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Painter MF Husain dies in London MF Husain passes awayANI - 41 minu

LONDON: M F Husain might have died Qatari citizen, but the legendary artist had maintained in one of his last interviews that he was neither on self-exile nor had he lost faith in India's democratic system.

Husain, who acquired the citizenship of Qatar in 2010, was an Overseas Citizen of India, a category of citizenship introduced by the Indian government in 2005 to provide various facilities to foreign citizens of Indian origin.

In his last interview to BBC Hindi in October 2010, the 95-year-old painter had said that he left India in 2005 (not in 2006 as widely reported), mainly to pursue three major projects, and not because of the controversy caused by some paintings upsetting sections of Hindu society.

"I am not in self-exile", the artist, who was one of the pioneers of modern art in India, had said firmly.

Insisting that he believed in India's democracy and legal system, Husain said he would not have bothered to take the overseas citizenship of India if that were not the case.

"I am an overseas citizen of India. I can go anytime to India. The only thing I can't do is vote; anyway I have never voted in my life. There is no ban on me going to India.

"There are more than 900 cases on me and for the last 12 years I have been paying my lawyer 60-70,000 rupees per month because I have not fled from Indian legal system. Every summons I get, my lawyer responds to it, he said.

"It is wrong to say that I don't have faith in India's democratic system. Why would I have taken the overseas citizenship of India if I did not have faith in India's democracy? I got the overseas Indian citizenship five days after getting the Qatar citizenship".

Husain had earlier said that his advancing age made it difficult for him to go about attending courts in different parts of India where cases were filed against him.

Reminding the interviewer that he left India in 2005, he said there was no controversy at the time.

He said: "I left India in 2005; then nothing of this (protests by Hindu activists) had happened. I wanted to do three major projects that I could not do in India, because I needed sponsors. I still deny it, I am not in exile".

"I don't have a studio anywhere. I am like a folk painter, paint and move ahead".
man responsible for unrest the masses in his life , how he hiself can get rest in peace..

no he was just a victim of hindu extremism, bigotry and vandalism......which is why he shed his citizenship. Indeed a huge loss, I admired his works.

dont politicize this thread. . .

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Times now was telecasting some old interviews of him.....he said he never believed in any god may be thats why he drew those paintings like that.?:undecided:.
He painted Hindu gods naked to hurt their sentiments however If he had guts he should have done same thing with his god.

He was not an Indian when he died.
no he was just a victim of hindu extremism, bigotry and vandalism......which is why he shed his citizenship. Indeed a huge loss, I admired his works.

dont politicize this thread. . .

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Very convenient to call Hindu as vandals and he wasn't innocent either good he did not die as an Indian.
Very convenient to call Hindu as vandals and he wasn't innocent either good he did not die as an Indian.

I'm not calling Hindus vandals....I'm calling the hindu extremists (like bajran dal) as vandals. And it's not my opinion but it's fact. they attacked and damaged his work in the past.....why do you think Mr. Hussain was forced to take exile?

he didnt die as indian because he felt let down by his own country......this is why religious extremism anywhere in the world is a bad thing.
What hurt Hindu sentiments? Only because he was a Muslim? Has you seen the paintings? What is so offensive about those paintings?

My Hindu sentiments and that of millions more, what's offensive about his painting was his intentions of deliberately trying to hurt Hindu sentiments

Have you seen paintings of some Hindu Goddesses in the nude by Hindu artists? Where were/are the "moral police", eh?

Have you thought about the repercussions if the said religion of Islam, Christianity or Sikhism

Bloody hypocrites! You all celebrate India as the land of Kamasutra, where sex is celebrated as a gift of the Gods and an epitome of human emotions and physical & mental well being and on the other hand you have the rotten balls to criticize someone who artfully paints Goddesses in the nude only because he was Muslim?

Blah Blah Blah How come he didn't artfully painted nude personalities associated with Muslims and Islam after all he was a Muslim?

MF Hussein was a painter, an artist. He had no political nor religious agenda. He celebrated the female form as much as Raja Ravi Verma. So save those criticisms and direct them where they are needed the most - against the religious bigots and religious thekedaars who try to police the morals of a society.

How come his female form was always Hindu Godesses and Bharatmata?
RIP....... But the guy was pathetic........ hes in the same league as salman rushdie......

Every religion is to be respected...........
My Hindu sentiments and that of millions more, what's offensive about his painting was his intentions of deliberately trying to hurt Hindu sentiments
BS. Only a handful of idiots were offended.
Have you thought about the repercussions if the said religion of Islam, Christianity or Sikhism
Blah Blah Blah How come he didn't artfully painted nude personalities associated with Muslims and Islam after all he was a Muslim?
This coming from a people who worship "Lingum".!! This coming from a people who celebrate sex as the gift of the Gods!
How many other religions do that?
How come his female form was always Hindu Godesses and Bharatmata?
Because the female form is revered in Hinduism. Thats why!
Yes. I have seen those paintings and was deeply hurt. And who needs to tell me what feelings/thoughts I must get? You must know that not only people from Hindu radical organizations hold the mytholgical characters in reverence.
Not all people whose feelings are hurt are affiliated to some radical hindu organization. If there is a feeling/thought for one person, it's personal. But when it arises for thousands of people, then there must be some thing which has caused it. And I am against it. And I am NOT against paintings drawn in nude by hindus because they dont have any sinister idea behind that. ANd when I talk about sinister idea, I guess you are aware of the fact that MF Hussain him self gone on record saying that he draws somebody in nude to cause humiliation. Now what will you call that? Hypocrisy?
Again you just validated my point, that MF Hussein is being targeted only because he was Muslim.

Did you read the rebuttal I posted? Pornography lies in the perverted mind of the beholder. Period. The fact that some people see pornography in art form, that too paintings of Goddesses - who are revered as Mothers, suffer from a complicated form of Oedipus complex. Enuff said.
If you think you are right, then judge for yourself. Anyways...everybody thinks they are right and others are wrong.
I dont judge anyone. I just observe and quote what I observe, supported by evidence.
The behavior I see displayed here by some can be clearly defined as Hypocrisy.
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