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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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We all actually let's wait for rabbit to come out from Hatt by magical @Khafee
These r subs from China and probably Italy
I see, I misread boomers as "bombers" :cheesy:
May be PAC-3 but not THAAD because its their latest and classified tech, they will give those countries that enemy to China but Definitely not for Pakistan which is China's friends/ally @Maxpane :disagree::disagree:
May be PAC-3 but not THAAD because its their latest and classified tech, they will give those countries that enemy to China but Definitely not for Pakistan which is China's friends/ally @Maxpane :disagree::disagree:
ok lets wait what @Khafee and @Tps43 are going to reveal
Could be ...
  • S-500 Prometheus Missile Defence System
  • Krasukha-4 (electronic warfare system)
Both are extremely potent and fall under the game changer category.
Could be ...
  • S-500 Prometheus Missile Defence System
  • Krasukha-4 (electronic warfare system)
Both are extremely potent and fall under the game changer category.
These system from Russia not from USA, READ THE TITLE, and we are just started good relation with Russia, there will be no Chance to get these system in near future from Russia, keep away from your fairy tales @aliyusuf
120 vipers great news

@Tps43 sir ap @Starlord k maikey walun se 110 vipers mang rahy the un k maike walun ne 10 extra de rahy hain:p:
I didn't know you get divine revelations.

Khafee did not make any case. He informed the forum what he found out through official channels.

I don't need to explain your side to the people but this is more about my understanding of certain matters.

I did forget to mention *Strong Case in view to discuss. As far as it goes for the source & confirmation, I agree that unless disclosed officially, the thread deserves to remain active for many reasons. You are reading into two different aspects of my statement as individually, I have no dog in this fight if you made a claim here but from moderation prospective; I then made it clear in regard to concern to let the discussion be continued without challenging your source/links/credibility at all.

Rest about divine revelation; hope you wouldn't mind to not to use those words for me at-least. I would have done wrongs in my life and can only seek forgiveness from ALLAH (SWT) for whatever wrong I have ever done and a man as such can't be on the level of being told through divine revelations at all.

There’s one idiot TT analyst who now I try to avoid at all cost so Got disheartened and took a break from pdf
But thanks :D

Once, a brotherly advise was given not in reference to someone particular but still, seems like you got it but the other way. :lol:
What is in the works and a bit realistic to gun for is:

1. Release of 8 F-16 block 52 (This dove tails with the US$ 700 million figure withheld under CSF)
2. 12 AH1-Z Helos and completion of the remaining helos. Paid for by GoP
3. MaxxPro Paid for by GoP. Fatman update.. delivered. Thank you for the update Fatman.
4. LM Gas turbines for ADA (Not sure about this)
5. Misc. Items that were in the pipeline including spares for P3C and upgrade program.
6. Continued support for F-16 and other programs. PAid for by GoP Sovereign funds
7. 2 x OPV's for MSA. Paid for by GoP funds.
8. Sale of Air to Air Missiles in long range class

Rest is all wishful thinking.

The US$9 billion we keep talking about has never been accepted by USG as legit reimbursement. The last reimbursement that was withheld was around US$ 450 million and a backlog of around US$ 300 million. The US$ 9 billion figure is a Pakistani figure and not a US claim.

As far as I know, we can buy anything (Within the reasonable ambit of non sensitive technology) as long as we pay for it through FMS program. Here, our erstwhile friends in the long robes can come in handy. Let us see how best we can rope them in and with what in return.

My educated guess based upon watching Pak-US relationship for the last 50 years!!!
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What is in the works and a bit realistic to gun for is:

1. 8 F-16 block 52
2. 12 AH1-Z Helos and completion of the remaining helos.
3. MaxxPro
4. LM Gas turbines for ADA (Not sure about this)
5. Misc. Items that were in the pipeline including spares for P3C and upgrade program.
6. Continued support for F-16 and other programs.
7. 2 x OPV's for MSA. PAid for by GoP funds.
8. Sale of Air to Air Missiles in long range class

Rest is all wishful thinking.

The US$9 billion we keep talking about has never been accepted by USG as legit reimbursement. The last reimbursement that was withheld was around US$ 450 million and a backlog of around US$ 300 million. The US$ 9 billion figure is a Pakistani figure and not a US claim.

As far as I know, we can buy anything (Within the reasonable ambit of non sensitive technology) as long as we pay for it through FMS program.

My educated guess based upon watching Pak-US relationship for the last 50 years!!!
Thanks, a saner voice has spoken. Point3 has been delivered.
I dont know how people are going to deal if this turns out to be another Su-35 false rumor. I hope its not, but seems like too much of a shift too quickly, for it to be true.
What is in the works and a bit realistic to gun for is:

1. Release of 8 F-16 block 52 (This dove tails with the US$ 700 million figure withheld under CSF)
2. 12 AH1-Z Helos and completion of the remaining helos. Paid for by GoP
3. MaxxPro Paid for by GoP. Fatman update.. delivered. Thank you for the update Fatman.
4. LM Gas turbines for ADA (Not sure about this)
5. Misc. Items that were in the pipeline including spares for P3C and upgrade program.
6. Continued support for F-16 and other programs. PAid for by GoP Sovereign funds
7. 2 x OPV's for MSA. Paid for by GoP funds.
8. Sale of Air to Air Missiles in long range class

Rest is all wishful thinking.

The US$9 billion we keep talking about has never been accepted by USG as legit reimbursement. The last reimbursement that was withheld was around US$ 450 million and a backlog of around US$ 300 million. The US$ 9 billion figure is a Pakistani figure and not a US claim.

As far as I know, we can buy anything (Within the reasonable ambit of non sensitive technology) as long as we pay for it through FMS program. Here, our erstwhile friends in the long robes can come in handy. Let us see how best we can rope them in and with what in return.

My educated guess based upon watching Pak-US relationship for the last 50 years!!!

Sounds very reasonable. No disrespect to any member's credibility nor any pessimism but the fact check (by you) shows that we have not even achieved these items that have been stuck in the pipeline for so long and we are raising hope on pipe dreams. Some of the possible F-16 related deals stated here sound something that Pakistan/PAF might desire to have but not necessarily something that the US might be willing to sell to us at this point. It all sounds 'too soon for that.' We have just hit a reset but pretend to have reached new heights in US-Pakistan bilateral relations. At present, the items identified by you would be the primary attainable goals for the Pakistani establishment.
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