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Pak Army's mass mobilization strategy

To advance into india 50- 100km I assume it would have to be large numbers of men trucks and armour

Surely to god the build up of those troops along your border would be picked up by radars and satalites.

Even if the column picked up speed and surprised the border guards and ARMY surely at some stage the indian air force would look to repel them or destroy them completely.

I suspect both air power and stand off weapons like Brahmos crusise missles amd Smercher & Pinaka MBRL with ranges of 90km would be used possibly even UCAV and drones from Israel.


I am not about to divulge my grand strategy to the enemy. You need to keep on your toes at all times.
I am not about to divulge my grand strategy to the enemy. You need to keep on your toes at all times.
I certainly doubt divulging them anything is going to help them. As such, both nations receive daily intelligence briefings on each other in thick folders that go to each staff officers everywhere with pertinent information based on rank.
The Indians are trying to focus on fast key gains near the waterworks and key communication lines and create distractions by which they can cause Pakistan to commit forces from the northern sectors towards the South. The issue does not come as such with men more than material. India has more equipment by which it will eventually break through in certain sectors; the focus of all exercises is to practice concepts based on intelligence that delay that time of breakthrough or make it costly beyond what India wishes to afford.

You'll have Indian fanboys quoting me with their ridiculously optimistic scenarios and then the usual counter trolling, but the reality is that each side knows EXACTLY what the other is capable of simply due to the fact that our peoples are pitiful low budget sellouts. All it takes is a well shaped woman, a green card or a deposit in a Dubai account.

Sort of related, CPEC is actually more of a thorn to India due to the fact that the Chinese can rush material to Pakistan via during the initial days that can possibly create that timespace which makes it very costly for India. In addition, both its western and more so its eastern route provide secondary lines of communication and supply that make the job of cutting off Pakistan much more difficult.
Say's you. Your sentence is not a fact.

We say otherwise. In one sentence we would say "Pakistan will clobber the Indian Army if a war breaks out".

Best to ignore such characters. He is at the height of delusions and his war analysis is pitiful to say the least even for jingoists. He wanted a war but it never happened and this has effected him negatively.
Good analysis. But you need to analyze all of my scenarios, one of which involves a two pronged attack. Please take into account the following and try the numbers again.


@Sarge Sir the AK could become airborne if we had some of these.

No offence your link for y 20 I was not able to relate, anyways even in case of a two way war if that happens and india is left without any support which is highly hypothetical(no discussions on this please)
assuming all AD have been taken out even in such a situation pak can not afford risking its il 78s as they can be intercepted even with escort( enemy territory is always too risky) are equipped with more that enough to ring bells in Chinese force to attempt such a task in case of two way war and this style of fighting is old warfare when their were only anti air guns which can not reach high points and communication gap between troops and commanders now the warfare is much more modern, and you should know in now a days real time surveillance supported speed, mobility with devastating fire power is key to win and suppress the enemies ability to retaliate with the help of air support (long range n duration) plus surprise element but this should be done with right calculation(eg america iraq war)
else the causalities will be devastating
So in the end it boils down to what I concluded before
Good analysis. But you need to analyze all of my scenarios, one of which involves a two pronged attack. Please take into account the following and try the numbers again.


@Sarge Sir the AK could become airborne if we had some of these.

No offence your link for y 20 I was not able to relate with any sense are you taking about Chinese increased capabilities? They already have enough for close range india bro y 20 is more for USA, Europe, Japan, anyways even in case of a two way war if that happens and india is left without any support which is highly hypothetical(no discussions on this please)
assuming all AD have been taken out even in such a situation pak can not afford risking its il 78s as they can be intercepted even with escort( enemy territory is always too risky) are equipped with more that enough to ring bells in Chinese force to attempt such a task in case of two way war and this style of fighting is old warfare when their were only anti air guns which can not reach high points and communication gap between troops and commanders now the warfare is much more modern, and you should know in now a days real time surveillance supported speed, mobility with devastating fire power is key to win and suppress the enemies ability to retaliate with the help of air support (long range n duration) plus surprise element but this should be done with right calculation(eg america iraq war)
else the causalities will be devastating
So in the end it boils down to what I concluded before and this all of this hypothesis is not considering many aspects like Indian capabilities, Indian force management, Indian strategies and deployment of assets

Don't try to divert the talk, Siachin was not military area that was an coward act because you knew there will be no response as it's not militarized by both sides. If you have balls do something Pakistan have done previously in militarized areas. Since 2002 you Indian only talk big on ground 7 times larger country look impotent. :D

Chest thumping on Siachin shows how impotent 7 times larger our foe is. It was not militarized area and both countries knew that placing units there is useless due to geography of area, India captured area because Pakistan never knew that India is so desperate to militarize useless Siachin.


Currently Pakistan don't want to fight any war with anyone due to the economic opportunity created by CPEC and India knows that and they want to exploit the situation. Pakistan is responsive now in terms of fighting on LOC.

For your first para we need another thread to discuss it because it not simple.

I am not supporting the earlier discussion but siachin use less well that's a stupid conclusion, yes it was demilitarized but will you tell me why pak tried to get back siachin and lost so many troops and still waits for a chance to get a hold? why india spends millions on troops, and lives of troops to protect it ?
Let me explain china and pak claim parts of Kashmir with siachin being almost at the middle of both regions, so although harsh its perfect place for keeping and eye and protecting it is necessary because if a small 105 mm artillary and troops are transported to it during summers , it can be used to rain havoc on low lying roads and other peaks camps,bunkers, shelters (indian side opposite to pak side) within 20 km and with a 155mm or 180mm and air patrol imagine the cost.

anyways i dun want to get into details but pak army has done more failed operations than indian army, read neutral sources and you would know it no matter how strong you people claim them to be
I am not about to divulge my grand strategy to the enemy. You need to keep on your toes at all times.

If the 70 year and Four Conflicts between India and Pakistan are seen closely;
What Pakistanis have always historically done is that they have
‘mastered the conflict initiation and had no clue about conflict termination ’

Conflict escalaltion and termination will remain India's prerogative

Sort of related, CPEC is actually more of a thorn to India due to the fact that the Chinese can rush material to Pakistan via during the initial days that can possibly create that timespace which makes it very costly for India.

Hi ; China did send Arms and equipment even in the 2002 stand off but still
India had an un assailable superiority

But then in 2002 Pakistan still had to rely only on the Nuclear deterrent

The conventional gap has grown only bigger

n addition, both its western and more so its eastern route provide secondary lines of communication and supply that make the job of cutting off Pakistan much more difficult.

China does nt want war between India and Pakistan because of its economic interests
in Pakistan

Even in the recent skirmish ; China was playing a peacemaker

China only priority is to keep the CORRIDOR of the CPEC route open so it can keep receving its energy needs from the GULF STATES and keep flowing its ridiculous huge exports of chinease good flowing into middleaset Africa.#

The LAST THING china will want its $45billion investment ruined by a WAR,#

I AGREE CHINA will look to help end not sustain the war
If the 70 year and Four Conflicts between India and Pakistan are seen closely;
What Pakistanis have always historically done is that they have
‘mastered the conflict initiation and had no clue about conflict termination ’

Conflict escalaltion and termination will remain India's prerogative

Since u r a forum regular, I anticipate us crossing paths regularly. So understand this: you will increasingly see me theorizing assertive roles for the Pak army. I totally anticipate arguments such as 'lack of money', 'numerical disadvantage', 'India's technological superiority' etc. And let me tell u myself and others on the forum consider u a waste of space.

Historically, Pakistan has faced lack of funds. No doubt. But the way our armed forces are mitigating this is by increasing exports of indigenously produced high tech equipment. This is going to be a self sustaining cycle. The earnings from these exports will Insha Allah be invested in further R&D.

Your numerically superior army is basically paid labourers, employed to lug around rifles. In 70 years you haven't been able to quash an insurgency. In just the recent half a decade, we have progressed counter-insurgency operations to a science that we are teaching friendly nations. Our soldiers have the asset of faith, motivation for Jihad, and the love of martyrdom. All we need to do is show death to your soldiers staring hard and cold in their eyes. Something like an MOAB exploded on an advancing column will be enough for the rear guard to run with tails between legs. Regularly, 2 to 4 well motivated mujahideen enter your bases and create the need for operations spanning multiple days. Do you have any intelligence on how many such mujahideen are dispersed throughout India? In a full on war, you need to plan for not just our regular army, but the sudden attacks that will kill you from within.

There is a certain threshold beyond which numerical supremacy looses its value. If one side has 1000 soldiers with 10000 bombs and the other side has 10000 soldiers with 100000 bombs, both will get annihilated.

Your technological prowess is evident with Tejas, Kaveri, what nots.

By the way, I haven't divulged my grand strategy, this is all public knowledge.

Understand this. Times are changing and your sole prerogative is to collect 7 dead soldiers and keep quiet on the LoC like the meek little ineffective rats you are.
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Understand this. Times are changing and your sole prerogative is to collect 7 dead soldiers and keep quiet on the LoC like the meek little ineffective rats you are.

All that you done here is let out all your frustration and nothing else

All right then--- we shall see what the " battle hardened Pakistan army "
is really capable of as we have SEEN in the past 70 years

For a start go to the forward areas and collect details of the pounding that
PA and rangers have taken

As far as our casualties in Nagrota are concerned
our Defence Minister accepted it as a Mistake and a lapse and we will take corrective action

As we have already done after Pathankot and Uri

Nagrota will also be avenged and PA will never disclose anything

Since you are too HIGH on testosterone let me tell you Very clearly
That Pakistan Army is very weak as compared to Indian Army

Whether you like it or not And whether you accept it or not is none of my business

Something like an MOAB exploded on an advancing column will be enough for the rear guard to run with tails between legs.

What are you even talking about

In the recent LOC skirmish Pakistan Army did not even use 155 MM shells
because they did not want to escalate

And here you are talking of MOAB

you will increasingly see me theorizing assertive roles for the Pak army.

If your future theories will be like this present Hypotheses that you have presented
Then They are Not theories
they are fantasies ; bad fiction ; outright nonsense

Don Quixote was wiser than you



Do you have any theories about Balochistan

Right now your COAS is seized of this matter

These officers look really concerned


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Nagrota will also be avenged and PA will never disclose anything

Since you are too HIGH on testosterone let me tell you that Very clearly
That Pakistan Army is very weak as compared to Indian Army

The same "weak army" killed at least 18 bharati soldiers with 2 alleged beheading while 1 bharati is missing since past 2 months.

You are such a big "muh ka fire" that despite multiple thrashings you come back again and again to this for more.
The same "weak army" killed at least 18 bharati soldiers with 2 alleged beheading while 1 bharati is missing since past 2 months.

Why dont you find out your own losses and damages

And remember it is your DGMO who asked for peace
Why dont you find out your own losses and damages

And remember it is your DGMO who asked for peace

I perfectly know our losses.

12 confirmed killed with no beheading or mutilations.

None of our soldier missing.

And if our DGMO asked for peace then don't pin Nagrota on us. After all we already asked for peace as per you guys.
I perfectly know our losses.

12 confirmed killed with no beheading or mutilations.

None of our soldier missing.

And if our DGMO asked for peace then don't pin Nagrota on us. After all we already asked for peace as per you guys.

Delusions and denials dont change facts

Just go to the forward areas and develop some " real contacts "

Nagrota will be also be avenged ; dont worry

Nagrota was a security lapse ; a mistake; we accept it
we will take corrective action
Delusions and denials dont change facts

Just go to the forward areas and develop some " real contacts "

Nagrota will be also be avenged ; dont worry

Nagrota was a security lapse ; a mistake; we accept it
we will take corrective action

I know all the facts and I have all real contacts.

We killed bharatis to the extent that cowards had no choice but to shell civilian bus. We even crossed LOC several times after that surgical strike drama and we would keep crossing it again and again.

And even after that you are talking about avenging Nagrota.

What happened to the so called pleading by Pakistani DGMO?? :lol:

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