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PA TANKS comparison with contempory tanks


this is in Georgia conflict...turret ERA is K-5 but, nothing survived really

Unless your tanks cruise sideways :lol: , 60 deg and beyond angle is a rare value and that too when you couldnt work in the front. Good luck in that ;)

Fofanov presents even weaker values for Russian tanks side on, infact, every tank has weaker side armour including M1, Leo-2 series and Challys, Even Merkava has been penetrated from sides. Turret side is a universal weak area for all tanks so please stop singling out Chinese weak turret from side. :D

Oh, guess i missed this :O

T-90A vladimir, red and black spots represent penetration values. so much for impenerable turret...


As usual speaking without knowing,the red areas indicate where rpg-29s hit and black where kornet ATGMS ,they do not indicate penetrations.
The trials yielded the following outcome:

T-90: RPG-29 produced a total of 3 penetrations.
No other RPG rounds could penetrate even the stripped target.
T-80U: RPG-29 penetrated 3 times with ERA, all 5 times without ERA.
Of all other grenades, one PG-7VR penetrated the stripped target.
T-90: No ATGMs could penetrate the ERA-equipped target. One Kornet ATGM penetrated the stripped target.
T-80U: 2 Kornet ATGMs penetrated the ERA-equipped target, all 5 penetrated the stripped target.
No other ATGMs could penetrate.
T-90: ERA-equipped target could not be penetrated. Furthermore, after firing the crew entered the vehicle, activated it and was able to execute the firing sequence.
Without ERA, one round penetrated.
T-80U (data available only for stripped target): One round almost penetrated (3mm hole in the inner lining, no visible equipment damage); two penetrated to 1/2 thickness; one missed the target completely; one hit the gun.

Now onto turret side,if u don't understand what ur talking about really u shouldn't.T-90s are not vulnerable to slant shots and also they concentarte composite armour in frontal arc unlike chinese tanks which have lesser composite armour despite bigger size due to flawed design in an attempt to blend russian and western tank design.Also chinese designs have bad exposed sloped roof only corrected in last model of type-99 to some extent.

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IF u can't understand what these images are saying,then there is no point.
As usual speaking without knowing,the red areas indicate where rpg-29s hit and black where kornet ATGMS ,they do not indicate penetrations.
The trials yielded the following outcome:

T-90: RPG-29 produced a total of 3 penetrations.
No other RPG rounds could penetrate even the stripped target.
T-80U: RPG-29 penetrated 3 times with ERA, all 5 times without ERA.
Of all other grenades, one PG-7VR penetrated the stripped target.
T-90: No ATGMs could penetrate the ERA-equipped target. One Kornet ATGM penetrated the stripped target.
T-80U: 2 Kornet ATGMs penetrated the ERA-equipped target, all 5 penetrated the stripped target.
No other ATGMs could penetrate.
T-90: ERA-equipped target could not be penetrated. Furthermore, after firing the crew entered the vehicle, activated it and was able to execute the firing sequence.
Without ERA, one round penetrated.
T-80U (data available only for stripped target): One round almost penetrated (3mm hole in the inner lining, no visible equipment damage); two penetrated to 1/2 thickness; one missed the target completely; one hit the gun.

Now onto turret side,if u don't understand what ur talking about really u shouldn't.T-90s are not vulnerable to slant shots and also they concentarte composite armour in frontal arc unlike chinese tanks which have lesser composite armour despite bigger size due to flawed design in an attempt to blend russian and western tank design.Also chinese designs have bad exposed sloped roof only corrected in last model of type-99 to some extent.

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IF u can't understand what these images are saying,then there is no point.

Oh GOD !!!!!!!!

i was the one who shared it cant u see? Fofanovs page? LOL

these images are estimates made by forum lurkers !!!! Dont you understand the difference ??

How old are you anyway?

for penetration, look at the lower picture.

this is in Georgia conflict...turret ERA is K-5 but, nothing survived really


Again cherrypicking without knowing,first of all thats NOT t-90 its t-72BM.
Second of all turret wasn't penetrated ,tracks and side of hull.There are pics of abrams with tracks and side hull taken out.U can see intact k-5 plates.Tank was damaged and cerw unharmed except commander who was injured in leg.Know what ur are posting.
That was not t-90.
Again cherrypicking without knowing,first of all thats NOT t-90 its t-72BM.
Second of all turret wasn't penetrated ,tracks and side of hull.There are pics of abrams with tracks and side hull taken out.U can see intact k-5 plates.Tank was damaged and cerw unharmed except commander who was injured in leg.Know what ur are posting.
That was not t-90.

Argue all you want lad but T-72BM IS the T-90, some charecters like FCS, armour etc were adapted from T-80U but rest is the same. :)
Oh GOD !!!!!!!!

i was the one who shared it cant u see? Fofanovs page? LOL

these images are estimates made by forum lurkers !!!! Dont you understand the difference ??

How old are you anyway?

for penetration, look at the lower picture.

Kid ,just read the analysis done on the first pic...then ask urself if u understand word geometry..how old ARE you?Now if u have any concrete refutations to that ..fire away except my age,estimates.
Everything being talked about here is an estimate.Everything u and i have posted is an estimate.This is a public forum not live testing range.None of us have access to super secret info .
Kid ,just read the analysis done on the first pic...then ask urself if u understand word geometry..how old ARE you?Now if u have any concrete refutations to that ..fire away except my age,estimates.
Everything being talked about here is an estimate.Everything u and i have posted is an estimate.This is a public forum not live testing range.None of us have access to super secret info .

i am 35 by the way, you must be 18? :D

for concrete evidence, please visit last 10 pages or AK info pool thread, otherwise better remain calm and accept the relaity :)

Argue all you want lad but T-72BM IS the T-90, some charecters like FCS, armour etc were adapted from T-80U but rest is the same. :)

Nope wrong again,t-72 has cast armour.Original end soviet era t-90 was cast turret t-72BU upgrade.Not the later welded armour redesigned turret variants.
The t-90 india uses moreover is modified turret with more composites ,much heavier weight[around 50 tonnes] than t-72bm 42 tonnes.
T-72BM is 80s upgrade.
And IA uses french electronics,thermal viewers.t-80U came second best in armour trials to even 1999 basic welded turret t-90.

i am 35 by the way, you must be 18? :D

for concrete evidence, please visit last 10 pages or AK info pool thread, otherwise better remain calm and accept the relaity :)


Nope 25.Unless u can provide anything to refute those turret weakness diagrams,plz remain calm and accept reality.:)
Busted again :lol:


Nope 25.Unless u can provide anything to refute those turret weakness diagrams,plz remain calm and accept reality.:)

Ill be the last person on this earth who looks forward to satisfy you. :omghaha:

Please have some sense man, for once :argh:
Busted again :lol:


This the best u can do.:lol:I already said in earlier post original t-90 was t-72BU.From late 80s.
IA doesn't use that cast armour t-90s.IA uses 310 t-90S which new welded turret[with 30-50% greater armour rating and more composites] and the rest t-90m/s bhismas with further modifications to armour and kanchan composites.
Next time get a little more info about what ur talking abt.
Ill be the last person on this earth who looks forward to satisfy you. :omghaha:

Please have some sense man, for once :argh:

AS if u believe i will give in to your double standards and constant evasion,and give in to your satisfaction?:omghaha:

So are we destined to do this forever?
This the best u can do.:lol:I already said in earlier post original t-90 was t-72BU.From late 80s.
IA doesn't use that cast armour t-90s.IA uses 310 t-90S which new welded turret[with 30-50% greater armour rating and more composites] and the rest t-90m/s bhismas with further modifications to armour and kanchan composites.
Next time get a little more info about what ur talking abt.

LOOLLL :lol: hahahaha

you are so embarrassed its not even funny, ok let me write few lines for you :D

The T-90 main battle tank, the most modern tank in the army arsenal, went into low-level production in 1993, based on a prototype designated as the T-88. The T-90 was developed by the Kartsev-Venediktov Design Bureau at the Vagonka Works in Nizhniy Tagil. Initially seen as an entirely new design, the production model is in fact based on the T-72BM, with some added features from the T-80 series.

by the way the source is on par your way of thinking, since my provided sources flew over your head i.e. Fofanovs and others :D

AS if u believe i will give in to your double standards and constant evasion,and give in to your satisfaction?:omghaha:

So are we destined to do this forever?

nope, i actually dont have time to even check the forum regularly but you made me stick to it :P

Sometimes, a little reality check is necessary, if you dont accept it, there is no time to complain later :)
The T-90 main battle tank, the most modern tank in the army arsenal, went into low-level production in 1993, based on a prototype designated as the T-88. The T-90 was developed by the Kartsev-Venediktov Design Bureau at the Vagonka Works in Nizhniy Tagil. Initially seen as an entirely new design, the production model is in fact based on the T-72BM, with some added features from the T-80 series.

Sometimes, a little reality check is necessary, if you dont accept it, there is no time to complain later :)

Of course basic t-90 model is based t-72BU.Ur constant folly is trying to equate a model that evolved from t-72 in late 1980s to what it is today.
The first t-90s that were based on t-72BM used cast turrets and their armour is the diagram u gave a few pages back.
IA and any new russian t-90 uses welded turrets with 30-50% greater armour and much more composites and modified turret.
Indina bhisma also uses kanchan composites.The weight difference between ur t-72BM/early model cast turret t-90 and current IA t-90 is 42 tonnes vs 50 tonnes due to much more armour and electronics.

Sometimes a reality check is indeed necessary to uninformed people such as u who are oblivious .Thta why i have stuck around as well to enlighten u about the flaws in ur vaunted khalid and blow ur trolling on t-90.
Of course basic t-90 model is based t-72BU.Ur constant folly is trying to equate a model that evolved from t-72 in late 1980s to what it is today.
The first t-90s that were based on t-72BM used cast turrets and their armour is the diagram u gave a few pages back.
IA and any new russian t-90 uses welded turrets with 30-50% greater armour and much more composites and modified turret.
Indina bhisma also uses kanchan composites.The weight difference between ur t-72BM/early model cast turret t-90 and current IA t-90 is 42 tonnes vs 50 tonnes due to much more armour and electronics.

Sometimes a reality check is indeed necessary to uninformed people such as u who are oblivious .Thta why i have stuck around as well to enlighten u about the flaws in ur vaunted khalid and blow ur trolling on t-90.

T-90 is a welded turret T-72 BM with T-80U electronics, gun, FCS and optics. The welded turret in T-72 BU resulted in T-90 A version, you see two different things here. Export T-90E and S (INCLUDING INDIAN S versions too) had a cast turret which was later changed on IA's request.

All my posts are in the context of Subcontinenet mbt battle, nothing more, i mentioned this in my initial posts but ................ :)
T-90 is a welded turret T-72 BM with T-80U electronics, gun, FCS and optics. The welded turret in T-72 BU resulted in T-90 A version, you see two different things here. Export T-90E and S (INCLUDING INDIAN S versions too) had a cast turret which was later changed on IA's request.

All my posts are in the context of Subcontinenet mbt battle, nothing more, i mentioned this in my initial posts but ................ :)

Exactly and welded turret is far different with 30-50% greater armour rating and much more composites.
Yes originally the first batch of 310 t-90s were supposed to be cast turret,but later changed at IA request.All IA t-90 have welded turrets.The first batch of 310 were direct export version of T-90A.But next batch of 347 and subsequent local manufacture were further modified and local versions use kanchan armour.
Thus when u see variants of t-90 u will see t-90s basic export version is seperate than t-90s bhisma of IA.

If all your posts were in context of subcontinent battle,bringing up t-72BM was meaningless as IA doesn't use it.You were taking a sneak potshot at t-90 and thought it would go unnoticed.
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