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PAF suspends “Air Force Development Plan 2025,” says report

Beta ye ap ki soch hai k kabhi iran per hamla ho ga. Or agar ho ga bhi to ye propaganda hoga. See video of black eagle on ********.com about ties and lies of iran, israel, america the satanist triangle.

Enough with the wild conspiracy theories ! You , kids , sure know how to keep both ways open :azn: Even if a attack happens , somehow it will be a propaganda , wonderful :D

Do you know about the kind of sanctions on Iran and how Tehran is feeling the heat ?

So much for your secret nexus with Israel , US and Iran . There's no limit to your ME love .
At the time of Gen. Musharraf Pakistan's economy was strong & plans were made accordingly but after he was forced to step down by the corrupt & inompetent politicians, these politicians ate everything that Gen. Musharraf made for Pakistan & since then Pakistan is suffering by the hands of these corrupt & incompetent politicians.

Pakistan Army, PAF, Navy & etc. funds were stopped to start this corrupt Benazir Income support prog.
The PAF was always raised to protect the countries skies and has always been India specific. They do not have ground capabilities that A-10's provide, neither do they have an abundance of ordinance and attack Helicopters. With such limitations, it is quite unwise to expect PAF to be the defense against guerrilla fighters such as TTP, well not even guerrilla fighters but rather suicide bombers!!
Sir, we are at war since 10 years, this is not case that they are not aware or ready for any guerrilla attacks, what will they do during the war with india if they applied same rule as applied by taliban ? we have lost 2 most important assets infect it was a huge loss of whole nation, due to their negligence `
Isn't the night darkest before dawn , amigo ?

It is, I hope.

To be honest with you, I thought that time had come and gone in the 90's.
Then I thought the same just before this election, I suppose I jumped the gun.

We all continue to pray and do our part for a better Pakistan. While we wait for that, we have to talk some sense into those people, such as the foolish buffoon I replied too and do our part for Pakistan.

Situation for Pakistan is beyond critical. We must do our part.

Right now, Pakistan has hit rock bottom. I hope, that the only way for us to go now, is up.
Oh , no , people wont be angry , trust me , take my word for it . They will be amused by this nice joke at not-so appropriate time .

For the past 60 years , this is exactly the thing we have deluded ourselves with - that there exists a Ummah when clearly there doesn't . The world runs on interests , not this supposed , imagined and assumed brotherhood of sorts , the world runs on ' quid pro quos ' .

Your Arab friends will need to get explicit permission - a no objection certificate if you will from the US congress themselves , why not directly approach the Americans if we are to go that route somehow and then ask them to fund any program of our liking ? Why do not they come out themselves ? You may be surprised to know what wonders some of the Arab countries are currently doing in Baluchistan .

@Armstrong @Hyperion @muse @FaujHistorian @haviZsultan @Aeronaut Insights ?

Muslim ummah always is their and will remain solo because Allah and his prophet saw has said no liberal slave of kufr can end it it would be always their and would remain soo
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I think this news was deliberately leaked because new government is coming in power and next fiscal budget is due this month itself...so it can be a tactic to put pressure on the government..
I think this news was deliberately leaked because new government is coming in power and next fiscal budget is due this month itself...so it can be a tactic to put pressure on the government..

The report was released by senate...
The report was released by senate...

yeah agree..but how often do we see reports regarding our defense.
PAF should retire obsolete squadrons to reduce maintenance costs,go ahead with upgrade of jf-17 and to make up for loss of squadrons instead induct large numbers of high performance SAMS. to be effective they need layered AD network.One long range high altitude SAM in s-300 class.Backed up mid range system like tor-m1 and finally point defence systems like tunguska.Last line of defence should be manpaads.SAM s are far cheaper than aircraft.
lol traitor decalred by the reinstated judicary.

lol @ democracy fans, who claim to drop drones!

sorry there was no money as most of it was looted before and including Musharaf and there Minion, Yes sir Plan is ready Sir, yes Sir Kahan Bachey ko Job dilani hay Sir sub ho jaye ga.
PAF should retire obsolete squadrons to reduce maintenance costs,go ahead with upgrade of jf-17 and to make up for loss of squadrons instead induct large numbers of high performance SAMS. to be effective they need layered AD network.One long range high altitude SAM in s-300 class.Backed up mid range system like tor-m1 and finally point defence systems like tunguska.Last line of defence should be manpaads.SAM s are far cheaper than aircraft.

They are already in the process of being retired with A-5s being retired by JFs... as for SAMs... it has been widely speculated and talked about tht we bought FD-2000s batteries from China... besides them we also operate SPADA-2000s etc.
They are already in the process of being retired with A-5s being retired by JFs... as for SAMs... it has been widely speculated and talked about tht we bought FD-2000s batteries from China... besides them we also operate SPADA-2000s etc.

SPada is a good missile but 25 km range is too low.Definitely PAF needs FT-2000.Used in combination they can be effective,with ft-2000 covering high envelope,spada low level attacks.
Also important they need a system to shoot down ,NLOS-BSM, cruise missiles and PGMs not just aircraft,all militaries are moving in this direction.Something like s-400/pantsir or aster/barak-8.
Wow- really? Ie not got the figures to hand but this seems far too small for the PAF- ~10 SQDs. Just a few years ago the news came that the PAF was closing the gap to the IAF and now it seems that without doing anything drastic the IAF will have a 3:1 advantage over the PAF (leaving asked by 2025-27 it will have 45-50 fighter SQDs)?

It's too late here now (3.17 am) so I'll look up the figures tommorow but surely this ~10 SQD (180-200 a/c) figure is far too low?

Just from a article which may have been released to get some more ' funds ' , you are all eager to paint a very gloomy picture for the PAF .

The F16's have finished their up gradation and the JFT's are coming , even if slowly due to the economic condition , whats with this hopelessness ? .

The figure is not low at all. Infact from the horse's mouth the PAF was looking at 250 acft.. some 60-70 F-16's,150 JF -17's and the rest PG's.

What is this " all knowing " thing if I may ask ? :what:

You think news leaks that easily from the PAF through insiders somehow ?

I dont even know why that label comes up.
Just because I socially know a few people or I was part of an industry for a very short while doesn't mean I know the whole gig.
However, that being said. One puts out information based on what one hears and construes it to be.

i WAS referring to your FANTASY CLAIMS about Pakistani GDP growth & Frex growth.

there is not a single MAJOR index suggesting any of this wonderful economic GROWTH you keep referring too

THIS IN TURN WIL IMPACT THE FC20/J10- and other projects that YOU GUYS keep telling US you need OR WANT to happen

which results in the HEAD LINE


INCIDENTATLY you have failed to acknowledge or comment EVEN once re this dawn report. instead tyou keep banging this DRUM of enormous growth in GDP- huge FDI from USA and massive FOREX reserves..


You fellow pakistanis acknowledge the CURRENT HARDSHIP including seniors

ANY WAY back to FC20 ?????

ME THINKS GREAT PLANE but PAF should wait for J31
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