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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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why our dream list grows as soon as we get the hint we might actually get something, i will wait and see.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!

Will most older frames be replaced with new or used ones??
I hope Pakistan gets all the weapons listed here in this thread. I sincerely hope so. But as there is a saying "When something is too good to be true, then it is probably not TRUE". Only time will tell what the truth is.

Pakistan's alliance with China is the centerpiece of its survival in the Region and internationally. And I don't see any change in this by Pakistan just to make the US happy.
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thanks for Radar clarification. back few years Americans didnt even allow PAF personnel near the UAE block 60s. and now you are doing a surprise strike like 27 Feb 19.
well played indeed

I will leave the ban argument aside as there maybe difference of opinion because mods take a view which the other party has a right to disagree well its a happy ending because it was reversed and you got the chance to make PAF section interesting for few days as people will speculate, troll, argue , insult , rave, cry and get banned (fairly or unfairly)


PAF has a number in mind for F16s, I think eighty.. plus we need a fill in the gap until we get our 5th:gen. JF17 block III is ready but still it is a light weight. F-16 is medium weight fighter. PAF not willing to go for heavy fighter yet.

If PAF saw opportunity to get F-16s then they may also replace some M-3/5 with those.
What happens if things in Afghanistan dont go to plan as so often is the case. Will we be getting Peace Gate F16s still then....India would do everything to not let this happen.....even let go of s400 and buy f21.
Not bad for Pak either....
China can still look at and copy certain tech in radar like T/R modules, hardware, etc.
Do you think China had source codes for some of their unlicensed aircraft?
Can you give it a rest. Pakistan is a responsible state and the air force will safeguard its secrets and abide by the terms of its contracts. More importantly we are now taking off as an aviation industry ourselves. Why would we now want to share our secrets with anyone? This is an important milestone and you can refuse to believe it.
Pakistan's alliance with China is the centerpiece of it survival in the Region and internationally. And I don't see any change in this by Pakistan just to make the US happy.
Looks like now the USA wants to keep Pak happy.....
Why do you think China bought the SU-35 lol? It was for radar tech for use in J-20 and J-31.
Again please update your knowledge. 35 fields a PESA while 20/31 field AESA. China does not need to go back. There is enough research on going in China for them to not look towards Russia. The reasons for 35 acquisition are different.
27 feb proved that f-16 still is the most advance jet in the region and in the right hands it can take down any adversary. it also proved indian conspiracies like kill switches as false. pak can fully use the jets within its air space and that is we need right now and in near future. we are not equipping our F-16s with weapons like H2 , H4 and RAAD. that means F-16 will be used mainly in air to air role and in LIC. for strike we have JFTs and mirages which provide limited strike capability. no 4th gen jet from either side is capable of deep strike missions in today's environment so we dont need to induct 4th gen jets for this purpose. only 5th gen jets will be able to carry out strike missions efficiently.

it seems US is pressurizing india to drop S400 deal.
27 feb proved that f-16 still is the most advance jet in the region and in the right hands it can take down any adversary. it also proved indian conspiracies like kill switches as false. pak can fully use the jets within its air space and that is we need right now and in near future. we are not equipping our F-16s with weapons like H2 , H4 and RAAD. that means F-16 will be used mainly in air to air role and in LIC. for strike we have JFTs and mirages which provide limited strike capability. no 4th gen jet from either side is capable of deep strike missions in today's environment so we dont need to induct 4th gen jets for this purpose. only 5th gen jets will be able to carry out strike missions efficiently.

it seems US is pressurizing india to drop S400 deal.
India wont drop S400 deal.
The Question is: "Why is the US reaching out to the Pakistan?"

Two reasons:
1) China - Pakistan has slid so far into the Chinese camp, that is now a de facto province. Something which is extremely worrying for the Americans.

The Feb hostilities saw 3 PLAAF squadrons go to standby - in order to assist Pakistan if needed. PLAN sent 4 SSK , and 3 boomers, at least two Type 55 destroyers, other assets were also sent later after the ISI chiefs visit. PLA also went to full war time alert, ready to move in.

I also heard the strategic arm of the PLAAF deployed several Nuclear Armed Bombers and that they were ready to wipe out New Delhi in the event of a blink by Modi. These forces were supported by the military of Uganda and Congo which were ready to invade India at a moments notice.

Thank the God that Modi did not blink!

1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.

This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!

Salute to all those who are actually believing this, whatever dream this is.
China deploying h6k with nukes and j-20 with deep strike weapons. Pakistaniz getting block 70? Yikes... Rafale died before it could pose a threat... Ouch!
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