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Pak does not wish for prolonged peace in India:Gen Deepak Kapoor

Yes indeed a well learned lesson "never to trust a bharita baniya" Bagal main churi moon main ram ram.
And then you guys have the audacity to complain over why Pakistan refused to provide a transit route. The reason is because of the lesson well learned.

Why do you insist on bringing religion into everything?

So if I understand your post correctly, Pakistan is still upset over the events on 1971 and will never cooperate with India?

The transit route issue is a lot more complex than your simplistic assertion, but you're right in a sense, the core issue really is just mutual distrust.

Also, Pakistan was not the victim in 1971. It was the result of Pakistan's own misguided policies and hostile actions toward India. India simply seized the opportunity.
Particularly when the Army and the ISI has a pronounced responsibility of state sponsored terrorism...

Come again, please!

BTW, back your words with some authenticity, otherwise the allegations can be very effectively reciprocated!

Moreover, if you continue with the accusations, mods may like to shake you a bit.
Why do you insist on bringing religion into everything?

So if I understand your post correctly, Pakistan is still upset over the events on 1971 and will never cooperate with India?

The transit route issue is a lot more complex than your simplistic assertion, but you're right in a sense, the core issue really is just mutual distrust.

No i did not bring religion into anything, infact if i remember correctly i said bharita and not hindu anywhere.
Yes you are right we still have not forgotten what happened in 71 and the fire still burns inside every pakistani.

Also, Pakistan was not the victim in 1971. It was the result of Pakistan's own misguided policies and hostile actions toward India. India simply seized the opportunity.

This is your assumption, certainly we donot agree with that after all we are the ones that lost a part of territory and not otherwise.
I expected this... you guys...start claiming the 1962 as your own..
you are merely a spectator on that war..


Now you don't even want us as spactator...............
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You seem to know nothing about the war in '62. Your perspective is shortsighted and uninformed. I'll break it down for you...

Essentially, the Chinese sucker punched India when we weren't looking and ran back to the LoC when the Indian army was mobilized.

In 1962, the Chinese army was relatively untrained, whereas the Indian army was well disciplined and had plenty of experience under its belt from the world war. The Chinese were interested only in political gains and not a prolonged conflict with India. Which is why they handed back all that they managed to overrun and settled the matter rather quickly. The Sino-Indian war of '62 is one the shortest wars in history. (the 5th shortest if I'm right) China definitely won the battle but didn't stick around to fight the war. Interestingly, the Chinese did precisely the same thing in the Sino-Soviet conflict.

In 1971 however, there was a war, with rather spectacular results for India. East Pakistan was slowly and skillfully carved out of Pakistan through years of subversion, Pakistan's misguided policies, and direct military intervention.

Not only did the war result in the liberation of East Pakistan, it was a catastrophic defeat for the PA, with over 90,000 PoW. India even managed to make gains on the western front but handed them back as per the Simla agreement of '72. As per the same agreement, Pakistan recognized Bangladesh in exchange for the 90,000+ PoW.

I hope you will no longer attempt to compare both wars.


Interesting. Is this also how our friends in New Delhi see the 62 incident? Grave misread of strategic situation + dangerously aggressive mentality + over ambitious beyond capabilities + inferior complex syndrome. Now I am quite convinced that you will get your chance for revenge. Looks to me that you can seriously use a few allies now.

If you keep this very dangerous mentality, you will lose every inch of Arunachal Pradesh and much much more.

Who says it's not true? "What an Indian wants, what an Indian gets." :cheers:

every other day we see the samearguments from the bothside which leads to the forcefully end of the forum by mods.
China or Pakistan can not kick India's @ss as they did in '62 and India now can not cut Pakistan in half as she did in '71. It is '09 and both got nuclear arms.


every other day we see the samearguments from the bothside which leads to the forcefully end of the forum by mods.
China or Pakistan can not kick India's @ss as they did in '62 and India now can not cut Pakistan in half as she did in '71. It is '09 and both got nuclear arms.


Same argument? I thought my contribution is as unique and good as anyone else. Nobody can be loved by everyone, yet also hated by everyone. No two individuals can share an identical set of political ideas. Everyone is unique. One can always find friends, and yet one would always face `enemies' in life.

If you can't say what you want to say, what's the point of forum, all mods in the world can do what they see fit, its their property, its internet life which all we are too familiar. The `argument' is actually my perception of what's going to happen. I don't believe anything can be achieved or resolved through a forum. However, forum is actually an excellent place to get a read on other people's thoughts, since people are more relaxed to freely express themselves compared to face2face conversations which definitely are more reserved.

If India believes China can't get red hot on you, that's exactly the same strategic misunderstanding that caused the '62 incident to happen, only this time around, China has ceased to practice the usual "going that extra mile to sooth the Indian ruffled feathers". After all, you ego issue is your problem, unless you are paying, its not a Chinese job to help you or the world to feel better about themselves.

As to Pakistan, they have been the defenders not aggressors, you talk war like its nothing but a game of survival of the fittest, which is a very dangerous mentality. Iraq has no chance against Iran, yet some hot heads always wanted to start a war, I could not imagine what Saakashvili mentality was when he believed he could force the Russians into a situation, it's almost insane and unreal.

Your nuclear capability is not a valid card to play with China. It's yet just another example of strategic misunderstanding of our friends in New Delhi.
It really is quite ridiculous the way Gen. Kapoor is choosing to behave. I used to think Indian military leadership was more professional than this. I guarantee this guy has political ambitions, otherwise, all this talking out of his behind just doesn't make sense.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maj. Gen. Tariq Majid, has taken notice of this jingoistic nonsense, however, it seems Gen. Majid is well aware of Indian media's track record as well.

Gen Tariq doubts ‘veracity of report on Gen Kapoor’
RAWALPINDI: The Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Tariq Majid, in reaction to the Indian Army Chief’s Jingoistic pronouncement of Indian military preparations to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously, said, “leave alone China, General Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian Armed Forces can not and Pakistan Armed Forces can pull off militarily”.

According to Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), General Tariq, replying a question, doubted veracity of Indian media report attributed to General Kapoor stating that “he could not be so outlandish in strategic postulations to fix India on a self destruct mechanism.

But if the news report is correct, the uncalled for rhetoric only betrays lack of strategic acumen”.

Essentially, the Chinese sucker punched India when we weren't looking and ran back to the LoC when the Indian army was mobilized.
And that's where a human being with average intelligence would stop reading. "sucker punched" and "ran back", really, your education system has failed you. Feeling all "gung-ho" about your victories over the Portuguese, history is well aware of who "sucker punched" who. Alas, the Chinese delivered a rude awakening with extra spices.

Mods, I suggest the next person to talk abot 1971 or 1962 be made an example of. Thanks.
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It really is quite ridiculous the way Gen. Kapoor is choosing to behave. I used to think Indian military leadership was more professional than this. I guarantee this guy has political ambitions, otherwise, all this talking out of his behind just doesn't make sense.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Maj. Gen. Tariq Majid, has taken notice of this jingoistic nonsense, however, it seems Gen. Majid is well aware of Indian media's track record as well.

Gen Tariq doubts ‘veracity of report on Gen Kapoor’
RAWALPINDI: The Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC) General Tariq Majid, in reaction to the Indian Army Chief’s Jingoistic pronouncement of Indian military preparations to fight China and Pakistan simultaneously, said, “leave alone China, General Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian Armed Forces can not and Pakistan Armed Forces can pull off militarily”.

According to Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), General Tariq, replying a question, doubted veracity of Indian media report attributed to General Kapoor stating that “he could not be so outlandish in strategic postulations to fix India on a self destruct mechanism.

But if the news report is correct, the uncalled for rhetoric only betrays lack of strategic acumen”..
This is the harshest thing a Gen can say ti another Gen, or may be should i use the word 'slap'!

Really, i am now started worrying about the mentak state of the indian top brass!!!
Mods, I suggest the next person to talk abot 1971 or 1962 be made an example of. Thanks.

Oh, thank you!!
All the guys, from now on take the names of people properly.

Kapoor should be Kapoor, not something else.

Anyone not compliant enough, will get what he asked for.

Hope no such thing is seen in future.

And those who have used anything else other then Kapoor, edit their posts themselves and make the correction.

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