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PAF and PLAAF Duo and the Ladakh Standoff


Sep 26, 2018
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Indian planners are deeply worried about the synergy that exists between PAF and PLAAF in any future conflict with India. PAF has been training extensively with PLAAF in the Shaheen series of exercises mainly in Hotan AB near Ladakh.

Hotan is a major PLAAF AB near Ladakh hosting numerous aircrafts ranging from J-11s, J-8s, JH-7s, J-7s, Y-8s, UCAVs and a series of air defence systems. More than a hundred frontline aircraft are based here and increasing.



Other major bases with striking ranges are Kashghar and Nguri Gunsa with frontline fighters and Bombers.


Facing Indian AB of Leh from the West is Pakistans recently upgraded Qadri AB(Skardu). This AB with newly built infrastructure can house JF-17s, F-16s, Mirages and others at the time of need.

According to General HS Panag "The preemptive intrusions and concentration of troops at Depsang, Galwan river, Hot Springs-Gogra-Kongka La and north of Pangong Tso places India at a disadvantage in a war. The DBO Sector is likely to be completely isolated by an offensive in Galwan River valley and the bottleneck area at Burtse. " DBO is the staging HQ for the IA Siachin Brigade, if it falls so does Siachin.

In the last few years PAF and PLAAF have trained exhaustively to subdue their common foe . They intend to do this by achieving complete air dominance of the skies and provide round the clock close air support to the land forces. Both PAF and PLAAF seem to be prepared well enough in the Ladakh theatre .The adversary is formidable as well, we wish our boyz and friends all the best of luck. :pakistan::china:


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Indian planners are deeply worried about the synergy that exists between PAF and PLAAF in any future conflict with India. PAF has been training extensively with PLAAF in the Shaheen series of exercises mainly in Hotan AB near Ladakh.

Hotan is a major PLAAF AB near Ladakh hosting numerous aircrafts ranging from J-11s, J-8s, JH-7s, J-7s, Y-8s, UCAVs and a series of air defence systems. More than a hundred frontline aircraft are based here and increasing.



Other major bases with striking ranges are Kashghar and Nguri Gunsa with frontline fighters and Bombers.


Facing Indian AB of Leh from the West is Pakistans recently upgraded Qadri AB(Skardu). This AB with newly built infrastructure can house JF-17s, F-16s, Mirages and others at the time of need.
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According to General HS Panag "The preemptive intrusions and concentration of troops at Depsang, Galwan river, Hot Springs-Gogra-Kongka La and north of Pangong Tso places India at a disadvantage in a war. The DBO Sector is likely to be completely isolated by an offensive in Galwan River valley and the bottleneck area at Burtse. " DBO is the staging HQ for the IA Siachin Brigade, if it falls so does Siachin.

In the last few years PAF and PLAAF have trained exhaustively to subdue their common foe . They intend to do this by achieving complete air dominance of the skies and provide round the clock close air support to the land forces. Both PAF and PLAAF seem to be prepared enough in the Ladakh theatre .The adversary is formidable as well, we wish our boyz and friends the best of luck. :pakistan::china:
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India is on the defensive now, and desperately craving some sort of redemption. However false gods have failed the fascists. US is no longer interested nor able to help.

Pakistan and China should continue pressure and not let up in the slightest. India is desperately looking for a way out, but they won't find even a stone to hide when the full blazing sun is in the sky.
Pakistan and China should continue pressure and not let up in the slightest. India is desperately looking for a way out, but they won't find even a stone to hide when the full blazing sun is in the sky.
Inshallah ,as every one agrees from top to the bottom this is the GOLDEN time to reclaim our lost territories.
i think if both china pakistan agreed it will be serious mess for india specially if both agreed to let fly each other's fighter jets from thier airspace .

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if an india china war breaks out now (which is unlikely) it is highly likely that pak will jump in rather then staying away as they did in 62 but the chance on indo china war is almost zero. but the two countries should keep india on toes and under threat. next shaheen ex must include deployment of plaaf and paf at skardu.
indo china war is almost zero
This is a scenario Indians desperately want, but chances of a localised large scale skirmish is what every General,Analyst and Journalist agrees too. India will be compelled to do something SILLY and give PLA the reasons to snatch at least DBO in its stride.
Hi nothing going to be two front as been discussed already lost the chance in 1962 when Indian wasn’t in USA camp they were more alien to ussr at that time though Chinese been asking General Ayub repeatedly to run over in Kashmir & take out whatever Pakistan want to but due to
USA & generals own vision lost that opportunity
Now frankly speaking Chinese never fought Pakistan’s war but they are always willing to help us out in any kind except physically so this time also if we look to their current inventory posted next to India is not to run over completely but when their long range bombers they Will take out
Their air bases with ALCMs & for that matter for their bombers protections they have J11s & JH7
Which they think are enough for IAF
Coz Chinese are also facing USA pressure from the other side of their border anything on the instigation of USA by Indians will be finished quickly by Chinese so they can get back to more heated SCS side
Just a thought
Thank you
i think if both china pakistan agreed it will be serious mess for india specially if both agreed to let fly each other's fighter jets from thier airspace .

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A joint ground assault behind Siachen sector to cut off IA forces deployed in Siachen.
So, I can share a tidbit.. from the last Shaheen Ex.

Setting: Capability Brief.

PLAAF J-16 pilot, while discussing 'adversary platforms', stops at Su-30MKI - looks at the Pakistani audience, and goes; "Here is our common enemy, I say we **** them up". Followed with laughs & loud claps. Imagine this, in a formal brief. =)
India is on the defensive now, and desperately craving some sort of redemption. However false gods have failed the fascists. US is no longer interested nor able to help.

Pakistan and China should continue pressure and not let up in the slightest. India is desperately looking for a way out, but they won't find even a stone to hide when the full blazing sun is in the sky.

I wish Pakistan's current leadership had even an ounce of pressurizing / aggressive / offensive posture in them.

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