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PAF locked on 9 shoot only two...PAF official....0n 27 Feb....

Im Traveling 4 days a week so its a little difficult - Gold statuses all around :p:
You'd be amazed at how 50 push ups and 50 crunches in the morning help even with traveling. Either way, good luck !!!
That was cowardice. Fighting against TTP terrorists mercilessly and rightly so but getting soft on merciless enemy's AF.

That shows a total lack of understanding of the region---.

India was in no position for a full scale attack on pakistan or any other form of escalation.

Its economy is on the brink of collapse---. Any retaliation on their part would have seen foreign capitol flying out of the country---.


One major indian bank going down---some panic in the banking community---. Panic sometimes has a multiplier effect---.

For some people who were too young to know---in the late 90's when india was in aggressive mood and then in 2002---there was a threat in the air that pakistan would stike indian economic centers---. At that time the Black retd army general went to India and told them if any attack on pakistan---the west would withdraw all the money invested in india---.

At later stages---when there were serious problems of a flare up---foreign and indian money was ready to flee india---. Since then---foreign investors have been sitting on the edge of their investment seats and ready to take flight---and feb 27th news was extremely un-nerving for them---.

If the Paf had devastated the indian aircrafts in large numbers---a lots of foreign capitol would have flown away instantly---.

And any retaliatory move by India would have doomed its economy for good from where there was no come back---.

Understand people---if pakistan's economy had gone down from the result of a succesful strike on indian aircraft---pakistan had a lots of resource to recover---.

First china would not let Pakistan fail and go down---. Pakistan covers and Keeps chinese flank open and well protected---.

Then the eyes of the GCC nation would have popped out as well---. More investment would have been available---. Because pakistan is the last country offering protection to the GCC in duress---.

And to India---there would be no one coming to their help---because once the indian economy collapsed---no amount of investment would lift it back up---and no one would have the money to bring them back up---.
You'd be amazed at how 50 push ups and 50 crunches in the morning help even with traveling. Either way, good luck !!!

100 push ups was my limit but then I could also run about 35-40 miles a week but then I was close to hitting 40 years of age---.
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It is easier for you to sit on that arm chair and supposedly raise the bar. Instead of counting vipers on a foreign base, come to Pakistan and raise the bar here. And be at risk of a war at all times before wishing for an all out conflict.

Why didnt you work with the Russians for their SR71 solution? Did they not have the courage to shoot it down?

Had you worked alongside any such military think tank and proposed the only 'analysis' you are capable of coming up with (that the higher management was a coward. (lol) ) they would probably lay you off with recommendations to medical board for a sanity test.

What plethora of crap.

None other than the pilots have to sit in the cockpits and none other than trained soldiers in uniforms go to battle---.

Whats your point?

Thank You. Arnt you doing the same? Not keeping your mouth shut and blabbering about PAF not waging full scale war with India. lol.

Who were these brilliant idiots who wanted an all out war with India? I'm glad saner voices prevailed.

The situation changes time to time. Revaluation is always a necessity. Of course, you wouldn't know that. Some kind of basic education is necessary to understand such matters.

Again, it is either lack of IQ or you are trying to be coy.

Comparison of 1965 war to 27th Feb skirmish is idiotic.

Shooting down enemy aircraft is only justified on 'own' territory. In fact, by many, Su-30 kill is seen as a violation.

So what? Their media also claims 1000 different things. Why is that in discussion?

What 60 miles?

What crap?

Why is this kind of repeated rhetoric being tolerated here on pdf? @The Eagle

Only an idiot compares forign policy and war strategy of US with Pakistan.

Put him on ignore like i have done
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Dont speak on a subject of which you have no clue. If you want to start a game of attrition with IAF you do not have a decided edge over them (not as yet). Time is not on the side of IAF. Wait for your time. Under the current situation whatever PAF did was best at that point in time. PAF proved its superiority for the time being. Modi and IAF still licking its wounds is enough. The resolve of PAF has been established. A full blown war is in no ones interest unless thrust upon us. PAF's bold moves will be taught in Air War Colleges of the world for years. Give you key board a rest.

People like you are called day dreamers in real world.

ha ha Mr expert of international affairs, military strategy, and geo-politics do you know what is Air Superiority as you mentioned ? Do you really think by downing 2 air craft Air Superiority is established? My request to you is dont speak on subjects of which you have no clue. Go and read the definition of Air Superiority first before you speak.

I wont comment on the filth you carry in your heart against Gen Bajwa and the retirement package (which is still less than their many civilian counterparts). I will ask you only one question that how will you capture India phase wise along with your estimates of men and material losses. I want you to be specific with your plan so that we can reach a conclusion after its dispassionate analysis.

Well said.

Too many arm chair DG MO's on pdf. Laughable at best.
I wont comment on the filth you carry in your heart against Gen Bajwa and the retirement package (which is still less than their many civilian counterparts). I will ask you only one question that how will you capture India phase wise along with your estimates of men and material losses. I want you to be specific with your plan so that we can reach a conclusion after its dispassionate analysis.

Did i touch a "nerve" here...my perception is every Army/Navy/Airforce chief after 1965 was posted on position with Consent of Pentagon/Washington...but again this is what i think. could be true or may be i am wrong! lets politely agree to disagree..

Why are you asking this question? Out of curiosity do you truly believe we can capture India in offensive deployment. I am worried about Defense and you talk about offense with Force structure we have...you and i can only wish...
ha ha Mr expert of international affairs, military strategy, and geo-politics do you know what is Air Superiority as you mentioned ? Do you really think by downing 2 air craft Air Superiority is established? My request to you is dont speak on subjects of which you have no clue. Go and read the definition of Air Superiority first before you speak.

All you did there is make a fool out of yourself. Stop insulting yourself.
Where's the doosra Banda? Hi CMH Gaya that? Any reports since Feb 2019 on him?

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