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" "Pacifists" No More?" Scuffles as Japan security bill approved by committee

Now that it has been passed, lets dance to Victory ! One step, but a giant leap in regards to national aperture vis-a-vis external cooperative measures. For peace and security, of course.

As Japan has always been, throughout our history, vested in regional integration and peaceful cooperation with all our relevant partners and relevant friendly states.



Japan passes controversial security bills into law - Channel NewsAsia

Japan's parliament passed contentious security bills into law in the early hours of Saturday (Sep 19), in a move that could see Japanese troops fight abroad for the first time in 70 years.

    • POSTED: 19 Sep 2015 02:16
    • UPDATED: 19 Sep 2015 03:03

    • japan-security-bill.jpg
A demonstrator holds a placard in front of policemen during a protest against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's controversial security bills in front of the National Diet in Tokyo, Sep 18, 2015. (Photo: AFP/Kazuhiro Nogi)

TOKYO: Japan's parliament passed contentious security bills into law early Saturday (Sep 19), in a move that could see Japanese troops fight abroad for the first time in 70 years.

Lawmakers approved the bills to ease restrictions on the country's tightly controlled military, while outside thousands rallied in a last-ditch show of opposition to laws they fear could fundamentally reshape the proudly pacifist nation. The changes, which would allow Japanese troops to fight in defence of allies, have drawn tens of thousands of people from across society onto the streets in almost daily protests, in a show of public anger rarely seen on such a scale.

Outside parliament protesters, estimated at over 10,000, raised their voices louder as news of the decision spread through the crowd, chanting: "Protect the constitution." One sign read: "Spread peace not war."

"I'm ready to stay here all night. The government cannot ignore such a demonstration," said 60-year-old farmer Yukiko Ogawa. "It is vital that we make our opinion known, that we are here."

Seiji Kawabe, 49, vowed the movement would live on, adding: "We have enough natural disasters, typhoons, earthquakes... we don't need any man-made disasters."

Organisers said more than 40,000 had gathered for Friday night's rally, while police estimated the size of the crowd at some 11,000.

Nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says the changes were a normalisation of Japan's military policy, which has been restricted to self-defence and aid missions by a pacifist constitution imposed by the US after World War II. He and his backers say the laws are necessary because of threats from an increasingly belligerent China and unstable North Korea.

Opponents argue they go against both the constitution and the national psyche, and could see Japan dragged into far-flung American wars.

Speaking after the vote, Abe said the changes were "necessary in order to protect people's lives and peaceful way of life".

"This is designed to prevent wars," he told journalists.


The decision came after days of emotional debate and delaying tactics by the opposition, which in Thursday erupted into scuffles as politicians physically tried to block a committee approving the bills.

President of the upper house Masaaki Yamazaki said the bills passed with 148 lawmakers voting in favour, compared to 90 against. However, the changes will not see Japanese troops dispatched to warzones any time soon and the laws will now face a ruling by the supreme court that could potentially see them overturned.

Unable to muster support to amend clauses enshrining pacifism, Abe opted instead to re-interpret the document for the purpose of his bills, ignoring warnings from scholars and lawyers that they are unconstitutional. He has faced fierce criticism for both the laws themselves and the way he has driven them through in the face of public opposition.

There are growing signs this is taking a political toll -- opinion polls show the vast majority of Japanese are against the changes, and Abe's once sky-high approval rating is dropping.

In protests outside parliament earlier in the day, Yoko Fujiwara stood among the crowds with her six-year-old daughter, who carried a hand-written sign saying: "We do not forgive. Children are angry, too."

"I came to the protest together with my daughter to show what real democracy is like," said the 40-year-old graduate law student.

Opponents of the laws, including a Nobel-Prize winner, popular musicians and other prominent figures, say the changes could fundamentally alter Japan.

Washington has backed the changes, but regional rivals China and South Korea have expressed concern at any expansion of Japanese military scope. China's foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Friday called on Japan to "listen carefully to voices inside and outside the country calling for justice" and called on lawmakers to "take real actions to protect regional peace and stability".

Security experts say the laws will force a re-evaluation of Japan's place on the world stage.

"The bills are a psychological message to the world that an era in which Japan should not be involved in conflicts because of its exclusively defence-oriented policy is over," said Hideshi Takesada, a professor at Takushoku University in Tokyo.

- AFP/fl
Nah, there were good reasons why the PLA is being downsized. According to Xinhua the primary purpose of the troop cut is to make the armed force more slim and effective. It is mainly aimed at units armed with obsolete equipment and non-combatant troops.

China says to finish military cuts by 2017 - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Isn't majority of PLA forces are mechanized ? Does that mean there is going to be a downfall in armour too ?

I personally thinks Chinese forces will give its Air drop capability a major boost in up coming days. Since after a major boost to PLAN and its anti ship missile arsenal its strong enough to go on offensive without worrying much about main land defence .

On Topic - Japan is a strong Country I'm sure this step is in the right direction with ability to give proper response to notorious people and with its defence pact with US I'm sure they'll bring stability in the Region(or how Americans like to say Regional power balance ;) )
Bring on the incapable people to make us "more scared", can you jpnese right-wings please!
The more, the merrier!

Thank goodness
Only until this time that I know there are so many helpless jpnese living on the island-state against the right-wing PM and government

Congratulations on Jpn joining India as another fake democracy!








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China woke up a slumbering giant. Japanese military technology and assistance will prove invaluable to countries in SCS region.

I dont know why china should be bothered about japan amending its constitution ? China goes gaga whenever there is official interaction with taiwan and not to mention the shenanigans of its henchmen north korea.
Calm Down !

When Japan security bill approved, that only bring more friends to China ... since end of WWII Korea-Japan island dispute, Russia-Japan islands dispute, Sino-Japan island dispute, even TaiWan-Japan fishery&water dispute. A armed Japan just strengthen friendships between the neighbours ... and Top10 military forces in the Northeast Asia near Japan. :D
Calm Down !

When Japan security bill approved, that only bring more friends to China ... since end of WWII Korea-Japan island dispute, Russia-Japan islands dispute, Sino-Japan island dispute, even TaiWan-Japan fishery&water dispute. A armed Japan just strengthen friendships between the neighbours ... and Top10 military forces in the Northeast Asia near Japan. :D

That AND it can mean more KHAN QUEST training exercises , bro. Honestly I'd love to see JGSDF and PLA deployed together and pulverize ISIS.

But that's just me.

Commentary: Japan's war bills: victory for few, seed of disaster for millions more
English.news.cn 2015-09-18 18:57:26

BEIJING, Sept. 18 (Xinhua) -- Japan's controversial security bills that the ruling bloc, led by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is going all out to push through in the upper house of the parliament on Friday will be a victory for just a few people but a seed of disaster for millions more.

Attempting to shoot their last bolt to have the bills passed the parliament, the few hundred lawmakers supportive of the bills hardly give any thought to the voices of common Japanese citizens, nor the concerns of neighboring countries that were victims of Japan's wartime atrocities.

In the last few weeks since July 16, Japan has witnessed massive gatherings of demonstrators protesting the passage of the bills in the lower house. The prospect of their loved ones sent to fight wars overseas for another country's sake even prompted those who are normally indifferent to political affairs to take to the street.

Deep-running concern over the bills among the Japanese public also dampened popularity of the Abe administration. Various polls this week showed that Abe's rating falls to an all-time low since he took office.

Japanese lawmakers are the foremost witnesses of citizens' roaring anger toward the bills since every time they go into the Diet building, they could easily bump into protestors holding anti-war signs nearby.

Yet it seems such scenes have made no difference for MPs supportive of the controversial bills, or probably they are just too busy relishing an almost certain victory and have no energy left to care about public opinions.

They may have good reasons to take pride in staging a feat to "unbind Japan from the restraints" of the pacifist constitution, but the rosy pictures they paint could hardly dispel domestic qualms that Japan could be dragged into an unwanted war under the new policy.

It is also worth noting that Japan partially owes its rapid development and economic prosperity in the last 70 years to its promise of peace after its defeat in World War II. Any deviation from the peaceful path may also cost the country heavily in economic terms.

Internationally, the unpopular move risks further fray already strained ties with neighbors, and could potentially wreck havoc on regional stability.

Enactment of the security bills would also be a grave mockery of the post-WWII world order, especially in a year when the international community is marking the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII -- the bloodiest war in human history.

Commentary: Japan's war bills: victory for few, seed of disaster for millions more - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Next: Raise the standing army's size to 500,000 plus 500,000 more active reserves. Raise the Imperial Marines or Rikusentai to at least 10 divisions strong.

Calm Down !

When Japan security bill approved, that only bring more friends to China ... since end of WWII Korea-Japan island dispute, Russia-Japan islands dispute, Sino-Japan island dispute, even TaiWan-Japan fishery&water dispute. A armed Japan just strengthen friendships between the neighbours ... and Top10 military forces in the Northeast Asia. :D

You think S Korea will go against US or will it be Taiwan? When we talk about Japan here U have to think US Japan as a single entity .

Sir , SKorean may hate Japan alot but they are wise enough to understand that its because of US they have been surviving till now and will continue to do so. Same story with Taiwan.

An armed Japan will not bring any friends to u but on contorary it may kinda unite them together. (Look at Vietnam.)
Thank goodness
Only until this time that I know there are so many helpless jpnese living on the island-state against the right-wing PM and government

Congratulations on Jpn joining India as another fake democracy!









Next: Introduce a law requiring conscription during times of war. Japan should at least have the capability to martial 10,000,000 men and women for military service at any given time.

Furthermore , we must now scrap the non-first strike doctrine. Japan should be able to strike an enemy for self defense purposes . Lastly Japan must revoke the non nuclear proliferation pledge and arm itself with nuclear strategic forces.

With second strike capability.

Let's pray for this !!!!

You think S Korea will go against US or will it be Taiwan? When we talk about Japan here U have to think US Japan as a single entity .

Sir , SKorean may hate Japan alot but they are wise enough to understand that its because of US they have been surviving till now and will continue to do so. Same story with Taiwan.

An armed Japan will not bring any friends to u but on contorary it may kinda unite them together. (Look at Vietnam.)

Japanese soldiers are also, naturally, hyper aggressive and insane, lol. They should be sent abroad to help in the fight against terror. And set loose against our enemies.
That AND it can mean more KHAN QUEST training exercises , bro. Honestly I'd love to see JGSDF and PLA deployed together and pulverize ISIS.


Go NOW jpnese to Iraq and Syria - Now on the double!

Next: Raise the standing army's size to 500,000 plus 500,000 more active reserves. Raise the Imperial Marines or Rikusentai to at least 10 divisions strong.


who is scratching my back for more tips?


Ancient Chinese Art of paper folding
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