and conflict - hardly any of them were created by Pakistan.

Yet again, refusal to understand the problem. Once you open the pandora\'s box of Islamic radicalism, you cannot close it again.

Learn from Turkey. Look what they had to do in order to keep radical Islam from taking over their country.
Yet again, refusal to understand the problem. Once you open the pandora\'s box of Islamic radicalism, you cannot close it again.

Learn from Turkey. Look what they had to do in order to keep radical Islam from taking over their country.

Actually you have made it quite clear that it is you who has no clue about the problem, when you described the Swat and FATA insurgencies as 'separatist'.

Turkey chose one avenue of development, there are others that can do equally well. The key is investing in development, education, health and other social infrastructure, not about whether a nation should be 'secular' or Shariah based.
Please take it up with those particular posters then, instead of generalizing across the board.

We are the \\'promised land\\' for Pakistanis - I don\\'t really care what the rest of the "South Asian Muslims want to do, we don\\'t have space for all of them in Pakistan.

I don\\\'t remember generalizing. Please stop accusing!

Yes, and they don\\\'t care about you either. They are much better off without your \\\"help\\\". And that includes Kashmir.

No need to ruin any more muslim lives in the name of Islam. The Mumbai carnage has thoroughly exposed the ethics of the LeT and similar groups to those who had any doubts about it.
Actually you have made it quite clear that it is you who has no clue about the problem, when you described the Swat and FATA insurgencies as \'separatist\'.

They are indeed separastis. That doesn\'t mean however that they will not attempt to take over the Pakistani state if given the opportunity to do so.

Turkey chose one avenue of development, there are others that can do equally well. The key is investing in development, education, health and other social infrastructure, not about whether a nation should be \'secular\' or Shariah based.

The key is secular. Development will follow. Cannot be the other way around. Why don\'t you try it and see where you get ?
They are indeed separastis. That doesn\'t mean however that they will not attempt to take over the Pakistani state if given the opportunity to do so.
You can't just say 'separatists' and they become that. You still have not shown how they are separatists. Has anyone argued for a separate nation of Swat or FATA?

No - the goal is imposing Shariah.

The key is secular. Development will follow. Cannot be the other way around. Why don\'t you try it and see where you get ?
Secular is not the key. Good governance is, and that can be accomplished with a secular or Shariah based system.

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