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PAF successfully test-fires indigenously developed long-range smart weapon from JF-17 Thunder

I meant hid - the black box. That has never happened before. All videos have always shown the missile/bomb/whatever. This is the first time in my recollection that they didnt actually show what was used nor give any additional details as to its capabilities.

Its left me wondering - why release this video at all? Unless the Indians are getting adventurous again and it's another warning.
the released video is intended to show the impact & associated shock wave rather than the weapon itself.


What if India gets hypersonic missile?
At least it is a very big/good news that now Pakistan can defend its air,earth and water from both east and west sides from all kind of enemies . But still diagnosis of the name/specifications of this missile is unknown.
Even though some defence physician are working on it.
Let's wait to......................
It is called a smart bomb the booster is only there to extend range. Yes you can also call it missile but it is a hybrid between missile and bomb.

All this info is classified and is not available. The strike was pin point precision and the blast was directional.

The other day India media was explaining how spice-2000 worked. Well today Pakistan just showed that spice failed but Pakistani bombs work well.
India is all about explanations!!! And, they have tons to explain with megatons of verbiage.....

I am not asking for any explanations...
May turn out to be the Denel Raptor III, with a local designation.


Raptor I / II are already in PAF service as H-2 / H-4.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it something of this magnitude. In any case, the PAF seems to be very happy with this weapon. That suggests this stand off weapon is very special.
Damn, Now how can Raj46 will identify missile colors. Atleast PAF tell him the color:hitwall:
"India Raj" is never short of words, cunningness, spins etc!!! It's the good deeds, intentions, thoughts etc....

They just wanna show the radius of explosion ..

message conveyed :)
Modi's desperation, and IK's cool, in a public meeting says it all...

As you are so will you be ruled - Hadis-i Sherif
I think the overall purpose of the test was just to send the message across. It is also validating that JF-17s were involved in the strikes across the LoC.
Here is my theory. (It is just theory because I have NO INSIDE knowledge)

1. It is bomb or missile? Not sure, but whatever it is, it is smart means it can identify target and able to adjust flight path accordingly.
2. Blast and shockwave are very intense and horizontal in dispersion. Means it is a weapon for creating shock and awe in the battlefield.
3. Post blast frame in video. Did anyone notice something unusual? Why there are so many tires lying around and that too in a very peculiar manner (in straight Lines). Now I think, tire is something which is hard enough not to be vaporized due to that massive explosion and soft enough to show the impact of "Heat" caused by blast. Hence, giving a pretty accurate assessment of damage to the designer of the weapons to study the impact and improve. (Otherwise I cannot think of any other reason why tires were put there). This also support to my earlier point about this being a shock-and-awe weapon system.
4. If you concentrate on video, the blast has extended timing as if some kind of fuel inside is kept burning even after the first blast and massive shockwave. (again a battlefield weapon)
5. Indian Cold Start idea is based on smaller (Div sized) integrated battle groups (IBGs) making rapid incursion into mainland Pakistan, now consider that scenario and Pak replying by using this weapon.

All the counter arguments are welcomed :)
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