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Pak army new airborne division

Which ones are we interested or can get ????

IMO the most likely two are the Mi26 because Pakistan already has Mil helicopters in service but the CH47C is allegedlly on the cards form Italy as the older Italian Chinooks are due to be replaced by new "F" models.

I would like to see both as India may be doing the same with Mi26s in a logistics role resupplying troops in the Himalayas and the CH47s as they can also act in a assault capacity as has been happening in Afghanistan where one chinook can do the work of 4 to 5 UH70 Blackhawks.
India is phasing out the Mi-26's. They would in all likelihood be replaced by the Chinook.
when we will get Mi 35 and chinkooks is deal is finalised and ho many we should stop buying mi 17 and start buying mi 35
Super Falcon Mi17 is a utility helicopter and Mi35 is a gunship with troop transport capability.

Pakistan now has 80+ Mi17s and I don't think the Mi35 is the right aircraft to supplement them.
Is Pak army new airborne division is already exit or in planning phases?

What is the procedure to join it? Is it like join army then apply for it or some other procedure.
Is Pak army new airborne division is already exit or in planning phases?

What is the procedure to join it? Is it like join army then apply for it or some other procedure.

Airborne division is essentially the SSG. You join SSG after serving in the Army for approx. 1.5 - 2 years.
In 2003 Pak army start building this air assault division, Later first batch of 12 MI17 inducted, later this division suppose to induct attack helicopter .
Any news, if this division materialize ?
This is a good start and Pakistan should raise additional airborne divisions after this. The tactics of the future warfare is changing rapidly and PA, PN and PAF need to adapt to the new reality asap. Good news for Pakistan. Good work guys, keep up the momentum.
this batch has been working for the last 3 years. With a 90% success rate.
In 2003 Pak army start building this air assault division, Later first batch of 12 MI17 inducted, later this division suppose to induct attack helicopter .
Any news, if this division materialize ?

at best the SSG which is our air-borne, is at Bde strength - getting to Div strength will take some time - further can any one fathom the air-assets required to support a airborne division???:coffee:
Why do we need an air borne or air assault divisions? Both these formation require huge investment in fixed as well as rotary wing aircraft. Additionally there is a requirement for light artillery as well as airmobile IFV’s /light tanks and AA guns. Airborne Division is really required when one we needs to project power far from the country’s shores.

PA is faced with a much larger IA which is able to open many fronts along the border in order to exploit its numerical superiority. What is therefore really needed is a ‘Rapid Response’ force of a about 3 brigade strength that can be used to reinforce a position quickly when required, plug a hole in case of a break thru (as happened in Rajasthan in1965) or for providing infantry support to a rapidly advancing amour.

All of the above tasks can be performed by a well trained ‘Light infantry’ force. The manpower can be transported in a combination of fixed wing/rotary wing and/ or high speed motorized vehicles. Troops should travel armed with small arms only. With the heavy equipment available in pre arranged strategic forward locations.

Think army aviation already has sufficient assets available to shift a brigade strength force in one go. The same transport element can subsequently be utilized to shift another brigade to a different location.

Pakistan not being very deep; if we were to have these three RR brigades located say at Jacobabad, Shorkot and at Jhelum; it would only take a few hours to shift one of these brigades to Kashmir, Lahore or Rajasthan border as the case may be. Heavy equipment to be transported from nearby locations to meet up with the troops just before the engagement.

Naturally every thing has to work like clock work and it would take a lot of hard training and exercises before such a force can achieve its true potential. But once we have achieved decent level of proficiency, each rapid response brigade can be a great force multiplier.

Air borne commandos and anti terrorist paramilitary is another question and should be dealt separately as the objectives of these forces is different.

Unless both the Para drops and Rapid Response force is needed simultaneously, we can make do with a lot less aviation transport element thus achieving our goals at much lower cost.
Ahh this maybe random but if you have seen the "Azm e Nau" official song/video, you can see our troops getting on a C-130, isn't it "Air Assault" ?, I didn't see any parachutes with them...
Airborne division will come very handy by dropping troops behind enemy lines, especially in case of kashmir, it can be very effective of dropping troops in Jammu sector to cut the IA troops in Kashmir valley
Didnt we order 36+ bells for around $300-350 million just few days ago?
Also i wonder when we will get more assault helis! T-129 or some other alternative.
10-20 new transport planes , and 100-150 helicopters is must for our Army

Absolute must , even get the transport planes from China if needed

The Air refuelers are optional as we are not doing long range missions
but yes we do need the transport planes

1) Get newer transport planes
2) Get new helicopters defect free

Becasue we have 500,000-800,000 men army and we need transport planes to supply them and move them around if needed

We need transport planes -

Perhaps we should not focus too much on F16 Make that plane as the defender or air protection role in Pakistan so we don't need air refueler for it

Instead GET latest transport planes and Heliocopters
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