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Pak boat 4 persons on boat blew themselves up! After hot pursuit by Coast Guard in Arabian Sea

Seem like an attack before Obama's visit.

Also good to know that Indian intelligence network is working and able to intercept the boat.
Surveillance Picture from Dornier Do 228 by Indian coast guard

and does it seem as if i give a f***?
Considering that a bunch of your citizens just blasted themselves to heaven and others get regularly killed by Indian defense organizations, it was expected that you would learn to appreciate the difference between them.

But obviously I expected a little too much.
spy agency National Technological Research Organisation (NTRO) had been tracking the boat ever since it set sail from Karachi coast on the night of December 30. (Interesting, didnt know Indian agencies can track boats going to sea from karachi)

As soon as the boat entered the Indian maritime boundary on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1, it was intercepted by Coast Guard ships and choppers deployed in the area.

The entire operation, based on intelligence inputs, was kept secret and even the Navy was not informed about it, (good or bad idea?) reports quoting sources claimed. Only a few Coast Guard ships and choppers deployed in the area were informed about the development.

The Defence Minister issued a statement today which said: "An intelligence based midnight operation was conducted on night of December 31 and January 1 by the Indian Coast Guard ships and aircraft to intercept a suspicious fishing boat in Arabian Sea near Indo-Pak maritime boundary, approximately 365 km from Porbander (Gujarat). (This is the official statement, other is just speculations by desi media)

"As per intelligence inputs, a fishing boat from Keti Bunder near Karachi was planning some illicit transaction in Arabian Sea. Coast Guard warned the fishing boat to stop for investigation; the boat (instead) increased speed and tried to escape away from the Indian side of maritime boundary.

"The crew on board suspicious boat hid themselves in lower deck compartment and set the boat on fire, which resulted in an explosion.

"Search operations continued by Coast Guard ships and aircrafts for any possible survivor."

Pak boat self-explodes after Indian ships intercept it off Gujarat coast | Zee News

Considering that a bunch of your citizens just blasted themselves to heaven and others get regularly killed by Indian defense organizations, it was expected that you would learn to appreciate the difference between them.

But obviously I expected a little too much.
'My' citizens, really? Just coz TOI says so?
They very well could have been martians sent down by Mangalyaan, who knows?!
Was this the revenge planned by Hafiz Saeed ? He was talking about it some interview last month. :D
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