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PAF Future Air defence system

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Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
As we all know in Air warefare Air Defence System is very very important and fighter jets are not only one weapons from which other fighter jets can be taken down as we also know that time PAF does not have any very good air defence system we are using old crotale air defence system which we got from french PAf only has weapons of fighter jets to give answer to incoming enemy right know these crotale are aging to their retirement and india also signed a deal with israel for Air defence system of Spyder and UAE also signing deal with USA for THAAD air defence system Russia recently launch a S-400 Air defence system which can even bring down stealth fighter jets and these all air defence systems fires their missiles from surface to air once they got fired they will kill its target 100 out 100 so surface to air defence system are very good too so can some one tell me what type of air defence system PAF was looking for i know we recently got RBS 70 from SWDEEN and also given order to Italy For ASPADA 2000 Both are very good and potent Air defence system but only they have medium range and all indian fighter jets SU 30 and Mig 29 flies very high so PAF should also consider long range air defence system too such as THAAD, S-300 or S-400 turks also gone for S-300 air defence system i hope we also in future develop Air defence system and ukraine also has BUK long range air defence system which PAF can get easily
currently indians went for israeli made spyder system which is made my american tech of patriot system

Rafael Armament Development Authority, the MBT Missile Division and Elta Radar Division of Israel Aircraft Industries have announced the SPYDER surface-to-air PYthon 5 and DERby Air Defence Missile System. Rafael is the prime contractor and IAI the major subcontractor for the SPYDER program.

"The SPYDER system is a low-level quick-reaction surface-to-air missile system."Three SPYDER-SR (short-range) systems have been sold to an undisclosed country. The system was displayed for the first time at the Paris Air Show 2005 in Le Bourget. Company firing tests of the system are currently underway.

In June 2006, SPYDER was selected by the Indian Army. The procurement was finally approved by the approved by the Indian Defence Acquisitions Council in July 2008 and a contract is expected by the end of 2008. 18 systems are required.

SPYDER is a low-level quick-reaction surface-to-air missile system capable of engaging aircraft, helicopters, unmanned air vehicles, drones and precision-guided munitions. It provides air defence for fixed assets and for point and area defence for mobile forces in combat areas.

The SPYDER-SR system has 360° engagement capability and the missiles can be launched from the full-readiness state in less than five seconds from target confirmation. The kill range is from less than 1km to more than 15km and at altitudes from a minimum of 20m to a maximum of 9,000m. The system is capable of multi-target simultaneous engagement and also single, multiple and ripple firing, by day and night and in all weathers.

Rafael is developing a medium-range version, SPYDER-MR, which has a range over 35km at altitudes from 20m to 16km. SPYDER-MR carries eight missiles while SPYDER-SR has four. SPYDER-MR also has a new IAI/Elta MF-STAR surveillance radar.

SPYDER system components
The main components of the SPYDER system are the truck-mounted command and control unit, the missile firing unit with Python 5 and Derby missiles, a field service vehicle and missile supply vehicle.

The vehicles are air-conditioned and also provide protection against biological and chemical warfare (BCW). The system is based on a modular design and system maintenance in the field is through very quick module replacement.

Modes of operation - Python 5 and Derby missile launcher
The system can launch missiles in two modes of operation: lock on before launch (LOBL) and lock on after launch (LOAL). The slant launching method, unlike vertical launch, allows LOBL so the missile's on-board seeker is locked on to the target before launch. The LOBL mode allows the Squadron Commander to confirm the missile is locked on to the designated target prior to launch, gives high kill probability against short-range high-manoeuvring targets and enables the engagement of designated targets by add-on optical sensors.

"SPYDER provides air defence for fixed assets and for point and area defence for mobile forces in combat areas."A typical SPYDER squadron consists of one mobile command and control unit (CCU) and four mobile firing units (MFU).

The CCU and MFUs each have their own built-in power supplies. The system features an automated computer, assisting the operators in the successful completion of hostile target interceptions in intense battlefield environments. The mobile CCU is equipped with a surveillance radar and two operator stations. There is a radio datalink between the CCU and the four MFUs.

The CCU combines data from the local surveillance radar and from upper tier command and control centres up to 100km away. There is also provision for receiving air situation pictures from other datalinks.

The air situation picture (ASP) is displayed at the operator's workstation in the command centre. When the operator decides to launch, an automatic procedure is initiated. The CCU assigns the target to the appropriate launch unit.

If the target is within acquisition range the missile is launched in LOBL mode. If the target is beyond seeker acquisition range the missile is launched in LOAL mode. The seeker searches for the target and switches to homing phase when the target is acquired.

Both the Derby and the Python 5 missiles can operate in LOBL and LOAL modes. The target is destroyed by the warhead blasting on impact or by proximity fuse.

Truck-mounted command and control unit
The command and control unit is housed in a truck-mounted shelter with a mounted radar, information friend or foe (IFF) interrogator and communication equipment. The VHF/UHF interference-free communication system is for internal squadron communication and to upper tier command.

Elta EL/M 2106 ATAR 3D surveillance radar
The Elta EL/M 2106 ATAR 3D surveillance radar can simultaneously track up to 60 targets. The radar has 360° operation and all-weather day and night capability. The radar includes advanced electronic counter countermeasures (ECCM) for operation in dense hostile electronic warfare environments.

"A typical SPYDER squadron consists of one mobile command and control unit (CCU) and four mobile firing units (MFU)."Truck-mounted missile launcher
SPYDER uses a truck-mounted missile firing unit which is equipped with a communications system and fitted with a 360° rotatable, electro-mechanically operated, turret-based launch unit. The SPYDER-SR launch unit carries any combination of four Python 5 or Derby missiles.

Python 5 missile
The Python 5 missile is Rafael's new very high agility dogfight air-to-air missile. Python 5 is a development of the Python 4 with a dual-band focal plane array and imaging infrared (IIR) seeker which gives a very wide field of view.

Python 5 retains the same airframe - with pitch and yaw control, delta-shaped canards and two roll control swept fins and the same rocket motor, warhead and fuse - as the Python 4 missile. The wide field of view allows LOAL at an angle of more than 100° off boresight. The dual-band seeker gives increased detection range, improved target discrimination against background clutter and a lower false target acquisition rate.

In LOAL mode, the target data is transferred from the command and control unit via the launcher to the missile. The missile's guidance and control systems are active for a three times longer period than for the earlier Python, enabling the missile to counter targets making evasive manoeuvres. The high explosive fragmentation warhead is fitted with an active laser proximity fuse.

Derby missile
The Derby missile is a medium-range, active radar-guided missile originally developed for the air-to-air role. The air defence missile has all-weather and beyond visual range capability.

Derby has a similar body design to the Python missile. An active RF radar / infrared seeker, developed by IAI, is installed in the nose of the missile. The missile incorporates an advanced programmable ECCM system. Derby operates in LOBL mode for short-range target engagement and LOAL mode for medium-range engagements.

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The SPYDER-SR mobile firing unit. The launcher can carry any combination of four Python 5 or Derby missiles.


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SPYDER is a low-level quick reaction surface-to-air missile system capable of engaging aircraft, helicopters, unmanned air vehicles, drones and precision-guided munitions.


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The SPYDER command and control shelter. It can receive data from upper tier command and control from a distance of up to 100km.


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The SPYDER-SR command and control unit with the mast-mounted Elta EL/M 2106 ATAR 3-D surveillance radar, which can simultaneously track up to 60 targets.


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SPYDER air defence deployment. A typical SPYDER squadron consists of one mobile command and control unit and four mobile firing units.


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The Derby medium-range, active radar-guided missile, seen here on a HMMWV launch vehicle.


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The main components of the SPYDER-SR air defence system – one command and control unit (CCU), four mobile firing units (MFU), 16 Python 5 and Derby missiles and a missile supply vehicle.

Superfalcon why dont you post in already existing threads on the same topic instead of starting new threads. There are already threads on Air Defence and such extra threads only lower the quality of forum.
and we right now have RBS 70 very good medium range and short range air defence system can be fired from shoulder

The RBS 70 short-range anti-aircraft missile is operational with the Swedish armed forces and has also been exported to 13 countries worldwide, including Australia, Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Singapore and Tunisia.

"The RBS 70 short-range anti-aircraft missile is operational with the Swedish armed forces."The RBS 70 system entered service in 1977 with the mk 1 missile. Current production model is the mk 2. The Bolide missile is a further development of the mk 2 with a new sustainer rocket motor, which increases missile speed and manoeuvrability. Bolide was ordered by Australia in 2003 with a follow-on order in April 2004.

In November 2004, RBS 70 was ordered by the Latvian Air Force. Deliveries are set for 2006-07.

Also in November 2004, a number of RBS 70 systems were handed over by Norway to Lithuania, free of charge. In December 2004, the Czech Republic placed an order for RBS 70 with the Bolide missile.

In January 2007, Finland placed an order for the RBS 70 missile system. Deliveries are scheduled to begin at the end of 2008.

The RBS 70 missile can be operated independently in stand-alone mode or can be configured with several firing units linked with a surveillance radar to form an anti-aircraft battery. The truck-mounted Giraffe land mobile radar developed by Ericsson (now Saab Microwave Systems) can be linked to nine RBS 70 firing posts, The firing posts, typically 4km apart, protect an area of 175km². The target data, including range, bearing and velocity is transmitted to each designated missile firing post.

The basic RBS 70 comprises the missile in a launch container, a tripod firing stand and an optical sight. It is operable by one, and portable by three persons.

"The RBS 70 anti-aircraft missile has a laser beam detector mounted at the back of the missile."The missile is equipped with a solid propellant booster motor developed by Bofors and a solid propellant sustainer motor by BAE Systems Land Systems (Royal Ordnance) and Imperial Metal Industries. When the operator fires the missile, the booster motor is ignited inside the launch tube and the missile is accelerated out of the tube. The control surfaces and the four fins open into position as the missile leaves the tube. The sustainer motor ignites after the missile has travelled a safe distance from the launch position. The booster is subsequently jettisoned.

A Saab Vectronics (now FLIR Systems) close loop cooled COND (Clip-On Night Device) operating in the 8 micron to 12 micron infrared band gives the system day and night capability. COND has a 12 x 8° field of view.

Saab Bofors Dynamics has placed an order with FLIR Systems Inc for a new clip-on night sight for the RBS 70 called BORC. BORC is based on QWIP (Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector) thermal imaging technology.


The RBS 70 has laser beam riding guidance, riding a laser signal being beamed from its own launch station, rather than being guided from the front towards the reflected signal from a laser designated target.

A hostile target can be located visually by the missile operator or the target can be detected by a search radar. When the target is acquired, the operator tracks the target and the Raytheon Cossor IFF880 friend or foe system interrogates the target. If a friendly target is detected, a warning light in the sight is illuminated and the firing sequence is halted. The operator aims the missile towards the target, fires and tracks the target, aiming a laser guidance beam continuously at the target until the moment of impact.

"A hostile target can be located visually by the RBS 70 missile operator or the target can be detected by a search radar."The RBS 70 missile has a laser beam detector mounted at the back of the missile which detects the laser guidance beam. The outputs from the laser beam detectors in the tail of the missile are used by an onboard processor to generate the steering and course correction signals to the missile control fins. The missile's flight is gyroscopically stabilised.

The missile has no seeker head at the front of the missile and the laser beam riding system in the tail of the missile is extremely difficult to jam.

If the missile loses the laser beam or if no guidance signals are received after a predetermined period of time during missile flight the missile switches to self-destruct mode.

The missile is armed with a 1.1kg fragmented warhead fitted with a Saab Bofors laser proximity fuse and an impact fuse.

The RBS 70 mk 1+ missile was developed for the Swedish Army and is fitted with an enhanced capability laser seeker with an expanded field of view. A 30% increase in the engagement envelope results from the 57° field of view (compared to 40° in the mk 1 variant). Where a crossing target is being engaged, the wider field of view allows a wider angle between the missile flight path and the laser guidance beam.

RBS 70 MK 2
The mk 2 missile has a 100% increase in area coverage compared to the mk 1. The mk 2 version incorporates a smaller digital electronic control unit, a larger sustainer motor and a heavier warhead, providing an increased speed of 590m/s and range of 7km, with improved armour penetration characteristics.

The warhead is 50% heavier and incorporates fragmentation pellets and a shaped hollow charge for armour penetration against armoured helicopter targets.


The Bolide missile is a development of the RBS 70 mk 2. It has a maximum speed of more than Mach 2, faster than the RBS70 which has a speed of Mach 1.6.

"The RSB 70 anti-aircraft missile is armed with a 1.1kg fragmented warhead."The Bolide missile design incorporates a number of new systems including a fibre-optic gyroscope, an adaptable proximity fuse which provides all-target capability and a high kill probability against small and dark targets, new sustainer rocket motor with an improved performance propellant and new electronics. The new sustainer rocket motor gives the missile a shorter time of flight and higher manoeuvrability than the RBS 70.

The new compact reprogrammable electronics suite installed in the missile allows the system to be easily upgraded with new software. The missile is primarily for air defence with a maximum intercept altitude at over 5,000m, but it can also be deployed against surface targets. It has a range of 250m to 8,000m.
PAF has on order this very very good ASPADA 2000 very good air defence system but not a long range

The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, air defence system developed by MBDA (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems). The system has quick reaction time and requires very few operators to man the system. The unit can operate independently or can be integrated with national air defence centres. Spada 2000 is in production and in service with Spanish Air Forces.

The Spada 2000 is an upgraded version of the Spada air defence system providing significant operational and technological improvements, including increased firepower and range, and the capability of coordinating additional anti-air weapons.

"The Spada 2000 is an all-weather, day and night, highly automated, advanced air defence system."In March 2007, Kuwait ordered the upgrade of its Aspide missile systems to Aspide 2000 / Spada 2000 configuration.

The system provides air defence missile coverage of 2,000km². Target detection and tracking range is up to 60km and the missiles can intercept crossing and approaching targets to a range of 25km. The kill probability is high, even against highly agile crossing targets. The system can engage up to four targets simultaneously with Aspide missiles.


Spada 2000 is modularised and integrated into sheltered units, which provides a high tactical and strategic mobility. The system consists of a detection centre and either two or four firing sections, each section equipped with two missile launchers. Each missile launcher has six ready to fire Aspide 2000 missiles.

The detection centre contains mission planning capability allowing fast and precise effective deployment of the weapons. The centre is fitted in a hardened shelter with an RAC-3D radar installed on a hydraulically operated mast on the roof of the shelter. The shelter houses the system's operating centre, including the voice and data communications suite.

Auxiliary equipment in the centre includes a global positioning system, a north finder, air conditioning and power supplies.

Aspide 2000's radar is the Selex Sistemi Integrati (formerly Alenia Marconi Systems) RAC-3D, which gives three-dimensional volumetric air surveillance, detection and tracking. The system has the capacity to track 100 targets simultaneously within a range of 60km.

The radar is capable of operating in hostile electronic warfare environments and is robust against clutter interference and electronic countermeasures. The radar features emission control, jamming location, random frequency agility and coded waveforms. The radar's erectable antenna is up to 13m in height.

The operations centre is manned by two operators for mission planning, system deployment and management during combat operations. The computer displays the air threat data in 3D coordinates.

The system tracks, identifies and prioritises the targets and assigns the firing sections to the priority targets. The targets can also be assigned to other anti-air weapon systems. The system is able to coordinate up to ten small anti-air weapons deployed within a 10km radius.

The operations centre can be connected to a remote upper level air defence command centre.

"Spada 2000 is modularised and integrated into sheltered units, which provides a high tactical and strategic mobility."FIRING SECTION
The firing section consists of the tracking and illumination radar, the control unit and the missile launchers each with six ready-to-fire missiles. The radar carries out target acquisition, tracking and illumination functions for missile guidance.

The control unit is managed by a single operator. The unit controls all the functions from target designation to missile launch and target intercept and operates in manual or automatic mode.


The communications suite includes the data links between the detection centre and the firing sections and also internal and external secure voice communications.


The Aspide 2000 missile is an upgraded version of the Aspide surface-to-air missile. The missile is capable of engaging hostile attack aircraft before the aircraft can release airborne standoff weapons. The Aspide 2000 is also capable of intercepting air-launched missiles once launched. The upgraded missile uses an enhanced single-stage rocket motor which provides increased missile speed, higher lateral acceleration and effective range.

The missile is also in service with the Italian Air Force and the Royal Thai Air Force as part of the Oerlikon Contraves Skyguard air defence system.

The high-thrust single-stage solid-propellant rocket motor provides high supersonic speed and high agility to intercept manoeuvring targets. The guidance system is semi-active radar homing.
UAE went for this state of the art THAAD air defence system

The THAAD (theatre high-altitude area defence) missile system is an easily transportable defensive weapon system to protect against hostile incoming threats such as tactical and theatre ballistic missiles at ranges of 200km and at altitudes up to 150km.

The THAAD system provides the upper tier of a 'layered defensive shield' to protect high value strategic or tactical sites such as airfields or populations centres. The THAAD missile intercepts exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric threats.

"The target object data and the predicted intercept point are downloaded to the missile prior to launch."The sites would also be protected with lower and medium-tier defensive shield systems such as the Patriot PAC-3 which intercepts hostile incoming missiles at 20 to 100 times lower altitudes.

THAAD programme
The US Army is expected to acquire 80 to 99 THAAD launchers, 18 ground-based radars and a total of 1,422 THAAD missiles. Two THAAD battalions are planned, each with four batteries.

In 1992 Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space and other industrial team partners were awarded a $689m contract to develop the THAAD system. Raytheon was selected as sub-contractor to develop the ground-based radar. Raytheon is responsible for the solid-state receiver / transmitter modules. TRW is responsible for software development. The other main contractors are Raytheon for the traveling wave tubes, Datatape for the data recorders and EBCO for radar turrets.

The THAAD programme entered the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase in 2000. In May 2004, production of 16 flight test missiles began at Lockheed Martin's new production facilities in Pike County, Alabama.

Flight testing, at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, of the EMD system began in 2005. The first flight test of the entire system including missile, launcher, radar and fire control system took place in May 2006. Flight testing began at Pacific Missile Range, Kauai, Hawaii in January 2007 with a successful intercept test in the high endo-atmosphere.

A second successful test took place in April 2007 with intercept in the mid endo-atmosphere. The final White Sands test took place in June 2007, with a low endo-atmosphere test. In October 2007, THAAD performed a successful intercept of a unitary target outside the atmosphere (exo-atmospheric). In June 2008, THAAD successfully intercepted a separating target in mid-endo-atmosphere. Tests will continue at PMR till 2009.

In January 2007, Lockheed Martin was awarded a contract for the first two production THAAD systems, to include six launchers, 48 missiles, two radars and two tactical operations centers. Initial operating capability (IOC) is expected in 2009.

In May 2008, the US Army activated the first THAAD battery unit at Fort Bliss, Texas, which will receive 24 missiles, three launchers, one fire control and one radar unit for initial fielding. This is in preparation for full system fielding in 2009.

In August 2007, Lockheed Martin announced that THAAD launcher, fire control and communications units will be built at its Camden, Arkansas facility. The THAAD interceptor is built at its Pike County facility in Troy, Alabama.

In September 2008, the United Arab Emirates requested the sale of three THAAD fire units, 147 missiles, four THAAD radars, six fire control stations and nine launchers.

The THAAD battery will typically operate nine launch vehicles each carrying eight missiles, with two mobile tactical operations centres (TOCs) and a ground-based radar (GBR).

THAAD missile information
The target object data and the predicted intercept point are downloaded to the missile prior to launch. The updated target and intercept data are also transmitted to the missile in flight.

The missile is 6.17m in length and is equipped with a single stage solid fuel rocket motor with thrust vectoring. The rocket motor is supplied by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne. The launch weight is 900kg.

"The THAAD (theatre high-altitude area defence) missile system is an easily transportable defensive weapon."A separation motor is installed at the interstage at the forward end of the booster section. The separation motor assists in the separation of the kinetic kill vehicle (KKV) and the spent boost motor.

The shroud separates from the KV before impact. The KV is equipped with a liquid-fuelled divert and attitude control system (DACS), developed by Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, for the terminal maneuvering towards the target intercept point.

A gimbal-mounted infrared seeker module in the nose section provides terminal homing to close in on the target missile in the terminal phase of approach.

During the initial fly-out phase of flight, the seeker window is covered with a two-piece clamshell protection shroud. Metal bladders installed in the shroud are inflated to eject the protective shroud before the seeker initiates target acquisition. The infrared seeker head, developed by BAe Systems, is an indium antimonide (InSb) staring focal plane array operating in the mid infrared 3 to 5 micron wavelength band.

M1075 truck-mounted launcher
There are nine M1075 truck mounted launchers in a typical THAAD battery. Launch vehicle is a modified Oshkosh Truck Corporation heavy expanded mobility tactical truck with load-handling system (HEMTT-LHS). The 12m-long by 3.25m-wide launch vehicle carries ten missile launch containers. While on the launcher, lead acid batteries provide the primary power. The batteries are recharged with a low-noise generator.

After firing, reloading the launch vehicle takes 30 minutes.

Ground-based radar
The cueing for the THAAD system is provided by the Raytheon Systems AN/TPY-2 ground-based radar (GBR) for surveillance, threat classification and threat identification. THAAD can also be cued by military surveillance satellites such as Brilliant Eyes.

The ground based radar units are C-130 air transportable. The AN/TPY-2 radar uses a 9.2m² aperture full field of view antenna phased array operating at I and J bands (X band) and containing 25,344 solid-state microwave transmit and receive modules. The radar has the capability to acquire missile threats at ranges up to 1,000km.

The first production radar is being tested at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. In September 2004, the THAAD radar tracked a tactical ballistic missile, cueing a successful intercept by a Patriot PAC-3 missile. A second radar was delivered to White Sands in June 2007.

Tactical operations centre

Each THAAD battery has two tactical operations centres (TOC). The TOC has been developed by Northrop Grumman, formerly Litton Data Systems Division. The TOC accommodates two operator stations and is equipped with three Hewlett-Packard HP-735 data processors.

"The THAAD missile uses kinetic energy, hit-to-kill technology."Mobile BMC3I units
The THAAD system is able to 'hand over' targets to other defence systems and can cue the targets to other weapons. THAAD is able to interface to other US or allied air defence data information networks and to the battle management and command control and communications centre.

Northrop Grumman has been contracted to develop the THAAD BMC3I. The battle management and command, control, computers and intelligence (BMC3I) units are installed in hardened shelters mounted on high-mobility multi-wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs).

The THAAD communications system can use JTIDS, mobile subscriber equipment, SINCGARS and the joint tactical terminal for voice and data communications and for intelligence data transfer.
Ukrainian BUK also been made by russia.

9K37 Buk
NATO reporting name:
SA-11 Gadfly, SA-17 Grizzly

9K37 Buk ready to fire
Type Medium range SAM system
Place of origin Soviet Union
Service history
In service 1979- present
Used by See list of present and former operator
Wars See combat service
Production history
Designer Almaz-Antey:
Tikhomirov NIIP (lead designer)
Lyulev Novator (SA missile designer)
DNPP (missiles)
MZiK (TELs)[1]
MMZ (GM chassis)

Variants 9K37, 9K37M, 9K37M1, 9K37M1-2, 9K37M2, 9K37M3
The Buk missile system (Russian: "Бук"; English: beech) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the former Soviet Union and Russian Federation and designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles [2].

The Buk missile system is the successor to the NIIP/Vympel 2K12 Kub (NATO reporting name SA-6 "Gainful")[3]. The first version of Buk adopted into service carried the GRAU designation 9K37 and was identified in the west with the NATO reporting name SA-11 "Gadfly". Since its initial introduction into service the Buk missile system has been continually upgraded and refined with the latest incarnation carrying the designation 9K37M2 "Buk-M2"[4].

Contents [hide]
1 Development
2 Description
2.1 3K90 "Uragan"
2.2 Missiles
2.2.1 9М38 missile
2.2.2 9М38M1 missile
2.2.3 9M317 missile
2.3 Other variants
3 Structure
3.1 9K37 Buk (Beech)
3.2 2K12M4 Kub-M4 (9K37-1 Buk-1)
3.3 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (Ganges)
3.3.1 Technical service division
3.4 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 (Ural)
3.4.1 Technical service division
3.5 9K37M2/9K317 Buk-M2
4 Service
4.1 Operators
4.2 Former Operators
4.3 Operational service
4.4 Combat service
5 References
6 Sources
6.1 armada
6.2 Russian sources
6.2.1 Vestnik PVO

[edit] Development
Development of the 9K37 "Buk" was started on the January 17, 1972 at the request of the Central Committee of the CPSU[5]. The development team comprised many of the same institutions that had been responsible for the development of the previous 2K12 "Kub" (NATO reporting name SA-6 "Gainful"). These included the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP) as the lead designer and the Novator design bureau who were responsible for the development of the missile armament[5]. In addition to the land based missile system a similar system was to be produced for the naval forces, the result being the 3K90 "Uragan" (Russian: "Ураган"; English: hurricane) which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-7 "Gadfly"[6].


Kub-M1 Kub-M




Buk-M1 Buk-1

Buk-M2 Buk-M1-1 Buk-1M

Buk-M1-2 Buk-M2E

Russian Version

Buk-M3 Export Version

The Buk missile system was designed to surpass the 2K12 Kub in all parameters and its designers including its chief designer Ardalion Rastov visited Egypt in 1971 to see Kub in operation[7]. Both the Kub and Buk used self-propelled launchers developed by Ardalion Rastov. As a result of this visit the developers came to the conclusion that each Buk transporter erector launcher (TEL) should have its own fire control radar rather than being reliant on one central radar for the whole system as in Kub[7]. The result of this move from TEL to transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) was a system able to engage multiple targets from multiple directions at the same time.

During development in 1974 it was identified that although the Buk missile system is the successor to the Kub missile system both systems could share some interoperability, the result of this decision was the 9K37-1 Buk-1 system[5]. The advantage of interoperability between Buk TELAR and Kub TEL was an increase in the number of fire control channels and available missiles for each system as well as a faster service entry for Buk system components. The Buk-1 was adopted into service in 1978 following completion of state trails while the complete Buk missile system was accepted into service in 1980[7] after state trails took place between 1977 and 1979[5].

The naval variant of the 9K37 "Buk", the 3K90 "Uragan" was developed by the Altair design bureau under the direction of chief designer G.N. Volgin[8]. The 3K90 used the same 9M38 missile as the 9K37 though the launcher and associated guidance radars were exchanged for naval variants. The system was tested between 1974-1976 using a project 61 large anti-submarine ship, 3K90 being accepted into service in 1983 equipping the project 956 "sovremmeny" class of destroyers[8].

No sooner than the 9K37 "Buk" had started to enter service than the next phase of its development was put into operation, in 1979 the Central Committee of the CPSU authorised the development of a modernised 9K37 which would become the 9K37M1 Buk-M1, adopted into service in 1983[5]. The modernisation improved the performance of the systems radars, kill probability and resistance to electronic countermeasures (ECM). Additionally a non-cooperative threat classification system was installed, allowing targets to be classified without IFF via analysis of return radar signals[7]. The export version of Buk-M1 missile system is known as "Gang" (Russian: "Ганг"; English: Ganges)[citation needed].

A Buk-M1-2 SAM system 9A310M1-2 TELAR at 2005 MAKS AirshowAnother modification to the Buk missile system was started in 1992 with work carried out between 1994 and 1997 to produce the 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2[5], which was accepted into service in in 1998[9]. This modification introduced a new missile, the 9M317 which offered improved kinematic performance over the previous 9M38 which could still be used by the Buk-M1-2. Such sharing of the missile type caused a transition to a different GRAU designations - 9K317 which has been used independently for all later systems. The previous 9K37 series name was also preserved for the complex as was the "Buk" name. The new missile as well as a variety of other improvements allowed the system to intercept ballistic missiles and surface targets as well as offering improved performance and engagement envelope against more traditional targets like aircraft and helicopters[5]. The 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 also received a new NATO reporting name distinguishing it from previous generations of the Buk system, this new reporting name was the SA-17 Grizzly. The export version of the 9K37M1-2 system is called "Ural" (Russian: "Ганг"; English: Ganges)

The introduction of the 9K37M1-2 system for the land forces also marked the introduction of a new naval variant, the 3K37 "Ezh" which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-12 "Grizzly"[6] and was exported under the name "Shtil-1". The 3K37 incorporates the 9M317 missile to replace the 9M38 used by the previous system. A further advancement of the system was unveiled as a concept at EURONAVAL 2004, a vertical launch variant of the 9M317, the 9M317M[8].

The Buk-M1-2 modernisation was based on a previous far more advanced developmental system referred to as the 9K37M2 Buk-M2[5]. This modernisation not only featured new missiles but also included a new third generation phased array fire control radar allowing engagement of up to four targets while tracking a further 24. A new radar system was also developed which carried a fire control radar on a 24 meter extending boom, improving performance against targets flying at low altitude[10]. This new generation of Buk missile systems was stalled due to the poor economic conditions after the fall of the Soviet Union, however the system was recently presented as a static display at 2007 MAKS Airshow. The export version of the Buk-M2 missile system Buk-M2E is also known as Ural (Russian: Урал; English: Ural)[citation needed].

In October 2007, Russian General Nikolaï Frolov, commander of the Ground Forces' air defense, declared that the Russian Army would receive the brand new Buk-M3 to replace the Buk-M1. He stipulated that the M3 would feature advanced electronic components and enter in service in 2009.[11]

[edit] Description
A standard Buk battalion consists of a command vehicle, target acquisition radar (TAR), six transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) and three transporter erector launcher reloads. A Buk missile battery consists of two TELAR and TEL vehicle. The battery requires 5 minutes to set up before it is ready for engagement and can be ready for transit again in 5 minutes. The reaction time of the battery from target tracking to missile launch is around 22 seconds[citation needed].

The Buk-M1-2 TELAR uses the GM-569 chassis designed and produced by JSC Metrowagonmash (former MMZ)[12] onto which is mounted a turret containing the fire control radar of the TELAR at the front and a launcher with four ready to fire missiles on top. Each TELAR is operated by a crew of # and is equipped with NBC protection. The radar fitted to each TELAR is referred to as the 'Fire Dome' by NATO, it is a monopulse type radar and can begin tracking at the missile's maximum range (32 km/20 mi) and can track aircraft flying at between 15,000 and 22,000 m (50,000 to 72,000 ft) altitudes. It can guide up to three missiles against a single target. The 9K37 system supposedly has much better ECCM characteristics (i.e. is more resistant to ECM/jamming) than the 3M9 Kub system that it replaces. An optical tracking system with laser rangefinder but can be fitted for passive tracking of the target. The 9K37 system can also utilise the same 1S91 Straight Flush 25 kW G/H band continuous wave radar as the 3M9 Kub system.

A Buk-M1-2 SAM system 9S18M1-1 Tube Arm target acquisition radar (TAR) on 2005 MAKS AirshowThe 9K37 utilises the 9S18 "Tube Arm" or 9S18M1 (which carries the NATO reporting name "Snow Drift") (Russian: СОЦ 9C18 "Купол"; English: dome) target acquisition radar in combination with the 9S35 or 9S35M1 "Fire Dome" H/I band tracking and engagement radar which is mounted on each TELAR. The Snow Drift target acquisition radar has a maximum detection range of 85 km (53 miles) and can detect an aircraft flying at 100 m (330 ft) from 35 km (22 mi) away and even lower flying targets at ranges of around 10-20 km (6-12 mi). Snow Drift is mounted on a chassis similar to that of the TELAR, as is the command vehicle. The control post which coordinates communications between the surveillance radar(s) and the launchers is able to communicate with up to six TELs at once.

The TEL reload vehicle for the Buk battery resembles the TELAR but instead of a radar they have a crane for loading missiles. They are capable of launching missiles directly but require the cooperation of a Fire Dome-equipped TELAR for missile guidance. A reload vehicle can transfer its missiles to a TELAR in around 13 minutes and can reload itself from stores in around 15 minutes.

[edit] 3K90 "Uragan"
The 3K90 "Uragan" (Russian: Ураган; English: hurricane) is the naval variant of the 9K37 "Buk" and has the NATO reporting name SA-N-7, it also carries the designation M-22. The export version of this system is known as "Shtil" (Russian: Штиль; English: still). The 9М38 missiles from the 9K37 "Buk" are also used on the 3K90 "Uragan". The launch system is different with missiles being loaded vertically onto a single arm trainable launcher, this launcher is replenished from an under-deck magazine with a 24 round capacity, loading takes 12 seconds to accomplish[8]. The Uragan utilises the MR-750 Top Steer D/E band as a target acquisition radar (naval analogue of the 9S18 or 9S18M1) which has a maximum detection range of 300 km (186 miles) depending an the variant. The radar performing the role of the 9S35 the 3R90 Front Dome H/I band tracking and engagement radar with a maximum range of 30 km (19 mi).

The modernised version the 3K90 the 3K37 "Ezh" which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-12 "Grizzly" and the export designation "Shtil-1" was developed which uses the new 9M317 missile. This variant was supposed to be installed on Soviet Ulyanovsk-class nuclear aircraft carriers, and has been retrofitted to the Sovremenny class destroyers.[citation needed] The latest variant of the system uses a vertical launch missile the 9M317M which is fired from under-deck silos clustered into groups of twelve.

[edit] Missiles

Comparison of 9M38M1 and 9M317 surface-to-air missiles of the Buk missile system
Type Surface-to-air missile
Place of origin Soviet Union
Production history
Variants 9М38, 9М38M1, 9M317
Specifications (9М38, 9M317)
Weight 690 kg, 715 kg
Length 5.55 m
Diameter 0.4 m (wingspan 0.86 m)


Warhead Frag-HE
Warhead weight 70 kg
mechanism Radar proximity fuse


Propellant solid propellant rocket
range 30 kilometres (19 mi)
Flight altitude 14,000 metres (46,000 ft)
Speed Mach 3
system Semi-active radar homing
platform see structure

[edit] 9М38 missile
The 9M38 uses a single stage X-winged design without any detachable parts, its exterior design is similar to the American Tartar and Standard surface-to-air missile series. The design had to conform to strict naval dimension limitations, allowing the missile to be adapted for the M-22 SAM system in the Soviet Navy. Each missile is 5.55 m (18 feet) long, weighs 690 kg (1521 lb) and carries a relatively large 70 kg (154 lb) warhead which is triggered by a radar proximity fuze. In the forward compartment of the missile a semi-active homing radar head, autopilot equipment, power source and a warhead is located. The homing method chosen was proportional navigation. Some elements of the missile were compatible with the Kub's 3M9, for example it's forward compartment diameter (33 cm), which was lesser than the backward compartment diameter.

The 9M38 surface-to-air missile utilizes a two-mode solid fuel rocket engine with total burn time of about 15 seconds, the combustion chamber is reinforced by metal. For the purpose of reducing the centering dispersion while in flight the combustion chamber is located close to the center of the missile and includes a longer gas pipe. Rejection of a direct-flow engine type was explained by its instability on a large angle of attack and by a larger air resistance on a passive trajectory section as well as by some technical difficulties[citation needed]. Those difficulties already wrecked the plans to create the missile for Kub[citation needed]. The design of 9M38 ensures its readiness without inspection for at least 10 years of service and is delivered to the army in the 9Ya266 (9Я266) transport container.

It has been suggested that the Novator KS-172 AAM-L, an extremely-long range air-to-air missile and possible anti-satellite weapon, is a derivative of the 9M38.[citation needed]

9M317 surface-to-air missile the Buk-M2 quadruple launcher.
[edit] 9М38M1 missile

[edit] 9M317 missile
The unified multi-functional missile 9M317 (export designation 9M317E) can be used to engage modern and perspective aerodynamic, ballistic, above-water and radiocontrast targets with the air defence complexes of land and naval forces. It was designed by OJSC Dolgoprudny Scientific Production Plant (DNPP) and passed the full cycle of ground and flight testing on different complexes and weapon systems. Testing included targets - analogues of tactical ballistic missiles, strategic cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, tactical, strategic and army aircraft and helicopters. The maximum engagable target speed was 1200 m/s, the missile could tolerate an acceleration overload of 24G. Missile was first used with Buk-M1-2 system of the land forces and the Shtil-1 system of the naval forces.

Currently, several modernized versions are in development, including the 9M317M, it's export version the 9M317ME and the active radar homing (ARH) missile project 9M317A with its export version the 9M317MAE. They were scheduled for completion in two years since May 2007.[13] The lead developer, NIIP also reported about the 9M317A missile testing within Buk-M1-2 "OKR Vskhod" program in 2005.[14] Range is reported as being up to 50 km (31 miles), maximum altitude around 25 km (82,000ft) and maximum target speed around Mach 4. The weight of the missiles has increased slightly to 720 kg (1587 lb).

(GRAU designation) 3M9 9М38 9М38M1 9М38M1 9M317 9M317
(GRAU and NATO designation) 2K12 "Kub"
(SA-6) 9K37
(SA-11) 9K37M
(SA-11) 9K37M1
"Buk-SAR"[citation needed]
(SA-11) 9K37M1-2
(SA-17) 9K37M2E
"Buk-M2E" [15]
Introduced 1966 1980 1984 1995 1998 2008?
Missiles per TEL 3 4 4 4 4 4
Missile Weight 599 kg
(1321 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 710-720 kg
(1565-1587 lb) ?
Engagement range 3-24 km
(2-15 miles) 4-30 km
(3-19 miles) 3-35 km
(2-22 miles) 3-42 km
(2-26 miles) 3-50 km
(2-31 miles) ?
Engagement altitude 800-11000 m
(2,600-36,000 ft) 30-14000 m
(100-46,000 ft) 30-22000 m
(100-72,000 ft) 30-25000 m
(100-82,000 ft) 30-25000 m
(100-82,000 ft) ?
Missile speed
(Mach) 2.8 3 3 3 3 ?
Maximum target
speed (Mach) 2 2.5 4 4 4 ?
engagements 1 2 6 6 6[16] ?

[edit] Other variants
9K37-1 'Buk-1' - First Buk missile system variant accepted into service, incorporating a 9A38 TELAR within a 2K12M3 Kub-M3 battery.
9K37 'Buk'- The completed Buk missile system with all new system components, back-compatible with Kub.
9K37M1 'Buk-M1' - An improved variant of the original 9K37 which entered into service with the then Soviet armed forces.
9K37M1-2 'Buk-M1-2' - An improved variant of the 9K37M1 'Buk-M1' which entered into service with the Russian armed forces.
In May on the MILEX-2005 exposition in Minsk, Belarus presented their own modification of 9K37 Buk called Buk-MB.[17]
9K37M2/9K317 'Buk-M2'[4]

Backside of the 9A317 TELAR of Buk-M2E (export version) at 2007 MAKS Airshow
9A317 TELAR of Buk-M2E (export version) at 2007 MAKS Airshow9K37M3/9K317M Buk-M3 - In Russian some active work is being conducted, aimed at the new perspective complex of Buk-M3. A zenith-rocket division of it will have 36 target channels in total. It will feature advanced electronic components. It is reported that the Buk-M3, a modernized version of the Buk-M1 system and will be deployed in 2009.[18]
3K90/M-22 'Uragan' - Naval version of the 9K37 Buk missile system.
SA-N-12 - NATO reporting name of the naval version of the 9K37M1-2.
HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the 9K37M1-2 system.[citation needed]

[edit] Structure
(GRAU and NATO designation) 9K37
(SA-11) 9K37-1
(SA-11) 9K37M1
(SA-11) 9K37M1-2
(SA-17) 9K37M2E
"Buk-M2E" (?)
Command Post 9S470 N/A 9S470M1 9S470M1-2 9S510
Surveillance Radar
(SURN, SOTs or TAR) 9S18 Kupol 1S91M3 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 9S18М1-1 9S112,
TELAR 9А310,
9А38 9A38 9A310M1 9A310M1-2 9A317
TEL 9А39 2P25M3 9A39M1 9A39M1,
9A39M1-2 9A316

[edit] 9K37 Buk (Beech)
Upper level CP (PBU of the zrbr - zenith-rocket brigade) from the structure of ASU Polyana-D4
4 x zrdn (zenith-rocket division)
CP 9S470
SOTs 9S18 Kupol
3 x zrbat (zenith-rocket battery)
2 x TELAR 9А310
1 x TEL 9А39
Technical service division
Сommunication service platoon

[edit] 2K12M4 Kub-M4 (9K37-1 Buk-1)
1 x SURN 1S91M3 (from the structure of 2K12M3 Kub-M3)
4 x TEL 2P25M3 (from the structure of 2K12M3 Kub-M3)
1 x TELAR 9A38 (from the structure of 9K37 Buk)

[edit] 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (Ganges)

[edit] Technical service division
9V95M1E - mobile automatized control and test station vehicle based on a ZiL-131 with a trailer
9V883, 9V884, 9V894 - repair and technical service vehicles based on Ural-43203-1012
9V881E - technical service workshop based on Ural-43203-1012
9T229 - transporter vehicle for 8 missiles or 6 containers with missiles based on a KrAZ-255Б
9T31M - autocrane
MTO-ATG-M1 - technical service workshop based on ZiL-131

[edit] 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 (Ural)
A command post vehicle 9S470M1-2 may took control over 4 batteries, each has 1 TELAR 9A310M1-2 with 1 x TEL 9A39M1/9A39M1-2 or 2 batteries, each has 1 target acquisition radar 9S18М1-1 and 2 x TELs 9A39M1

Additionally, the TELAR 9A310M1-2 may take control over the Kub vehicles - just the TEL 2P25 or the SURN 1S91 with a TEL 2P25.

[edit] Technical service division
Technical service vehicle MTO 9V881M1-2 with a trailer ZIP 9T456
Technical service workshop MTO AGZ-M1
Technical service and maintenance vehicles MRTO: MRTO-1 9V883M1, MRTO-2 9V884M1, MRTO-3 9V894M1
transport vehicle (TM) 9T243 with a technological equipment set KTO 9T3184
automated control and test mobile station AKIPS 9V95M1
workshop vehicle for the missile maintenance 9T458
unified compressor station UKS-400V
mobile power plant PES-100-T/400-AKP1

[edit] 9K37M2/9K317 Buk-M2
There was an experimental 9А320 TEL (with 8 missiles).

Some works were conducted to utilize a wheeled vehicles for Buk-M2-1 on a KrAZ-260 chassis, but they were not completed. Proposed structure of Buk-M2-1 was the 9S512 CP, 9S112-1 TAR, 9S36-1 TAR and 9А318 TEL with 8 missiles.[19]

[edit] Service

[edit] Operators

Current operators of the Buk missile system. Russia is shown in dark red. Belarus - 12 batteries[20]
Egypt - 12 batteries (SA-17)[citation needed]
Finland - 3 batteries (9+9 firing units)[20]
Georgia - 15 units M1 variant obtained from Ukraine [21]
Russia - 250[20]
Myanmar - 80 (transfer in 2008)[citation needed]

[edit] Former Operators
Soviet Union

[edit] Operational service

TELAR of Finnish 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (SA-11 Gadfly) from the left side (missiles locked in a transport position)In 1996 Finland started operating the eighteen missile systems that they received from Russia as debt payment. According to Suomen Kuvalehti, Finland is planning to accelerate the replacement of the missile system due to concerns about its susceptibility to electronic warfare,[23].

[edit] Combat service
Abkhaz authorities claimed that Buk air defense system was used to shoot down four Georgian drones at the beginning of May 2008. [24]

Analysts stipulated that Georgian Buk and Tor missile systems were responsible for downing four Russian aircraft, 3 Su-25s fighters and 1 Tu-22M strategic bomber in the 2008 South Ossetia war[25][26] U.S. officials have said Georgia's SA-11 Buk-1M was certainly the cause of the Tu-22M Backfire bomber's loss and contributed to the losses of the 3 Su-25s fighters.[27] According to some analysts, the loss of four aircraft is surprising and a heavy toll for Russia given the small size of Georgia's military.[28][29] Some have also pointed out, that Russian electronic counter-measures systems were apparently unable to jam and suppress enemy SAMs in the conflict[30] and that Russia was, surprisingly, unable to come up with effective countermeasures against missile systems they had designed.[26]
Ukrainian BUK also been made by russia.

9K37 Buk
NATO reporting name:
SA-11 Gadfly, SA-17 Grizzly

9K37 Buk ready to fire
Type Medium range SAM system
Place of origin Soviet Union
Service history
In service 1979- present
Used by See list of present and former operator
Wars See combat service
Production history
Designer Almaz-Antey:
Tikhomirov NIIP (lead designer)
Lyulev Novator (SA missile designer)
DNPP (missiles)
MZiK (TELs)[1]
MMZ (GM chassis)

Variants 9K37, 9K37M, 9K37M1, 9K37M1-2, 9K37M2, 9K37M3
The Buk missile system (Russian: "Бук"; English: beech) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the former Soviet Union and Russian Federation and designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles [2].

The Buk missile system is the successor to the NIIP/Vympel 2K12 Kub (NATO reporting name SA-6 "Gainful")[3]. The first version of Buk adopted into service carried the GRAU designation 9K37 and was identified in the west with the NATO reporting name SA-11 "Gadfly". Since its initial introduction into service the Buk missile system has been continually upgraded and refined with the latest incarnation carrying the designation 9K37M2 "Buk-M2"[4].

Contents [hide]
1 Development
2 Description
2.1 3K90 "Uragan"
2.2 Missiles
2.2.1 9М38 missile
2.2.2 9М38M1 missile
2.2.3 9M317 missile
2.3 Other variants
3 Structure
3.1 9K37 Buk (Beech)
3.2 2K12M4 Kub-M4 (9K37-1 Buk-1)
3.3 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (Ganges)
3.3.1 Technical service division
3.4 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 (Ural)
3.4.1 Technical service division
3.5 9K37M2/9K317 Buk-M2
4 Service
4.1 Operators
4.2 Former Operators
4.3 Operational service
4.4 Combat service
5 References
6 Sources
6.1 armada
6.2 Russian sources
6.2.1 Vestnik PVO

[edit] Development

Development of the 9K37 "Buk" was started on the January 17, 1972 at the request of the Central Committee of the CPSU[5]. The development team comprised many of the same institutions that had been responsible for the development of the previous 2K12 "Kub" (NATO reporting name SA-6 "Gainful"). These included the Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP) as the lead designer and the Novator design bureau who were responsible for the development of the missile armament[5]. In addition to the land based missile system a similar system was to be produced for the naval forces, the result being the 3K90 "Uragan" (Russian: "Ураган"; English: hurricane) which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-7 "Gadfly"[6].


Kub-M1 Kub-M




Buk-M1 Buk-1

Buk-M2 Buk-M1-1 Buk-1M

uk-M1-2 Buk-M2E

Russian Version

Buk-M3 Export Version

The Buk missile system was designed to surpass the 2K12 Kub in all parameters and its designers including its chief designer Ardalion Rastov visited Egypt in 1971 to see Kub in operation[7]. Both the Kub and Buk used self-propelled launchers developed by Ardalion Rastov. As a result of this visit the developers came to the conclusion that each Buk transporter erector launcher (TEL) should have its own fire control radar rather than being reliant on one central radar for the whole system as in Kub[7]. The result of this move from TEL to transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) was a system able to engage multiple targets from multiple directions at the same time.

During development in 1974 it was identified that although the Buk missile system is the successor to the Kub missile system both systems could share some interoperability, the result of this decision was the 9K37-1 Buk-1 system[5]. The advantage of interoperability between Buk TELAR and Kub TEL was an increase in the number of fire control channels and available missiles for each system as well as a faster service entry for Buk system components. The Buk-1 was adopted into service in 1978 following completion of state trails while the complete Buk missile system was accepted into service in 1980[7] after state trails took place between 1977 and 1979[5].

The naval variant of the 9K37 "Buk", the 3K90 "Uragan" was developed by the Altair design bureau under the direction of chief designer G.N. Volgin[8]. The 3K90 used the same 9M38 missile as the 9K37 though the launcher and associated guidance radars were exchanged for naval variants. The system was tested between 1974-1976 using a project 61 large anti-submarine ship, 3K90 being accepted into service in 1983 equipping the project 956 "sovremmeny" class of destroyers[8].

No sooner than the 9K37 "Buk" had started to enter service than the next phase of its development was put into operation, in 1979 the Central Committee of the CPSU authorised the development of a modernised 9K37 which would become the 9K37M1 Buk-M1, adopted into service in 1983[5]. The modernisation improved the performance of the systems radars, kill probability and resistance to electronic countermeasures (ECM). Additionally a non-cooperative threat classification system was installed, allowing targets to be classified without IFF via analysis of return radar signals[7]. The export version of Buk-M1 missile system is known as "Gang" (Russian: "Ганг"; English: Ganges)[citation needed].

A Buk-M1-2 SAM system 9A310M1-2 TELAR at 2005 MAKS AirshowAnother modification to the Buk missile system was started in 1992 with work carried out between 1994 and 1997 to produce the 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2[5], which was accepted into service in in 1998[9]. This modification introduced a new missile, the 9M317 which offered improved kinematic performance over the previous 9M38 which could still be used by the Buk-M1-2. Such sharing of the missile type caused a transition to a different GRAU designations - 9K317 which has been used independently for all later systems. The previous 9K37 series name was also preserved for the complex as was the "Buk" name. The new missile as well as a variety of other improvements allowed the system to intercept ballistic missiles and surface targets as well as offering improved performance and engagement envelope against more traditional targets like aircraft and helicopters[5]. The 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 also received a new NATO reporting name distinguishing it from previous generations of the Buk system, this new reporting name was the SA-17 Grizzly. The export version of the 9K37M1-2 system is called "Ural" (Russian: "Ганг"; English: Ganges)

The introduction of the 9K37M1-2 system for the land forces also marked the introduction of a new naval variant, the 3K37 "Ezh" which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-12 "Grizzly"[6] and was exported under the name "Shtil-1". The 3K37 incorporates the 9M317 missile to replace the 9M38 used by the previous system. A further advancement of the system was unveiled as a concept at EURONAVAL 2004, a vertical launch variant of the 9M317, the 9M317M[8].

The Buk-M1-2 modernisation was based on a previous far more advanced developmental system referred to as the 9K37M2 Buk-M2[5]. This modernisation not only featured new missiles but also included a new third generation phased array fire control radar allowing engagement of up to four targets while tracking a further 24. A new radar system was also developed which carried a fire control radar on a 24 meter extending boom, improving performance against targets flying at low altitude[10]. This new generation of Buk missile systems was stalled due to the poor economic conditions after the fall of the Soviet Union, however the system was recently presented as a static display at 2007 MAKS Airshow. The export version of the Buk-M2 missile system Buk-M2E is also known as Ural (Russian: Урал; English: Ural)[citation needed].

In October 2007, Russian General Nikolaï Frolov, commander of the Ground Forces' air defense, declared that the Russian Army would receive the brand new Buk-M3 to replace the Buk-M1. He stipulated that the M3 would feature advanced electronic components and enter in service in 2009.[11]

[edit] Description
A standard Buk battalion consists of a command vehicle, target acquisition radar (TAR), six transporter erector launcher and radar (TELAR) and three transporter erector launcher reloads. A Buk missile battery consists of two TELAR and TEL vehicle. The battery requires 5 minutes to set up before it is ready for engagement and can be ready for transit again in 5 minutes. The reaction time of the battery from target tracking to missile launch is around 22 seconds[citation needed].

The Buk-M1-2 TELAR uses the GM-569 chassis designed and produced by JSC Metrowagonmash (former MMZ)[12] onto which is mounted a turret containing the fire control radar of the TELAR at the front and a launcher with four ready to fire missiles on top. Each TELAR is operated by a crew of # and is equipped with NBC protection. The radar fitted to each TELAR is referred to as the 'Fire Dome' by NATO, it is a monopulse type radar and can begin tracking at the missile's maximum range (32 km/20 mi) and can track aircraft flying at between 15,000 and 22,000 m (50,000 to 72,000 ft) altitudes. It can guide up to three missiles against a single target. The 9K37 system supposedly has much better ECCM characteristics (i.e. is more resistant to ECM/jamming) than the 3M9 Kub system that it replaces. An optical tracking system with laser rangefinder but can be fitted for passive tracking of the target. The 9K37 system can also utilise the same 1S91 Straight Flush 25 kW G/H band continuous wave radar as the 3M9 Kub system.

A Buk-M1-2 SAM system 9S18M1-1 Tube Arm target acquisition radar (TAR) on 2005 MAKS AirshowThe 9K37 utilises the 9S18 "Tube Arm" or 9S18M1 (which carries the NATO reporting name "Snow Drift") (Russian: СОЦ 9C18 "Купол"; English: dome) target acquisition radar in combination with the 9S35 or 9S35M1 "Fire Dome" H/I band tracking and engagement radar which is mounted on each TELAR. The Snow Drift target acquisition radar has a maximum detection range of 85 km (53 miles) and can detect an aircraft flying at 100 m (330 ft) from 35 km (22 mi) away and even lower flying targets at ranges of around 10-20 km (6-12 mi). Snow Drift is mounted on a chassis similar to that of the TELAR, as is the command vehicle. The control post which coordinates communications between the surveillance radar(s) and the launchers is able to communicate with up to six TELs at once.

The TEL reload vehicle for the Buk battery resembles the TELAR but instead of a radar they have a crane for loading missiles. They are capable of launching missiles directly but require the cooperation of a Fire Dome-equipped TELAR for missile guidance. A reload vehicle can transfer its missiles to a TELAR in around 13 minutes and can reload itself from stores in around 15 minutes.

[edit] 3K90 "Uragan"
The 3K90 "Uragan" (Russian: Ураган; English: hurricane) is the naval variant of the 9K37 "Buk" and has the NATO reporting name SA-N-7, it also carries the designation M-22. The export version of this system is known as "Shtil" (Russian: Штиль; English: still). The 9М38 missiles from the 9K37 "Buk" are also used on the 3K90 "Uragan". The launch system is different with missiles being loaded vertically onto a single arm trainable launcher, this launcher is replenished from an under-deck magazine with a 24 round capacity, loading takes 12 seconds to accomplish[8]. The Uragan utilises the MR-750 Top Steer D/E band as a target acquisition radar (naval analogue of the 9S18 or 9S18M1) which has a maximum detection range of 300 km (186 miles) depending an the variant. The radar performing the role of the 9S35 the 3R90 Front Dome H/I band tracking and engagement radar with a maximum range of 30 km (19 mi).

The modernised version the 3K90 the 3K37 "Ezh" which carries the NATO reporting name SA-N-12 "Grizzly" and the export designation "Shtil-1" was developed which uses the new 9M317 missile. This variant was supposed to be installed on Soviet Ulyanovsk-class nuclear aircraft carriers, and has been retrofitted to the Sovremenny class destroyers.[citation needed] The latest variant of the system uses a vertical launch missile the 9M317M which is fired from under-deck silos clustered into groups of twelve.

[edit] Missiles

Comparison of 9M38M1 and 9M317 surface-to-air missiles of the Buk missile system
Type Surface-to-air missile
Place of origin Soviet Union
Production history
Variants 9М38, 9М38M1, 9M317
Specifications (9М38, 9M317)
Weight 690 kg, 715 kg
Length 5.55 m
Diameter 0.4 m (wingspan 0.86 m)


Warhead Frag-HE
Warhead weight 70 kg
mechanism Radar proximity fuse


Propellant solid propellant rocket
range 30 kilometres (19 mi)
Flight altitude 14,000 metres (46,000 ft)
Speed Mach 3
system Semi-active radar homing
platform see structure

[edit] 9М38 missile
The 9M38 uses a single stage X-winged design without any detachable parts, its exterior design is similar to the American Tartar and Standard surface-to-air missile series. The design had to conform to strict naval dimension limitations, allowing the missile to be adapted for the M-22 SAM system in the Soviet Navy. Each missile is 5.55 m (18 feet) long, weighs 690 kg (1521 lb) and carries a relatively large 70 kg (154 lb) warhead which is triggered by a radar proximity fuze. In the forward compartment of the missile a semi-active homing radar head, autopilot equipment, power source and a warhead is located. The homing method chosen was proportional navigation. Some elements of the missile were compatible with the Kub's 3M9, for example it's forward compartment diameter (33 cm), which was lesser than the backward compartment diameter.

The 9M38 surface-to-air missile utilizes a two-mode solid fuel rocket engine with total burn time of about 15 seconds, the combustion chamber is reinforced by metal. For the purpose of reducing the centering dispersion while in flight the combustion chamber is located close to the center of the missile and includes a longer gas pipe. Rejection of a direct-flow engine type was explained by its instability on a large angle of attack and by a larger air resistance on a passive trajectory section as well as by some technical difficulties[citation needed]. Those difficulties already wrecked the plans to create the missile for Kub[citation needed]. The design of 9M38 ensures its readiness without inspection for at least 10 years of service and is delivered to the army in the 9Ya266 (9Я266) transport container.

It has been suggested that the Novator KS-172 AAM-L, an extremely-long range air-to-air missile and possible anti-satellite weapon, is a derivative of the 9M38.[citation needed]

9M317 surface-to-air missile the Buk-M2 quadruple launcher.
[edit] 9М38M1 missile

[edit] 9M317 missile
The unified multi-functional missile 9M317 (export designation 9M317E) can be used to engage modern and perspective aerodynamic, ballistic, above-water and radiocontrast targets with the air defence complexes of land and naval forces. It was designed by OJSC Dolgoprudny Scientific Production Plant (DNPP) and passed the full cycle of ground and flight testing on different complexes and weapon systems. Testing included targets - analogues of tactical ballistic missiles, strategic cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, tactical, strategic and army aircraft and helicopters. The maximum engagable target speed was 1200 m/s, the missile could tolerate an acceleration overload of 24G. Missile was first used with Buk-M1-2 system of the land forces and the Shtil-1 system of the naval forces.

Currently, several modernized versions are in development, including the 9M317M, it's export version the 9M317ME and the active radar homing (ARH) missile project 9M317A with its export version the 9M317MAE. They were scheduled for completion in two years since May 2007.[13] The lead developer, NIIP also reported about the 9M317A missile testing within Buk-M1-2 "OKR Vskhod" program in 2005.[14] Range is reported as being up to 50 km (31 miles), maximum altitude around 25 km (82,000ft) and maximum target speed around Mach 4. The weight of the missiles has increased slightly to 720 kg (1587 lb).

(GRAU designation) 3M9 9М38 9М38M1 9М38M1 9M317 9M317
(GRAU and NATO designation) 2K12 "Kub"
(SA-6) 9K37
(SA-11) 9K37M
(SA-11) 9K37M1
"Buk-SAR"[citation needed]
(SA-11) 9K37M1-2
(SA-17) 9K37M2E
"Buk-M2E" [15]
Introduced 1966 1980 1984 1995 1998 2008?
Missiles per TEL 3 4 4 4 4 4
Missile Weight 599 kg
(1321 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 690 kg
(1521 lb) 710-720 kg
(1565-1587 lb) ?
Engagement range 3-24 km
(2-15 miles) 4-30 km
(3-19 miles) 3-35 km
(2-22 miles) 3-42 km
(2-26 miles) 3-50 km
(2-31 miles) ?
Engagement altitude 800-11000 m
(2,600-36,000 ft) 30-14000 m
(100-46,000 ft) 30-22000 m
(100-72,000 ft) 30-25000 m
(100-82,000 ft) 30-25000 m
(100-82,000 ft) ?
Missile speed
(Mach) 2.8 3 3 3 3 ?
Maximum target
speed (Mach) 2 2.5 4 4 4 ?
engagements 1 2 6 6 6[16] ?

[edit] Other variants
9K37-1 'Buk-1' - First Buk missile system variant accepted into service, incorporating a 9A38 TELAR within a 2K12M3 Kub-M3 battery.
9K37 'Buk'- The completed Buk missile system with all new system components, back-compatible with Kub.
9K37M1 'Buk-M1' - An improved variant of the original 9K37 which entered into service with the then Soviet armed forces.
9K37M1-2 'Buk-M1-2' - An improved variant of the 9K37M1 'Buk-M1' which entered into service with the Russian armed forces.
In May on the MILEX-2005 exposition in Minsk, Belarus presented their own modification of 9K37 Buk called Buk-MB.[17]
9K37M2/9K317 'Buk-M2'[4]

Backside of the 9A317 TELAR of Buk-M2E (export version) at 2007 MAKS Airshow
9A317 TELAR of Buk-M2E (export version) at 2007 MAKS Airshow9K37M3/9K317M Buk-M3 - In Russian some active work is being conducted, aimed at the new perspective complex of Buk-M3. A zenith-rocket division of it will have 36 target channels in total. It will feature advanced electronic components. It is reported that the Buk-M3, a modernized version of the Buk-M1 system and will be deployed in 2009.[18]
3K90/M-22 'Uragan' - Naval version of the 9K37 Buk missile system.
SA-N-12 - NATO reporting name of the naval version of the 9K37M1-2.
HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the 9K37M1-2 system.[citation needed]

[edit] Structure
(GRAU and NATO designation) 9K37
(SA-11) 9K37-1
(SA-11) 9K37M1
(SA-11) 9K37M1-2
(SA-17) 9K37M2E
"Buk-M2E" (?)
Command Post 9S470 N/A 9S470M1 9S470M1-2 9S510
Surveillance Radar
(SURN, SOTs or TAR) 9S18 Kupol 1S91M3 9S18M1 Kupol-M1 9S18М1-1 9S112,
TELAR 9А310,
9А38 9A38 9A310M1 9A310M1-2 9A317
TEL 9А39 2P25M3 9A39M1 9A39M1,
9A39M1-2 9A316

[edit] 9K37 Buk (Beech)Upper level CP (PBU of the zrbr - zenith-rocket brigade) from the structure of ASU Polyana-D4
4 x zrdn (zenith-rocket division)
CP 9S470
SOTs 9S18 Kupol
3 x zrbat (zenith-rocket battery)
2 x TELAR 9А310
1 x TEL 9А39
Technical service division
Сommunication service platoon

[edit] 2K12M4 Kub-M4 (9K37-1 Buk-1)
1 x SURN 1S91M3 (from the structure of 2K12M3 Kub-M3)
4 x TEL 2P25M3 (from the structure of 2K12M3 Kub-M3)
1 x TELAR 9A38 (from the structure of 9K37 Buk)

[edit] 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (Ganges)

[edit] Technical service division
9V95M1E - mobile automatized control and test station vehicle based on a ZiL-131 with a trailer
9V883, 9V884, 9V894 - repair and technical service vehicles based on Ural-43203-1012
9V881E - technical service workshop based on Ural-43203-1012
9T229 - transporter vehicle for 8 missiles or 6 containers with missiles based on a KrAZ-255Б
9T31M - autocrane
MTO-ATG-M1 - technical service workshop based on ZiL-131

[edit] 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 (Ural)
A command post vehicle 9S470M1-2 may took control over 4 batteries, each has 1 TELAR 9A310M1-2 with 1 x TEL 9A39M1/9A39M1-2 or 2 batteries, each has 1 target acquisition radar 9S18М1-1 and 2 x TELs 9A39M1

Additionally, the TELAR 9A310M1-2 may take control over the Kub vehicles - just the TEL 2P25 or the SURN 1S91 with a TEL 2P25.

[edit] Technical service division

Technical service vehicle MTO 9V881M1-2 with a trailer ZIP 9T456
Technical service workshop MTO AGZ-M1
Technical service and maintenance vehicles MRTO: MRTO-1 9V883M1, MRTO-2 9V884M1, MRTO-3 9V894M1
transport vehicle (TM) 9T243 with a technological equipment set KTO 9T3184
automated control and test mobile station AKIPS 9V95M1
workshop vehicle for the missile maintenance 9T458
unified compressor station UKS-400V
mobile power plant PES-100-T/400-AKP1

[edit] 9K37M2/9K317 Buk-M2
There was an experimental 9А320 TEL (with 8 missiles).

Some works were conducted to utilize a wheeled vehicles for Buk-M2-1 on a KrAZ-260 chassis, but they were not completed. Proposed structure of Buk-M2-1 was the 9S512 CP, 9S112-1 TAR, 9S36-1 TAR and 9А318 TEL with 8 missiles.[19]

[edit] Service

[edit] Operators

Current operators of the Buk missile system. Russia is shown in dark red. Belarus - 12 batteries[20]
Egypt - 12 batteries (SA-17)[citation needed]
Finland - 3 batteries (9+9 firing units)[20]
Georgia - 15 units M1 variant obtained from Ukraine [21]
Russia - 250[20]
Myanmar - 80 (transfer in 2008)[citation needed]

[edit] Former Operators

Soviet Union

[edit] Operational service

TELAR of Finnish 9K37M1 Buk-M1 (SA-11 Gadfly) from the left side (missiles locked in a transport position)In 1996 Finland started operating the eighteen missile systems that they received from Russia as debt payment. According to Suomen Kuvalehti, Finland is planning to accelerate the replacement of the missile system due to concerns about its susceptibility to electronic warfare,[23].

[edit] Combat service
Abkhaz authorities claimed that Buk air defense system was used to shoot down four Georgian drones at the beginning of May 2008. [24]

Analysts stipulated that Georgian Buk and Tor missile systems were responsible for downing four Russian aircraft, 3 Su-25s fighters and 1 Tu-22M strategic bomber in the 2008 South Ossetia war[25][26] U.S. officials have said Georgia's SA-11 Buk-1M was certainly the cause of the Tu-22M Backfire bomber's loss and contributed to the losses of the 3 Su-25s fighters.[27] According to some analysts, the loss of four aircraft is surprising and a heavy toll for Russia given the small size of Georgia's military.[28][29] Some have also pointed out, that Russian electronic counter-measures systems were apparently unable to jam and suppress enemy SAMs in the conflict[30] and that Russia was, surprisingly, unable to come up with effective countermeasures against missile systems they had designed.[26]

You have no shame in doing copy paste from Wikipedia. A lot of members have said that Wiki is not a good source and yet you are flooding the forum with useless information blindly copied from wikipedia.

You can simply give a link like, for the above,

Buk missile system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the webpage, there are pictures too and its far better than your post.
dont matter if the data is from wikipedia or what ever,,

i would like to thank super falcon for starting this topic,

i myself have pointed to this issue many time in various threads,

as far as i think a missile air defence system is the need of the hour,

it is the part in which we lack the most, in ground forces we are quite capable with our army having good gunss, impressive artillery and excellent tanks.

in navy we are going to a good place with the f22 and the high tech subs,

airforce is also fine with the mirage ROSE and the f16z together with the induction of jf17 and soon the j10z also


where are we with our SAMs


thats the only thiing wehave and it is only meant for low flying targets like helicopters,
we do not have anything for the planes, the cortal are old enough, we have been listening to this SPADA and the FT2000 stuff since 2003 and 2005 respectively, but still they are no where!!

this is the field need to be considered and updated on war footings

what do you people say??
yes we do have RBS 70 but they are also low altitude solutins, yes the are accurate with 95% success rate but of what use if the can only reach 4500 to 5000 m altitude??

sir they are meant to be helicopter killers not for aircrafts and for them we have nothing, do we??
Thread closed.

Shehbazi has a valid point.

Even if the intent was good, I see no point in copy pasting reams of stuff on air defence systems unrelated to the PAD.

Please stick to the topic, start by posting in existing threads and provide links instead of long copy pastes.
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