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Pak Army protecting meeting against them! | Pakistani opposition speaks the language of the enemy!

It must be asked. Its a relevant question. Why is army always so accommodating towards Sharifs? Without Army interference (which Imran was against), Sharif was let go to UK. This is not acceptable. Army should stop interfering in politics. Now its very difficult to bring Sharif back if not totally impossible. This family is a group of thieves.

I m not the type who blames everything on Army. At the same time, when there is clear evidence as such, we should categorically condemn this. Why was COAS and DG ISI meeting Zubair? In what capacity? This should be stopped!
Never heard of their off-the-shelf availability...
opposition is out of control but remember these traitors don't represent people of punjab or sindh so please don't bring mqm in thhis conversation. even muhajjirs aren't traitors.no person should be blamed for a political party mess. every person, from kpk to sindh,everyone loves pakistan. opposition is creating hate. time to put them all in jail or we can also vanish few top leaders of opposition.
opposition is out of control but remember these traitors don't represent people of punjab or sindh so please don't bring mqm in thhis conversation. even muhajjirs aren't traitors.no person should be blamed for a political party mess. every person, from kpk to sindh,everyone loves pakistan. opposition is creating hate. time to put them all in jail or we can also vanish few top leaders of opposition.

Very well Said. :-)
Here is the question - why is the military facilitating this topi Drama? And why are they allowing destabilization in the country by supporting these bastar.ds?
Here is the question - why is the military facilitating this topi Drama? And why are they allowing destabilization in the country by supporting these bastar.ds?

Million dollar question. Why the fatso, the godfather was allowed to be flown out of country and given red carpet? As it turn out, this traitor is till the blue eyed boy of the "establishment" due to his Punjabi domicile. Madness!

Its a hopeless situation until these "old school" lot either retire or given the boot and replaced with new younger lot who can think beyond petty regional allegiances and have state interests above anything.
Entire PDM must be hanged

How, when and where?
Here is the question - why is the military facilitating this topi Drama? And why are they allowing destabilization in the country by supporting these bastar.ds?

They are only taking care of their security and nothing else. PDM will die naturally very soon.
Million dollar question. Why the fatso, the godfather was allowed to be flown out of country and given red carpet? As it turn out, this traitor is till the blue eyed boy of the "establishment" due to his Punjabi domicile. Madness!

Its a hopeless situation until these "old school" lot either retire or given the boot and replaced with new younger lot who can think beyond petty regional allegiances and have state interests above anything.

I disagree with your 2nd part of your quote as there is no shortcut to experience, While first point is very valid and actions must be taken at the earliest.
They won't hit their facilitators and allies. Simple.

sooner or later justice will be served.
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opposition is out of control but remember these traitors don't represent people of punjab or sindh so please don't bring mqm in thhis conversation. even muhajjirs aren't traitors.no person should be blamed for a political party mess. every person, from kpk to sindh,everyone loves pakistan. opposition is creating hate. time to put them all in jail or we can also vanish few top leaders of opposition.

Most are the PDM leadership cannot Live/survive without kursi.
Most are the PDM leadership cannot Live/survive without kursi.
I agree. They want power so that they can do more corruption. They aren't even a threat for Pak army. Threat should be assessed by intelligence and not army. Intelligence can use it's resources which are dispersed not only in Pakistan but also on enemy soil. It's time to do things loudly and proudly. This is an open proxy war. No rules at all. Why a mandir can't be targeted in India? Yes it can be targeted. What they will do next? They will put pressure. We can also put pressure. We need to be aggressive. It's time to hurt enemy and it's population.
I agree. They want power so that they can do more corruption. They aren't even a threat for Pak army. Threat should be assessed by intelligence and not army. Intelligence can use it's resources which are dispersed not only in Pakistan but also on enemy soil. It's time to do things loudly and proudly. This is an open proxy war. No rules at all. Why a mandir can't be targeted in India? Yes it can be targeted. What they will do next? They will put pressure. We can also put pressure. We need to be aggressive. It's time to hurt enemy and it's population.

Yes they deserve a punch in the face, specially after the Peshawar blast.
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