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PAF is So Cool that Even Getting Shot Down by it Makes You a Hero in India

I think we should not mock him for being shot down as it can be any one... But then there is a undignified nation alongwith their hyper dramatized media which seems to be on very cheap sort of weed.. Instead of keeping low profile in such cases how they are acting childishly, making themselves a laughing stock in front of whole world..
He is respectable guy. Good professionalism. Even He had gun, he didn't shot unarmed villagers there.
He likes our tea which is nice to see. Also our soldiers saved his life from Angry mobs.
It doesn't matter he is hero of india or not but he won our heart.
It was just better PAF skills, synergy, professionalism we crossed LOC with 24 jets and went back unharmed(IAF admitted we crossed LOC) .
Look loss of other sides, even they shot down own helicopter after we shot down their jets.
About abinandan, We gave him New life after we released him from prisoner . Otherwise look we have kulbushan Jadav in our prison from last 2 years and India can't do anything to save this officer.
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He is an officer who carried himself in a dignified manner and let's respect him for that instead of mocking him.

What dignified manner? He came in as an enemy combatant and wanted to kill innocent Pakistanis as soon as PAF shot his aircraft. He carried a gun with him and started shooting at random people.

He got a good beating and we paraded him in front of the world. Justice was done.

We are not going to respect a loser. He came in with hostile intentions. If he had his way he would have killed as many Pakistanis as possible. That is the truth. You demand from Pakistanis to respect such a hostile person? That isn’t going to happen.
There is already a thread on it, showing a related video.
if you fail to respect your enemy, you lose!

Respect him as a person who was doing his job but respect more your own pilot who shot him down before he could do anything or fire a single missile

The only reason he didn’t used his pistol as he knew if he did the mob going to kill him

In his heart he knew what he is against upto and will tell his tale to other IAF people but maybe as a enemy they will never public it

Do not cross the boundaries in respect.
What dignified manner? He came in as an enemy combatant and wanted to kill innocent Pakistanis as soon as PAF shot his aircraft. He carried a gun with him and started shooting at random people.

He got a good beating and we paraded him in front of the world. Justice was done.

We are not going to respect a loser. He came in with hostile intentions. If he had his way he would have killed as many Pakistanis as possible. That is the truth. You demand from Pakistanis to respect such a hostile person? That isn’t going to happen.
He was just doing his duty pal and our PAF pilots in his situation would have done the same thing.
We invaded indian airspace in retaliation and it was his duty to chase the invaders just like any other professional fighter pilot.They guy just followed his orders.He shot in air to scare people so he can get away ,just tried to scare the angry mob.
All professional militaries around the world act according to military code of conduct,they dont take advice from online trolls and narrow minded people.
Remember when our general niazi was going to surrender in 1971 ,general arjit singh aroora saluted him and gave him all respect he deserved according to his rank.
Good. He will be there to tell the stories to other Indian pilots that how is arse was owned by superior Pakistani airforce.
Abhinandan is a walking talking guilt trip.All he talked about was his well being and how he was lucky to be safe. Soon he will start hinting what really happened. However, we should not be boastful of his plight.It could happen to a PAF pilot aswell. Forget this victory ever happened put your head down and be on guard. Donot get complacent!
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