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PAF to get eight new F-16

PAF testing PAK-US Deal if this BLK 50/52 will deliver to Pakistan with in Deal Time-frame maybe possiblity PAF go for KC-135 for Air-to-Air F16 Refueling. PAF seem to be really carefull since last 5 - 6 years especially while making any Deal with US hmmmm interesting....

PAF also playing game with US because of oldz bad scene of previous F16 deals with US. first 36 reduced 18 (if deliver at time frame) than go for more 18 (superb tactics man). GG Tanvir Mehmood!
i doubt we will go for KC-135.....at least not anytime soon

New F-16's have started coming in and upgraded ones from Turkey will start rolling in the last quarter of this year.
What do you think PAF will decide for its backbone?
New F-16's have started coming in and upgraded ones from Turkey will start rolling in the last quarter of this year.
What do you think PAF will decide for its backbone?

for now, i have no idea...it seems clear that for now, UPAZ drogue system is not compatible with the american aircrafts

Maybe PAF-Think Tank members will be better served to answer the question.
In some cases, such as the KC-135FR in service with the French Air Force, refueling-boom equipped tankers can be converted to an all probe-and-drogue system. The KC-135FR retains its articulated boom, but has a hose at the end of it instead of the usual nozzle.
I don't know if the drogue system can be converted to boom. I hope for an expert to answer the query.

New F-16's have started coming in and upgraded ones from Turkey will start rolling in the last quarter of this year.
What do you think PAF will decide for its backbone?

Might be possibilty if PAF will understand that US really interested in further PAF updates/More F16/also supplying parts in timeframe maybe F-16 will again our backbone but in current situation/conditions i doubt F-16 is our backbone in neXt 5-10 years especially not after 5 years if US conitnue her ABCD-EFGH with PAF and Pakistan.
Might be possibilty if PAF will understand that US really interested in further PAF updates/More F16/also supplying parts in timeframe maybe F-16 will again our backbone but in current situation/conditions i doubt F-16 is our backbone in neXt 5-10 years especially not after 5 years if US conitnue her ABCD-EFGH with PAF and Pakistan.

We are spending alot of money on the upgrades of our current inventory of F-16s and with the induction of 18 more we will have 59 F-16s. Now there are no plans of retiring these birds any time soon, so till the time FC-20's are operating in numbers F-16 will remain our backbone and i'm sure PAF has plans for its Mid air refueling.

TOPGUN mate nobody is downgrading you military at anyway..Those military guys has to go through same type of hardships and training like any military in the world..only the best in the best can survive in any military..

Yes mate i never said anyone was downgrading my countries miltary in this case PAF . He seems to appreciate them and he has seen them i thought it would be nice that some of us clear hearted and openminded members thank him so i did . Where did u come of thinking anything else boss? lol i dont get it ? wat are you talkign about ? lol..:no::whistle:
I think our honey moon with f16s is over. I feel that our future lies with China. However, we will vcontinue to get whatever is deficient in the chinese system from wester sources. Given the amount of money China is spending on acquiring newer technologies and their R&D, it is likely that this step will not be required in a decde or two.
So unless there is a major delay with J10,PAF is likely to spend its money on chinese units and use american money on acquiring what it cannot get from china at present.
I think the US is going to have problems as Pakistani army having USequipment means it can be cajoled into doing what US wants us to do. If we break that shackle and we have done so with Thunder, USA looses its influence in SE Asia. So it is in US interest to keep us supplied with arms even at terms which are highly favourable to us. However from PAF's point of view, they may want some more refurbished F16s as EDAs, if they can get them.Otherwise it would be By bye.
36 to 18.

lets not resort to extremes now! Its not healthy.

you cannot deny that the F16C/D b52s are by far the most sophisticated and most capable (thus far) aircrafts inducted into PAF inventory once the transactions are complete.

2 squadrons of these for purely defensive, and offensive-defence roles are paramount --and would suffice.
I think our honey moon with f16s is over
it is in US interest to keep us supplied with arms even at terms which are highly favourable to us.
i tend to agree with you on first point and disagree with second point.
US have bases in afghanistan and this is good enough for them.
Yes mate i never said anyone was downgrading my countries miltary in this case PAF . He seems to appreciate them and he has seen them i thought it would be nice that some of us clear hearted and openminded members thank him so i did . Where did u come of thinking anything else boss? lol i dont get it ? wat are you talkign about ? lol..:no::whistle:

Sorry boss yesterday while reading your post i thought like that :) ..anyway sorry about it
diversification.......and self-reliance where & when possible, most feasible, and most effective in keeping credible deterrant.

this is key
I think our honey moon with f16s is over. I feel that our future lies with China.
Generally speaking, I agree with your post. We must break the shackles, so to speak, and reduce our reliance on the Americans alone. We could do that by diversification, as Abu Zulfiqar has mentioned above, and there are still many markets that we can explore. The Europeans are expensive, I know, but they're not too far behind the Americans in terms of tech, and the overall cost can be brought down by incorporating long-term benefits into the deals as well (Transfer of Production Technology etc). Russia is also, in my opinion, an avenue waiting to be explored. With US-India relations at all-time highs, and an expanding Russian defence industry, I don't see why Russia would not want to deal with us. Russian President himself said that his country will look for new defence partners and new markets to increase Russia's defence exports. We can't expect the Indian lobby to allow the Russians to sell us Mig-35s right away, but we can certainly start with small acquisitions and build bridges. And of course, as you say, we have a very strong ally in China that is currently seeing immense growth. However, over-reliance even on China would not be a great thing for us, we don't want to end up in a situation akin to "aasman se tapka khajoor mein atka".

Our defence future doesn't lie with anybody else, our future lies with Pakistan. We must draw out short-term and long-term strategies to increase our technical capabilities. The government and the Armed Forces can't do much about that on their own, they will require private investment and new businesses, foreign investment and an incentive for foreign companies to expand into Pakistan. A two-pronged approach to enhance both the blue and white collar sectors related to defence must be devised and executed. In the modern world, no country is completely self-sufficient, however, self-reliance must be our ultimate objective.
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