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Pak air force narrows gap as IAF struggles to get fighter jets

There can be no worse loser and further humiliation for a nation when it's airforce has to display it's own wrecks as war trophies. Even air arms of some Banana republic don't go so low but then Agni Pankh is no more than a village cricket group.


Adding more JF-17s to the mix isn't narrowing any gaps but widening them as far as quality of the fire power and intensity of a threat is considered.
Yup , like everything else India acquires, the trailer Tejas is also the game changer.
they are better just because of those 272 su-30s.all their su-30s can fire bvr.pakistan was lacking planes that can fire bvr.bvr is a must thing if you want to fight with your enemy.this is why pakistan is making jf-17 so urgently because it can fire pl-12 and pl-13.the gap was too much during kargil but pakistan now understands that bvr and anti radiation missiles are a must feature for any future aircraft so they developed this jf-17.pakistan can buy copies of su-30 from chinese at anytime they want.india is increasing it's fighter jets because china has now developed 2 types of stealth jets.i think with at least 250 jf-17s and 100 f-16s that can fire bvr missiles,pakistan can tackle india anywhere in the world.pakistan is working where they were lacking most which is a fighter that can fire bvr.india is buying rafales while pakistan is interested on a chinese 5th generation jet.pak air force might have plans to make a 5th generation fighter jet with china just like they are making jf-17.today,iaf have massive advantage over pakistan just because of those 272 su-30s but this gap is going to vanish because we are making almost 16 jf-17s during a year.this is a very high rate.this high rate is a big problem for iaf.
Neither do your Jaguars, Mirages, MiG-27s, and MiG-21s which make up around 70% of your air force.
I don't what you smoking but it must be cheap sh#t .Mirage 2k are upgraded to dash 5 mk2 while jaguars are in process of upgradation with AESA radar.So they are going to be very much relevant even by 2025.
I never believe the idea that IAF is stronger than PAF, just because they have few more MKIs or Mig29s or Mirage2000 or whatever number of Rafale gonna get`?

at end the day, it all comes down to how efficient and effective air defense/offense system the nation manages to develop. planes are just one part of it, I dont believe that lousy, chaotic, deluded Indian government can manage to develop a modern air defense/offense system. their military procurement is least professional you can find, has no strategy and vison at all
Pakistan will also persue a 5th gen fighter program parallel to India.
Will, soon, probably. :tup:
no 'foreign player' wants to do that
Think again. Sukhoi and SAAB are in queue.
You spent it on rafales
No surprise here
Regular pattern, only believes when it hits you.
well thats not happening
And you are?
says the dude flying 14 squadrons of mig-21's and mig 27's
Already upgraded and better than the copy J-7. Quite interesting to say but JF-17 has are all based on the Fishbed. :partay:
That's correct, the C-17 and C130's strategic airlift capabilities allow the Indian armed forces to be airdropped in a place of their choosing..

So in short, yes they fly!

Reality check for you though, pigs can't fly! ;)
You are right pigs can't fly like your country man.but falcons can fly any where like our air force.you have now c130 which we used decades ago.
you are right, IAF is just good enough to shoot unarmed aircrafts of Pakistan, there are example of it from past.
Indeed there are examples in past and also they never retaliate and still hidden in its den is also a shining example of PAF.

The comparison of 1.6:1 or 1.8:1 is wrong---. That is just the number.

In true sense the numbers favor the indian air force---their SU30 has twice the weapons load and 5 times the bvr missile load of a pakistani fighter aircraft---.

So---in bvr mission mode---it becomes 5:1 and those are great odds---but if one SU is taken out---it is like 5 aircraft power taken out---.

I know you ignore me, but you are a respected senior so I need to debunk any BS I see you peddling.

1. If Pakistan observes any agglomeration and movement of forces near its border, then it will be prepared with Nasr, Shaheen, and Ababeel. The air assets won't even come into the equation.

2. The best bet for Indian dreams of crushing Pakistan in an all out war is acquisition/production of stealth bombers plus a credible anti-ballistic missile shield that can counter Ababeel comprehensively. Not to mention any stealth cruise missile that MAY or MAY NOT be under development in Pakistan. Until they acquire capabilities to counter these strategic assets, the Hindu mind will not take any risks.

3. This leaves us with short incursions. Here, the Su-30 brings a light show on the radar screen along with its awesome firepower. With a big red target saying 'Hit Me' against JF-17 AESA radars, it is going to prove a very expensive mistake for the Indians. Which is why they are investing in Rafale.

4. By the time Rafale becomes relevant, Pakistan will have 5th gen capabilities.

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