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Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

That is your opinion. Here is mine

any Pakistani caught by Indian authorities could be an Indian in disguise and convientient acts of Pakistani terrorism in India (or accusations, if you will) are simply false-flag Indian attacks
What convenient acts of terrorism? India conducts extensive Intel sharing with several western agencies, especially after the Mumbai fiasco (which I hope you don't consider as another 'convenient' false flag attack) who also have their own sources and their own intel which they corroborate with us. You think we would risk being caught by them and for what, when we anyway have a steady stream of terrorists attempting attacks on India ala 26/11, train attacks etc.
Yup, it all comes from India. Funniest are the missing person advertisements at the back or those of some Babas offering hokus pokus.
Hmmmm..........knows funny stories about back covers.............has a picture of hundred different varieties ....................................................shame shame:disagree:

Full text of defence ministry statement - The Times of India

The Indian Coast Guard intercepted a suspicious Pakistani fishing boat, laden with explosives, in the Arabian Sea in the early hours of January 1.

The four people on board the boat apparently blew themselves up after being chased by the Coast Guard for over an hour and warning shots being fired during the incident.

This is the full text of the press release by ministry of defence on the incident:

Coast Guard Intercepts Suspect Boat Carrying Explosives in Arabian Sea

An intelligence based midnight operation was conducted on the intervening night of Dec 31 and yesterday by the Indian Coast Guard ships and aircraft to intercept a suspect fishing boat in Arabian Sea near Indo-Pak maritime boundary, approximately 365 km from Porbander.

As per the intelligence inputs received on 31st December, a fishing boat from KetiBunder near Karachi was planning some illicit transaction in Arabian Sea. Based on the input, Coast Guard Dornier aircraft undertook sea - air coordinated search and located the suspect fishing boat. Thereafter, the Coast Guard ship on patrol in area was diverted and intercepted the unlit boat at about midnight of 31st December in position 365 km West-South West of Porbandar.

The Coast Guard ship warned the fishing boat to stop for further investigation of the crew and cargo; however, the boat increased speed and tried to escape away from the Indian side of maritime boundary. The hot pursuit continued for nearly one hour and the Coast Guard ship managed to stop the fishing boat after firing warning shots. Four persons were seen on the boat who disregarded all warnings by the Coast Guard ship to stop and cooperate with investigation. Soon thereafter, the crew hid themselves in below deck compartment and set the boat on fire, which resulted in explosion and major fire on the boat.

Due to darkness, bad weather and strong winds, the boat and persons on board could not be saved or recovered. The boat burnt and sank in the same position, in early hours of 1st January. Coast Guard ships and aircraft are continuing operations in area to search for any possible survivor. Coast Guard and other security agencies are maintaining high vigil in maritime and coastal areas since last couple of months due to several inputs on threat from the sea.

It was founded way back in 2004 - India's most technically advanced and tech savvy intelligence arm - They are in charge of India's only spy satellite RISAT-2. The agency has significant technological capabilities in aviation and remote sensing, data gathering and processing, cyber security, cryptology systems, strategic hardware and software development and strategic monitoring.
I am talking of this
WWE Raw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
which was founded wayyyyy back in 1995:sick:
News showing photos of the boat and last photo from chanakya's chant showing how far away from the boat was the coast guard ship.
News saying that the boat fuel was exhausted after 2 hours pursuit first by air then by ship.
Lot of explosive present on board caused huge explosion. Calls made from the boat intercepted.
Coordinated effort by intelligence agencies and coast guard
Sir a small cute little boat can not go that far...This news is rubbish...

And as per indian claims they were first stopped and then they blew themselves up!
First how did they stopped that boat?
And secondly if they were stopped and they blew themselves up then how did coast guards managed to get away from getting any damage?

Sir you have to admit that some one in this world is busy to label {T} title to someone...you know who!!

No you are wrong mate! it was our ISI agents who were carrying nuclear bombs in their boat to destroy india. Thank god coast guards came and intercepted them so quickly and destroyed our evil plans.
Nobody has labelled anything yet. The Great Indian Media Circus is calling it terror boat. It can be anything - including a terror boat. It can also be a smuggling boat with explosive substances for the underworld etc etc. The Government knows only the source of the boat and its fate. Nothing else till now. Expect the Indian media to build a story after another. Best to focus only on the Govt press release.
Think of the public praise that might be scored to get the Coast Guard some of its lost prestige after 26/11 back.
Almost 7 years later!!! Ill timed I must say. More likely to be something else.

So as usual, after cowardly killing Rangers called for flag meet, Drama queens came with new drama to divert intentions.
Blame Ekta Kapoor. Don't generalize the entire nation. :mad:
NEW DELHI: In what could have been another attempt to unleash havoc on Indian shores like the 26/11 terror strikes, the Indian Coast Guard intercepted a suspicious Pakistani fishing boat, laden with explosives, in the Arabian Sea in the early hours of January 1.

The four people on board the boat apparently blew themselves up after being chased by the Coast Guard for over an hour and warning shots being fired during the incident.

Defence ministry sources on Friday said the Pakistani fishing boat, on way from Keti Bunder near Karachi, was intercepted by the Coast Guard approximately 365 km from Porbander.

"The Coast Guard warned the boat to stop but it increased speed and tried to run away. After being stopped, the four persons on board the boat blew themselves up. The boat sank at the spot. Search operations are still in progress," said a source.
Another drama in the making by Indian establishment.
Indian citizens were denied a gift from Pakistan with love :(

I condemn it.
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