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Pak-Afghan Unification

Be warned, every time we bent over, you were the one who got the big shaft from Turks, Afghans, Mughals, Mamluks, Persians. Too much of a cultural gangbang you have been put through.

The big shaft only belongs to that area.

Let me see, hmm..

Persians, Greeks, Bactrians, Scythians, Parthians, Sasanian, Arabs, then countless Islamics of different flavors(Turks, Turkics, Afghans, etc, etc.)

I mean, it was a nightmare living in that area.

Most of India was doing just fine while that was happening.
The big shaft only belongs to that area.

Let me see, hmm..

Persians, Greeks, Bactrians, Scythians, Parthians, Sasanian, Arabs, then countless Islamics of different flavors(Turks, Turkics, Afghans, etc, etc.)

I mean, it was a nightmare living in that area.

Before coming to India, they all passed through Pakistan :lol: Arabs never controlled any part of modern India
The big shaft only belongs to that area.

Let me see, hmm..

Persians, Greeks, Bactrians, Scythians, Parthians, Sasanian, Arabs, then countless Islamics of different flavors(Turks, Turkics, Afghans, etc, etc.)

I mean, it was a nightmare living in that area.

We defeated most of them and allied with the like minded ones so we can give you a big one. You haven't recovered from it.
Before coming to India, they all passed through Pakistan :lol: Arabs never controlled any part of modern India

Arabs brought a better way of life which replaced a stone age evil ideology, which enslaved fellow human beings by which our ancestors had been living by. By all means it turned out in our favour as it allowed our hegemony over the east for a long period of time.
Arabs brought a better way of life which replaced a stone age evil ideology our ancestors had been living by. By all means it turned out in our favour as it allowed our hegemony over the east for a long period of time.

What? When did you ever have hegemony over the east? And btw your post can be classified as borderline religious bigotry.
What? When did you ever have hegemony over the east? And btw your post can be classified as borderline religious bigotry.

This is how the naked truth looks like. Our way of life had become obsolete and had to be replaced with a better, equal and functional system. Thanks to the Arabs,we were able to access it.
This is how the naked truth looks like. Our way of life had become obsolete and had to be replaced with a better, equal and functional system. Thanks to the Arabs,we were able to access it.

If it had really become obsolete in the strict sense of the word, why do 1 billion people still practice the same way of life? Factually, it had not become obsolete. There is no reason to suggest that t was less functional (whatever that means) than the new "way of life" you "accessed" from the Arabs.
If it had really become obsolete in the strict sense of the word, why do 1 billion people still practice the same way of life? Factually, it had not become obsolete. There is no reason to suggest that t was less functional (whatever that means) than the new "way of life" you "accessed" from the Arabs.

It didn't suit our cultural needs. We needed to get rid of the caste system and bring equality among our population. What has worked for our civilization, doesn't mean would work for yours. Different people take guidance from different models and ways of life. We chose what suited us the best for aspirations.
It didn't suit our cultural needs. We needed to get rid of the caste system and bring equality among our population. What has worked for our civilization, doesn't mean would work for yours. Different people take guidance from different models and ways of life. We chose what suited us the best for aspirations.

That's fair enough
This is how the naked truth looks like. Our way of life had become obsolete and had to be replaced with a better, equal and functional system. Thanks to the Arabs,we were able to access it.
You seem to be a great fan of the Arabs, but unfortunately, Arabs treat you guys as third rate citizens. Have you seen the plight of Pakistanis in Arab nations? You guys are treated as scum. But you get down on you knees each time you see an Arab - whom you treat as your lords and masters - the ultimate race on planet Earth!

You guys are overawed by their holy presence, even teaching Arabic in schools and translating the Koran too! Clutching at straws to find an identity! Some of you have even insisted that you guys are of Caucasian decent!! Jeeez! :rofl:
Why all these debates, Pakistan is from the Indus river civilization, one of the greatest in history.
We are mostly concerned about Pakistan and Afghanistan relationship, which should be an excellent one now a days, since India will loose its military and intelligence networks in Afghanistan and will be restrained from causing havoc in both countries.
Can not everyone see, its old relationship with Russia, and the invasion of Afghanistan by this one, and now the good relations with the US and the US invasion of Afghanistan, besides its very good relation with Israelle and its 20+ consulates!!! in Afghanistan, not to mention its deep hatred for Muslim nations. So, Afghanis should wake up to this and put their priorities where they belong for their own safety and the safety of the Area.
I am not saying that India is good or bad, it is doing what it thinks is best for her. So we should do what is best for us.
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