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Pak air force narrows gap as IAF struggles to get fighter jets

Old third generation aircrafts are now a days just for filling the numbers....real comparison is between fourth generation aircrafts and their number matters!! While India is rolling out new MKIs and Tejas every year, Rafale will join the party really soon too...our numbers will keep getting better along with quality.

they are better just because of those 272 su-30s.all their su-30s can fire bvr.pakistan was lacking planes that can fire bvr.bvr is a must thing if you want to fight with your enemy.this is why pakistan is making jf-17 so urgently because it can fire pl-12 and pl-13.the gap was too much during kargil but pakistan now understands that bvr and anti radiation missiles are a must feature for any future aircraft so they developed this jf-17.pakistan can buy copies of su-30 from chinese at anytime they want.india is increasing it's fighter jets because china has now developed 2 types of stealth jets.i think with at least 250 jf-17s and 100 f-16s that can fire bvr missiles,pakistan can tackle india anywhere in the world.pakistan is working where they were lacking most which is a fighter that can fire bvr.india is buying rafales while pakistan is interested on a chinese 5th generation jet.pak air force might have plans to make a 5th generation fighter jet with china just like they are making jf-17.today,iaf have massive advantage over pakistan just because of those 272 su-30s but this gap is going to vanish because we are making almost 16 jf-17s during a year.this is a very high rate.this high rate is a big problem for iaf.
There's more to see....India is getting new Tejas, though slowly for now but it will pick up the pace....Rafale will join the party too. So Its not that we are sitting idle. While on a different topic, Indian navy's air arm has been turned to be a good airforce in its own ways with 45 4th gen aircrafts and many AEW helis. More to come for in Navy's basket too.
PAF is a obsolete air force with only 162 4th gen aircraft.
In comparison India has 392 4th gen aircraft.
So how come 162(77+100
Last 10 thunders in final testing =177) is obsolete vs 392(234+130=392?)
Simple mathematics will show ratio of 1:2.2 (162/392) thats just twice as good at best.

If this is true than IAF is not obsolete but rather chicken shit as compared to PLAAF

(1000+ fourth gen jets 350+j10s. 400+ su27-30,j11,200+j8, number of jet engine bombers etc +8 fifth gen vs 362)
Adding more JF-17s to the mix isn't narrowing any gaps but widening them as far as quality of the fire power and intensity of a threat is considered.
How come that ..isnt your air force running after gripen omce it checked its bank balance
So how come 162(77+100
Last 10 thunders in final testing =177) is obsolete vs 392(234+130=392?)
Simple mathematics will show ratio of 1:2.2 (162/392) thats just twice as good at best.

If this is true than IAF is not obsolete but rather chicken shit as compared to PLAAF

(1000+ fourth gen jets 350+j10s. 400+ su27-30,j11,200+j8, number of jet engine bombers etc +8 fifth gen vs 362)
First of all only 88-89 JF-17s have been produced out of which two crashed.

Also PLAAF jet figures at heavily exaggerated, they have 250 J-10s at most and around 350 Su27/Su30/J11.
Also j-8 is totally obsolete just like MiG-23.
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There can be no worse loser and further humiliation for a nation when it's airforce has to display it's own wrecks as war trophies. Even air arms of some Banana republic don't go so low but then Agni Pankh is no more than a village cricket group.

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Yup , like everything else India acquires, the trailer Tejas is also the game changer.
Has this got anything to do with this thread??
Jf17- is planned to be the backbone of PAF.
While Tejas is going to replace the mig 21's and mig 27's only and it is certainly better than both of them. And will occupy the lower most tier of IAF.
Your jf-17 is going to be pitted against su 30 mki,rafale's,mirage 2k-5's, mig29 smt's.
The odds are stacked against you.i wish you all the luck.

You are right pigs can't fly like your country man.but falcons can fly any where like our air force.you have now c130 which we used decades ago.
And we have c-17's now which you can only dream about.

The comparison of 1.6:1 or 1.8:1 is wrong---. That is just the number.

In true sense the numbers favor the indian air force---their SU30 has twice the weapons load and 5 times the bvr missile load of a pakistani fighter aircraft---.

So---in bvr mission mode---it becomes 5:1 and those are great odds---but if one SU is taken out---it is like 5 aircraft power taken out---.
It all looks good on paper with pumped up figures.
Firstly compared to Block-52s, the SU-30 may carry the double load of BVRs not sure where did you come up with 5 times figure.....in any case, how much advantage does that give when a single round can blow any aircraft out of the sky.... and we both know how the lighter aircraft with shoot and scoot tactics have left these giant platforms vulnerable....

Has this got anything to do with this thread??
Jf17- is planned to be the backbone of PAF.
While Tejas is going to replace the mig 21's and mig 27's only and it is certainly better than both of them. And will occupy the lower most tier of IAF.
Your jf-17 is going to be pitted against su 30 mki,rafale's,mirage 2k-5's, mig29 smt's.
The odds are stacked against you.i wish you all the luck.
Indeed, one should learn from history....
You were supposed to induct the Tejas and phase out the MiG-21s some 20 years earlier so let's talk about the Rafales when they become operational in numbers with the IAF....who knows by that time what PAF would have in it's inventory.....as for the JF-17, well currently it's the very aircraft that is deployed for ADA and squared up to the threat recently.....!!!
I know you ignore me, but you are a respected senior so I need to debunk any BS I see you peddling.

1. If Pakistan observes any agglomeration and movement of forces near its border, then it will be prepared with Nasr, Shaheen, and Ababeel. The air assets won't even come into the equation.

2. The best bet for Indian dreams of crushing Pakistan in an all out war is acquisition/production of stealth bombers plus a credible anti-ballistic missile shield that can counter Ababeel comprehensively. Not to mention any stealth cruise missile that MAY or MAY NOT be under development in Pakistan. Until they acquire capabilities to counter these strategic assets, the Hindu mind will not take any risks.

3. This leaves us with short incursions. Here, the Su-30 brings a light show on the radar screen along with its awesome firepower. With a big red target saying 'Hit Me' against JF-17 AESA radars, it is going to prove a very expensive mistake for the Indians. Which is why they are investing in Rafale.

4. By the time Rafale becomes relevant, Pakistan will have 5th gen capabilities.

ok kid lets start

1. what if i told you that you might have nars & shaheen and so called ababeel (of which you have done only one test & think its oprational wow :haha:)

what if i told you we already have four layered PESA &AESA radar network backed mu multiple SR, MR & LR and now AAD , PAD while S300 PMU is been ther for quite some time and we already made deal for S400 and talks on for Arrow 3

2. well do you have any idea about indian bombers and what is acyutaly a stealth bomber and will chinese sell you stealth bomber ? first try getting those 8 F16s without CSF or WR for USA then dream of so called stealth bombers

3.a bhramos takes to its traget at mach 2.3 and you do not have anything to stop when all your prime assets are just within its range (50-250 km from indian border) rest speulate yourself

4. do you have any idea about the BVRs and PGMs , LGBs and other guided air to surface missiles of IAF we got fro russia,france & israel over the years :haha:

5.and does JF17 eve has AESA but but wait MKI does have BARS IBRIS-E Hybrid PESA-AESA radar which is one of a kind first among the transition russians made the first genration AESA you can say which american wanted us to switch on many times in red flag exercises but we dint google it kid

do you know peak powr out out of JF17 radar and what is peak power out put of MKI radar go google it and its relevence in EW im sure you will find it revolutionary concept ;)

6. and last but not the least this is the age of multi tasking and indian sir force is going that way all our fighters like MKI , M2K & Fulkrums have massive EW+ECM+Jammer suits even jaguars are getting israeli EL2052 AESA radars with Derby ER BVRs which are cnsiderred better than AIM120D (we also have latest gen russian R77 & french MICA & Israeli DERBY, I DERBY ER & Python5 VWRs)

so kid if you have no idea what IAF has right now cause if have not even told you about the PGMs, LGBs , SDBs or Glide bombs or anty radiation bombs /missiles and all those different smart pods we have plus the fact we are practising with singaporean air force F16 staioned in india for at least a decade with all the best tactics and inputs from israeli instrutors and pilots about your F16s so dont think we dont know about you and your prime assets and how to handle them rst you can speculate yourself

in short there is a reason why neither PAF nor PLAAF is ready to engage IAF in a direct or indirect mode cause they know the kind of sting we can diliver its only the arm chair general and fan boys who dont know keep making fun of IAF ;) :tup:
in short there is a reason why neither PAF nor PLAAF is ready to engage IAF in a direct or indirect mode cause they know the kind of sting we can diliver its only the arm chair general and fan boys who dont know keep making fun of IAF ;) :tup:

Maybe because neither PAF or PLAAF have Balloons in their inventory. :lol:

1. If Pakistan observes any agglomeration and movement of forces near its border, then it will be prepared with Nasr, Shaheen, and Ababeel. The air assets won't even come into the equation
feelin cozy with the kangaroos lately , nae?
you think it's easy to have a fruit punch while being baked in a nuclear oven?

I know you ignore me, but you are a respected senior so I need to debunk any BS I see you peddling

if you're done with soothing your ego by taking cheap shots at the learned members of this forum , I urge you to plz put forward something substantial and stop playing this old record time n again .
I know you ignore me, but you are a respected senior so I need to debunk any BS I see you peddling.

1. If Pakistan observes any agglomeration and movement of forces near its border, then it will be prepared with Nasr, Shaheen, and Ababeel. The air assets won't even come into the equation.

2. The best bet for Indian dreams of crushing Pakistan in an all out war is acquisition/production of stealth bombers plus a credible anti-ballistic missile shield that can counter Ababeel comprehensively. Not to mention any stealth cruise missile that MAY or MAY NOT be under development in Pakistan. Until they acquire capabilities to counter these strategic assets, the Hindu mind will not take any risks.

3. This leaves us with short incursions. Here, the Su-30 brings a light show on the radar screen along with its awesome firepower. With a big red target saying 'Hit Me' against JF-17 AESA radars, it is going to prove a very expensive mistake for the Indians. Which is why they are investing in Rafale.

4. By the time Rafale becomes relevant, Pakistan will have 5th gen capabilities.


1.. if you try to do that then forget your whole country because India already said if any one use any type of nuclear weapons against our forces in any part of world in any country then we consider it a nuclear war and at, that time there is a no chance of survival of Pakistan...

2.. hope u don't know that India recently done a deal with Russia for a supersonic bomber .., and about the ballistic missile defense I don't know u here about , AAD or not if not Pls do .. and pls also study about Barak 8 system which is one of the most advanced anti cruise missiles defence system..

3.. yep, sukhoi have large radar signature but how your going to counter it nd remember sukhoi will locate your any fighter jets before you locate them and with bvr of sukhoi u will defenetly see heavens.. nd do some research sukhoi is also upgrading to super sukhoi with aesa radar...and, India mainly brought the Rafael for there missile system...

4.. are you seriously idiot or assume others idiot first brought some money for some potent 4th generation aircraft... nd leave that j7 Chinese upgrade with metal body... nd until you get 5th generation aircraft India have both rafales, and also FGFA...
ok please tell me what happened between IAF & PAF at LOC recently SIR :sarcastic:

You just amuse yourself with long list of weapons, equipment and cartoons.....
Baqi sou sunhar ki aur eik lohar ki....
BTW, have you noticed, there was a time, SU-30 was called Raptor of East, Invincible, untouchable (Not Dalit)....but now every one talks about Rafales. LoL.

You just amuse yourself with long list of weapons, equipment and cartoons.....
Baqi sou sunhar ki aur eik lohar ki....
BTW, have you noticed, there was a time, SU-30 was called Raptor of East, Invincible, untouchable (Not Dalit)....but now every one talks about Rafales. LoL.
well there is no fighter that is ultimate even a day will come when GaN AESA radar tech would obsolete but today there is nothing like it

now there is nothing like even today in air like raptor even when its been flying for more than two decades but MKI is in last leg its in for major MLU with new age engines and a new gen GaN AESA radar and Indo -Russian version of SPECRTA and a GaN AESA based combined avionics EW+ECM+Internal jammers suite and a combined and minurised avionics suite making it thrice as potent while almost 20% lighter (avionicks weight meaning more space for power genrationa and cooling units and fuel )

now as for rafale we gonna have 36+50+4 (90) in total and 40+80 +90(MK1 & MK1A & MK2) LCA and 150 FGFA and we have both need and money for it (yes we have already cleared money for 36 rafales and 120 LCA) rest keep dreaming and speculating jammer bhiyye cause all our fighter jets by 2025 gona sport GaN AESA radar and compatiable multi seeker head long range BVRs with it (we right now feild R77 Magic,MICA,Derby & Derby ER)
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