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Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

Looks like India don't have any economic,social,health,education etc. related problem now..so the only thing media does today is to cook these stories to entertain public..!
This will lead blowing up bombing fishermen boats of each other we have 1200indian fishermen in our jails for reminder
I'm not sure what you are alluding to. (are there Haryanvis in Pakistan too?)..
Something that you refuse to accept. People from both sides have a vastly common gene pool so passing off as each other is not as difficult as you think.
How did they know it was from Keti Bundar if everyone blew up? :pop:

Port of registry is mentioned on the hull of all sea going vessels as well all the life saving equipments on it.


So as usual, after cowardly killing Rangers called for flag meet, Drama queens came with new drama to divert intentions.
This will lead blow fishermen boats of each other we have 1200indian fishermen in our jails for reminder

It is likely, fisherman have long been targets of belligerent governments.

Port of registry is mentioned on the hull of all sea going vessels as well all the life saving equipments on it.



Have you been to Keti Bundar? If not, you have zilch idea on what "registry" operates from there.
Something that you refuse to accept. People from both sides have a vastly common gene pool so passing off as each other is not as difficult as you think.
So any Pakistani caught by Indian authorities is necessarily an Indian in disguise and all acts of Pakistani terrorism in India (or accusations, if you will) are simply false-flag Indian attacks. Got it.:tup:
Thanks. That rules out a traditional 'fishing' mission.
Sir a small cute little boat can not go that far...This news is rubbish...

And as per indian claims they were first stopped and then they blew themselves up!
First how did they stopped that boat?
And secondly if they were stopped and they blew themselves up then how did coast guards managed to get away from getting any damage?

Sir you have to admit that some one in this world is busy to label {T} title to someone...you know who!!

probably they were aliens
No you are wrong mate! it was our ISI agents who were carrying nuclear bombs in their boat to destroy india. Thank god coast guards came and intercepted them so quickly and destroyed our evil plans.
So much gutka in one place:woot:
Tanbaku sehat ke liye hanikarak hai:astagh:

Yup, it all comes from India. Funniest are the missing person advertisements at the back or those of some Babas offering hokus pokus.

So any Pakistani caught by Indian authorities is necessarily an Indian in disguise and all acts of Pakistani terrorism in India (or accusations, if you will) are simply false-flag Indian attacks. Got it.:tup:

That is your opinion. Here is mine

any Pakistani caught by Indian authorities could be an Indian in disguise and convientient acts of Pakistani terrorism in India (or accusations, if you will) are simply false-flag Indian attacks

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