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Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

It is likely, fisherman have long been targets of belligerent governments.

Have you been to Keti Bundar? If not, you have zilch idea on what "registry" operates from there.

Sea going vessel Registry operating from there will be off Karachi and yes I have been Karachi.

BREAKING news : ( NDTV news/ No links right now )

NTRO ( Arm of RAW ) Initiated the whole thing
NTRO got the intelligence and passed it on to the Navy and Coast Guard
who took it forward
LOL WTF. First we have RAW and now NiTRO. :woot:

Time for RAW IS WAR:victory:
Think of the public praise that might be scored to get the Coast Guard some of its lost prestige after 26/11 back.
There is a slight chance for that, especially after the recent Bangalore blast. But still, considering there is nothing big happening in India, and even no elections on the horizon, it frankly makes no sense.
On the other hand, it makes a lot of sense for Pakistan/Afghanistan based terrorists. Listen me through, because I am not blaming the Pakistani government, but just the opposite. Since the operations in June, and the Peshawar attacks, the Pakistani Army had been pursuing these terrorists seriously. Most people accept that the Peshawar attack was a wwarning to the Army to lay off. But think about it, it completely backfired, as the army doubled down. So what better than a terror attack in India, transfer blame to ISI/Pakistan Army so that India and Pakistan bicker between themselves and these terrorists get the heat reduced from them.
Sea going vessel Registry operating from there will be off Karachi and yes I have been Karachi.

There is a different between a centre for registering vessels and vessels actually being registered. You may have been in Karachi, I lived there.Vessels from Manora or near Netty Jetty are register and monitored by the Customs and Coastguard. However, this monitoring does not extend to the outlying ports east or west of the Karachi-Gwadar line as thoroughly as it does within that area. In addition, vessels that are registered are generally within the small seiner or trawler category... smaller vessel than that do not have registration.

Until we get a video out, there is not much to be speculated based on press release.
LOL WTF. First we have RAW and now NiTRO. :woot:

Time for RAW IS WAR:victory:

It was founded way back in 2004 - India's most technically advanced and tech savvy intelligence arm - They are in charge of India's only spy satellite RISAT-2. The agency has significant technological capabilities in aviation and remote sensing, data gathering and processing, cyber security, cryptology systems, strategic hardware and software development and strategic monitoring.

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