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Pace of China's military modernization a shock to US


Oct 30, 2007
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China's efforts to modernize its military force following its economic development has attracted attention from global media.

One of the fruits of these efforts is the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter jet, which made its maiden flight on Jan. 11, 2011, surprising the visiting US secretary of defense Robert Gates, who previously predicted that China would not be able to conduct a test flight of a new-generation fighter plane until 2020.

The maiden flight of the J-20 was followed by the debuts of the Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter jet, China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, new attack choppers and new ground-to-ground medium-range missiles, according to the Guangzhou-based South Reviews magazine.

The intensive rollout of cutting-edge military equipment has been made possible by the country's economic development and expanding military outlay, at double-digit growth rate annually over the past 20 years, the magazine reported.

A Brazilian scholar cited by the magazine said that in contrast to the confidentiality and isolation which characterized Russia's military technology system, China's military technology system is more open, combining innovation originating from both the military and civilian sectors, similar to the military industry of the US. The Chinese military started to focus on innovation in the 1990s, shedding reliance on diplomacy and enabling it to transfer the fruits of its research into the civilian sector, especially in the fields of electronics and aviation, he said.

Pace of China's military modernization a shock to US: report|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
Is it light glare on Z9 or somthing else ? looks like lightning.
Red: flashing light(s) that are on whenever the engine of the aircraft is running... this helps ground crews avoid getting injured or killed by running engines.

Green: Navigation light.
Red: flashing light(s) that are on whenever the engine of the aircraft is running... this helps ground crews avoid getting injured or killed by running engines.

Green: Navigation light.
thanks for reply but i was talking about white light.
Just watched the falkland war documentary.

Chinese navy is at least a decade away in waging war far off its coast.

But at least we are working on it. Good stuff. I'm projecting by 2025 we will be about as powerful if not more so than UK and France in naval power. Second place here we come, then the race for first begin truly begins.
Can members please stop using wantchinatimes, it's an unreliable source.
Can members please stop using wantchinatimes, it's an unreliable source.

What? so that the PRC trolls stop beating their 1 inched egos in their living rooms?

It's the only action they are going to get in their lives, let them enjoy it :cheers:
What? so that the PRC trolls stop beating their 1 inched egos in their living rooms?

It's the only action they are going to get in their lives, let them enjoy it :cheers:
Regardless, it's known for it's inaccurate representation of world affairs, especially regarding China and Taiwan.

If I had it my way, I'd get Webby to ban the posting of that site on the forums...perhaps that's why I should probably never be given the job of mod. Not that I would take it anyway, too much responsibility, and undue hate from the community.
Just watched the falkland war documentary.

Chinese navy is at least a decade away in waging war far off its coast.

But at least we are working on it. Good stuff. I'm projecting by 2025 we will be about as powerful if not more so than UK and France in naval power. Second place here we come, then the race for first begin truly begins.

Falklands war? Seriously? The Argentine air and naval power is MUCH weaker than that of Pakistan.

It was the British nuclear sub that turned the tide of the war. British Harriers had AIM-9L, which are far superior to that of AIM-9B used by Argentina. Even so, British losses were pretty bad against such a weak military as that of Argentina. :o:

Falklands War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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China's Fleet Advancing Faster Than US Expected | Military.com

The Chinese navy has ambitious plans over the next 15 years to rapidly advance its fleet of surface ships and submarines as well as maritime weapons and sensors, according to a U.S. Navy report.

The Office of Naval Intelligence issued an assessment on the Chinese navy as part of testimony to the U.S. China Economic and Security Review. ONI leaders found that China's navy has evolved from a littoral force to one that is capable of meeting a wide range of missions to include being "increasingly capable of striking targets hundreds of miles from the Chinese mainland."

The Chinese navy has 77 surface combatants, more than 60 submarines, 55 amphibious ships and about 85 missile-equipped small ships, according to the report first published by the U.S. Naval Institute. The report explains that more than 50 naval ships were "laid down, launched or commissioned" in 2013 and a similar number is planned for 2014.

During the late 1990s, "virtually all of [China's] ships and submarines were essentially single-mission platforms, poorly equipped to operate beyond the support of land-based defenses," ONI said. Now, China's newest destroyer, the Luyang III-class DDG, will likely enter service this year, featuring a sophisticated phased arrary radar system.

With new multi-mission platforms comes an improved ability to fire high-tech Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles, or ASCMs, at a greater range, the report explains. In fact, the assessment explains that the Luyang III is equipped with a new, vertically launched ASCM. The Luyang III may also be outfitted with anti-submarine missiles and, eventually, land-attack cruise missiles.

The Luyang's ASCM brings China an over-the-horizon targeting technology, the assessment states.

"China has invested heavily in maritime reconnaissance systems at the national and tactical levels, as well as communications systems and datalinks to enable the flow of accurate and timely targeting data," the report adds.

Overall, the Navy's intelligence leadership believes that 85 percent of the Chinese naval fleet will be deemed "modern" by the U.S. by 2020.

The report covers China's Liaoning aircraft carrier, commissioned in September 2012. The Chinese are still learning how to maximize the platform, the Navy found. By 2020, aircraft aboard the carrier will be able to support fleet operations in a limited role, according to the assessment.

"China is currently engaged in the long and complicated path of learning to operate fixed-wing aircraft from the carrier's deck," authors of the report said.

ONI raised concerns about China's fast-growing submarine force, to include the Jin-class ballistic nuclear submarines, which will likely commence deterrent patrols in 2014, according to the report. The expected operational deployment of the Jin SSBN "would mark China's first credible at-sea-second-strike nuclear capability," the report states.

The submarine would fire the JL-2 submarine launched ballistic missile, which has a range of 4,000 nautical miles and would "enable the Jin to strike Hawaii, Alaska and possibly western portions of CONUS [continental United States] from East Asian waters," ONI assessed.

The report says the Chinese currently have five nuclear attack submarines, four nuclear ballistic missile submarines and 53 diesel attack submarines.

Overall, China's fleet of submarines has quickly increased in offensive weapons technology over the last 10 years. A decade ago, only a few Chinese submarines could fire modern anti-ship cruise missiles. Now, more than half of the conventional attack submarines are configured to fire ASCMs, the report states.

"The type-095 guided missile attack submarine, which China will likely construct over the next decade, may be equipped with a land-attack capability," the assessment explains. This could enable Chinese submarines with an enhanced ability to strike U.S. bases throughout the region, the report adds.

Overall, according to current trends over the next 10 years, China will complete its transformation into an extensive, modern, high-tech naval force with global reach and influence.

"Over the next decade, China will complete its transition from a coastal Navy to Navy capable of missions around the world," ONI said.
Falklands war? Seriously? The Argentine air and naval power is MUCH weaker than that of Pakistan.

It was the British nuclear sub that turned the tide of the war. British Harriers had AIM-9L, which are far superior to that of AIM-9B used by Argentina. Even so, British losses were pretty bad against such a weak military as that of Argentina. :o:

Falklands War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we are to project power against an actual enemy, say someone from Africa or South America, without carriers we would have no air, and in modern combat no air superiority means death.

Our naval fleet is pretty good, our air force is not bad, but our force projection is limited. We have no medium lift helicopters, the Russian ones are way too big compare to American counter parts and won't fit into a cargo plane.

Our Y-20 isn't ready we would have no way of fast delivery of supplies and even paratroopers.

So basically we can sent our troops far off our shores with type 71, but no support from the air, no helicopter for transport and supply and no cargo plane to bring in tanks, vehicles and what not.

China is working towards this very goal with Z-20, Y-20, and a host of other projects. but until that time, our force projection I won't say limited, but expect high casulties, which at this point is worse than losing a war, for we are fighting for prestige not land.
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