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Pak Army ordered to open fire if the US raids!


Mar 24, 2006
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Pakistan orders troops to fire on US cross-border raids | World news | guardian.co.uk


Pakistan's military said today its forces had received orders to fire on US troops if they entered Pakistani territory, after a cross-border raid inflamed public opinion.

The country's civilian leaders, who have taken a tough line against militants, have insisted Pakistan must resolve the dispute with the US through diplomatic channels. But the military has taken a more robust line.

General Athar Abbas, an army spokesman, told the Associated Press that after a cross-border assault in the south Waziristan region earlier this month, the military told its field commanders to take action to prevent any similar raids.

"The orders are clear," Abbas said in an interview. "In case it happens again in this form, that there is a very significant detection, which is very definite, no ambiguity, across the border, on ground or in the air: open fire."

The remarks mark a sharp deterioration in military relations between the US and Pakistan, which have been close allies in the "war on terror" since the September 11 attacks seven years ago.

The Bush administration has shown increasing impatience over what it considers Pakistan's incapacity or unwillingness to crack down on Taliban and al-Qaida fighters operating on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

Pakistan insists it is doing what it can. Some 100,000 troops are deployed in the restive north-west and suicide bombers are inflicting an increasingly deadly toll on the Pakistani army.

American officials have confirmed that their forces carried out a raid near the town of Angoor Ada, but have given few details. Abbas said Pakistan's military had asked for an explanation but received only a "half-page" of "very vague" information that did not identify the intended target. Pakistani officials have said the raid killed about 15 people, and Abbas said they all appeared to be civilians.

He would not say whether General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who replaced Pervez Musharraf as head of the army last year, personally made the decision on orders to fire on US troops or if it had been discussed with US officials.

The army spokesman played down reports that Pakistani forces yesterday shot at US helicopters after they penetrated national air space. Abbas insisted no foreign troops had crossed the border and that "trigger-happy tribesmen" had fired the shots.

Pakistani troops based nearby fired flares to see what was going on, he said. The US military in Afghanistan said none of its troops were involved in such an incident yesterday.

As the US steps up its military activity in the sensitive tribal area, Pakistani officials have warned that an increase in cross-border raids will achieve little and fuel the insurgency in Pakistan. Some complain that the country is being made a scapegoat for the failure to stabilise Afghanistan.

In a rare public statement last week, Kayani said Pakistan's sovereignty would be defended "at all cost". Abbas said Pakistani officials had to consider public opinion, which was increasingly anti-American and had some sympathy for rebels claiming to fight in the name of Islam.

"Please look at the public reaction to this kind of adventure or incursion," Abbas said. "The army is also an extension of the public and you can only satisfy the public when you match your words with your actions."

Last week, Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said a new strategy for Afghanistan was needed that incorporated the tribal territory. President George Bush is believed to have signed a secret order allowing US forces to operate in the tribal area, even though the UN mandate for international forces in Afghanistan does not extend into Pakistan.
Gen Kiyani has cover of Civilian govt, and he does not have to do talking with US/NATO something which Musharaf never had.

Thats why he is taking tougher stance.
Gen Kiyani has cover of Civilian govt, and he does not have to do talking with US/NATO something which Musharaf never had.

Thats why he is taking tougher stance.
Actually he's serving the civilian government and both parties have said they are united on the issue.

Judging from the comments here do you have any doubts what the Pakistani mandate is towards what to do in the event of any US unprovoked attacks?
Plus Kiyani also have support of our tribesmen in FATA this time. With public support it has become more easy to fire on intruding americans.
Actually he's serving the civilian government and both parties have said they are united on the issue.

Judging from the comments here do you have any doubts what the Pakistani mandate is towards what to do in the event of any US unprovoked attacks?

Such comments are more of political nature and generally directed towards masses in Pakistan who bore the brunt of attacks. They also show the discontent to offending military.
Things are going from bad to worse, I sincerely hope Mullen's unschedulled meeting will be fruitful tonight and put an halt to intensified US' raids on our soil.

Imho we're all underestimating the effects of one single US caualty on the hands of PA. If it happens there's no goung back.
We'll be at war. :tsk:
That it had to come to this - Mullen had said he did not want a third front, but he does not belong to any political party and he's not running for any election, nor has he said has he was doing "god's work" - he's just a soldier who will have to answer to the loved ones of those in his command.

those whom the gods would destroy...

Such incredible Hubris invade where ever we command, attack what ever we decide :undecided::wave:
Things are going from bad to worse, I sincerely hope Mullen's unschedulled meeting will be fruitful tonight and put an halt to intensified US' raids on our soil.

Imho we're all underestimating the effects of one single US caualty on the hands of PA. If it happens there's no goung back.
We'll be at war. :tsk:

I think the life of a Pakistani solider or for that matter any civilian is equally important as a life of any american and if killing one american means going to war, then we should have gone already when they killed 12 of our security personal.
Bottom line is you cannot stop an aggression with act of weakness. If anyone that needs to realize this bitter truth is, its the US which is deliberately attacking and violating Pakistans soverignity despite of repeated request and warnings by Pakistan not to do so as it will only cause more aggressive hatred among the masses and will seriously hurt the efforts made by PA on WOT. But US does not seem to give it a thought instead it is bound to drag another country into the flames of war just to cover up its own shame. But if this has to be the way it is, then indeed there is no backing away and may god help us on this, PA will defend every inch of the country.
If we wait to revenge our special forces by the belt... Then why should we just smile like dogs if we see some of our finest soldiers being shot into pieces by US forces? There should have been no warning. That is the first act of weakness... I expect hey act a bit more proud then this pathetic diplomatic talk. Shoot the damn UAV's, planes and soldiers if they cross the border. Do not ask any questions.
I think its a great step. The US did indeed cross a line which should have never been crossed.
Undermining the self-respect of its ally in the WOT isn't going to help things one bit.
We can not be an ally and a target at the same time.
Enough is enough! :sniper:
This is even beyond the good weather friendship. It is openly raping of all rules. Failing to control Afghanistan and blaiming on the 15% attacks probably based in Pakistan. The US and CIA never been a talent in telling the truth so now they removed someone trying to make Pakistan better and expect to be the leader of the corrupt "elected". No nation would accept this treatment. I am still amazed Pakistan is not crossing borders to teach them lessons. Specially the treators called Afghanistani Northern Alliance. These morons should be eliminated as they are serving India.

ISLAMABAD - Top US military commander Admiral Mike Mullen and Head of Nato’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) General David McKiernan Tuesday landed here on an unannounced visit ostensibly to pacify Pakistan’s military leadership.

Well-placed diplomatic sources told TheNation that General David McKiernan held an informal meeting with Pakistani military leadership shortly after his arrival and assured maximum restraints in future.

“ISAF Chief has expressed regrets over what has been described as ‘erroneously made incursions inside Pakistan,” an informed source added.

Informed sources further said that Admiral Mullen and General McKiernan would hold formal meeting with Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani today (Wednesday) to hold out categorical assurance that maximum restraints would be exercised in future.

It was further learnt that a high-level delegation from Pakistan would visit the USA to further consolidate the strategic partnership between the two countries.

Diplomatic sources said that purpose of visit of Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen was to discuss ways to reduce tension over recent border violations by the US-led NATO forces.

The visit comes amid tensions between the US and Pakistan’s new government, which has angrily reacted to recent missiles strikes by American drones, killing scores of people including women and children.

Admiral Mullen warned earlier this month that the US forces would launch unilateral actions in the tribal regions against the al Qaeda linked militants.

Sources said that the security situation and war against terror would come under discussion in the talks scheduled for Wednesday, official sources said.

Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee Admiral Mullen is also expected to call on Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani to discuss cooperation between Pakistan and United States in the war against terror.


Let's see what is new in this episode of Mullen's War...
This is even beyond the good weather friendship. It is openly raping of all rules. Failing to control Afghanistan and blaiming on the 15% attacks probably based in Pakistan. The US and CIA never been a talent in telling the truth so now they removed someone trying to make Pakistan better and expect to be the leader of the corrupt "elected". No nation would accept this treatment. I am still amazed Pakistan is not crossing borders to teach them lessons. Specially the treators called Afghanistani Northern Alliance. These morons should be eliminated as they are serving India.

Dear Munir,

How easy you find such simple solutions when you live safely In Holland ?

Okay we take it for granted that man to man the Pakistani Armed Forces are the best. Okay ?

Your Navy will last a day against the US Navy.
Your Airforce will last a week against the USAF.
Your Army at the most two weeks.

However your insurgency against the US for a life time if they are stupid enough to put boots on the ground.

I am saying that keeping in my mind that Armed Forces march and win battles when they have fuel, ammunition and food. All three of them are not plentifull in Pakistan. You will be suprised how fast the Ummah will desert u when u take on the USA.

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