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Pak-Afghan circles dismiss qualms about Abdullah’s Tajik background

No need to get aggressive because you don't know if this Troller is an Indian False Flagger as many on PDF are. Let us not offend the good Afghan People because of what an Indian False Flagger said.

I have nothing but good will for Afghan and Afghanistan, just like other Pakistanis. They are our brothers, as we say in Pakistan.

But any Afghan who wants to hurt Pakistan, and harbor irrational anti-Pakistani sentiment, then I have no choice but to see him in negative light and work to safeguard my nation.

As simple as that.

And what will you conduct the raids with? Sure you can catch us by surprise and attack a couple of border posts, but whats gonna happen when the Pakistan Army mobilizes and counter attacks. Whats going to happen when we send an F16 loaded with JDAM's over your ANA Positions?

I have nothing but good will for Afghan and Afghanistan, just like other Pakistanis. They are our brothers, as we say in Pakistan.

But any Afghan who wants to hurt Pakistan, and harbor irrational anti-Pakistani sentiment, then I have no choice but to see him in negative light and work to safeguard my nation.

As simple as that.

I am with you Bro but that is precisely what I am saying.

What is if this guy is Indian False flagger with an Afghan Flag making incendiary comments to make Pakistanis fight Afghans.

Recently one of the moderators @Jungibaaz showed how an Indian False Flagger took on the name @Karachite and made derogatory remarks against Pak Army and certain Pakistani Community resulting in Pakistanis hurling insults at each other till the moderator showed the location of the False Flagger was actually in India.

Just because some one says they are Afghans does not necessarily mean they are Afghans, especially if they are Trolling and making derogatory remarks about Pakistan.
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For what I can tell, if anyone will put to rest the durand debate in Afghanistan, it'll probably be Abdullah. I may not like him, but Pakistan can indeed work with him.
I am with you Bro but that is precisely what I am saying.

What is if this guy is Indian False flagger with an Afghan Flag making incendiary comments to make Pakistanis fight Afghans.

Recently one of the moderators @Jungibaaz showed how an Indian False Flagger took on the name @Karachite and made derogatory remarks against Pak Army and certain Pakistani Community resulting in Pakistanis hurling insults at each other till the moderator showed the location of the False Flagger was actually in India.

Just because some one says they are Afghans does not necessarily mean they are Afghans, especially if they are Trolling and making derogatory remarks about Pakistan.


So the "karachite" was an Indian? :o:
Your correct, he might hate Pakistan but he has no
choice but to work with Pakistan.

Your forgetting something very important, Pakistan holds most of the cards. Pakistan can successfully choke all of Afghanistan's trade and starve it by simply cutting of all trade links. How are the Afghans going to survive when there is no food and fuel. Pakistan can expel all of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan creating absolute chaos in Afghanistan as these returning refugees will need resources. Millions of Afghans live in Pakistan, earn a living and send their salaries back to Afghanistan where there families live. What are those families going to do when the money stops flowing in. Most importantly, peace and stability cannot be achieved in Afghanistan without the blessing of Pakistan.

So it does not matter what Abdullah Abdullah's personal opinion is about Pakistan, the only thing that will define this relationship are strategic interests. Pakistan can live without Afghanistan, but not the other way around my friend.

There is a huge difference b/w working with Pakistan and working for Pakistan. In past Pakistan has had an unhealthy control over Afghan regimes, especially the post Soviet, pre American regimes..which proved disastrous for normal Afghan people.

But now things are different , all it's neighbors excluding Pakistan are very interested in keeping Afghanistan from regressing to its Taliban and Al Qaeda day, and we will give them alternatives to Pakistan

Afghanistan might be your neighbor but it is no longer your backyard.
Afghanistan might be your neighbor but it is no longer your backyard.

Pakistan is a nuclear-power, we don't need any "backyard"...

What we need is an Afghanistan that is not being used by India to create instability in Pakistan through the Western flank. In this regard, Afghanistan was, and will always be our "backyard" Inshallah....

As notorious said, "we" hold the most "critical" cards---nobody else can match our influence and reach in Afghan theater (superpower not included)

Afghanistan must be a sovereign, neutral state that doesn't let its land being used against us. As long as this goes, we are ok with anything in Afghanistan.
And what will you conduct the raids with? Sure you can catch us by surprise and attack a couple of border posts, but whats gonna happen when the Pakistan Army mobilizes and counter attacks. Whats going to happen when we send an F16 loaded with JDAM's over your ANA Positions?

American f-15's will make your f-16 look like paper planes
American f-15's will make your f-16 look like paper planes

So, America will send its military might to protect ANA from Pakistan?


Because Afghan has hired U.S military for personal use?


What an idiot.

Lastly, F-15s won't make our F-16s look like paper planes. You are mistaking F-22A with F-15...
Abdulla Abdulla is toy of RAW.

We will cut the transit aid and fuel subsidy.

And we will use Iran? and don't worry you could never cut the supply lines, papa America would not be happy about that and you guys will miss alot of aid.

So, America will send its military might to protect ANA from Pakistan?


Because Afghan has hired U.S military for personal use?


What an idiot.

Lastly, F-15s won't make our F-16s look like paper planes. You are mistaking F-22A with F-15...

Idiot listen, America will send nothing, they are already parked in Bagram, Kabul, Kandahar and they will stay there for the next 10 years.
The BSA says that if an aggressor attacks Afghanistan, US will retaliate by land, sea and air.
and yeah F-15's are far more superior than f-16.
Idiot listen, America will send nothing, they are already parked in Bagram, Kabul, Kandahar and they will stay there for the next 10 years.
The BSA says that if an aggressor attacks Afghanistan, US will retaliate by land, sea and air.
and yeah F-15's are far more superior than f-16.


And we will use Iran? and don't worry you could never cut the supply lines, papa America would not be happy about that and you guys will miss alot of aid.

Idiot listen, America will send nothing, they are already parked in Bagram, Kabul, Kandahar and they will stay there for the next 10 years.
The BSA says that if an aggressor attacks Afghanistan, US will retaliate by land, sea and air.
and yeah F-15's are far more superior than f-16.

Actually I know Pakistan will never use its air power against afghanistan though i am 100% sure if it ever does American will not respond to Pakistan.Its upto you believe it or not whether is Signed or even if Afghanistan territory is secceeded to USA.they won't

ukraine is a Good example,Russia is also USA bigger enemy than taliban.They are using taliban merely for power projection.
You used to claim the same about Karzai. What's the difference then ?

I don't remember what i used to say about Karzai, but his CIA id was busted by slain col. Imam, but since Afghan invasion Indians and Americans share agents and resources, Karzai was no exception.

While Abdullah Abdullah is directly handled by RAW, he is like a brainwashed suicide bomber, he has been with RAW since decades.

And we will use Iran? and don't worry you could never cut the supply lines, papa America would not be happy about that and you guys will miss alot of aid.

When American can have his supply lines from Iran than he is papa of everyone. while transit route from Pakistan is required for various other evil design.
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