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PAF personnel busted in assasination attempt


Oct 21, 2006
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Musharraf lendey chamchay ka time aanay waala hae....One of these days one of his fellow wahabbi donkey will get him.;) Last month they hanged the other two PAF brothers on charges that they tried to blow up that bridge which musharraf chamcha crossed every day.....Sounds like Al-qaeda kay wahabbi islamists are every where in that jahil punjabastani military.

Air force officers held for attempt to murder Musharraf with rockets

By Massoud Ansari in Karachi and Behroz Khan in Chinagai, Bajaur for The Sunday Telegraph
Last Updated: 12:13am GMT 05/11/2006

A cabal of Pakistani military officials with access to President Pervez Musharraf's innermost security circle has been arrested after trying to assassinate him in a rocket attack.

The strike, aimed at the president's high-security personal residence-office in Rawalpindi, took place shortly after he returned from Britain and the US in late September.

Gen Musharraf's alliance with the west is unpopular

Although the president was not hurt, the attempt demonstrates the political instability engulfing his nation, which was heightened last week by his government's bombing of a madrassa in north-west Pakistan killing 80 suspected militants.

With hardline religious parties orchestrating strikes and demonstrations, fears are growing that Gen Musharraf's opponents may make further attempts to remove him by force, creating a power vacuum in the Islamic world's only nuclear-armed state.

According to Pakistani intelligence sources, about 50 people are being held on suspicion of involvement in the September attack, which involved a battery of Russian-made 107 mm projectiles launched by a signal from a mobile phone. Alarmingly, many are understood to be young officers serving in the Pakistani Air Force, some of whom have access to high-security zones of the presidential offices, parliament and the intelligence service.

Although interrogations have not revealed any of them to have links with al-Qaeda or the Taliban, they are none the less believed to have acted out of growing anger at Gen Musharraf's alliance with America in its war on terror.

One official said that while the rocket strike itself had been relatively amateurish, it would have probably been lethal had the plotters been assisted beforehand by an Islamic terrorist group.

Al-Qaeda has succeeded in indoctrinating young air force officers before. Two were hanged for their role in planting a 500lb bomb in 2003 blowing up a bridge that Gen Musharraf's convoy was travelling over. He only escaped with his life because electronic jamming equipment on his car delayed the blast.

A rattled Gen Musharraf has called a meeting with his closest confidants this week to review personal security.

While he relies on the armed forces to keep him in power, loyalty among the military's lower tiers has become increasingly in doubt because of the perception that he has "sold out" Pakistan to the US and its western allies.

Publicly, officials close to the president deny that he faces any challenge from within the forces.

But privately they now admit that the personal threat against him is becoming "heavier and heavier", and are predicting serious fall-out from Monday's helicopter strike at the madrassa in the village of Chinagai, 100 miles north of -Peshawar.

The Pakistani army said the madrassa was an al-Qaeda-linked school, used to train insurgents fighting across the border in Afghanistan.

It was allegedly run by Liaquat Hussain, a fugitive cleric who was a purported associate of al-Qaeda's second in command leader Ayman al-Zawahiri. Residents and local religious parties, however, claim the victims were either innocent Islamic students or teachers. They say that the strike was carried out at the direction of the US military, a claim denied by both Pakistan and Washington.

The madrassa was in the Bajaur province, a tribal area where local religious parties openly support the Taliban. Local leaders have already pledged to carry out suicide attacks to "avenge" the killing of "innocent people".

"The elimination of Musharraf is a must to restore peace," declared Maulana Faqir Muhammad, a pro-Taliban militant commander, as a crowd carrying guns and chanting, "Death to Musharraf, death to Bush" protested in the Khar area of Bajaur last week. He described Gen Musharraf as an "American agent" who, he said, was "killing innocent people at the US behest".

At a funeral of people killed in the strike, another cleric, Maulana Inayat-ur-Rehman, told 15,000 armed protesters that he had prepared a "squad of suicide bombers" to target Pakistani security forces in the same way that terrorists were attacking Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Gen Musharraf has been on a hit list for Pakistan's Islamic militants ever since he sided with America in the wake of the September 11 attacks.

Although he often claims that "he is not an easy target", he wrote in his recently published memoirs In the Line of Fire: "I only pray that I have more than the proverbial nine lives of the cat."
Musharraf lendey chamchay ka time aanay waala hae....One of these days one of his fellow wahabbi donkey will get him.;) Last month they hanged the other two PAF brothers on charges that they tried to blow up that bridge which musharraf chamcha crossed every day.....Sounds like Al-qaeda kay wahabbi islamists are every where in that jahil punjabastani military.
Musharraf ka time pata nahi kabse araha hai. Musharraf nahi jata.

They hanged two traitors before and with these arrests there are lesser people out there to kill him. Musharraf 7383, traitors 0.
a ruler of muslim country should like Hazrat Omar....who can sleep on sand in open yard....and can command half of the world and can defeat super powers...and donot got frightened....like our foreign minister and our president
In those days we didn't have rockets and sniper rifles.

Musharraf's life was saved only by that million dollar equipment and the jammers carried in his convoy.

And not to forget, Umar was assasinated. Following his example in personal security isn't the smartest thing to do then.
how many pakistanis are without security..?? how many pakistanis have there lives on risk..?? is musharaf more important than a common pakistani..??
why not he provide same security to common man.??
being a muslim we belives that the time of death is decide..and no one can finish mushraf unless his time.....whether he is with million dollar equipment or not...
well..since he IS the president, his life is indeed more valuable than the common pakistani. Same goes for any other countries president.It is essential to protect the nations head.
in the words of allama muhammad iqbal

The Choice is Yours!
If the kings know not their Sustainer they are beggars,

And if the beggars do they are Darius and Jamshed;

Freedom of the heart is sovereignity; stomach is death,

The choice is yours; heart or stomach?''
a ruler of muslim country should like Hazrat Omar....who can sleep on sand in open yard....and can command half of the world and can defeat super powers...and donot got frightened....like our foreign minister and our president

Ali those were different times. How can you even compare those times with now.
@ Lulldapull

"jahil punjabastani military."

That what u call pak army, atleast our men don't kill their officers and comrades little bhindi
@ Lulldapull

"jahil punjabastani military."

That what u call pak army, atleast our men don't kill their officers and comrades little bhindi

<Personal attacks clipped off>
-- Asim

Anyways all these assassination attempts on musharaf are from the al-quada that is well known, they are the source of the problem. While many here think that pakistan should stop supporting the US on the war on terror you must think, how can you say that? If we back out this war how would it benefit us then being in this war?

Musharaf took the decision to go into this war, he knows people will die, politicians would be targeted, and most importantly soilders will also die

The PAF cant be targetted directly for this, in a military of over 600,000 there is bound to be someone that doesnt supports the leadership thus takes the terrorist pyshce. Here is some more info

There is clearly a wide choice of definitions for terrorism. Despite this, there are elements in common among the majority of useful definitions. Common threads of the various definitions identify terrorism as:

&#8226; Political
&#8226; Psychological
&#8226; Coercive
&#8226; Dynamic
&#8226; Deliberate

A terrorist act is a political act or is committed with the intention to cause a political effect. Clausewitz' statement that "war is a continuation of policy by other means" is taken as a truism by terrorists. They merely eliminate the intermediate step of armies and warfare, and apply violence directly to the political contest.

The intended results of terrorist acts cause a psychological effect ("terror"). They are aimed at a target audience other than the actual victims of the act. The intended target audience of the terrorist act may be the population as a whole, some specific portion of a society (an ethnic minority, for example), or decision-making elites in the society's political, social, or military populace.

Violence and destruction are used in the commission of the act to produce the desired effect. Even if casualties or destruction are not the result of a terrorist operation, the threat or potential of violence is what produces the intended effect. For example, a successful hostage taking operation may result in all hostages being freed unharmed after negotiations and bargaining. Regardless of the outcome, the terrorist bargaining chips were nothing less than the raw threat of applying violence to maim or kill some or all of the hostages. When the threat of violence is not credible, or the terrorists are unable to implement violence effectively, terrorism fails.

Terrorist groups demand change, revolution, or political movement. The radical worldview that justifies terrorism mandates drastic action to destroy or alter the status quo. Even if the goals of a movement are reactionary in nature, they require action to "turn back the clock" or restore some cherished value system that is extinct. Nobody commits violent attacks on strangers or innocents to keep things "just the way they are."

Terrorism is an activity planned and intended to achieve particular goals. It is a rationally employed, specifically selected tactic, and is not a random act. Since the victims of terrorist violence are often of little import, with one being as good for the terrorists' purposes as another, victim or target selection can appear random or unprovoked. But the target will contain symbolic value or be capable of eliciting emotional response according to the terrorists' goals. Remember that the actual target of terrorism is not the victim of the violence, but the psychological balance

Media Exploitation
Terrorism's effects are not necessarily aimed at the victims of terrorist violence. Victims are usually objects to be exploited by the terrorists for their effect on a third party. In order to produce this effect, information of the attack must reach the target audience. So any terrorist organization plans for exploitation of available media to get the message to the right audiences. Victims are simply the first medium that transmits the psychological impact to the larger target audience. The next step in transmission will depend on what media is available, but it will be planned, and it will frequently be the responsibility of a specific organization within the terrorist group to do nothing else but exploit and control the news cycle.

Some organizations can rely on friendly or sympathetic news outlets, but this is not necessary. News media can be manipulated by planning around the demands of the "news cycle", and the advantage that control of the initiative gives the terrorist. Pressures to report quickly, to "scoop" competitors, allow terrorists to present claims or make statements that might be refuted or critically commented on if time were available. Terrorists often provide names and details of individual victims to control the news media through its desire to humanize or personalize a story. For the victims of a terrorist attack, it is a certainty that the impact on the survivors (if there are any) is of minimal importance to the terrorists. What is important is the intended psychological impact that the news of their death or suffering will cause in a wider audience.

Operations in Permissive Societies
Terrorists conduct more operations in societies where individual rights and civil legal protections prevail. While terrorists may base themselves in repressive regimes that are sympathetic to them, they usually avoid repressive governments when conducting operations wherever possible. An exception to this case is a repressive regime that does not have the means to enforce security measures. Governments with effective security forces and few guaranteed civil liberties have typically suffered much less from terrorism than liberal states with excellent security forces. Al Qaeda has shown, however, that they will conduct operations anywhere.

Illegality of Methods
Terrorism is a criminal act. Whether the terrorist chooses to identify himself with military terminology (as discussed under insurgencies below), or with civilian imagery ("brotherhood", "committee", etc.), he is a criminal in both spheres. The violations of civil criminal laws are self-evident in activities such as murder, arson, and kidnapping regardless of the legitimacy of the government enforcing the laws. Victimizing the innocent is criminal injustice under a dictatorship or a democracy. If the terrorist claims that he is justified in using such violence as a military combatant, he is a de facto war criminal under international law and the military justice systems of most nations.

Preparation and Support
It's important to understand that actual terrorist operations are the result of extensive preparation and support operations. Media reporting and academic study have mainly focused on the terrorists' goals and actions, which is precisely what the terrorist intends. This neglects the vital but less exciting topic of preparation and support operations. Significant effort and coordination is required to finance group operations, procure or manufacture weapons, conduct target surveillance and analysis, and deliver trained terrorists to the operational area. While the time and effort expended by the terrorists may be a drop in the bucket compared to the amounts spent to defend against them, terrorist operations can still involve large amounts of money and groups of people. The need for dedicated support activities and resources on simple operations are significant, and get larger the greater the sophistication of the plan and the complexity of the target.

how many pakistanis are without security..??
We had security before? Oh yes we had hundreds of militants in the tribal belt that would oft come into the cities. But they weren't shooting at us. So that's security.

Oh bhai, in a civillized nations there are no non-governmental groups that may yield such weapons, give training, etc. On top of that have a doctrine of war.

how many pakistanis have there lives on risk..?? is musharaf more important than a common pakistani..??
I can point to many common Pakistani individuals a President of Pakistan should be more important. Musharraf or anyone, it does not matter. We can reduce the security of Musharraf and have him killed saying that that money should be better spent on others. Next guy will come and also get killed.

why not he provide same security to common man.??
Same security to every 150 Million people? They are under lesser threat. If Musharraf lives on and continues the good fight then we will have that security by kicking out militants and the real "jhuggay".

being a muslim we belives that the time of death is decide..and no one can finish mushraf unless his time.....whether he is with million dollar equipment or not...
Now you're paraphrasing from Musharraf's book. ;) You wish a like minded guy death?
Post moved to complaints thread in the CSRFF. Keeping the important threads clean from personal attacks.
I dont know why it is so much coming off from PAF alone. There seems to be extreme linking with PAF and Al-Qaida, government needs to check up and clear out any connection.
how many pakistanis are without security..?? how many pakistanis have there lives on risk..?? is musharaf more important than a common pakistani..??
why not he provide same security to common man.??
being a muslim we belives that the time of death is decide..and no one can finish mushraf unless his time.....whether he is with million dollar equipment or not...

Though common sense tells that all lives are equal,in this present world fortunatly or unfortunatly is not the same.

If they manage to kill Muharff he is not killing one living being,but gaining amoral victory over the pakistanis who support him.Its an insult to him.Look at the mayhm it can bring around,the days lost in the process of selecting a new leader.

All these justifies the extra security given to any state of head.
@ Lulldapull

That what u call pak army, atleast our men don't kill their officers and comrades little

in an army twice the size of PA, the number of suicides, i think 100 is prolly less than the national average...just because the Pakistani media CANT report any problems with the PA, cuz they'l get banned and beaten, doesnt mean that they dont have problems.
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