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PAF & Future Cyber Warfare

I think India already has it as a part of RAW. I am not sure. heard it somewhere.

Sorry , we are not worrying about India , raw or whatever at this point of time , we are talking about PAF , If you have any research plz share.
Guys please read this post carefully :

After sea, land and air warfare, traditional arch rivals India and Pakistan are now facing each other in another arena. With evolution of technology over the period another kind of war has been started by Indians with Israeli help against Pakistan since last few years and that is Cyber warfare.

Cyber warfare is complex, more penetrating and detrimental than conventional warfare, fought on cyberspace using different tactics like Cyber espionage, Web vandalism, Gathering data, Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks, Equipment disruption, attacking critical infrastructure, Compromised Counterfeit Hardware etc. The Internet security company McAfee stated in their 2007 annual report that approximately 120 countries have been developing ways to use the Internet as a weapon and target financial markets, government computer systems and utilities.

Like any conventional threat, cyber warfare is rather new battle field for Pakistani government and people alike. India has all the reasons to use this as a weapon against Pakistan, but more recently Israel has joined hands with Indians in this war against Pakistan.

Propaganda, Cyber espionage, Web vandalism and information gathering are known cyber threats for Pakistani security institutes and government offices. Now there are reports emerging that Indian and Israelis are taking these known cyber threats to next level by using money, talent and technology to defame Pakistan and its nuclear program.

How eagerly Indian wanted to gain an edge in cyber warfare technology is evident from what Indian Naval Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta told StartPost; “The Indian Armed Forces are increasingly investing in networked operations, both singly and a joint fashion. We cannot, therefore, afford to be vulnerable to cyber attacks. Information Technology is our country’s known strength and it would be in our interest to leverage this strength in developing a formidable ‘offensive’ and ‘defensive’ cyber warfare capability. Harnessing the gene pool available in academia, private industry and the younger generation of talented individuals is imperative,”

Statement of Indian Naval Chief is a further endorsement of our assessment about Indian designs against Pakistan and its security establishment. Clearly India has offensive cyber warfare plans. Naturally these plans will be against Pakistan (as the history of both the countries proves), although Indian military establishment and political leadership used Chinese threat as an excuse for introducing new war tactics and systems in Subcontinent.

The Indian Army conducted a war game called Divine Matrix in March 2009.

The most interesting aspect of this exercise was the scenario simulated by Indian military in which China launches a nuclear attack on India somewhere in 2017. The purpose of the exercise was to describe that how China will launch a cyber attack before actual nuclear attack to take on India. On the other hand Chinese were astonished by the simulated Chinese nuclear attack on India. “We are surprised by the report. Leaders of China and India had already reached at consensus that the two countries will not pose a threat to each other but rather treat each other as partners.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang expressed his views on Indian cyber warfare exercise.

In reality both China and India have been in negotiations since 2004 to boost their economic trade and cooperation in various other fields including defense. Both countries have also conducted military exercises as well. In the backdrop of all this and renewed cooperation between two countries it is very unlikely China would go for a war and that too a nuclear one whereas Pakistan is the only country against whom India has any possibility to go for a nuclear war over any of multiple disputes like Indian water aggression against Pakistan and Kashmir issue.

Limited cyber skirmishes have already taken place between Indian and Pakistan in 2008 when a group of Indian hackers defaced Pakistani website of ministry of oil and gas, government of Pakistan. Pakistani hackers in retaliation defaced many Indian websites. After these counter cyber attacks now Indians are looking to adopt “joint fashion” for cyber warfare against Pakistan with help of Israel.

According to reports Israel recently established a cyber task force for cyber warfare against Islam and Pakistan, besides harming Palestinian cause. A budget of $ 1,50,000,00 has been also allocated to this force to carry out various digital espionage and information gathering operations from various strategic offices of government of Pakistan.

Breaching network security is one aspect of all this cyber war against Pakistan. In a new development Israel has also setup a huge workforce of writers on internet and is still increasing its strength by appealing more persons to join in. Primary task of this force would be to wage propaganda war against Pakistan and its nuclear weapons and armed forces.

Israelis are doing it since long time. Hebrew websites and magazines have been targeting Pakistan by orchestrating near to impossible scenarios about Pakistan’s nukes to deceive world that these are going to fall in the hands of Al-Qaeda. Israelnationalnews.com, IsraelNN.com, and Arutz-7’s Hebrew newsmagazine are few to name among these media outfits where Israelis are spiting their venom against Pakistan.

Israeli government first tested these cyber propaganda tools during operation Cast Lead (brutal military operation in Gaza in 2008) when bloggers, surfers and writers were asked by ministry of foreign affairs of Israel, through GIYUS.ORG - Give Israel Your United Support (Give Israel You United Support), to promote words like “holocaust”, “promised land” and “murder of jews” on social networking and blogging websites like Face book, Twitter, MySpace, BlogSpot, wordpress etc. Israeli government went to an extent to give written messages which were to be posted on aforementioned websites as if they were personal responses or views of citizen of any country.

Israeli lobbies in US and UK waged similar agenda against Pakistan’s nuclear program in the past through satellite news channels (like BBC, FOX) and news papers (New York Time, Washington Post). New tactics of using social networking and blogging websites on internet has certainly more probability to shape people’s opinion about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons as unsafe. This campaign was also launched from US and Western media when operation Rah-e-Rast was initiated in Swat and Malakand region. The target in that particular campaign was to defame Pakistani government and security institutions as inept and incapable to save the nation from terrorists.

Israeli cyber operation was resolutely counter by young Palestinian bloggers by posting millions of pictures and footages from GAZA over the internet. These photos and footages revealed evil deeds committed by Israeli forces in Gaza during operation Cast Lead. However these Israeli and Indian cyber evangelists were successful in scaring ordinary masses in and outside Pakistan by posing Taliban threat to taking over Islamabad out of proportion. The real intention behind all this Taliban Hoopla was to tell the world that Pakistani nuclear weapons are about to fall into Taliban’s hand.

Like their Israeli counterpart, Indian government also took part active part in this campaign against Pakistan. Indian premier went on saying that some of Pakistani nuclear installations are already in Taliban control. This further sanctioned scare created by “paid” surfer of internet.

Israel helps India against Pakistan and Indians are also waging this propaganda war against Pakistan but on different axes. India’s current focus, after Pakistan’s security establishment, is to deceive and confuse locals of Pakistan’s Northern Areas where Pakistan is about to build three mega dams to fulfill its needs. Indian think tanks, websites and discussion forums are constantly pointing out that Pakistan is going to build dams in disputed territory in DiaMir, Bonji etc. whereas the matter of fact is India is building dams illegally on Pakistani rivers whereas Pakistani plans are all about Pakistan’s own river.

Apart from all this Cyber espionage, Web vandalism, propaganda enemies of Pakistan are adopting more complex to beat cyber operations like information gathering and equipment disruption. US pressurized Pakistan to take dubious Permissive Action Link boxes to be put on its nuclear program to prevent “unauthorized” detonation of bombs but Pakistan quite sensibly refused these locks which are said to be impossible to beat. This is one example of extent to which Pakistan’s enemies are pushing against its nuclear program in Cyber warfare.

Lethality of cyber warfare become palpable by the fact that till April 2009, pentagon has spent more than 100 million dollars in 6 months to fight against cyber attacks on its different systems. Money spent on propaganda operations are apart from this.

Pakistan:pakistan: must build a dedicated professional force to fight against all Cyber warfare tactics. A special wing inside armed forces must also be raised to counter advanced Cyber threat from Israel, India and US
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sorry buddy, it not cheap
firstly, many super computers are needed to fulfill this mission, but they are not for sale. astounding investment is a must to develop super computers.

second, quantum communication devices are being tested in several countries (US, Austria, France, China, Japan), which will change the IT network completely, and they are even more expensive.

You dont have to be sorry for posting and opposite view my dear friend!
It is cheap , and it is very effective , Remember the PENTAGON hacking scandal ?
Gary McKinnon the guy from UK hacked the Pentagon systems and if you might know Pentagon has the most protected computer system ON PLANET !!! if it can be hacked from the streets or using a cheap laptop , i think you know what i mean now !:bunny:
sorry buddy, it not cheap
firstly, many super computers are needed to fulfill this mission, but they are not for sale. astounding investment is a must to develop super computers.

second, quantum communication devices are being tested in several countries (US, Austria, France, China, Japan), which will change the IT network completely, and they are even more expensive.

China has already implemented the world's 1st Quantum Computing network system for their military a few years ago. Huawei was the company I believe. :china::pakistan:
We already have a wind in ISI... those guys are masters I say. A friend had an experience with them thats why I know.
well - may be pakistan and india - should keep those old flying machine in their locker - just in case.

if even a war breaks up - and all the computer oriented - fifth and sixth gen fighter will - be falling like dead duck.

these manual machines will come handy.

i personally think - cyber war will be of a great magnitude- and will only work against - american , because this is one field where - a country as small as pakistan can woop some serious yank and rukie butt.

thats why i think american will try their best to stop it - because it will only work against them. :cheers:
well - may be pakistan and india - should keep those old flying machine in their locker - just in case.

if even a war breaks up - and all the computer oriented - fifth and sixth gen fighter will - be falling like dead duck.

these manual machines will come handy.

i personally think - cyber war will be of a great magnitude- and will only work against - american , because this is one field where - a country as small as pakistan can woop some serious yank and rukie butt.

thats why i think american will try their best to stop it - because it will only work against them. :cheers:

Guys watch this video"

The very first PC virus was developed by a Pakistani::yahoo:
m58MqJdWgDc[/media] - Amjad Farooq Alvi Inventor of first PC Virus post by Zagham

Now forget that we do not have talent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We already have a wind in ISI... those guys are masters I say. A friend had an experience with them thats why I know.

i think ISI has got nothing to do with Cyber warfare , let them do what they are doing.

PAF has the right infrastructure to start this Department .
Thats why i believe , that airforce should go after it !

I am not too worried about fighter jets and missiles crashing from the skies. Their communications are over secure, encrypted links and even a supercomputer would take decades to crack the code, although they are probably vulnerable to DOS (denial of service) attacks. I imagine the vendors would have provided some guarantees to guard against these attacks.

The danger is more to computers and data on the ground. I am no expert but, just off the cuff, I see four types of computer networks (in increasing order of vulnerability): military, corporate, civic and end-user.

We can ignore corporate and end-user networks here, because the stakeholders will take responsibility for their own assets.

Military networks tend to be the most secure, both in terms of physical separation (sensitive data is NEVER connected to ANY external network) and in terms of levels of electronic security. The only danger would be if some idiot copies sensitive data onto a publicly accessible network, at which point it becomes more of a personnel issue. The problem of counterfeit hardware is more serious, but that's a different threat and is best left to experts.

Governmental civic networks (including utilities and infrastructure management) are probably the choice target because they are much easier to crack than military networks, and the resulting disruption is widespread and visible.

i love to make Professional Design for Aircraft especially UAV ...

I am already working on UAV simulation in Maya 3D animation. ;)
Guys watch this video"

The very first PC was developed by a Pakistani:
YouTube - Amjad Farooq Alvi Inventor of first PC Virus post by Zagham

Now forget that we do not have talent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sir its PC virus and not PC:taz:
Actually I for one am not convinced that cyber warfare is the way to go. The one off hacking events that have happened (e.g. Pentagon) etc, are I believe just due to the fact that agencies around the world do not give priority to safeguarding against cyber warfare. Once it becomes a sizeable threat, they will, and I believe it then will have a very short span of usefulness.

Why I say this is because of modern encryption. How do you hack a system?. Assuming its not wide open and hence inviting to be compromised, you must either find a vulnerability in its code or you must crack it old fashioned way...i.e. brute force, since modern encryption algorithms like AES can only be knocked down a few bits but otherwise don't have any discovered flaw which would break them completely open through reverse engineering.

The first option of finding a vulnerability would be the option to go for since bruteforcing even an AES 128 bit encrypted file can take thousands of years (if not millions) even if you use all the current computing power in the world against it. But even creating an exploit (based on a vulnerability) I assume, would be extremely difficult since I don't imagine military systems for organizations as large as USAF would be based on widely used softwares or operating systems which are the ones more prone to such attacks. Furthermore I personally don't believe that Pakistan has people who can develop their own exploits, most of the hacking that takes place is through using publicly available exploits.

I think we would need a huge jump in IT intellect before we can think about undertaking cyber warfare. But again, I may be wrong as after all my IT knowledge is not that awesome.
guys - btw - cyber war - is totally misunderstood by some people.

1. yes we need brillient brain - ( thankfully both india and pakistan are full of them)

2. a cyber war cant be dont trough - your regular pc - we need super computers for such purpose - india indeed is on the track and i think pakistan can come and join the party - because needed infrastructure wont be very expensive.

3. the countries who will start such programme soon will benefit from it.

4. it will be pleasinf to see - those billion $ awacs falling like dead meat - with just ( PRESS ANY KEY ) command. lool

----- but i think for that most important is the - WILL REQUIRED - and american influence on politican will be very high to keep us at from such -WILL !
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