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PAK-DA not for us : IAF Official

Agree with you. But todays enviorment is changed.
Gone are those days when bombers had their advantage. Because airdefense want that effective and ICBMs were not that accurate.
Most bombers that you saw being operated in Iraq and A'stan were operated after the air superiority is achived ,meaning to say the air defense of the enemy was next to 0.

Imagine a B-52 being lost due to SAM or airial attack by another fighter, you loose the fighter along with its valuable payload. At this point of time, for carpet bombing you need a bomber that will fly high on the sky with ground attack and fighter escort at the thinner air level. Unless you have that its too risky to oprate a bomber. Coz its big RCS and heat signature makes it most valunerable target and easy ones.

When you have effective way of delivering Nukes, then I think modern ICBMs are more accurate and cost effective. most likely they can evade air defence too due to their uninmaginable speed and low RCS. remember no Anti BM is not mature yet, not even the American ones.

So now what do you prefer, a missile which cant be detected and cant be counter measured or a bomber (u can give example of the Spirit, B2, but will discuss it later), which has a huge RCS and can be braught down by a missile and expensive to maintain and deploy.

Bombing after achieving the air superiority is the correct approach.. even with ICBM with Anti Missiles coming on we cant gurantee it will hit the target.. so you need to take of the Anti missiles..

And buddy for the tactics of fighting a war cant be varied much... Though the machines might change but not the tacts.. A basic tactics to win is Air superiority .. so in any war we have to achieve this first...
so bringing a bomber for carpet bombing after attaining Air superiority will be the easiest and most cost effective approach to inflict maximum damage and cripple the enemy faster.... we need bombers for sure... We need missiles too but only for initial days... but if we continue fight for more than a week bombers will only do the magic.. thats why Superpowers still having tactics around bombers.. And for missile once fired you loose everything
PAK-DA flying at 1,50,000ft can't be counter by any of the current generation fighter , the maximum that any of the current generation fighter can fly is the Eurofighter which can fly at 65,000ft , rest all can only fly as high as 57,000fts...

link:PAK DA

in year 2006 IAF had retired their MIG-25 which were capable of flying at 80,000ft , but their replecements are still not done...

Vayu Sena - IAF MiG-25R incursion over Pakistan in 1997
May (1997), an Indian Force (IAF) Mikoyan MiG-25RB Foxbat-B reconnaissance aircraft created a furore when the pilot flew faster than Mach 2 over Pakistani territory following a reconnaissance mission into Pakistan airspace. The Foxbat broke the sound barrier while flying at an altitude of around 65,000 feet, otherwise the mission would have remained covert, at least to the general public. The Pakistan Government considered the breaking of the sound barrier as deliberate: to make the point that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has no aircraft in its inventory which can come close to the cruising height of the MiG-25 (up to 74,000 feet).

However, from one of PAF's Forward Operating Bases, radar traced the intruder and the F-16As scrambled. Sources in the PAF said that there was no need to intercept a plane flying at the altitude of 65,000 feet as the F-16 can reach an operating ceiling of 55,000 feet.
As in case of carriers, its a tool for power projtection... With India Giving separate identity to Nuclear Command with dedicated bombers it wont be wrong it our Nuclear Command gets this machine...

Of ocurse , technically we dont need the range this machine offers and MKIs do the job well... But I think PAK-DA is analogous to Agni V which we dont need or Carriers whithout which we still are superior...to our neighbours...

So when we have money... Why not have half a dozen of these birds.. Atleast for POWER PROJECTION ??

As a fanboy..
I want our Nuclear Command to have..

40 SH/Rafale
12 Su 34s
6 PAK DA..

By 2025.
by marcos98
my question to learned pdf members:
does India
need a strategic bomber??
my humble opinion is India needs strategic bomber. strategic bombers are good option for India if future wars with Pakistan,china are concerned.
India needs long range stealth bombers. The Nuclear Command without stealth bombers are useless sitting ducks. It is a joke of a command. They will fall prey to Vast superior air defense network of PRC. What i think is, India should launch own stealth bomber program. By 2030, we can at-least launch a prototype.
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Who knows one fine day,India inks a deal for 50 PAK-DA's ....

Modernization goes on there is no stop until u have no money...
India can ink only if russia offers. I don't think russia will offer such high-valued strategic stuffs to India. That's why India should start its own research program for long range heavy stealth bombers from now onwards. (as a parallel to AMCA)
Sooner or later, India will get itself dedicated bombers, and it will be a Russian bomber, and most probably PAKDA for sure.

India needs these bombers, India doesn't have any dedicated bombers, and for carpet bombing, and bombing air bases in China, we need bombers which can carry 40-50 bombs, and can travel at least 4000 kms to deliver them.

Our current doctorine of 5-6 bombs is not enough. Spending so much of fuel, and risking the aircraft and then delivering just 5-6 bombs is just not done.
well what ption we can chosse for future

can any one provide the best option for future
Sooner or later, India will get itself dedicated bombers, and it will be a Russian bomber, and most probably PAKDA for sure.

India needs these bombers, India doesn't have any dedicated bombers, and for carpet bombing, and bombing air bases in China, we need bombers which can carry 40-50 bombs, and can travel at least 4000 kms to deliver them.

Our current doctorine of 5-6 bombs is not enough. Spending so much of fuel, and risking the aircraft and then delivering just 5-6 bombs is just not done.

JN, whats the update on its development.. nothing much is heard about it.. no specs... nothing... Are the Russians following the policy of secrecy like a few others?
well what ption we can chosse for future

can any one provide the best option for future

We will get our self a strategic bomber before 2025. And only Russia can deliver us something like that in that time period.

Its either gonna be Russia, or the US. Another route might be ToT, and then we might build one of our own. But for the time being we will buy some off the shelf.
JN, whats the update on its development.. nothing much is heard about it.. no specs... nothing... Are the Russians following the policy of secrecy like a few others?

I don't know about the development. But according to me, its still in the design phase. Its specs are not frozen yet. We might see the first prototype near 2018-20.

Since it is a strategic bomber, its specs won't be revealed so easily
We will get our self a strategic bomber before 2025. And only Russia can deliver us something like that in that time period.

Its either gonna be Russia, or the US. Another route might be ToT, and then we might build one of our own. But for the time being we will buy some off the shelf.

That is the best route..We can not keep buying stuff..Need to buckle up and start producing on our own ala our eastern neighbor..
I don't know about the development. But according to me, its still in the design phase. Its specs are not frozen yet. We might see the first prototype near 2018-20.

Since it is a strategic bomber, its specs won't be revealed so easily

But from the sketches available, it really looks HUGE.. how many of them according to you will serve the purpose...?? :what:
my question to learned pdf members:
does India
need a strategic bomber??

this machine can be used for carrying out strikes on terrorist camps. Its features would give us advantage to bomb the area without being detected by any AAG or SAM Radars. It's capable of high Altitude bombing and can be used in hilly areas and that's we wanted. More like PAK-FA. But this seems better stealth wise. But still we need modification to carry missiles like Brahmos with it in a closed compartment.
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