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Pak Army will Shoot at Cross Border Insurgency - President Zardari

Look at that bich she was trying to intimidate Mr. 10%...I wish Prs Musharraf wa here. That bich would have sent to her masters straight away. Mr. 10% does not have balls to say anything.
Hey - if you guys come across any other multimedia from Zardaris trip to the US, post it here, so we have an easily accessible record.
What lame answers, the guy's a retard with no balls!
that lady interviewer is a total loser.."If they don't go.." .. .what a question... then we will shove the bullet in your A**.... Most of the mainstream American Media person are some of the dumbest... they get a chance to interview the leader of a nation and they feel like they can do whatever they feel....practically they seriously lack world view and under-standings at a geo-political level..
The questions should have been about money atleast he would have been able to share some classic looting tricks.
and AZ is supreme in his lameness .. his answers are so pathetically undertone that it actually dilutes the gravity of the situation
Look at that bich she was trying to intimidate Mr. 10%...I wish Prs Musharraf wa here. That bich would have sent to her masters straight away. Mr. 10% does not have balls to say anything.

Quite an okay interview. He faced some tough questions with tact and diplomacy.

I think Zardari will be suprise package but its still to early to say if he will deliver the goods.

"Pakistan is not capable, but with the help of the world, yes"

This is the worst answer he has given. I am sure the only thing that was running in his mid is the US Aid.

Don't gun for Zardari he must have meant "Pakistan is not capable alone" wrt to fighting terror.

Democracy is yet to settle down Zardari or no Zardari it will bear fruits to Pakistan if they persist with it.
Look at that bich she was trying to intimidate Mr. 10%...I wish Prs Musharraf wa here. That bich would have sent to her masters straight away. Mr. 10% does not have balls to say anything.

Interview Lady: Americans feel that Pakistan has been playng a doubt game, it has accepted billions, more than 10 billion dollar over the last 7 years and Americans believe Pakistan has not gone after the Al-Qaeda and Taliban as it should have in return.
Musharraf: Well you know what lady? You're just a stupid bich and so are your 'American' friends...Your whole country is full of God dam stupid cow boys who cant even count. More Pakistani soldiers have died than your whole NATO put together, and soldiers just dont die of their own accord.
Interview Lady: But every day terrorist cross your border and kill American soldiers...
Musharraf: Maaa A$$$$$$ !

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I think the most important thing Zandari said in this interview was "that we must go to our people and convience them that this is also our war."

I believe this sentence signifies everything, and if the next president of United States is smart, he probably can captialize on this and solve this situation in a much better fashion.
I'm not sure if this clip was edited or not but seriously it was not possible to answer all questions she asked in the give time.
I'm sure Zardari's was feeling hot on his *****.

He could have easily answered: Americans believe what is told to them no media will show them the count and pictures of those killed by drones.
Indeed double game is being played with Americans but it is their own people running the show.
Than he would have asked her in return; Is she interested to know what Pakistanis believe?
I'm not sure if this clip was edited or not but seriously it was not possible to answer all questions she asked in the give time.
I'm sure Zardari's was feeling hot on his *****.

He could have easily answered: Americans believe what is told to them no media will show them the count and pictures of those killed by drones.
Indeed double game is being played with Americans but it is their own people running the show.
Than he would have asked her in return; Is she interested to know what Pakistanis believe?
Full Interview is here Complete Zardari Interview with MSNBC
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