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Painter MF Husain dies in London MF Husain passes awayANI - 41 minu

Lets not forget most of us know Hussein due to his controversies.

Otherwise how many contemporary painters get the limelight like MF Hussein received ??
Are they any less talented than Hussein??

How many people know the name of the arguably the greatest painter of India ,Raja Ravi Varma compared to MF Hussein if not for the controversies??

Raja Ravi Verma is known to every Indian who has seen a picture of Laxmi, Saraswati & Ganesh. The pictures you worship in you little temples in your houses were originally conceptualized and painted by the famous painter.
BS. Only a handful of idiots were offended.

I guess you did a survey

This coming from a people who worship "Lingum".!! This coming from a people who celebrate sex as the gift of the Gods!
How many other religions do that?

What coming from people who worship "Lingum"? If you don't have any freaking idea what Saraswati, Laxmi or even Bharatmata means to millions of Indians it's better not to comment

Because the female form is revered in Hinduism. Thats why!

Oh so female forms are not respected in other religions including his own thus he never went around painting then in nude

ps: Oh let me satisfy my creative instincts and paint a nude portrait of Virgin Mary or Guru Nanak and hope nobody gets offended, idiots!!!

He was a great painter. Its sad that people in Pakistan/India tend to push away or bring down some of their best artists/scientists/writers/etc due to their misguided thinking
What coming from people who worship "Lingum"? If you don't have any freaking idea what Saraswati, Laxmi or even Bharatmata means to millions of Indians it's better not to comment
Dude, you really need to study Hinduism before commenting. It is clear that you have very limited knowledge of the principles.
Oh so female forms are not respected in other religions including his own thus he never went around painting then in nude
I shall not comment on this for it would raise a shytestorm and is against the forum rules.
ps: Oh let me satisfy my creative instincts and paint a nude portrait of Virgin Mary or Guru Nanak and hope nobody gets offended, idiots!!!

Oh please do. If you have the intelligence to understand their scriptures, if you have the intelligence to understand the complexity of issues involved, if you have the intelligence to interpret, conceptualize and depict all that in an art form, then please do. I will be the first one to defend your work if it is done intelligently and artfully and not without malice or a political or religious agenda.
Raja Ravi Verma is known to every Indian who has seen a picture of Laxmi, Saraswati & Ganesh. The pictures you worship in you little temples in your houses were originally conceptualized and painted by the famous painter.

You mean to say Lord Jaganth of puri bulit in 1100AD who we worship was conceptualized by Ravi verma in 1900Ad ??

Pictures of God and goddess drawn by Ravi verma was inspired from existing sculpturs in temples ,not the other way around.

Long story short ,you don't sound like a Hindu .You Better watch yours words.Good night.
You mean to say Lord Jaganth of puri bulit in 1100AD who we worship was conceptualized by Ravi verma in 1900Ad ??

Pictures of God and goddess drawn by Ravi verma was inspired from existing sculpturs in temples ,not the other way around.
Do you understand English? Raja Ravi Verma conceptualized and painted the avatars which have now become synonymous with Goddesses Laxmi & Saraswati.

It was he who gave those Goddesses the form which is now so ubiquitously displayed in our homes. Was that so hard to understand?
Long story short ,you don't sound like a Hindu .You Better watch yours words.Good night.
Excellent! Watch my words!!?
So if I am not a Hindu, what are you going to do?

Here is where I say, go make love to your adipose filled rear.
Oh BTW, you all people who are "defending" Hinduism from a "hate filled Muslim's" paintings with "a religious agenda" against Hindu goddesses, just FYI, MF Hussein painted those paintings back in the 1970's.

So why all this ruckus now?
Dude, you really need to study Hinduism before commenting. It is clear that you have very limited knowledge of the principles.

I assure you I know more about Hinduism than you ever will, I guess your point is that nudism, sex are celebrated and are not taboo in Hinduism and you are equating that to thus people can go around sketching nude Hindu God/Goddess, if that's your point I guess you know nothing about Hindusim

I shall not comment on this for it would raise a shytestorm and is against the forum rules.


Oh please do. If you have the intelligence to understand their scriptures, if you have the intelligence to understand the complexity of issues involved, if you have the intelligence to interpret, conceptualize and depict all that in an art form, then please do. I will be the first one to defend your work if it is done intelligently and artfully and not without malice or a political or religious agenda.

Yes I assure you I have everything that is needed but still I won't cause I know it will offend people and thus I don't want to deliberately hurt or insult anybody
Oh BTW, you all people who are "defending" Hinduism from a "hate filled Muslim's" paintings with "a religious agenda" against Hindu goddesses, just FYI, MF Hussein painted those paintings back in the 1970's.

So why all this ruckus now?

Well the nude Bharatmata was pretty recent (90' if not 00') I guess
I assure you I know more about Hinduism than you ever will,

No you dont. Dont worry, surprisingly, the likes of you are in the majority.

As for your other claim, again, you dont have what it takes. Sorry. Btw, I would love to be proved wrong.
No you dont. Dont worry, surprisingly, the likes of you are in the majority.

As for your other claim, again, you dont have what it takes. Sorry. Btw, I would love to be proved wrong.

LOL are you gazing the crystal ball again??
Again you just validated my point, that MF Hussein is being targeted only because he was Muslim.
And you would be doing yourself a great favor if you read the next few words of the bolded statement.

Did you read the rebuttal I posted? Pornography lies in the perverted mind of the beholder. Period. The fact that some people see pornography in art form, that too paintings of Goddesses - who are revered as Mothers, suffer from a complicated form of Oedipus complex. Enuff said.
I tried reading but i felt i have wasted 5 minutes. If you dont feel disgusted, then fine. But you are none to decide on the complexities of the majority. Perhaps you are the one suffering and acting like Oedipus
Excellent! Watch my words!!?
So if I am not a Hindu, what are you going to do?

Here is where I say, go make love to your adipose filled rear.

its evident that you are too clever by half sort of twat.

And yes, don't thrust your fetish on others.
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