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PAF to get land in Nasirabad for air base

My ONLY concern here is that I hope that when acquiring this land, PAF will compensate the owners well, and there will be no forced acquisitions.
Iranians on PDF are an extremely ignorant and arrogant bunch, they don't consider anyone their equal, even Islam hasn't fix their superiority complex, A weaker but humble Iran is always in Pakistan's interest, the stronger they get, the more you see Target killing on Sunni leaders in Karachi.

Participants of Defence forums are usually not a good reflection of a society. Most people on these forums tend to be ultra nationalist hawks with ego and an argumentative streak.

I used to be that guy - that's why I can say this with confidence. Age mellows most people as you experience more life and more people.
My ONLY concern here is that I hope that when acquiring this land, PAF will compensate the owners well, and there will be no forced acquisitions.

In the whole world , country can buy/acquire any land for national interest or of any other security set up. It is sort of forced acquisition. Rates are always per Market.
The Military has a notorious reputation of 'Land Grabber' in Pakistan, and their involvement in DHA schemes has not helped their image among the ordinary public. It in the interest of the military to do the right thing otherwise it will be all over social media, and foreign media.
Though i have a fair idea where you are coming from especially in relation to karachi.. lahore.. Islamabad mainly but a counter narrative is that military presence is essential for ensuring peace and ushering development (atleast transport and network). A prime example is pano aqil cantt.. labelled as anti sindh.. punjab land grabbing.. anti ppp and what not ...
But from personal experience I know tht within 5 to 7 yrs of it, the car snatching... the kidnapping.. the lawlessness and the power of the fuedal Lords of ghotki..daharki and adjoining areas diminished. I still remember that travelling between sukkur and rahim yar khan districts was not possible after 8 or 9pm.

Hence, for lasting peace, if Nasirabad is made followed by a future established cantt near or at gawader or turbat or jiwani ....then I can assure you that the regular military traffic qnd convey between quetta..karachi and these cantts...along with intelligence gathering... quick response and hundred and thousands of direct and indirect employment that a cantt generates..will make things work in Balochistan.
Land grabber or not.. it's a necessity for Balochistan.
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You can id Patwaris and zardaris Based on their posts very easily [emoji6]
Yes - but so long as the land allotment is on national security and not because someone decided that a new base on a scenic spot would make a great guest house for military personnel.

Military bases in general are helpful to an area’s economic growth in terms of jobs for local blue collar workers and lead to associated urbanization if done in a fair and non-corrupt manner.

Caution however, has to be taken in terms if enough separation between the base and support areas for security reasons lest the lessons of Kamra and Mehran have gone stale.
Participants of Defence forums are usually not a good reflection of a society. Most people on these forums tend to be ultra nationalist hawks with ego and an argumentative streak.

I used to be that guy - that's why I can say this with confidence. Age mellows most people as you experience more life and more people.
The cycles of forumer growth:

12-16: doesn't know anything, but has posts a wish-list in every post and takes ranks way too seriously.

16-20: thinks he knows everything, but doesn't, and argues all day and night because he has literally nothing else going on.

20-24: disappears from the forum because he got a real job (or is doing a Masters/PhD).

24-29: knows his limits and wants to learn more. comes to the forum to read.

30-39: makes dad jokes on the forum. that's all he does.

40-49: laughs at the 16-20-year olds.

50+: calls 16-20-year olds idiots, has a lot of 12-16-year old friends, and also takes ranks way too seriously.

@SQ8 @JamD
The cycles of forumer growth:

12-16: doesn't know anything, but has posts a wish-list in every post and takes ranks way too seriously.

16-20: thinks he knows everything, but doesn't, and argues all day and night because he has literally nothing else going on.

20-24: disappears from the forum because he got a real job (or is doing a Masters/PhD).

24-29: knows his limits and wants to learn more. comes to the forum to read.

30-39: makes dad jokes on the forum. that's all he does.

40-49: laughs at the 16-20-year olds.

50+: calls 16-20-year olds idiots, has a lot of 12-16-year old friends, and also takes ranks way too seriously.

@SQ8 @JamD
I clearly need to be making more dad jokes lol.
GVS posted this apparently PAF is building base to cater US, please tell me it not true.

Pakistan to provide military support to US as Mooed Yusuf meets counterpart

While Pakistan initially denied any military support to the US post the Afghan peace process, Washington just announced to the contrary. While this has considerable implications for the countries future relationship, Pakistan’s other allies will react strongly to it.

Pakistan and the US have always had a love-hate relationship. The term ‘it’s complicated’ would do little justice to its dynamics. From being the chummiest of friends to finding each other on opposite sides of conflict, it can never be safely assumed when things might get better or worse again.

The pivotal point of their friendship, for the most part, has always been Afghanistan. The US needed Pakistan as a launching pad into the country, while Pakistan needed all the international support, especially from the superpower, it could get.

However, now post the Afghan peace process, the question arises if the partnership will endure and for how long. The US has requested to maintain its airbases in Pakistan in order to support its efforts against terrorism in the region.

Ever since 2016, there had been virtually no military cooperation between the two countries as things started to deteriorate after 2011 when the US launched a covert operation into Pakistan, assassinating Osama bin Laden. It was kept a total secret from Pakistan and was seen as a violation of its sovereignty.

While last week Pakistan completely put down the notion by categorically denying any military aid to the US, only today David F. Helvey, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Indo-Pacific Affairs, announced that Pakistan had agreed to their request.

“Pakistan has played an important role in Afghanistan. They supported the Afghan peace process. Pakistan also has allowed us to have overflight and access to be able to support our military presence in Afghanistan,” Mr. Helvey said.

There were already plenty of rumors that Pakistan’s intentions to build a new airbase in the Nasirabad area of Balochistan province hinted towards this. The proposed airbase would be in the perfect position to allow the US strategic military access into the region.

There was also a high-level meeting in Geneva between Pakistan’s newly appointed National Security Advisor (NSA) Moeed Yusuf and his American counterpart Jake Sullivan focusing on Afghanistan and the US’s departure from it.

This announcement, however, does have far more implications than just military cooperation between the countries. China will most likely not buy the rationale that this move is directed solely towards the situation in Afghanistan.

China which is already facing a ‘strategic containment strategy’ from the US, will surely see this as another step towards that direction. With India, a close ally of the US and China’s economic rival in the region, already a significant part of the strategy, China can’t afford Pakistan to be a part of it.

With significant investment into Pakistan through CPEC and providing critical facilities such as military cooperation, soft loans, and diplomatic support, Pakistan cannot risk losing the support of its ‘Iron Brother.’

Not only China but Pakistan’s other allies, namely Iran and Russia, will also not be in favor of the move. Iran already has strained relations with the US ever since the Trump administration backed out of the JCOPA deal and is one of Pakistan’s primary sources of importing Hydrocarbons.

On the other hand, Russia has historical evidence of just how threatening the Pakistan-US ‘friendship’ can be for it. The infamous 1960 U-2 incident left a permanent scar on Russia’s relation with Pakistan, and this announcement will act as sprinkling salt on an old wound.

It is high time that Pakistan needs to decide that whether it will move on from the US and look towards strengthening ties with its other allies or stumble back into the never-ending pit of ‘Do more.’

No assets/bases on ground are being allocated to the Americans. Neither in Parachinar (TTP/Afghan propaganda) nor Baluchistan.

Pakistan never stopped supporting US ops in Afghanistan, the story about a restart is false.

There’s no Nasirabad AFB, it’s a weapons range, FGS! The amount of absolute bs being peddled as news is just mind numbing.
No assets/bases on ground are being allocated to the Americans. Neither in Parachinar (TTP/Afghan propaganda) nor Baluchistan.

Pakistan never stopped supporting US ops in Afghanistan, the story about a restart is false.

There’s no Nasirabad AFB, it’s a weapons range, FGS! The amount of absolute bs being peddled as news is just mind numbing.
I hope so.
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