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PAF CAS confirmed the SU-30MKI kill in addition to MiG-21 Bison - Alan Warnes

Don't worry, one tactical nuke will be enough for the entire Indian army to leave kashmir.
The nature of war has changed. Surgical strikes and countering surgical strikes is ALL that matters now between two states like India and Pakistan where the difference in capabilities is not actually that dramatic. This isn't USA vs Iraq. Nuclear deterrent or threat of tactical nukes is meaningless and ineffective against an enemy that seeks to carry out surgical strikes at will. Pak will never respond to surgical strikes with nukes. The reality is we need to counter their air force, navy and missile threat by conventional means...and do it quick. This is the new arms race and many posters here are correct in saying that it is a hybrid arms race....the media and diplomatic arm of this battle is of massive massive importance.
The nature of war has changed. Surgical strikes and countering surgical strikes is ALL that matters now between two states like India and Pakistan where the difference in capabilities is not actually that dramatic. This isn't USA vs Iraq. Nuclear deterrent or threat of tactical nukes is meaningless and ineffective against an enemy that seeks to carry out surgical strikes at will. Pak will never respond to surgical strikes with nukes. The reality is we need to counter their air force, navy and missile threat by conventional means...and do it quick. This is the new arms race and many posters here are correct in saying that it is a hybrid arms race....the media and diplomatic arm of this battle is of massive massive importance.
Surgical strike is just a word used in the west like collateral damage and so on. It was created to prevent blowback from civilian casualties. In the India/Pak paradigm it is a term used to claim blows when none have occurred. i.e. "Why did your air strike not cause any damage yet you claim 300 enemy dead?" the answer would be "We performed a "surgical strike" which on two occasions no one has found any proof of even with satellite imaging."
Surgical strike is just a word used in the west like collateral damage and so on. It was created to prevent blowback from civilian casualties. In the India/Pak paradigm it is a term used to claim blows when none have occurred. i.e. "Why did your air strike not cause any damage yet you claim 300 enemy dead?" the answer would be "We performed a "surgical strike" which on two occasions no one has found any proof of even with satellite imaging."
True. It is completely the case that these so called surgical strikes may or may not actually hit anything. However any incursion by India, even if they hit thin air, MUST be responded to...and moreover, we must be able to confirm that we responded and dealt with them via the media and via diplomatic channels otherwise the counteraction is useless. This is as much a war of perception as a war of damage infliction. media generated opinion can now ruin careers, bankrupt powerful organisations, malign governments, create cassus belli for occupation and physical war. Why should anyone delude themselves that media trickery cannot turn a battlefield defeat into some form of Strategic victory? India can actually fake a victory here...and believe me, they are really trying to.... and the outcome of their fake victory will have real effect on Pak in terms of economy, internal security/stability and global geopolitics if our hybrid war planners are not careful. Their hybrid war tacticians have already applied diplomatic pressure on us. We can down 2 planes or 22 planes....if they find a way to destroy our true narrative with bs propaganda, how can we claim to have a final victory?? I am tending to agree with the posters who say we need to release evidence now to counter their bs. Having said All that, it would strike a devastating blow to india if dgispr actually comes out with some irrefutable evidence to support his narrative after DELIBERATE stalling to permit India to release bs after bs lie. This long wait for evidence could yet turn out to be a masterstroke.
True. It is completely the case that these so called surgical strikes may or may not actually hit anything. However any incursion by India, even if they hit thin air, MUST be responded to...and moreover, we must be able to confirm that we responded and dealt with them via the media and via diplomatic channels otherwise the counteraction is useless. This is as much a war of perception as a war of damage infliction. media generated opinion can now ruin careers, bankrupt powerful organisations, malign governments, create cassus belli for occupation and physical war. Why should anyone delude themselves that media trickery cannot turn a battlefield defeat into some form of Strategic victory? India can actually fake a victory here...and believe me, they are really trying to.... and the outcome of their fake victory will have real effect on Pak in terms of economy, internal security/stability and global geopolitics if our hybrid war planners are not careful. Their hybrid war tacticians have already applied diplomatic pressure on us. We can down 2 planes or 22 planes....if they find a way to destroy our true narrative with bs propaganda, how can we claim to have a final victory?? I am tending to agree with the posters who say we need to release evidence now to counter their bs. Having said All that, it would strike a devastating blow to india if dgispr actually comes out with some irrefutable evidence to support his narrative after DELIBERATE stalling to permit India to release bs after bs lie. This long wait for evidence could yet turn out to be a masterstroke.

Fantastic reply. Hiding the truth has fewer benefits ... the objective of strategic peace has not been achieved. Indians have relaunched the sleeping cells in Balochistan and FATA. The release of actual information, say, after a year will mean nothing. Even if we decide today to release it...we have been late. For example, we took foreigners to Balakot site after 47 days...and it could not bring international attention as expected and mostly Indian Narrative is dominant.

Simple words, we fought the hybrid Info war very well initially but later...Indians repeated fake stories and claims have diluted our efforts.
Fact is, India even didn't dared to response Pakistan after Feb 27, is enough proof of PAF superiority that day. PAF bombed on 6 different locations. Indians fighter jets and helicopter were going down here and there. Their radar avionics were jammed in most of the locations clearly indicating IAF was in deep shit trouble that day. This is only possible when you are losing/locked top tier jets i.e. Su 30s

I accept it. Infact, Indians are Cowards and they can/will never ever think of facing pakistan.
Its my humble request, that you Please tell the same to some of your country men who think the recent Terror Attacks were planned by India/RAW.

True. It is completely the case that these so called surgical strikes may or may not actually hit anything. However any incursion by India, even if they hit thin air, MUST be responded to...and moreover, we must be able to confirm that we responded and dealt with them via the media and via diplomatic channels otherwise the counteraction is useless. This is as much a war of perception as a war of damage infliction. media generated opinion can now ruin careers, bankrupt powerful organisations, malign governments, create cassus belli for occupation and physical war. Why should anyone delude themselves that media trickery cannot turn a battlefield defeat into some form of Strategic victory? India can actually fake a victory here...and believe me, they are really trying to.... and the outcome of their fake victory will have real effect on Pak in terms of economy, internal security/stability and global geopolitics if our hybrid war planners are not careful. Their hybrid war tacticians have already applied diplomatic pressure on us. We can down 2 planes or 22 planes....if they find a way to destroy our true narrative with bs propaganda, how can we claim to have a final victory?? I am tending to agree with the posters who say we need to release evidence now to counter their bs. Having said All that, it would strike a devastating blow to india if dgispr actually comes out with some irrefutable evidence to support his narrative after DELIBERATE stalling to permit India to release bs after bs lie. This long wait for evidence could yet turn out to be a masterstroke.

You will agree that Feb 26 events made one drastic change : India will Strike INSIDE pakistan, If there is an Attack like Pulwama. Before you plan a terror Attack in India, consult your Airforce.... or the result will be exactly the SAME... may be worse as the recent incidents inside pakistan suggest.

Now IMF owns Pakistan... what better can we ask for ?

India, Hit and PAF remained sleeping on 26th.
When they dared Attack on 27, our Pilot inside a Mig 21 was brave enough to respond... something PAF couldnt do on 27.

Then, Lies and Lies.... First they say.. 3 Pilots.. even Your PM.. then Say.. Sorry.. we made a mistake.. we have just one... wow.

Then They say.. No F16 invloved ( On Camera ) .. then after a few days... revert again and day... sorry... we did use F16....

My question to all Gangadeshis is, why don't you ask your Abhi None Done... Why does he not issue a statement that happened to him or what he did before getting hit? Or his answer to you guys is I'm not supposed to tell you this?

That will be a Lie.. No ? after all He too is an India .. and Indian always Lie... So whats your point ?

Surgical strike is just a word used in the west like collateral damage and so on. It was created to prevent blowback from civilian casualties. In the India/Pak paradigm it is a term used to claim blows when none have occurred. i.e. "Why did your air strike not cause any damage yet you claim 300 enemy dead?" the answer would be "We performed a "surgical strike" which on two occasions no one has found any proof of even with satellite imaging."

Its more than that.
Its a Massive Change of Strategy.

Consider this : At the Peak of Kargil, Indian Jets were Simply NOT ALLOWED to cross LOC. Thanx to Pulwama... we now know That defensive posture is gone. Any terror attack means, Hits INSIDE Pakistan.

They don't even have tactical nukes.

yes, Suicide belts are not our way.

Young Pak,

#MarasiEnemy will keep doing its chest thumping... we must remain alert and ready... exercising studied disdain...

The reality is that there is No Regional Hegemon anymore.

Before 27th Feb there was a paper tiger... now there is a naked billi.

This is nothing to dance about... this brings situation to a dangerous level.

The best policy is to remain quietly confident and keep to sound-bites level.

Pak has chosen Peacea as Strategic Option... so all our energies should remain geared towards Peace.

However, we must remain heartless next time if indians go beyond sound-bites.



Yes, I fully agree.
Please tell to you fellow country men that "Paper Tigers" and "Billis" cant attack in Baluchistan. A Coward nation like India...cant plan and execute attack after attack ! ... like Pakistan could do in Kashmir.
Technically No, PAF did not lie.

PAF stated that F16's were not involved in the strike package that was sent over to India. All the evidence points towards the JF17's and Mirage V's comprising of the offensive strike package. The F16's were used in defensive posture and were used within Pakistan's territory to engage chasing IAF fighter's.

But what happened to the large number of terrorists that were killed in the Balakot strike? Also, wasn't IAF using clouds to spoof the PAF radars and hide their aircrafts between the clouds. Now that's some next level physics.

Well, The Terrorists Killed were miraculously gone.. Just like the Pak Army soldiers who did Attack kargil but later were given the status of "nver took part" .. lol

Well, Let me show you whats Next Level of "Serious" Physics by your TOP Nuclear Scientist...yes He Infact Built your Nukes !

Dr. Khan :

“I have investigated the matter, and there is no fraud involved,” he told Hamid Mir, a popular television journalist, during a recent broadcast that sealed Mr. Ahmad’s celebrity.

He is Talking about This :


Full News : https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/world/asia/boast-of-water-run-car-thrills-pakistan.html
Well, The Terrorists Killed were miraculously gone.. Just like the Pak Army soldiers who did Attack kargil but later were given the status of "nver took part" .. lol
why do you keep embarrassing yourself? There are satellite images showing no damage to the compound. Literally no one outside your country believes you.
Well, Let me show you whats Next Level of "Serious" Physics by your TOP Nuclear Scientist...yes He Infact Built your Nukes !

Dr. Khan :

“I have investigated the matter, and there is no fraud involved,” he told Hamid Mir, a popular television journalist, during a recent broadcast that sealed Mr. Ahmad’s celebrity.

He is Talking about This :


Full News : https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/world/asia/boast-of-water-run-car-thrills-pakistan.html
And this is somehow supposed to prove that the airstrikes were real? You are quoting NYTimes, who thinks your strike was a sham.
why do you keep embarrassing yourself? There are satellite images showing no damage to the compound. Literally no one outside your country believes you.

I cant help you, if you think I believe it.

And this is somehow supposed to prove that the airstrikes were real? You are quoting NYTimes, who thinks your strike was a sham.

Comprehension Issues ?
I was talking about Physics, Dr Khan and Water car Engineer.
I cant help you, if you think I believe it.

So you don't think airstrikes were real?
Comprehension Issues ?
I was talking about Physics, Dr Khan and Water car Engineer.
Yes, I was asking you if that meant airstrikes were real. Or if there were any links.
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Well, The Terrorists Killed were miraculously gone.. Just like the Pak Army soldiers who did Attack kargil but later were given the status of "nver took part" .. lol

Well, Let me show you whats Next Level of "Serious" Physics by your TOP Nuclear Scientist...yes He Infact Built your Nukes !

Dr. Khan :

“I have investigated the matter, and there is no fraud involved,” he told Hamid Mir, a popular television journalist, during a recent broadcast that sealed Mr. Ahmad’s celebrity.

He is Talking about This :


Full News : https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/world/asia/boast-of-water-run-car-thrills-pakistan.html

Since we are quoting the New York Times


  • 183706EA-0E33-4EA7-A5FD-E55FEC4AA75F.jpeg
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Well, The Terrorists Killed were miraculously gone.. Just like the Pak Army soldiers who did Attack kargil but later were given the status of "nver took part" .. lol

Well, Let me show you whats Next Level of "Serious" Physics by your TOP Nuclear Scientist...yes He Infact Built your Nukes !

Dr. Khan :

“I have investigated the matter, and there is no fraud involved,” he told Hamid Mir, a popular television journalist, during a recent broadcast that sealed Mr. Ahmad’s celebrity.

He is Talking about This :


Full News : https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/05/world/asia/boast-of-water-run-car-thrills-pakistan.html

why is this lose chowkidar BJPig trolling this thread?

2 R-77 recovered from abhi's wreckage
1 R-73 with tail section attached to pylon recovered
1 R-73 with serial number can be plugged in IAF 2ss and it will come up in their inventory

so abhi did not even fire a single missile and these low iq chowkidars still dreaming about shooting F-16.

The two parachute video belongs to Su-30 pilot and the poor Mi-17 which took off to rescue the pilots was shot down by IAI spider SAM.
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